League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 178: How come there are so many people on the opposite side of the road?

After the plane landed, all the teams were rushed by the leading company to shoot a promotional video together. It was another busy day. Immediately afterwards, all the teams went straight to their dreams when they returned to the hotel.

The management of RNG was not idle either, and they were very busy after they landed-after all, they had to find the best restaurants nearby...

However, South Korea is quite close to China. The advantage is that there are more Chinese restaurants. In just one day, the management has ruled out a better Sichuan restaurant.

Soon, the time came to October 10th, which came to the first day of the group stage.

The first match of the S8 group stage was SKT vs. TL.

Without any suspense, SKT directly crushed the victory.

The big brother sat in a dazed chair. He seemed to be thinking about purchasing Korean cosmetics for his friends after he was out of the top sixteen.

In the second game, EDG played against PVB.

Because MAD's EZ chose the EZ that defeated the single demon sect, and gave up the late-stage ability to focus on the mid-stage.

As a result, MAD's mid-term combat ability is quite strong, and the situation is also quite anxious.

But when the game came to the later stage, the game changed.

After iboy's Xia made a four-piece suit, the output directly crushed the single demon sect's EZ, and MAD no longer has the ability to resist.

At the same time, iboy also showed a wave of his response power of 97, and his blind vision dodged the invincible operation of Zoe Q to shock the world.

The time soon came to eight o'clock in the afternoon.

"Welcome to the fifth game. The next game is RNG and C9!" As the players went to the field to debug their peripherals, the doll had already begun to announce.

"LPL No. 1 seed against North America No. 3 seed, I don't think it is too difficult." Miller also smiled at this time and said: "Okay, BP has already started!"

This time it was RNG's right to choose the side. After discussion, Feng Ge still chose the blue side.

When the first ban came up, Brother Feng directly gave it to Delevingne, who was the proud hero of Sneaky, the opposing female gangster.

Immediately afterwards, the opposite party banned the vampire and Akali one after another. This is the fixed ban position for everyone facing RNG.

"RNG chose to ban Luo and Bron, focusing on BP on the bottom lane, while C9 banned Sword Girl in the last hand!"

"C9 didn't ban Yasuo in the first round! Because this hero is not as strong as before MSI, the critical strike outfit has changed his vitality!" Miller explained: "At the same time, if this hero is selected first, it will It's easy to be targeted by back players, so in general, other teams will choose three or four moves to ban."

"How do you say, try not to expose your tactics when playing C9, take the old bull to see him first, what do you say?" Feng Ge asked, standing behind the players.

"Yes, it will definitely not be a problem to take the old cow." Chen Yuan also nodded.

Powerful team, good frankness, this hero has always belonged to the evergreen level in the professional arena.

"C9 chose Kai'Sa, broke the combination of Kai'Sa Bull Head, and then selected Crab!" The doll nodded at this time. "From the data of the finalists, the winning rate of Crab is quite good. It's a big favorite in the World Championship!"

However, it is strange to say that this hero is not too popular in LPL. It can only be said that it will have a good effect when used against short-handed meat tanks.

But teams in other regions seem to love this hero, especially LCK.

Brother Feng locked Yanque and Xia one after another; C9 then locked Morgana with his last hand.

In the second round of BP, Feng Ge sent Xin Zhao and Nightmare to the ban position. These are the representative heroes of the current version of the reckless jungler. In order to prevent his own rock sparrow from being turned against the wild, it is a good choice to ban these two.

On the other side, Yasuo and Sword Demon were decisively banned.

"Five ban mid laner?" Wawa said with a smile: "It really gives us brother Yuanzi face! It seems that this TOP1 can still give people pressure."

Miller also smiled and said, "But Genzi is famous for being the hero Chishen! Can you finish the ban?"

Immediately afterwards, C9 selected the widow jungler. This hero is not popular in the current version. It is obviously the hidden skill of C9 jungler.

On the other hand, Brother Feng aimed at not revealing the tactics, and locked Galio and Shen in the fourth or fifth hand.

"C9 finally decided to win... Ryze!"

The lineup of both sides is determined.

Blue side RNG: Shen on the top lane, Yanyan Yanque, mid laner Galio, Xia Luxia + Bullhead.

Red side C9: Top Crab, Wild Widow, Mid Ryze, Bottom Kasa and Morgana.

"RNG is going back to the four guarantees and one game?" Miller began to analyze: "This is very different from their appearance in the playoffs. Obviously they want to hide their tactics!"

"It's not necessarily." Wawa said with a smile: "Galio of Brother Yuanzi, who knows everything, the kind of second person!"

Soon, the game loading is over and enter the game interface.

