League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 249: TOP offense

  Chapter 250 TOP's offensive rhythm

  TOP did not say much here, decisively won Kai'Sa and Nightmare, and continued to implement the guiding ideology of the main goal of the game.

  Nightmare and Kai'Sa are both heroes with strong advancing abilities. Lisantro only needs to circumvent one big move, and the two of them can directly attack the ADC and bite like a mad dog.

  Brother Feng's face went dark, and he also saw some clues at this time. He frowned and said: "The lineup opposite, it seems that I want to make a road."

  In that case, the enchanting girl and bull head he selected with the first two hands would be a bit problematic.

  Because these two heroes have almost no protection.

   "Let's choose Xia." Brother Feng frowned, and could only choose an ADC with strong self-protection ability, "This proud burden may be heavier."

   "It's okay." Uzi looked calm. He has been playing professionally for so many years, and his bot lane has always been targeted. He has seen a lot of two levels and six levels, and he has long been used to it.

  The game entered the second round of BP. The coaches of both sides made moves to each other. TOP focused on the top road and banned Jess and Sword Demon.

In   RNG, Luo and Qing Gangying were banned.

   came to the second round of selection, and in the fourth hand, Brother Feng locked the prince jungler to fight the nightmare.

  In fact, the best option to fight the nightmare is Olaf. But Olaf was banned by himself.

   is stupid.

   Immediately afterwards, the TOP side played with both hands and directly locked the Crab and Thresh. This set of BP had been planned before the game, so the selection was quite fast.

  Finally, Brother Feng took out Sister Sword for Xiaohu in the tenth hand.

  Almost the entire BP on the opposite side is doing it around the "main hit the road".

   And when Brother Feng found out, it was too late to save, it was better to implement their previous gameplay, that is, the main hit mid-top lane.

  I believe that with Uzi's strength, he can sustain waves of onslaught on the opposite side.

  The lineups of both sides are now confirmed.

  Blue side TOP: Top Crab, Jungle Nightmare, Mid laner Lissandra, Bottom Kai'Sa + Thresh.

  Red party RNG: The top single-sword girl, the wild prince, the mid-single demon girl, the next Lu Xia plus the bull head.

   "The TOP side obviously wants to play around the bottom lane, while the RNG side is still around the top lane as before." Cat King glanced at the lineups of both sides.

"But the lineup on the TOP side is obviously better. Nightmare and Lisangdro are very good at catching people, while RNG is just a trick, but it can only be said that it is not very good. Nakano is not strong in linkage, and the two heroes in the bottom lane are a bit nondescript."

   "This lineup is not easy to play." Chen Yuan lay on the gaming chair and analyzed. Although he said that he was not good at playing, his tone was still quite relaxed.

   "Brothers, I didn't do a good job in this wave of BP. I didn't see their plan at the beginning." Brother Feng was a little apologetic.

"The other side has to wait for level 6 before we can exert our strength. Then we find a way to grab some rhythm before level 6." Chen Yuan's mind has already begun to practice the whole game, "before level 6, we take the initiative, and after level 6, we will fight back. Squat."

  As soon as Summoner's Canyon descended on the big screen of the stadium, a violent RNG cheering broke out from the audience. The momentum was so loud that it almost broke through the entire stadium.

  RNG’s current number of fans has reached an unremarkable level.

  Of course, if they lose the game, there will be an unprecedented number of sprays.

  Chen Yuan bought a corruption potion and went out quickly. His signal point was in his Ueno district, "Make a good look here to prevent intrusion."

  The opposing first-level regiment has a strong combat ability, with Thresh’s hook first, and Kai'Sa, the crab’s super combat ability, which can completely crush their mentally retarded combination of the first-level regiment.

  Wei also walked over at this time, inserting a fake eye at the entrance of Ueno District, and at the same time returning to the city to change the jewelry eye to a scan.

  As soon as he returned to the city, the false eye saw the wild figure on the opposite side.

   Countless signals are lit at the same time.

"The other side wants to change the field, Wei Lan, let's play on the bottom lane. You can fight for you. After playing the blue, go directly to the other side red." Chen Yuan commanded calmly, "but when turning red, pay attention to the opposite line. Run quickly."

  The first-level demon girl and ice girl are still 50-50. After the line of troops, Knight kept the distance from the demon girl, and a Q hit the melee soldier.

Chen Yuan found the right opportunity, and a W [Magic Shadow Lost Trail] stepped directly on it, trampled on all the three ranged soldiers and Li Sang Zhuo, and at the same time directly knocked down the corruption potion A and Li Sang Zhuo, and then quickly returned to the original. Bit.

  If he is not A, the creeps will not hit him, and the range-type skills will not absorb the hatred of the creeps.

