League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 215: Uzi's another 5 kills! we are the champion!

At this time, everyone's hearts couldn't help but hang up. They watched the game all the way, Xiaohu never seemed to have turned away the E of Sister Dao...

And every time she is killed by Sword Girl E, she is either dead or disabled.

Niu Bao's double-edged wings were still so fast, almost instantly, the two Es had been placed, and the light between the double-edged blades began to flicker.

Xiaohu is already a 23-year-old old comrade. Although he can't move the position and twist this E, he didn't care about this wave and flashed directly!

Fifteen minutes later, it was the first time Xiaohu escaped Sister Dao's E, and everyone couldn't help crying.

But Niu Bao didn't seem to be surprised, because he knew that Jace had a flash, and being able to use the E skill for flash was actually a big profit.

The sword girl charged W in place to reduce physical damage while maiming the remote soldiers, followed by the speed of light three Q! As smooth as silk, quickly cleared all the remote soldiers, and passively came to the full floor.

"Ionia is so high!"

Irelia shouted the lines that belonged to her, turned her whole body, and a sword array shot towards Jace.

Xiaohu didn't twist this big move, but he didn't plan to twist it either. His left hand pressed QEWR randomly on the keyboard.

Taking advantage of the rigid time of Sword Girl's magnifying move, Xiaohu directly accelerated the shelling on Sword Girl's face, and then pressed WR, Jace switched to the hammer form with extremely fast attack speed.

After the fully passive Niu Bao was in R Jace, of course the Q came up for the first time, and the two immediately began a **** confrontation.

But Jace with the full attack speed effect, of course, the explosion is not a virtual sword girl, the two came down to A, and the blood bar began to drop wildly at the same time!

But Sister Dao still has an advantage, that is, he can use Q and the vampire scepter to return blood to the Q soldier.

Q dies a small soldier, Sword Sister's HP can be restored to nearly 50 points, which also allows him to get the advantage of HP in this wave of fights!

Niu Bao's sight has been on the surrounding minions. At this moment, there are two melee soldiers around him, and they are all in a state of residual blood.

Seeing this, Niu Bao didn't hesitate, Sister Dao gave a small soldier, and flew over.

But at this time, Xiaohu is an inexplicable blessed mind, and he reacts quickly and perverted. At the moment when Sister Q shot, the E skill [Thunder Strike] was directly hammered out!

An interesting thing happened at this time. Sword Sister obviously flew behind Jace with her Q skill, but Jace's E skill hit the hammer and brought Sword Sister back again!

(Tips: Jace’s E skill has a high priority. When the E skill is shot, no matter where you go, you will be hammered back to the point where the E skill should be knocked back. Even at the moment of the hammer, you TP Go on the road, you have to be sucked back obediently after the hammer comes out.)

And not only that, the hammer also interrupted Dao Girl's Q!

Now Niu Bao is stupid, are you a reaction or a pre-judgment, or a humiliation?

TOP Tiger showed a confident smile at this time, the Q skill [Sky Leap] hammered the sword girl with a hammer, and Jace, who was wearing armor, had a very high damage with a hammer, completely crippling the sword girl's blood!

Immediately afterwards, Xiaohu switched forms again, the artillery form was flat A to reduce the double resistance of the sword girl, and then played an ordinary [electric shock] to complete a single kill!

"Single kill! Account cancellation!" Miller also cheered at this time, "Come and cancel the account! Your fattest point was single-killed, how do you still play?"

"Nice!" Several teammates who were dealing with the opposing team cheered in unison.

"Let's talk, isn't it blasting Hu?" Chen Yuan was a little unbelievable at this time: "You are a bit magical with this hammer!"

"What do you mean?" TOP Tiger looked upset, "I'm a prejudgment, do you understand?"

Xiaohu was also quite happy at this time. After all, he had been single-killed three times in a row before, and it was really shameless, but now that he has returned, how much has he recovered a little bit of ground?

It has to be said that this wave of Xiaohu's solo kills is indeed the key. Between the two going back and forth, the economic gap will be completely widened, and the RNG three Cs will officially occupy the top three of the economic rankings.

Moreover, at this time, it was the time for the dragon to refresh, and there was no upper order on the opposite side. Naturally, this little dragon could not be contested and had to be let go.

But SKT still did not give up. The five of them were like cheetahs preying on them, staring at the opposite side closely, not letting go of any flaws that appeared on the opposite side.

After all, they are the team that has created a 10,000 economic turnaround. What they are best at is to create miracles!


