League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 222: The bitter wine hurts in my throat, tons and tons

December 3, early morning.

   is still Pudong International Airport. It is as busy as ever. Many celebrities come in and out from the airport, and there are many illegitimate meals next to it, which seems crowded.

   Chen Yuanjiangqiu and Wuzi got off the car separately. They are going to the All-Star Game.

   Yes, there is still Jiang Qiu, as the head LOL female anchor of the shark platform, plus the best new commentator host of LPL, so she was also invited by Riot to participate in the All-Star Game.

   was invited along with her, Zhou Shuyi and Yu Shuang, Sao Nan, Shen Chao, and a star Luo Yunxi.

   After getting off the car, Chen Yuan first opened the trunk, took out all the luggage of the three people, and then waited for the large forces to converge.

   They waited in the waiting room for a while, and soon the large group slowly arrived.

   The factory manager came first. He was full of reluctance at this time. He was obviously unhappy about being carried to the All-Star for some reason.

   If you talk about playing in the country, it's fine. If you can go abroad at every turn, you can take a flight for more than ten hours to play LOL. Who can stand it?

   And he still has some embarrassment. Last year, he didn't play much for almost the whole year. He played two games in the World Championships and then was out of the quarterfinals. He didn't know why he was voted third...

   In this situation to be an All-Star, he won't think it's an honor, he just thinks something is wrong...

   "The factory manager is here?" Chen Yuan whispered: "I heard there will be a clone competition this year..."

   Hearing this, Clearlove's face suddenly changed, "Really?"

   "Fake!" Chen Yuan suddenly burst into laughter.

   "Little Bizi..." Guijiaoqi was too lazy to take care of this neat B, took out his mobile phone and sat down beside him.

   Soon, Rookie, Yu Shuang, Zhou Shuyi and others slowly rushed over. Jiang Qiu finally had someone who could talk at this time, and several sisters chatted together enthusiastically.

   "Everyone is here?" Feng Ge said with a smile at this time. As the champion coach, he will go out as the coach of this LPL All-Star.

   A great number of people took the plane to Las Vegas, the venue of this All-Star game!

   At this time, Wen Sen, the professional player manager of Riot China, ran over and took more than ten people to check in.

   There is no direct flight between Shanghai and Las Vegas. They have to transit in Detroit, which takes 25 hours in total!

   This also means that they will stay on the plane for a whole day, but fortunately, they are booking first class, which is relatively not too torturous.

With the idea of ​​adjusting the jet lag, Chen Yuan intends to sleep directly in the first plane before the transfer, but he can’t fall asleep over and over again. Helpless, he can only take out his tablet and watch the games and games he downloaded. Update the video.

   S8 has ended a month, and the diligent Riot company has officially launched the preseason version of S9 a few days ago.

  The preseason is the time when the League of Legends changes the most every year, so any professional player must read it thoroughly to avoid losing the version.

   The first change is the defensive tower change, the focus of this preseason.

   Defense tower plating.

  At the beginning of the game, the outer defense tower will have 5 temporary coatings. For every 1000 points of damage the defense tower receives, a layer of plating is broken, and then 160 gold coins are provided to the surrounding heroes.

   At the same time, for each layer of plating broken, the tower's dual resistance will increase by 30, and besides the first hero, for every enemy hero around, the defense tower will provide an additional 25 dual resistance.

   This change is the biggest killer move Fist has made against RNG.

   In the S8 version, RNG can often use Uzi as the core of the line-replacement and push tower system, which can directly pull out the three outer towers on the opposite side in less than 15 minutes, thus opening up a huge economic advantage.

   is available in the current version, the plating plus the demolition of the tower protection, make this style of play a thing of the past.

And the plating can provide a high bounty. The upper and middle single lines without the protection of the tower can be beaten home with excellent strength, and the plating can be eaten with the help of the soldier line, even if it is not a single kill. Can widen the economic gap.

   Therefore, last year's letme single-handed Aoun and TheShy mixed top singles back and forth no longer.

   If hy goes to the line this season, it is estimated that the five-layer coating is eaten in twelve minutes, and TheShy can come out to kill the game even if it is 0-0-0.

   Therefore, Xiaohu has been jokingly calling this plating in the club the "Yan Junze Killer", and also said that it is really time for Yan Junze to retire.

   Do you think Xiaohu is laughing at Letme? No, he is sour.

   Xiaohu said, tears were already in his eyes. When he thought of playing TheShy next season, he would be madly eating plating to support his father, he felt sad...

   This year, Riot did not engage in the rune system like S8, but made some fine-tuning of several prominent runes.