  But he just wants A.

  The first is that he will go back immediately after A, and the minions can only focus on him for one round, in fact, they can't lose much blood.

  The second is that this can play a role in pushing the line.

  Chen Yuan is using his HP for the line right.

  Because the two sides have changed the wild zone, if he can't get the line right in the middle, Wei will definitely not dare to enter the opposite red zone. If one buff is missing, Wei's rhythm will be greatly affected.

  Chen Yuan specifically said before the game that they must have some initiative before the sixth level, so he must push the line to ensure that Wei can successfully reverse the opposing red.

  Chen Yuan’s tactics of using HP to exchange line rights were very successful. He kept A on the creeps for a while, and at the same time, W was thrown away as soon as he was good, and infinitely dropped on the opposite creeps.

   Soon, the first wave of small soldiers on the opposite side was quickly cleared, and the remaining two long-range soldiers on his side gathered with the second wave of soldiers to form a wave of forward advancement.

  At this time, Wei has also finished brushing the blue BUFF, the prince walked to the river, and the EQ II crossed the wall of the Xiaolong Pit, and directly started to hit the opposite red BUFF.

  TOP set his eye position in his own red zone. When the prince entered the wild zone, all the middle and lower roads responded and wanted to keep the red.

  This scene is a bit like the scene of RNG vs. EDG. Hahuang went against the blue solo. RNG's middle and lower roads went to the wild at the same time. At that time, Hahuang could only retreat.

  Since then, the emperor of Kazakhstan has been sluggish, and the whole game is invisible.

Chen Yuan would definitely not let his jungler end in this way. He seemed crazy at this time, operating the demon girl decisively to press forward, blocking the route supported by Li Sang Zhuo, and would rather block Li Sang Zhuo’s blood loss. .

  The same goes for Uzi in the bot lane. Xia Da Kai'Sa was originally a cable right. In addition, Uzi is famous for his line-up ability. At this time, the opposing bot lane is even more helpless.

   "RNG has a lot of effort here! Two lines pressed to help Wei grab the red! But it's good to get it." Long Mao nodded in admiration at this time.

  After Wei finished brushing the red, he looked at the situation of the middle and lower roads, and decided to engage in a wave of things. The prince squatted in the F6 camp, and the signal point was on Li Sang Zhuo.

  Because of Chen Yuan's active exchange of blood, the HP of both midlaners was not much at this time, and both had knocked down the last layer of corruption potion.

  At this time, the line of soldiers in the middle was just entering the tower. Wei's intention was obvious, that is, to cross this Lisandro tower.

  Chen Yuan frowned slightly at this time, the wave of the tower is not very stable, "Don't worry, he has aftershocks, it is not easy to kill, I will trick him out of the aftershocks first."

  He took advantage of the moment Li Sangzhuo raised his hand to make up the tower knife, an E skill stretched out, and the chain was tied to Li Sangzhuo's body.

   Immediately after, he did not hesitate, QW all turned to Li Sang Zhuo under the tower, and Yao Ji stepped in.

  Knight saw this scene and seized the opportunity to release W [Ring of Frost].

  Golden left hand deserves to be a top mid laner. The timing of his skill release is extremely clever. He released W before Demon Ji stepped on his face. The dual resistance provided by the aftershock helped him offset part of the W and Q mark damage.

  At the same time, the enchantress was also imprisoned under the tower by the ice ring.

  Chen Yuan was purged at the speed of light, and W returned to his original position. The speed of purification was so fast that he was not even attacked by the defensive tower.

  (The demon girl W enters the tower and consumes it. As long as the second stage of W is withdrawn quickly, it will not be hit by the defensive tower, and even A is too late.)

   Immediately afterwards, Yao Ji's second stage E skill was triggered, and Li Sang Zhuo was also imprisoned. A set of skills hit Li Sang Zhuo in aftershock, barely hitting one-third of his blood.

  At this time, Li Sangzhuo still had one third of his health, but he still had a layer of corruption potion in his hand, and he was actually quite safe under the tower.

   "Use purification to force damage?" Knight was a little confused at this time, but he soon thought that the opposite jungler was in his own jungle.

  He felt a little bad.

  In the next moment, a yellow light flashed in the surrounding F6 camp, and Prince Demacia simply flashed through the F6 wall and came to his side!

   Immediately afterwards, the prince directly hit his face with an EQ.

  At this time, Li Sangzhuo’s aftershock buff had disappeared, and the prince brought double buffs and electric shocks to deal with a one-third blood Li Sangzhuo without the slightest problem.

  Knight released crampons, but it was too late.

   Taking advantage of the state of imprisonment, the prince used an EQ to pick up the ice girl, and then followed with a flat A, and the electric shock fell suddenly.