"Time soon came to twenty minutes. At this time, RNG is already holding an economic gap of 7,000! They want to move the dragon to force the group!"

At this time, the two sides had already supplied equipment. The eight-headed Chen Yuan equipment was unique, and the Green Fork Endless Resurrection Armor was one big piece ahead of the audience.

Uzi's equipment is a bit inferior, but he also has a range of artillery, so the damage is not bad.

RNG sits on three ADs in hand, plus a rock sparrow that beats the dragon very fast. How fast can they rush the dragon?

"Ten seconds." Faker's rich gaming experience gave him the answer, "They only need ten seconds to finish the big dragon. They can't let them go. Go and pick up the team!"

At this time, all the audience couldn't help holding their breath, watching this is likely to be the teamfight that decides the outcome.

RNG seems to be close at hand from the promised Incheon cup!

Lounges, commentary seats, off-site, university dormitories, and even the world!

Tens of millions of people around the world couldn't help breathing heavily at this time, watching this last wave of team battles.

"My flash is still a minute away." Xiaohu quickly gave a message at this time, "Sister Dao has flashed, be careful of the position of Girl Dao."

"OK." Xiao Ming nodded, and Luo drove to scan, exploring the field of vision on the opposite side.

"The RNG started to move the dragon, it was very fast!" I remembered to take a breath, "It's too fast, it seems it's too late for SKT!"

"And SKT seems to want to receive this wave, they don't want to let this big dragon go!"

With the loud shout of the mother of the wheel, the four of SKT rushed directly from their wild area to the Great Dragon Pit with the effect of group acceleration.

Because their wild area is on the back of the Dragon Keng, some time was wasted, but it didn't delay the matter. They successfully surrounded RNG when the dragon was still in blood.

Tarzan is an old treacherous cunning standing in the triangle grass above the dragon pit, trying to punish and rob the dragon.

"This position is not so good, take the dragon first!" Miller was eager to pass a message to the players inside, "If the big dragon is lost, this position will not be able to be played in a team battle!"

Two thousand, fifteen, one thousand.

The blood volume of the dragon dropped at the speed of light, and when the dragon had a thousand blood left, SKT suddenly violent!

Effort's Titan was invisible for the whole game. At this time, it was a thunder blow. He directly flashed into the Dragon Pit and settled Chen Yuan's Yasuo.

Then the big move, Q, a set of serial control, Chen Yuan could not move.

Immediately afterwards, Qing Gang Ying also flashed in from the back of the dragon pit. At this time, the dragon's blood volume was still 900.

The light of the two disciplines fell one after another, turning the dragon directly into ashes.

"Whose big dragon, whose big dragon!" I remember saying loudly at this time, when he also saw the words floating on the screen.

The Red Legion grabbed Baron Nash!

The dragon was robbed!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were slightly dark, and then, the people on the opposite side swarmed up, and immediately killed Yasuo, who was controlled by the Titans, and the Resurrection A took effect, and Yasuo entered the resurrection state!

That's it!

Everyone flashed this thought at this time.

The big dragon was robbed, Yasuo was second, this round of team battle is already very difficult to win in everyone's hearts.

With darkness shrouded in darkness, RNG's team seemed to have fallen into confusion.

But in this darkness, everyone can clearly see that there are still people in the RNG camp who are still shining!

At this time, everyone can't help but think that we RNG have more than one C!

Ni Yu turned on W [Death Yuyi], and all the feathers were poked on the opposite body!

Niu Bao's flashing was already done at this time, and his target was naturally ADC. He took advantage of the chaos and decisively flashed an R, and Sword Sister flashed onto Xia's face.

In the next moment, the sword array whistled out.

"Raining all over the sky!"

Ni Yu volleyed up into the air to help him avoid this deadly ultimate, and at the same time sprinkle five feathers!

At this time, Uzi was calm and terrible. After the big move landed, he quickly clicked the mouse, Xia turned weird again, walked to the face of the sword girl and avoided [Biyi Double Blade]!

Immediately afterwards, Xia shouted loudly and took back all the feathers!

All the nine feathers were hooked on Sword Sister's body, and while the imprisonment effect was played, it caused extremely terrible damage!

Immediately afterwards, Xia turned back and tied Aces twice and killed Sword Sister!

At this moment, the main force on the opposite side has been guarding the resurrected Yasuo, but in this way, they have fallen into Xiao Ming's trap!

Phantom Ling has been lurking nearby for a long time, and a breeze flows out of Yasuo in the resurrected state. The moment he wakes up, Phantom Ling activates the ultimate move and the crown!

