League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 248: This one is aimed at Uzi!

  Chapter 249 This is aimed at Uzi!

The   LPL schedule is still going on. Two days later, RNG’s people are ready to go again to face their next opponent, VG.

  This year's VG is still not a strong team. The three players in the upper and middle fields are all unknown. Only the puff Nanfeng who is on the road has a little bit of strength and is called the dean of the VG orphanage.

  In the mind of training soldiers, the coaching staff once again sent Wei to play.

  The two newcomers sent by RNG this year are both good. They don't seem to have a rookie wall. They showed their decent strength as soon as they arrived at LPL. I have to say that RNG did draw two good cards this year.

  But there are still many people who think that they can play so well purely because the team's system is too good. They only need to follow the mid laner to win the game easily.

  There are many supporters for this kind of remarks, so the two newcomers urgently need a wave of brilliant performances to prove themselves.

  In the first game, little Wei knew that his team’s mid-upper was the big dad, and he knew that the opposite mid-upper was a shortcoming. After the entire game, he never even went to the bottom lane.

  VG's top laner Chelizi is obviously lacking in strength. In addition, he is not the center of BP, he is in the situation of being caught by Conte on the road, and the jungler is infinitely living on the road to catch, all of a sudden panic.

  In just twenty minutes, he sent out four heads, one of which was taken by Xiaohu solo.

  But don't think that Wei always lives on the top road, and the bottom road will be uncomfortable. They still have Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan's overall strength is naturally to crush the opponent's VG mid laner. He uses the demon girl to suppress the line while paying attention to the position of the opponent's jungler. As long as the opponent's jungler dares to catch it, he will go 100%. Bottom road support.

  Finally, Xiaohu took off directly from Wuhu, and compared with Chen Yuan, who was also fat, he actually played a wave of third-line advantages. In the end, Chen Yuan single-handed Demon Ji faced AD in a single second, and cooperated with Xiaohu after bypassing to defeat VG in a round.

  The MVP in the first game was won by Wei. His participation rate was as high as 80%. The presence in this game was full, which was the fundamental reason for the victory.

  In the second game, Carry’s was over. Chen Yuan called Wei to start their familiar four pack two rhythm.

  Prince Gallio’s classic combination is taken out, Chen Yuan is responsible for taking the lead in the rhythm, Serena is behind the ass, where does Yuanzi go.

   Five minutes to arrange the field of vision, six minutes to pack on time, eight minutes to pack again, and ten minutes to directly break the next tower. RNG's fast pace is terrible.

The Dean of   VG's lower road was directly broken by RNG, and the three people in the upper middle field were even more unbearable, and the second round ended faster.

In the last wave of team battles, the VG team caught a wave of good opportunities. The five people collectively raided the road to the enemy line, but they couldn’t stand the support of Chen Yuan and Galio’s big move. It was too fast, and the prince behind Galio’s **** was too fast. Also came quickly.

  RNG directly started a wave of three-to-five!

  Under Galio’s damage control and the prince’s frankness, Kai'Sa was operated to harvest one by one, and the five VG people rushed over five to three in a mighty manner, and they just didn’t even fight!

  In the end, RNG won the teamfight by three to five and took the big dragon by the way.

   Twenty-two minutes, everyone from RNG directly flattened the opponent's base in one fell swoop.

  In the second round of the game, the MVP was directly won, and the two newcomers carried one round each, breaking those doubts.

  At the same time, their winning streak continues.

  At this time, all the audience could not help but be a little surprised, because everyone knew that the RNG with Uzi and Karsa was the winning lineup last year.

  However, RNG, which is now incomplete, can disregard the entire league and win five consecutive victories!

  Once the two come back and form a complete RNG, how strong will they be?

  After the VG battle, RNG’s team got a five-day holiday.

  But Chen Yuan did not get a break because they wanted to shoot commercials.

  Last year, Mercedes-Benz’s capital injection into RNG has been hailed as "the most successful investment case in LPL history."

  Since winning the championship this year, several predators have come to the international market, all of which regard RNG as sweet and sour pork.

  First of all, on the first day of the holiday, they shot a whole day of commercials for the owner, Mercedes-Benz.

  Of course, their cars have to be changed. There is no reason for the sponsored car to last for a year. They can stand it, and the sponsor’s father can’t stand it either.

  After shooting the advertisement, BMW directly left the latest S500 newly released this year to RNG as a tool for them.

