League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 223: Reverse Q? What's the meaning!

Soon after eating breakfast, Chen Yuan, Jiang Qiu and Wu Zi found Vincent and asked him to take him to find the designer on the fist side.

   Soon, they arrived at the venue of the All-Star Game. Just in the background, Chen Yuan saw the evil designers.

   "Hello." An Asian face walked over from the designer team. Chen Yuan also had an impression of this person, Chun Li, the designer director of Fist.

   The only designer who can play games... is that he is not young and has no girlfriend yet.

   Chunli also appeared on a well-known domestic dating show last year, and went through all the way, but was directly rejected by the beloved guest in the final happy second choice.

   "The painter and the artist are over there, waiting for you, you can go to the meeting room inside to talk." Chunli spoke very gracefully, and Chen Yuan was not convinced by him.

   Rich, handsome, handsome, and demeanor, can't even pass a blind date show? Can we men stand up anyway?

   "What do you think of the champion skin?" The skin designer sat in front of the computer, planning to record the players' thoughts.

   They have discussed with the rest of the players before, but this group of RNG players are all first-class, and most of the requirements have not been adopted.

   What Iron Man blind boy, female nightmare with her feet on the ground, two-dimensional painting style bull head, Bobby Cannon for Jess and so on...

   "You can speak Chinese, I can translate." Vincent said, he is an old translation tool.

  Uzi took the lead here. He told the skin plan that he had thought about a long time ago. Chen Yuan couldn't help laughing after he said that. Vincent translated it to the designer with a smile.

   The designer laughed after listening.

   "Could you design VN to look like the eight hundred kilograms of VN in the book, and then add the theme color of RNG, I think this is fine."

   The designer also lived in Bengbu at this time, and smiled and gave Uzi a thumbs up, saying that he was okay.

Immediately after it was Chen Yuan’s turn to comment, he didn’t have any comments. He just took out a picture of Meituan's delivery service, and solemnly stated that it should be distinguished from this appearance as much as possible. Don’t make it look like a delivery service. .


   It was already noon when the two of them had finished talking about their skin thoughts. After they said goodbye to Vincent, they went back to the hotel separately.

Riot has already set up a training room for the players and anchors. Chen Yuan and Wuzi quickly entered the state and devoted themselves to training. Because they want to play the World Championship, they have been stuck in the old version. In fact, this new version is not Not very familiar, they have to catch up quickly.

   The time soon came to December 7, when the All-Star Game officially started.

   There is quite a lot of life in this All-Star game, the European and American rivalry, the China-Korea rivalry, the two-player game, the SOLO game, and the gold content is still not to be said.

   These games are divided into three days. The SOLO games are held every day. The two-player games are played on the second day and the China-Korea competition on the third day.

   The version used in this fist is the 8.24 version that has not been updated in the current official server, the second version of the preseason.

   This is also the privilege of the All-Star Game. In this version, there is a new hero Nicole, allowing professional players to use the new hero to play games, which can add some fun to the game.

   At the same time, this version has also weakened a large number of heroes, sword demon, Akali, Sword Girl, Galio, Demon, anyway, none of the popular World Championships are spared...

   Especially the three brothers and sisters of the sword demon Akali Swordsman, since they came out, the weakening has not stopped.

   At the beginning, Riot Company came to a show first. The Charo group played by the women's tycoon attracted everyone's attention. The 100T team logo on Bang's face was draped and glowing, declaring his identity as a European and American.

   The first game is the European and American confrontation.

   Europe confronts North America.

  On one side is the North American Ordering King Master Brother, on the other side is Europe's No. 1 mid laner Caps. Which side will win?

   The final result is still obvious. North America, the top 16 this year, cannot compete with two quarterfinals and one quarterfinals in Europe.

   In the end, Caps showed great power, and the new hero single Nicole slammed the audience, pushed the line to take the tower, and single-kill team battles were omnipotent.

   The European and American rivalry ended without waves. The All-Star Game continued and came to the first quarter and a half of the SOLO game.

   This All-Star SOLO competition is a registration system. There are a total of 32 places. Chen Yuan was not very interested in it. After all, can there be a girlfriend in the SOLO competition?

   But Uzi, who is the double champion of the SOLO competition, wants to take him to participate, so Chen Yuan has no choice but to bite the bullet.

   Moreover, the Riot company is also alive and well. After learning that Chen Yuan had participated, he was directly arranged for the first game.

   Chen Yuan took a look at the schedule.

   Fist divided the thirty-two players into four halves in total.