Luo wandered around in the opposing lineup with extremely fast speed, fascinating all the three of Sword Demon, Qinggang Ying, and Titan!

Immediately afterwards, Luo released W [Grand Debut], and all three took off!

Yasuo just stood up and saw three dotted lines appear on the screen. Who can refuse?

Without hesitation, Chen Yuan got up and gave a quick EQ, and then took the big move instantly!

At this time, he has not forgotten the whole Shuangfeng and his original intention.

Of course, he can only take a big move, because there is a wheel mother beside him.

Bang's output position is quite ideal, and the mother of the wheel is crazy output on the side. Taking advantage of the time when Yasuo is in the sky, the mother of the wheel sends the wheel down three times and sends the 8-0 Yasuo back to the spring!

However, Chen Yuan's control was actually played out, Xiaohu's Jace also found a suitable opportunity, Jace shot the wheel mother with an acceleration cannon, then switched the hammer form, and slammed the hammer towards the wheel mother.

But Bang is also a double-time champion AD. Of course, he can't handle this cut. The unmarked E on the wheel blocked Jace's hammer form Q, and at the same time, he went straight to the second consecutive DF and started to pull A.

On the other side of the battlefield, Uzi's Xia was almost numb with his hands. An ADC with a deadly rhythm, stress-free and crazy standing output, what is this concept?

Qinggang Ying, Sword Demon, and the two warriors returned to the west one after another under Xia's Ping A, and the Sword Demon entered a resurrection state.

The opposite had realized his mistake at this time.

Chen Yuan's light was too shining, causing problems in the general direction of their team battles. They even forgot that the ADC on the opposite side was Uzi!

Huan Ling Feathers continued to shoot volleys, Xia directly ignored the resurrected Sword Demon, and began to output frantically against the Titan!

The development of Effort's Titan is quite poor, where it can withstand the damage of the two-piece AD, Xia is soon shot into the residual blood.

At this time, Faker's Sword Demon also stood up.


Xia released the barb for the second time, and all her feathers were recovered, killing all Titan and Sword Demon!


"Four kills, four kills!" I remember yelling at this time. He glanced at the other side of the battlefield, where Jace was accepting the hard-to-survive wheel mother, "This wave can be five kills! Little tiger keep it!"

"Five kills and five kills!" Chen Yuan, who is currently serving as the commander of the spring water, said immediately, "Little Tiger stop!"

At this time, Mother Wheel's blood volume was less than two hundred, and as soon as Xiaohu went down, Mother Wheel had to go directly to the west.

"???" TOP Tiger's face was full of question marks at this time, I was about to shoot out, you let me stop at this moment?

The key is that I don't have a lot of blood. If I don't kill this wheel mother, I will have to die!


Uzi calmed the injured heart of Xiaohu with action, Xia directly released DF Erlian, flashing to add a bite of treatment to Xiaohu.

At this time, TOP Tiger is also relieved, and an acceleration gate is set up on Xia's body~www.readwn.com~ which provides 40% acceleration effect.

Uzi moved Xia up and poked out the feathers with the effect of Lanqie artillery.


It's another five kills!

"Double five kills!" Miller yelled hoarsely. "This five kills belongs to Uzi. This is our RNG double C! Do you use one second?"

While speaking, Miller's voice suddenly began to choke a little.

"We are going to win..."

RNG, who has won the team battle, directly chose the group!

Although they don't have a big dragon BUFF, they have a line of troops, Jess, and Xia!

Although it is only twenty minutes, the resurrection time is actually quite short, but seeing RNG demolishing the Highland Tower and the Highland Crystal in just five seconds, everyone has begun to cheer at this time.

"Ten seconds left! One wave! One wave!"

The cheers and screams off the court began to erupt continuously.

The first front tooth, the second front tooth!

Only one master crystal is left!

At this time, the generals of SKT have been resurrected. At this time, all of them were anxious, and they all rushed out of the house who had not given up.

"Dismantle and dismantle! Don't worry about people, just dismantle!!" Miller said his last sentence, and his eyes suddenly became red.

The main crystal's blood volume dropped rapidly, and Chen Yuan had actually been resurrected at this time, but he didn't want to operate it anymore.

All the players have left the keyboard with both hands, got up and hugged each other tightly!

At this time, the four heroes of RNG were motionless, letting the opposite attack fall on themselves, and the operator has given them an order to attack the base!

As Xia's last feather pierced the crystal, SKT's base burst open!

"we are the champion!"

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