   Cut off the swift bonus, and at the same time increase the swift movement speed bonus attribute (the second in the blue second row, increase the movement speed)

   This is Riot’s mercy to Principal Wang-after all, among the talents recommended by WEGAME, Principal Wang’s 100% talent is the only one that is not quick.

  In the swift and attack power version, don’t click the swift Jhin=nt

   Second, Dark Harvest has undergone major changes.

   no longer needs the soul of the cannon truck monster, but can only take effect on heroes with low health and stacks.

   also added a mechanism for killing heroes to refresh.

   In the past, the method of cultivating wild stack souls and then going out of the mountain to directly hit the damage through the layers of the dark harvest has completely disappeared, and it has become a talent that is biased towards roaming team battles.

   The blood sucking amount of the greedy hunter is reduced (the red third row is the first one, providing blood sucking)

   Blasting damage reduced (the green first row is the first in the first row, providing tower demolition blasting)

   Skeleton plating to resist damage increased, but the duration decreased (moved from the first row to the second row)

   Increased health bonus for overgrowth (the first one in the third row of green)

   At the same time, a treasure talent: Omen of Burglary has been greatly enhanced.

   Now, after using the skill, your next two basic attacks will trigger the effect instead of the first basic attack. After more than 20 minutes, no guards will be dropped.

   The number of steals of a skill doubled, and Chen Yuan was already imagining the joy of stealing money from Lucian six times.

   Then, the minions, wild monsters, and defensive towers all changed.

   The health of all creeps has been increased, the armor of melee soldiers has been increased, and the attack power of ranged soldiers has increased.

   The time point for the artillery carriage from three waves to two waves one was advanced to 15 minutes, and the time point of one wave one to 25 minutes.

   The birth time of the first dragon has changed from two and a half minutes to five minutes.

   At the same time, the rebirth time has been shortened from six minutes to five minutes, which improves the dragon kill experience and kill rewards, so as to prevent the jungler from losing too much rhythm due to the control of the dragon.

  The attributes of the first dragon are all increased, but the superimposed attributes of the second and third are unchanged.

   At the same time, the mid-term experience value of all monsters is reduced.

The meaning of   fist company is very simple. It is a small cut wild and nuclear game. At the same time, it encourages the jungler to start fighting for rhythm, catching people, and controlling the dragon.

   In this way, the one who gets the benefit is King Ning. As a representative of the rhythmic jungler, he will be like a duck in the water in the S9 season.

   Version changes Chen Yuan has long been familiar with him, so he still downloaded some qualifying videos to see, they were all top-level games, to see if he could learn something.

   Looking at it, Chen Yuan's eyelids were heavy, and he fell asleep slowly.

   Jiang Qiu, who was sitting next to him, came over at this moment to help him turn off the tablet, and then also put on the blindfold and fell asleep slowly in his seat.

   Shanghai and Las Vegas are at the opposite ends of the earth, with a time difference of fifteen hours.

   They set off on the early morning of December 3 and took a 25-hour flight, but they still landed on December 3, but the time was already five in the afternoon.

   Las Vegas is located on the edge of the desert in Nevada. The subtropical desert climate keeps them hot all year round. In this November, their daytime temperature is still as high as 20 degrees.

   Chen Yuan was so hot as soon as he hit the ground, he took off his sweater and put it in his bag.

   "Let's go, let's go, it's too hot, go and check in first!" Vincent didn't seem to realize that it could be so hot here. The three things in this city of short-sleeved shorts look like a dumb man.

  The fist company sent a bus to pick them up, and took the players and anchors from LPL to the Luxor Hotel.

   On the bus, Uzi finally couldn't help it. He also chose to take off his sweater, but he accidentally brought up the short sleeves inside, revealing a white and fat belly.

   Soon, they arrived at the location, Riot Company is still the atmosphere as always, the location of the hotel is quite good, there is a large lake at the entrance, the fountain in the middle of the lake sprays the lake high, vaguely lowering the surrounding temperature.

   This hotel has the same name as a city in Egypt, and its architectural style is pyramid-shaped. It is not far from the airport, and it can be clearly seen even at the airport gate. If a few people are not carrying boxes, they can even walk.

   When it came to the allocation room, there was a problem instead.

  According to the rules, teammates like Chen Yuan and Wuzi should live in a room with men and men, and women and women.

   But at this time the question is coming. Among the people who traveled this time, the number of boys and girls was odd...


   Everyone turned their eyes to Chen Yuan and Jiang Qiu who were laughing and chatting behind them.

   Chen Yuan turned his head to the side and was startled. He only understood what was going on when he inquired, and frowned slightly at this time.

   Although he and Jiang Qiu are indeed boy and girl friends and have lived together for a while, he does not want to make this relationship known to everyone.