   He is in the half area,



  Westdoor (Ximen, the world’s number one murloc),




   Ceros (Japanese mid laner),

  Maple (lightning wolf mid single)

   Good guys, all eight are mid laners.

   Is this to prove who is the number one mid laner in the world on this stage?

   And he also looked at the rest of the competition area, all of them are like this. Thirty-two players are divided into the mid lane division, the jungle division, the top lane division, and the AD division...

  The extra auxiliary players are filled into the divisions with few players.

   So the top four should be top laner, mid laner, jungler, and AD each...

   Chen Yuan rubbed his chin and couldn't help taking his posture more seriously. If he didn't even enter the semi-finals, wouldn't he be ashamed to throw him home?

   The first game started soon, and Chen Yuan looked at Caps sitting beside him.

After the final four of the S game, the European side was similar to the LCK. G2 bought the strongest mid laner Caps in Europe, and his own mid laner Perkz turned to the bottom lane. Also formed a galaxy battleship, obviously wanting a sword. Refers to S9.

   The two sat across from each other and had a brief exchange in English.



It's that simple.

   Immediately afterwards, the two selected Nicole at the same time and began to live SOLO with the hero. This was originally a mid-lane hero, so both of them went to practice. In terms of skills, both of them flashed and ignited.

   But Caps's game understanding is obviously not as good as Chen Yuan. When he was still honest Dolan Jie went out, only to find that B on the opposite side bought the Dolan sword directly?

  The King of Hats immediately wanted to vomit blood.

  AD Nicole? You dog thief doesn't speak martial ethics!

   The SOLO game uses the Polar Smash Bros. map, and then has some fine-tuning, such as returning to the city to buy equipment, blood packs will provide attribute increases and so on.

  The soldier line hadn't been online yet, and Chen Yuan directly started to go up, chasing the opposite Caps and tapping sharply.

   Caps learned Q at the first level, and threw a seed towards Chen Yuan in his backhand.

   But Nicole’s Q skills are actually very difficult to match. Chen Yuan predicted this Q, turned around in advance, and avoided without a trace.

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuan turned on W, and Nicole went into invisibility, quickly approaching the opposite side by accelerating, and then one shot flat A to trigger a quick pace to continue stealth, two shots flat A, three shots flat A...

Because this hero’s basic armor is not high, only a poor 20, and Caps’ talent also has magic resistance. This third round of flat A triggers Nicole W’s passivity. After three rounds, he will directly do it for him. 1/3 of the blood.


  Caps started to feel uncomfortable again, he always felt that the opposite person B was more prepared than him...

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuan stopped inking with you. He directly crossed the line of soldiers and started to tap people. With a click, he immediately hid in the grass beside him to avoid the hatred of the soldiers.

  This bush is the key to the SOLO map. After all, in a normal game, there will be no such bushes near the middle lane for you to hide, and you have to attract the hatred of the creeps if you point someone.

   In China, a live room on the shark platform.

   "Didn't you just win this round?" Xiaohu said with his drake voice: "How come Caps is such a dish, it didn't seem like that when he fought me before?"

  【Don't you know it in your heart? 】

   [Mid lane and mid laner cannot be generalized]

  【Yuanzi brother hits the hat king, doesn’t he have a hand? 】

The result is also obvious. Caps directly lost the right to laning due to a difference in outfitting. Soon Chen Yuan pushed his troops into the tower and returned to the city, and he came out with a Dolan sword. At this time, his supplementary lead has come. It's ten dollars.

   Caps knew that he would lose sooner or later after playing like this, so he chose to take the initiative to fight.

   But he missed the flaw in a hurry, the E skill was emptied, and Chen Yuan backhanded W to close the range, and directly shot an E flash R to play a series of control, and then leveled A continuously, and finally cleared all the blood of Caps.

   The hero's body split, and countless poro popped out. The North American audience applauded thunderously. Nicole just killed our North American team. Now you are hanged and beaten. This is called retribution!

   Chen Yuan met Caps and laughed while chewing gum, and then the two got off the stage.

   (cold knowledge, caps is soloking this year)

   Then came the second game, Simon played against Faker.

This is also another aspect of the official organization. In the All-Star Game many years ago, Simon used the little murloc to jump over the tower to kill Faker solo, and he became the world’s No. 1 little murloc. Now they are officially arranged together. , It can be said that Yuanjia Road is narrow..

   Li Guapi obviously valued this game very seriously, and he chose the evergreen tree of the SOLO game, clockwork.

