League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 216: Golden rain!

In the stadium, the RNG's golden team flag was fluttering wantonly. At this time, the device set above the stadium was triggered with a bang, and a golden rain slowly fell.

The whole Wenhe Stadium exploded in an instant. At this time, many LCK fans have already started to leave the stadium, but they are not important because this is a carnival for the LPL audience!

Countless spectators at home and abroad are all looking at the RNG team logo on the screen, and their eyes are reddish.




The audience was chanting the name of the RNG team, and there was a loud noise in the stadium!

S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8

This year is the sixth year, and the unwillingness of six years without a crown is released at this moment!

At this time, in RNG's soundproof room, Brother Feng, Karsa, and a large number of staff rushed in, and a large group of people hugged tightly.

Chen Yuan, who was in the center of the sphere, was almost suffocating. Uzi and Xiaohu were like sandwich biscuits, clamping him tightly.

Everyone’s face was full of smiles.

The live broadcast room of the Shark platform has directly become a spacecraft sailing place. A variety of spacecraft rockets floated from above, and the barrage filled with screens made the live broadcast room extremely lagging.

[Can the shark platform build a line? Is this little scene stuck? 】

[WDNMD, is this a small scene? 】

[RNG is awesome! 】

Cheering "RNG Niubi" together with the barrage, as well as the student dormitories of various universities, at this time all the boys who pay attention to LOL are already crazy, and the cheers of "RNG Niubi" resounded throughout the campus!

I have to say that this is indeed a grand occasion, and only LOL can mobilize the enthusiasm of the boys in Chinese colleges and universities.

At this time, the director switched the camera back to the soundproof room. At this time, everyone was still holding each other, and they didn't want to separate at all.

"Shake hands!" Brother Feng shouted loudly at this time.

"Oh?" At this time, the door of the soundproof room had been opened, and thunderous cheers from outside the court filed through this small door and rushed into the players' minds. Chen Yuan couldn't hear the other sounds at all.

But he quickly understood the meaning of this brother Feng, patted his teammates hard, and dragged them to the opposite side of the soundproof room.

Pushing open the door of the SKT soundproof room, the people inside were motionless except for the cheers.

Faker did not shed tears on the scene like last year, the runner-up of the second company, he was already a little numb.

Just like Uzi in S4.

He even stood up and waited for the people from RNG to come over.

"Good fight." Chen Yuan shook hands with Faker and said his classic line, "See you next year at the World Championship."

"Yes." Faker was serious, "I will win next year."

Chen Yuan did not deny, but nodded with a smile.

It's just that he didn't take this seriously in his heart. It is estimated that next year's SKT will not even be able to beat IG.

The players from both sides shook hands quickly, and Chen Yuan walked out from the other side of the soundproof room.

At this time, the manager Quan Ge was already on the other side, and he was holding five team flags in his hand.

"Put on and put on!" Brother Quan smiled openly at this time, and distributed the team flag to the five players.

The golden rain was still falling, flashing lights, dry ice, cheers, everything mixed together, made Chen Yuan a little dazed.

Karsa also walked over wearing the team flag and walked to the center of the stage with the five players.

There is a trophy symbolizing the highest honor of LPL.

Six players and a coach, six people gathered the trophy in a circle, and then raised it high!

The dry ice around the stage erupted again, forming a dreamy picture with the golden rain!

"Let everyone remember your name, RNG!" The baby said loudly: "This team from LPL, they won the championship of this world finals, which proves that they are the strongest team in the world!"

"Three to zero, three to zero, three to zero! Today's game only took 85 minutes and 13 seconds. RNG has been proving their unparalleled dominance!"

"Congratulations RNG!"

At this time, Roaring Emperor came to the stage with the microphone and watched SKT lose the game. His face was sad to hide at this time, but out of professionalism, he still had to finish his host job.

The roaring emperor talked a lot of words in Korean, then raised his hand again and proceeded to the next step, awarding.

"Let us have it, the heads of the various branches of Riot are on the stage!"

Barbarian King and Ryze took the lead, followed by the leaders of the various regions of the fist company, and Mr. Ye, whom Chen Yuan had met before, was among them.

Several of them each carried a championship medal and put on medals for several opponents.