Several commentators looked into the game interface, and it was true.

Galio was carrying electrocution!

The barrage flew densely in the live broadcast room.

[Nuclear bombing Galio is here again, and the first game will be cleaned up? 】

[Galio W taunts five flashes, and then you forget the famous scene of double C on the opposite side of the second? 】

Chen Yuan bought a killing or reusable potion from a familiar road, and the colossus of justice rushed to the wilderness!

The North American brothers have always been optimistic, knowing that they must be bad luck playing RNG, so they put the middle of the road to fight with Galio.

The two struggled to get closer and closer, and in the next second, four people rushed out across the river.

Can you still play this kind of insidious trick?

Chen Yuan was a little numb, operating Galio and quickly began to escape.

Fortunately, he ran earlier, and finally after twisting Morgana's key Q, he ran back down the tower by luck.

Chen Yuan pressed T while returning to the city, and a frog with a question mark lit up from his head, telling his doubts.

【? ? ? 】

[North American brothers don’t speak martial ethics]

[Who will plant it? 】

This wave of returning to the city is still a little late, and the line of soldiers has appeared in advance, which means that the opposing mid laner will get a short line right.

It can only be said that the plan of the opposite big brother succeeded. After all, according to normal, it is impossible for the first-level Ryze to have the right to have the right.

"Be careful, I can't support a fight in the jungle," Chen Yuan said in his voice.

"It's okay." Karsa's tone was quite relaxed. He used a signal to click on the opposite blue area. Because of the reason that the opposite was going to catch it, Xiao Ming sneaked in there and the blue BUFF was still standing calmly at this time. exist.

"The opposite side is red, and the middle lane still gets the line right. It will definitely go directly against me blue, so I just go directly to his blue buff."

Karsa was extremely confident, and the rock sparrow stepped directly into the opposite wild area, and began to brush the wild comfortably, blue buff, and magic marsh frog, all brushed in order.

After brushing the monsters, Uzi just pushed the **** line under the tower, and Xiao Ming directly WQ entered the tower first.

Uzi's Xia also turned on W, and AQE shot out three feathers at the speed of light. Karsa came out of the triangular grass, silently a WE second company.

Just like that, I won a blood...

The expressions of the three people in the tower did not fluctuate in the slightest, as if it was as simple as making up a cannon...

Just one set of skills for one person, as long as he has the hands.

However, Chen Yuan in the middle and Xiaohu on the road were a bit uncomfortable, because the widow had not shown her head, so they didn't dare to move, they could only shrink behind to make up the knife.

The time quickly reached six minutes.

After Galio and Shen rose to the sixth level, they returned to the city at the same time, and then ran to the bottom road at the same time.

Next, it was a dull and uninteresting leaping over the tower.

Karsa drove and scanned his eyes in the back row of the next tower, and Xiaomi's bull head flashed and hammered directly with a cautious trick.

The moment Kai'Sa was hammered on the opposite side, Galio's ultimate move was unfolded at her feet!

This wave, this wave is called five packs of two!

C9's Sneaky is a little dizzy at this time, why are there so many passers-by on the opposite side?

Karsa's real eyes and scanning have never stopped in the lower half. The lower half is always dark, and Lu Galio disappears at every turn, making them always nervous.

He even vaguely felt that he was playing RPG games like Guardian Athena.

The enemy came one after another, and their task was to guard the defensive towers around them.

But his game content is not the same, he is the first wave directly to the final BOSS, and then directly to the two of them.

"From the first wave of RNG middle and upper rhythm, use big moves to kill the bottom two!" Wawa was explaining excitedly at this time.

After taking the assists, Chen Yuan and Xiaohu handed over the TP loop at the same time, the big move went down, and then the TP loop was lost. In fact, not much time was wasted, and even the soldiers line did not lose.

The time came to eight minutes.

The three-headed Uzi has a great advantage, and he can't move the two opponents under the tower.

But at this moment, the opposite seemed to have caught a chance, Morgana shot a precise Q skill, passed through the gap of the minions, and landed on Xia.

At the same time, Xia's feathers happened to fall on Kai'Sa, attracting the hatred of the defensive tower.

"Uzi is under the tower! This wave is dangerous!" Miller said nervously at this time.

Kai'Sa and Morgana are both Level 5 at this time, but they both stepped forward at the same time, trying to kill.

Seeing the hook on the other side, Uzi smiled slightly, purifying and releasing the imprisonment, and at the same time releasing the big move [Storm Feather Blade], Xia soared into the air into an invincible state!

At the same time, Xiao Ming's bull head was also full of Hex flashes, and flashed out of the grass. While pressing in front of him, a WQ hammer hit the two of them, but AD with the magic shield was not knocked off.