   Simon took out Lucian.

   The two changed blood madly, but in the end, Faker won the game. The clockwork blocked all Lucian's damage with weakness and E's shield, and then seized the gap to chase Lucian for a QA, and finally took the head.

   is followed by Rookie against the women's magnate Sneaky, and the Bay Tiger maple against the Japanese mid laner Ceros.

   Both games are undoubtedly won by e.

   This is not a surprise, after all, the mid laner is originally a position to highlight his personal strength.

   A person who can make a name in this position is a genius with outstanding personal operation. It is naturally easy to win against ordinary players.

   Then, he came to another division in the upper half, the jungle division.

   This LPL only sent one jungler to the All-Stars, so Guijiaoqi naturally became the only jungler of LPL.

   As the oldest of the eight junglers, the factory manager was naturally assigned to the first game, and his opponent was also an old opponent.


  Mr. Ming, all encounters in this world are reunions after a long absence.

   At this time, all the audience could not help but recall the 2016 World Championship.

   At that time, Peanut, who was still on the Tigers, used the blind boy to sling the factory director Olaf, and then he used Olaf to sling the factory director's blind boy. It seems that the situation is still vivid.

   The little peanut blind boy flashed a big move and kicked the factory director to death under two front tooth towers. It is still a nightmare for many EDG fans.

  Because the eight players are junglers, the eight players also formed a tacit understanding, that is, they all use jungler heroes.

   The two exchanged slightly, and at the same time the blind boy was selected.

   Seeing this scene, Chen Yuan patted his forehead, "It's gone."

  Uzi couldn’t help being silent, "Indeed."

  Director, ah, director, what do you think you compare to young people?

   The result is obvious. The factory director was once again killed by Peanut at level 6. QRQ sent the factory director back to the spring with one kick.

Once the factory director died, LPL’s jungler was cut off, and Chen Yuan lost interest in the next game. He returned to the backstage and sat down and started playing with his mobile phone. ..

   The two divisions finished eight in four and the first day of the SOLO game ended.

   is followed by an entertainment mode, a two-player co-play mode.

   Player commentators from each division can combine freely, and then form a 5V5 game, with one hero for every two people, one keyboard and one mouse.

   Of course, Chen Yuan and Jiang Qiu are indispensable in this mode. In the first game, they formed a middle unit and played against a combination of demons.

   Chen Yuan manipulated the mouse and thought for a long time without thinking about which hero to take. His vision was mainly on the mages who lost skills, such as the glory. After all, he could play this kind of heroes only with the mouse.

   "Play this and play this!" Jiang Qiu suddenly pointed his finger to an assassin hero.

  The lord of the shadow stream, robbery.

   "?" Chen Yuan suddenly became numb, isn't this a gift for two heroes to play together?

   "It's going to play!" Jiang Qiu squatted and began to act like a baby.

   "Going going..." Chen Yuan locked onto the Lord of the Shadow Stream, and gave everyone a tingle.

   Teammates are numb, the opposite is numb, the commentary is numb, too, Xiaohu is also numb.

"This must be Jiang Qiuti's request." Speaking of this, Xiaohu made a vomiting expression, "The All-Star game is still showing affection, it is really disgusting~www.readwn.com~ kill the source dog, grab Jiang Qiu !】

  【Kill Jiang Qiu, grab the source dog! 】

  【? The **** team is here again? 】

The opposite of    was relatively normal, and the death chanter was selected.

   The game started very quickly, and the thief on the opposite side of the dead song rushed directly to press at the first level.

  Dead Song is a good match for two players. After all, I moved the mouse to the opposite side, and you are responsible for pressing Q. In addition, both of them are top mid laners, so the coordination is quite smooth.

   But they met Chen Yuan.

  Moving this piece, Chen Yuan has always been squeezed to death, operating the mouse is completely enough, the whole person moves crazy, and from time to time he also moves the mouse to the dead song.

   But Jiang Qiu never responded.

   "Sister, you Q!" Chen Yuan finally couldn't help it. Are you hanging up the phone?

   "I'm waiting for your command!" Jiang Qiu was a little surprised, so you wanted me to play freely? Say it early!

   Immediately afterwards, Jiang Qiu seized the opportunity of Chen Yuan to move the mouse over and quickly pressed the Q skill, but at this time Chen Yuan had already moved the mouse back.

   So Jie lost a reverse dart.

   also ate a dead song Q because of the stiffness of losing Q.

   [Reverse Q? What's the meaning? 】


   [Who do you pay tribute to this? 】

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