The   S500 is longer than the 350. At this time, the RNG team logo is not printed on the side of the body. The carefully designed body looks like a pleasing to the eye.

  But, they can only watch.

  Because of their vast array of seven players, none of them have a driver’s license.

  Generally speaking, most people will take the driver's license test during the summer vacation after graduating from high school, but this period is the golden age for their internet addiction teenagers.

  At that time, they were all in the high-segment section, killing you to death with top players from all walks of life. How can they have time to test their driver’s license?

   Brother Quan couldn't help shook his head at this time. They were picked up by Mercedes-Benz. Without the driver, he, Brother Feng, and a photographer could only drive the three S500s back to the base.

  Chen Yuan was in the photographer's car.

  Where did a photographer with a monthly salary of over ten thousand have driven such an expensive car? At this time, his hands were slightly trembling to touch the steering wheel, showing Chen Yuan a little bit scared.

  They still have sponsors to shoot in the next few days, and the sponsors on the second day are the scariest.


  Everyone did not expect that the last time Apple sponsored the competition was 30 years ago, when Apple was separated by a vast ocean and placed its eyes on RNG.

  This company with the world's largest market capitalization gave RNG people a lot of fright.

  But if you think about it carefully, the audience groups of iphone users and LOL are actually highly overlapped, and the Chinese market is also Apple’s most important piece of cake, so it is normal for them to sponsor RNG.

  Of course, Apple can’t offer a million-dollar car here. All they can give is money, but they give a lot.

Their current RNG volume is not small. Karsa, Uzi, and Xiaoming are all renewed this year's big contract, starting at ten million a year, plus Xiaohu, karsa's old contract, although not many, but it is also several million. .

  In addition to the rent of the club base, daily maintenance fees, and staff salaries, the annual cost is directly rushed to 50 or 60 million. It is really impossible to get the sponsorship of a Mercedes-Benz.

  Two days passed before the green screen, and Chen Yuan's smirk in the past two days made his face a little stiff.

  There are still a lot of grains left. The advertisements of Logitech and other "small brands" were directly pushed back by Brother Quan for a few days, and the team members were still given a few days to rest.

  They have posted advertisements of Mercedes-Benz and Apple on the official blog in the past two days, which has caused dissatisfaction among many fans, saying that more time should be left for the players to train.

  If you shoot for five consecutive days of advertising and then go to the game, it’s okay if you win. If you lose, then his manager is estimated to be resigned directly.

  February 23 is another match day.

  The processing of their new S500 has been completed, and the RNG team logo has been printed on both sides of the car.

  I have to say, it's really ugly.

The operating lady of   RNG specially asked the photographer to take a few photos, and then sent them to the official blog.

  【Wuhu, ramen noodles! 】

  【Mercedes-Benz and Apple capital injection, I have to say that our LPL is indeed getting better! 】

   [Brothers, in order to support our RNG, I will go to the same model tonight, how about you? 】

  【I have finished it, the brothers behind to keep up! 】

  After the comment, there was really a Mercedes-Benz steering wheel.

  【Now I also have Mercedes-Benz Spicy! 】

  There is also a Mercedes-Benz steering wheel behind this comment, but the picture above is rotated.

  After this building, the comments were completely off the track. The Mercedes-Benz steering wheel pictures were processed in various ways, with the left and right, upside down, mirror upside down, and all the bells and whistles came.

  Today’s opponents are not easy, they will face TOP, which is four wins and one loss.

  And the official blog before the game has posted today’s RNG lineup.

   "Upper xiaohu, jungler Wei, mid laner hero, lower lane Uzi, assist Ming."

  Yes, Uzi is back.

In a few months, Uzi’s rehabilitation treatment has been almost done. The hand injury and back injury have been relieved. Although the doctor still does not recommend him to come back for the game immediately, he decided to come back and get familiar with it after a long absence. Arena.

  He didn't plan to continue playing in the regular season, so he played a BO3 round to get familiar with him, so as not to be a beater for too long.

  Of course, the club and the LPL official side are also happy to come back to play the game. They have already built enough momentum before the game. With the addition of the 4-1 TOP itself, the attention is not small, and the heat of the game has been pulled to the highest for a time.

  At this time, in the TOP lounge, the players have finished their makeup and are discussing the upcoming game with the coaching staff.

  TOP coach White Crescent brought out several heroes with a higher winning percentage from RNG, and then began to analyze the BP and play style of this game.

  "Since Uzi is back today, it must be targeted at him. Their new jungler Wei likes to focus on taking care of the road. Xiao Ming also likes to roam now. So now RNG's AD position is a stocking position."