Tai Damirdi walked in front of Chen Yuan, Chen Yuan bowed his head slightly, and put a championship medal on his neck.

Man Wang smiled and said, "Congratulations."

Chen Yuan also nodded and said in English: "We will see you again next year."

Teda Milton's face changed when he said, "I don't want to see you next year..."

If a team wins the championship for two consecutive years, it actually proves that the designer is not qualified.

Because a team can win the championship, in addition to their personal strength, the bigger reason is because they conform to the version.

For all the teams, whenever they get a world-class championship like MSI or S, the designer will make changes to their version.

It is commonly known as targeted weakening.

Just like in the early days of S8, the bottom lane was still dominant at the time, so RNG only needed to wait until Uzi made a three-piece suit to directly end the game.

At that time, RNG won the MSI championship by virtue of the banner of command and the main down road system.

Since then, the chess pieces have been deleted directly, the critical strike outfit has been greatly changed, the position of the three-piece ADC has declined, and it has favored Lanche’s one-piece dragon pioneer combat, and the status of Uezhongye has also been strengthened.

But everyone did not expect that after the version changes, RNG will still be the strongest team, even more dominant!

The culprit is this mid laner, Hero.

In the audience, the chief designer Chunli looked at the villain on the stage, and was already thinking about how to proceed with the next step of "Weakening the RNG Plan."

After the medal awarding session was over, Roaring Emperor continued to speak: "Let's announce now, the FMVP of the 2018 Global Finals!"

While talking, Emperor Roar opened the envelope.

Although he was already a bit of a sell-off, the audience on the scene had already begun to cheer, because they all knew who the FMVP would be.

It can only be one person!

The audience off the court had already begun to call his name, and Roaring Emperor laughed when he saw it.

"RNG. Hero! Congratulations!"

The rest of the team pushed Chen Yuan and pushed him to the center of the stage, leaving him alone to face the suppression of the tens of thousands of spectators.

The focused gaze of tens of thousands, even tens of millions, made Chen Yuan feel a little breathless...but he quickly adjusted and stood in the center of the stage.

"There is nothing suspenseful about this." Wawa said, "Although his contribution value in the first round is only the third, but in the second and third rounds, his contribution value is undoubtedly the first!"

"The only people who can compete with him for FMVP are Xiaohu and Uzi, and Xiaohu's three-game contribution value rankings are first, fourth, and fifth! A cliff fell, Uzi is second, second, and second!"

"Although Uzi's performance is quite impressive and stable, it doesn't help him get the FMVP! Because there is another monster in his team!"

Chen Yuan smiled and took over the FMVP trophy from Teddamir. It was a blue crystal style, quite delicate. There was a line of small characters engraved in Chinese and English underneath, which was obviously just engraved just now.

"Gift to RNG.hero, congratulations on his winning performance on 2018.11.3!"

"2-1-13, 8-0-6, 8-1-3, the average output per game accounted for 31%, and the participation rate was 74.8%." The roaring emperor read Chen Yuan's record in these three games in turn.

[A total of 18-2-22, leveling? 】

[This Nima is from the Heavenly Dynasty! 】

[The participation rate is ridiculously higher than that of the jungler! 】

Faker was standing behind the scenes at this time, looking at Chen Yuan, who was energetic on the stage, with a lot of thoughts in his heart.

He still remembers last year's finals. Although he also lost the game, the audience at the time was chanting his "Faker" name.

Even if he loses, he is the number one mid laner in the world.

But this year, the audience does not seem to think so.

On the stage, Roaring Emperor raised the first question, which was conveyed to Chen Yuan's ears through the translation, "Do you have any thoughts about this FMVP trophy?"

"First of all, I have to thank my teammates, coaches, analysts, relatives, and girlfriends. I can get to where I am today. They are indispensable."

Chen Yuan took the microphone and said with a smile, "But what do you think I feel about this FMVP? Actually, I don't have any special feelings because I deserve it."

The players in the audience suddenly twitched at the corners of their mouths, and let him pretend to be, really damn...

"Since I joined the professional league, I have known that I will get to this point sooner or later." Chen Yuan continued, speaking surprisingly, "I know how strong I am, and I also know my potential."

"Ok, great answer!"

Roaring Emperor glanced at Chen Yuan in admiration, took the championship and pretended to be, when would he wait to pretend to be?