   Living in a room in front of everyone or something... still feels too arrogant?

   "Okay, let's have a room." Jiang Qiu didn't care, on the contrary, he held Chen Yuan's arm with a cheerful expression.

   "Yes." Vincent nodded appreciatively, "Here are meal vouchers. Take a few more. The hotel restaurant will serve it 24 hours a day, but you have to come down and eat it yourself."

   "If you are not used to eating...what can I do? There are not many Chinese restaurants around here, but I can still call you. You can order food directly in Chinese, but it's a bit far away."

   "Take a rest early. Tomorrow Chen Yuan and Jane proudly remember to contact me." Vincent crackled a lot of orders before leaving the hotel.

   "Vincent asked you to contact him tomorrow, why is that?" the factory manager asked from the side.

   At this time, in the heart of Guijiaoqi, some evil thoughts have been surging in his heart, what kind of weird evil threesome...

   I didn't expect your dignified FMVP to do this kind of thing too!

   "Oh, it's okay." Chen Yuan turned his head and glanced at the factory director. "The designer has to talk to me about the details of the champion skin."

   Originally, the champion skin should be negotiated using online video mode, but since Chen Yuan and Uzi are here, of course the designer will talk to them directly face to face, which will be more convenient.

   "...That's okay." The flaming gossip heart of Guijiao Qi disappeared instantly, and the whole person became sad.

   I started playing in S2. I haven’t had a champion skin for so many years. This B-boy had a grand slam in the first year, oh oh oh...

   The couple, Chen Yuan and Jiang Qiu, took the unique elevator of this hotel to their room, took out the clothes in the suitcase and put them in the closet.

   "Do you want to take a bath?" Chen Yuan asked casually after taking out the toiletries and putting them in the bathroom.

   Jiang Qiu's face blushed a little, and then he took off his clothes and prepared to take a bath.

   If it is normal, Chen Yuan would really have to do exercises, but today it is true that it will not work.

The comfortable ambient temperature aroused Chen Yuan’s sleepiness. In addition, Jiang Qiu took a slow shower. Chen Yuan waited for a long time before Jiang Qiu came out. He rushed in and took the shower and dried his hair. Then he fell asleep on the bed.

   Go to bed early and wake up early. Chen Yuan woke up from bed as early as 7 o'clock the next morning. His first reaction was to look at the next bed. Jiang Qiu was sleeping at this time.

   But the movement of Chen Yuan's getting up had already awakened her, her dim eyes opened slightly, and she smiled at Chen Yuan.

   Some cold desert scenery hit Chen Yuan's eyes through the window of the hotel in the morning. Under the window is his girlfriend, smiling at himself with dim sleepiness.

   Chen Yuan seemed to be hit with a heavy hammer on the head, he hurried into the bathroom to wash first.

   Soon, the two of them got up and finished washing, Jiang Qiu's series of makeup and other procedures lasted for a full hour before the two went downstairs to have breakfast.

   This is the time for breakfast, so there are quite a lot of people in the restaurant at this time.

   Chen Yuan looked around, and every Asian in this foreign country has an extremely obvious face.

   Like Lee Sang Hyuk who is sitting in the corner eating bread.

   And interesting thing, the two people who got the most votes in this LCK are respectively.

  The former is because the reputation is really high, and the votes have been the most for so many years~www.readwn.com~The latter...It is purely because the Korean fans are working together and want to cast him in the All-Star game ashamed...

   At the same time, next to them, there was Peanut, a guest who was invited directly, as well as madlife, the former auxiliary **** of the special anchor, the shy who blasted all over the world, and the h who used to draw lots for the S8 knockout.

   "Anihasai~" Chen Yuan went over and greeted them at this time.

   Li Guapi's expression was quite calm, and he also greeted Chen Yuan.

   But Bang's expression is not so calm. At this time, his face is fierce, but for the purpose of international friends to get along with each other, he turned his head directly, and didn't bother to look at Chen Yuan.

   Chen Yuan saw that B was so fierce, he immediately persuaded him, and didn't mess up, and honestly took the meal coupon to choose breakfast.

   "What do you eat?" Chen Yuan asked Jiang Qiu next to him intimately.

   The breakfast in the United States likes to make a big deal. There are lobsters, steaks, large grilled sausages and so on. Obviously, there is a big difference from the domestic egg fritters.

   "This this!" Jiang Qiu and her boyfriend ordered a few cheese and bread separately, and then found an empty place to start eating.

   However, all this was seen by Li Guapi on the side.

   I don’t have a champion, and I don’t have Eunjeong, but you have everything...

   Why? Is this beaver?

   Li Guapi picked up the tea at hand and started to...

   The bitter tea hurts in my throat...

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