Xia landed from the air, sprinkled a circle of feathers, and followed up with a QA.

Then, the barb!

All the 10,000 feathers were taken back, and they were tied to two people at the same time, and the two people had blood left at the same time!

Even if Kai'Sa has a magic shield on her body, it is useless, because this wave of damage is too high! Sneaky was taken aback again, but this time he surrendered the flash that had been useless.

Uzi turned on W, Xia flashed and flashed, two rounds tied A to take away Kai'Sa.

Then he turned his head and continued to output Morgana, who was knocked out by Xiao Ming, with the same two Aces, which was easily accepted.


After three deaths in more than eight minutes, Sneaky, the women's magnate, directly wrote the tragic words on his lap...

Uzi, with five heads, comfortably ate the money for a blood tower and took off directly from Wuhu.

Chen Yuan sighed a little when he saw that the bot lane took another double kill. He was electrocuted to grab some output, but this teammate was so fierce, he knew that he probably had no chance...


At the same time, Karsa's rock sparrow ran across the wall, blocking Ryze's retreat.

Chen Yuan flashed a W flash taunt, and his E skill knocked off, and coordinated with Stone Sparrow's second chain to immediately stun Ryze.

The middle road also bloomed.

In eight minutes, the economy is three thousand ahead, and the advantage is not big...

"RNG charge! Kill for the Lord!"

"Specially kills insidious and cunning people."

"Brother Yuanzi: Salvaging North America is better than doing it without me."

After Chen Yuan killed Ryze, he hurriedly rushed to the road, taking advantage of Shen and the crab, he made a big move to support, and smoothly caught the crab.

"Is it so smooth..." Chen Yuan was also a little confused, this is the third seed in North America?

Since his debut, his opponents have been IG, EDG, RW such fierce brothers, even if MSI fights in foreign wars, he is also fighting against all kinds of spring championships.

Like the No. 3 seed in other regions, he has never played before. I only knew after a fight today that he could be such a dish...

Not much to say, Chen Yuan directly asked Grandpa Timo to mention a murder book.

[The murder book is out, is 10 million on the left okay? 】

[Wuhu! Earn beans! 】

[Murder book, very right, right! 】

Because Chen Yuan loves reading, every RNG game, the live broadcast room will start a quiz about "whether Hero will publish a murder book".

Because Galio was played in this round, most people voted "not out".

Obviously a small number of people won this time.

Uzi came to the middle road to push the tower, while Chen Yuan went to the slow mixed line to get down the road.

"Eleven minutes, the next tower is broken!" Miller yelled: "RNG controls the dragon and the vanguard, I want it all! Uzi is on the road again, how can I play this game?"

The economic gap is getting bigger and bigger. Although Galio has not been with the team, he consciously keeps his teammates at a certain distance so that he can help him at any time.

Under this kind of deterrence, ~www.readwn.com~ does not dare to open groups at will.

Next, RNG began to suppress the field of vision, by controlling the field of vision to prohibit the development of the opposite side, while also breaking the linkage and support.

On the RNG side, all the staff turned into Xiao Ming's doglegs. A mighty group of people followed the old cow, and when they saw people, they just flashed a set.

Xiaoming didn't flash and followed Shen, and he flashed E when he saw people.

Neither of them flashed, they followed Galio, and they flashed when they saw someone...

In fifteen minutes, the head-to-head ratio came directly to 19:1.

This head was sent out because Chen Yuan chased too deeply, and chased it all the way to the opposite crystal tower...

"This is to give the other side a face, understand." Brother Yuanzi explained, "Like Guoping, how many give the other side one."

"Understand and understand!" A group of people all incarnate as brother.

The chat between the players was speechless to Brother Feng in the training room. He was accustomed to taking precautions and had already begun to doubt whether the players had begun to swell.

Twenty-three minutes, the five RNG people formed a group, first broke through the high ground on the opposite side, and then Xiao Ming screamed and started the group directly.

"Bull head hammered the two! Yuanzi gave a big move!" Miller said loudly: "Gario hurts so much! The blood is left in the back row!"

"Uzi entered the field to harvest, C9 was destroyed by the regiment!" The doll also began to yell.

It's easy to trade five for zero.

Twenty-four minutes, RNG destroyed the enemy crystal all the way after pushing through the highlands of the road. It is quite like IG never working overtime~www.readwn.com~Get cash] Follow the vx public account [Book Friends Base Camp~www.readwn .com~You can also get cash!

"Congratulations to RNG for the first victory in the S8 group stage!"

"At the same time, congratulations to LPL for getting a good start in the two games on the first day!"

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