"Then you RNG has proved that you are the strongest team in 2018. What are your plans for the next 2019?"

"I just need to do my own job." Chen Yuan also didn't hesitate, and continued to play the cup. "As long as I'm still in RNG, then we will still be the strongest team in the world."

"I believe that next year I will still stand here, because I am Hero, Hero of LPL!"

The audience in the audience suddenly fell into madness. How mad is Nima to say such a thing?

But I like it.

[Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy! 】

[It's numb to my father! 】

[In the first year of his debut, I won the championship all over, and Faker won the Grand Slam that he hasn't won in five years. Can you not be crazy? 】

Usually by this time, the award ceremony should be over, but at this time Roaring Emperor smiled and spoke again.

"Please come back to the stage with the six RNG players and coaches!"

After the FMVP interview session passed, the award ceremony did not end directly as in previous years.

Riot Company called all the players to the court again, and all the players looked at the stage with a puzzled expression, not knowing what they were doing.

Soon, Tydamir and Ryz pushed up to a table again with six trophies on it.

Chen Yuan, Xiaohu, Xiangguo, Uzi, Xiaoming, karsa, and Feng Feng each one.

Take a closer look at the small print on the trophy.

"Grand Slam trophy, congratulations to RNG for winning all this year's competitions in 2018!"

Demacia Cup, Spring, MSI, Intercontinental, Summer, S, six championships a year!

Chen Yuan, Uzi, and the trophy of the incense pot have one more "Asian Games"!

Chen Yuan couldn't help being moved at this time. It turns out that Grand Slams also have trophies? It's just that no one has reached it yet!

They are the first!

At this time, he received the FMVP trophy in his left hand and the Grand Slam trophy in his right hand, accepting the cheers of the audience, and his heart was fiery.

He was already thinking about what Yasuo's skin should look like.

Yasuo with RNG's golden theme color, is it a bit like sending Meituan takeaway?


Media interview after the game.

Everyone sat in a row on the stage and accepted interviews from the media in turn.

"Has the Hero player already selected the champion skin?"

"Of course." Chen Yuan said with a smile: "You all know what skin I would choose."

The media in the audience suddenly burst into laughter and asked a few more questions. The interview session ended soon.

In the lounge, all the LPL troops came here at this time.

The sparring group and the commentary group were all around the center at this time, looking at the hard-won championship trophy.

Uzi couldn't help seeing the trophy at this time. He and Miller remembered to cry with the others, lamenting the difficulty of this trophy.

It's just that Chen Yuan doesn't feel anything here, his face is still calm.

After all, in the first year of his debut, the champion was soft and even felt a little...simple?

However, he has watched the competitions for so many years~www.readwn.com~ for the basic respect of this championship trophy.

He sat alone and flipped through the phone. At this time, there were countless messages and push notifications on the phone, thanks to the fact that he turned off the vibration and sound as soon as he turned it on, otherwise he had to be stuck.

Chen Yuan replied to Jiang Qiu the first time he knew his parents were with her.

"Hello FMVP!" Jiang Qiu said with a smile.

"Haha, okay." Chen Yuan was silly when he talked about FMVP, but he still didn't forget his mission, "Where are you? I'll come to you."


"Here here!"

Chen Yuan quickly saw his parents in the crowd, but to his surprise, the fathers of both sides were chatting together very enthusiastically at this time.

"You know?" Chen Yuan was a little dumbfounded. After asking in the past, he realized that the fathers of both sides are still old classmates. What a coincidence...

The father of the two received a trophy and played with it meticulously.

But I have to say that the father of other people can mix up a lot, but fortunately, your son is loyal.

Chen Yuan thought.

"Why do you wear so little?"

This time it was Chen Yuan’s mother to pick and choose. No matter what championship Chen Yuan won, he came up and pulled Chen Yuan’s spring uniform, revealing the summer uniform inside...

"Wear more, what happened to a cold..."

"Hi, it's not cold!" Chen Yuan interrupted the old mother's chanting, and hooked her shoulders, "Walk around, eat, and the boss treats you!"

Soon, Chen Yuan took them to a restaurant, which has been booked by a large force from LPL today.

The parents of the contestants, the sparring group, the commentary group, and the host group, filled the entire venue dazzlingly!

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