White Crescent nodded and said, "This will give me a line push hero for the middle lane. You have to push the line and target Uzi more. If the other side goes to the top lane, then you must find the place in the bottom lane. You can control the dragon is the most. good."

  The mid laner Knight, who is known as the golden left hand, nodded. Many people said that he can only line up and won't walk.

  Although this is indeed the case. But he still wants to hone and prove himself in this game.

   "369 this hand I will give you the anti-stress hero, you must withstand the pressure, okay?"

  TOP prince 369 heard that this hand had to resist pressure, his head drooped immediately. He played professionally to shine. He just wanted to play Jace, let him play Ornn Crab like an ant crawling on his body.

   "TOP's, ready to play." The staff came over and knocked on the door of the lounge.

   "Let's do it, try a game first." The game is about to begin, and the white Crescent closes his notebook, "Come on! Today we avenge the German Cup revenge!"

  At this time, the host was crackling on the stage reading the advertisement, and the two teams were waiting behind the stage.

Chen Yuan looked at the motivated TOP on the opposite side, smiled and said to his teammates around him, "Uzi, don't let you go. We turned out to be a five-game winning streak. If you play today and lose, it would be shameful. It's you."

   "What are you talking about?" Uzi was full of question marks, "I can pull the hips? Although I haven't played a training match for a long time, my strength is still here."

  Today’s pre-match process was very fast. Players from both sides took the stage separately under the introduction of the host and sat in their own positions.

   "Welcome to the 2019 spring season regular season game site." Today's commentator, Mao Mao picked up his hand card enthusiastically.

   "Hello everyone, I am Cat."

  The former TOP auxiliary cat king has now turned to the understanding position, because of its excellent game understanding and yin and yang strange interpretation style, many people still like it.

  And this game is a TOP game, so naturally his commentary is indispensable, which can add some fun to the game.

  "TOP has the priority to choose sides. They chose the blue side in the first game and took the lead in banning Galio!"

   "Ban Zoe and Olaf." Feng Ge quickly gave the answer, these two heroes are the TOP heroes with the highest winning rate, both of which have a 100% win rate in three games.

   Immediately after, TOP banned the card master and the shadow of the blade.

"Three ban mid laners! And all of them are mid laners with strong roaming ability!" Changmao was a little surprised, "What kind of operation is this? None of these three heroes are very strong in this version. Is there anything on TOP? idea?"

  As an old commentator, Changmao naturally raised a question to his partner.

  As a former TOP player, the Cat King can roughly guess what his team thinks, he said in his drake voice:

   "Because RNG wants to play the rhythm and needs Hero's roaming very much, so all these three roaming mid laners are banned. As long as Yuanzi can be locked in the middle, the early rhythm of RNG will be greatly reduced."

   "And Uzi is here in this round. If there is no accident, TOP should lock a Lisantro with one hand, and then the whole round will be crazy military training."

   Long Mao nodded when he heard this, and he quickly began to answer, "Then see if the BP will develop like Cat said in this game!"

  In the third hand, Brother Feng finally banned Lucian and the game entered the stage of selection.

   Immediately afterwards, the first hand on TOP's side, they locked Li Sang Zhuo in seconds without hesitation.

   "Oh! Coming!" Long Mao couldn't help but admire, "Really choose Li Sangzhuo!"

The Cat King nodded triumphantly, and then he continued to analyze the BP: "Next, RNG may choose the demon girl and the bull head~www.readwn.com~ His prediction is not without a target, the demon girl restrains the line. Sang Zhuo, and Bull Head, is Xiao Ming's proud hero. This is all his experience in playing games for so many years.

   Immediately after, RNG's second-hand also quickly locked Demon Ji and Bull Head.


  [Oh, this commentary on Cat King is okay]

  [Professional players do different explanations]

  At this time, the barrage seems to have not realized how disgusting the cat queen will be in the future, and at this time, he is slamming 6 in the barrage.

  And TOP's coach, White Crescent, saw that RNG had selected the enchantress, and nodded in satisfaction.

Although the hero    has a lot of advantage against Li Sang Zhuo, his ability to push the line is very weak and can't stop Li Sang Zhuo from wandering. He believes that with Knight's laning strength, mixing the lines is not a problem.

    wrote a little bit water in the past two days, so today it will be updated twice.

     Every time I feel like I write water, I make two changes, the quantity compensates for the quality



  (End of this chapter)

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