   Although the ice girl released the second stage of E at the end of the control, but at this time the prince's second round A has been played, and it is useless to move it. The prince once flattened the A and cut the ice girl under the horse!

Wei’s GANK is actually quite spiritual. He didn’t have an EQ to get A through the wall, so the damage was definitely not enough. He boldly chose to flash directly across the wall and then EQ, hitting the damage of two skills, so that he can hit the limit. Killer girl.

  However, it is a pity that Wei himself failed to get out of the defensive tower's kill. Now it is only level three, and the defensive tower will kill Wei directly after three shots.

   "The defensive tower killed Prince Demacia."

   "Tower Kill!" Shao Mao yelled again, "Night didn't meet the prince! Then his wave is a bit collapsed! Wei's GANK wave is really spiritual!"

  Looking at the minion being killed by the defensive tower, Li Sangzhuo could only surrender the TP to go online after resurrection, and gained the experience of the last few minions.

  At the same time, the jungler XX on the opposite side is not idle, he also tried a wave of GANK while operating the jungle nightmare.

  He can only catch it at this time when he is active in the upper half. Xiaohu knows this information, so he has always been on guard and directly chooses to release the line.

After   XX failed to catch a wave of force, he could only return to the city in a desperate manner, and waited for the second wave of monsters to refresh.

  From then on, the TOP side began to fall silent, quietly waiting for their six-level big move strong period.

  The RNG side took the initiative to attack, but under the TOP's tortoise tactics, it never found a chance.

  Five minutes, Wei took advantage of the bottom lane to control the dragon on time, but it was a pity that this was a wind dragon and had little combat significance.

"I have to say an interesting statistic here." Changmao suddenly said with a smile: "RNG has an interesting aspect in this S9 season, that is, their pioneer control rate is 100% terrifying, and their first dragon The control rate is only 16%."

   "It's actually quite rare for RNG to control Xiaolong."

"After all, with the current plating version, the role of the first Pioneer is quite big." Cat King also smiled and answered, "We often see Xiao Ming go to Pioneer Team for ten minutes, and other teams can't do it. That's it."

  The time quickly reached seven minutes, TOP Nakano all six levels.

   Li Sangzhuo in the middle road gradually occupied the right line after learning the fourth level of Q skills. It is not difficult to imagine that they will soon pick one path, and there is a high probability that the bottom road.

  And how to guard against RNG is a problem.

Although Chen Yuan’s demon girl is also the main W, it is obviously unrealistic for a demon girl to push the line with the ice girl, and the ice **** the opposite side has aftershocks and bone plating. It is difficult for him to force a blood exchange to suppress it. Can only return to the tower to make up the knife.

  Moreover, the TOP side’s heart to catch it can be said to be well known to passers-by.

  Eight minutes. At this time, the bottom lane duo of both sides is also at level 6. The TOP people know that they can't drag it anymore, and the jungle nightmare went directly to the middle lane to help push the lane.

  A wave of fresh soldiers didn't even survive for two seconds in front of the two, and Chen Yuan was directly locked under the tower by a wave of full-blooded soldiers.

  If he chooses to abandon the line of troops to support this wave, he will suffer a big loss in experience.

  At the same time, the TOP Nakano duo disappeared directly from RNG's field of vision.

   "Be careful, it's gone." Chen Yuan clicked on a few MISS signals on the middle road, and at the same time the demon began to clear the line quickly, WR continuously cleared the long-range soldiers with two feet ~ www.readwn.com ~ the same as the close combat soldiers AQE.

  After clearing the line, although he was in the skill window period, he still quickly went to the bottom lane.

   unexpectedly appeared at this time.

  Unexpectedly, the opposite Nakano didn't even choose to go down, but squatted on the only way down the road with the support of the demon girl.

  Chen Yuan rushed to the middle of the day and suddenly it was dark, and Li Sangzhuo also jumped out of the grass and sealed him with a big move.

  When Chen Yuan saw the darkness, he realized that there was something wrong. After all, the action of the opponent could not be so fast, but he only had time to react, and was controlled by Li Sang Zhuo W Ice Ring before he had time to operate.

  Although he surrendered the purification and release control immediately and flashed to escape, he still failed to escape, because he had already handed over all his skills just to clear the line. At this time, he was in an embarrassing window of time.

  Nightmare's big move is chasing and killing, chasing A all the way, and soon the fear of E skills is triggered, Li Sangzhuo also catches up with a crampon to continue to damage, and the two work together to forcibly kill Demon Ji!

  Chen Yuan frowned slightly at this time, he didn’t expect that the other side was still a bit brainy.

   is still too small to look at the opposite side

  (End of this chapter)

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