League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 273: The BP of Wind 4 Heroes Sway!

  Chapter 274 The Four Heroes of BP in the Wind Sway!

   "666, Brother Yuanzi!" Those who are still on the road and passionate about the line began to tout as usual, "Brother Yuanzi is amazing, you are the number one mid laner in the world!"

  Xiao Ming also smiled and said, "What about M? When did my brother Yuanzi not be the number one mid laner in the world?"

  Chen Yuan was also happy to clear the **** line with a Q. The pressure on the **** line caused the little man to go to the center to guard the tower.

  The jungler is locked in the middle, then Chen Yuan and Wei's stage is quite big.

  "Ike quickly ran down the road after clearing the line. The imp has already begun to retreat." Remember to explain, "Can you run away?"

   Obviously can't run away.

   "Xiao Ming’s Luo directly R flashes W two thousand yards to stay in the field, knock imp and lvmao together!"

  Under Luo's grand debut, the night hunter was lifted high into the sky. Although he did not show up, he threw RQ invisible, but it was of little effect.

  Chen Yuan just arrived at this time. Skill E [Phase Dive] 1 displacement + 2 dashes, teleported directly to VN's side, QA hit the third ring and took the head lightly.

  "Take down the tower and tear down the tower." Chen Yuan killed the ADC as easily as killed a long-range soldier. He returned to the center without any fluctuations and continued to eat the line.

  At this time, the toothpaste has completely lost the right to speak in the middle, and can only wait at the lower line of the tower, and then watch Chen Yuan kill all his teammates.

   "But Xiaofu seems to have found a chance here!" I remembered seeing the small map and said excitedly.

  Galio of the little husband, after completing the middle route, he swept up all the way. As soon as he finished sweeping the wild, he saw the little tiger pushing the soldier line across the river.

  Obviously, Xiaohu is a little too hilarious here, and the strange and refreshing feeling brought to him by Jace's rare swordsman made him forget the existence of the jungler.

  Olav was taken aback and walked to Jace’s side, Q [throwing against the current] chased Jace to slow down.

  Zoom is also rare to exhale, the E skill stuns Xiaohu, and then a QA.

  A Jace without displacement is either a double kill or a death in this case.

  But the cancellation of the account is obviously not a double-kill operation, honestly handed over the head to you.

   "My, mine, my vision fell out and I didn't pay attention." TOP Tiger blamed himself a little, and took the pot initiatively.

   "It's okay. Just stay steady and don't send it off. I'll take you to lie down."

  Chen Yuan yin and yang comforted his teammates strangely, then after thinking about it, he added, "Why don't you get the meat?"

  In LOL, the most hurtful sentence is the sentence of a teammate, "You can get the meat".

  Xiaohu almost broke the defense when he heard the following sentence, he hummed twice, indicating that the head of the man would be beaten back later.

  Central Road, Chen Yuan has already made a shoe with a rocket belt at this time, and his explosiveness and mobility have been upgraded to a higher level. Now he dare not stand under the toothpaste tower on the opposite side.

   "This midway is completely broken." I remember looking at Syndra under the tower and then looking at his equipment, "Toothpaste comes out of a magic cloak? Is this a mercury shoe?"

  "Mercury shoes" It took a long time for the colonel to figure out how to round. "After all, there are more controls on the opposite side, and the counterpoint is also an AP, so I can understand it with a mercury shoe."

  【Sindra of mercury shoes? Can I understand you?]

  [Jess excavator Kasha and Lowe, where RNG controls more, tell me something]

  【Don't embarrass the clarinet, can you black toothpaste if you want it? 】

  At this time, the audience laughed. The last time they saw Mercury Shoes Syndra was the tiger from the year before.

  Next, Chen Yuan is still the same. After pushing the line, he walked around and asked for what he wanted from the upper and lower roads.

  I have to say that the mobility that the rocket belt brings to Ike is revolutionary. The VN of imp dare not even look at Ike. Meeting is a dead word.

  In the next two minutes, Chen Yuan fished two more heads.

  One is a VN who squatted between the first and two towers on the opposite side and went online alone, and the other was another wave of Zoom with Wei.

  Two heads paid in, and the murder ring officially came to the full floor. Chen Yuan went directly back to the city to synthesize the murder book. At this time, the bullet screen also began to read the words "reader" neatly.

  The two sides are still not in a hurry. The JDG team has worked well and has done a good job of resisting pressure. They have decisively implemented the strategy of "preserving the height and setting up the second tower".

  At the same time, imp also demonstrated the quality of being a champion AD, has excellent stealth development ability, and can also cooperate with the team to complete the order.

  The two sides dragged the game until 21 minutes, when the economic gap between the two sides was less than five thousand.

   "Let's force a wave of dragons." Chen Yuan clicked on a signal and returned to the city to buy True Eyes, ready to compete for the vision of the dragon.

   "Stay steady, don't worry, don't worry!" Wei naturally began to command his teammates at this time. Their RNG has always been like this. The general direction is controlled by Chen Yuan, and in terms of details, everyone can speak.

  In layman's terms, people with loud voices can speak.

  "First find the location of Syndra and VN on the opposite side."

  RNG’s true eyes began to spread, lighting up all the circle around the dragon, so far, it has not been possible to see where the opposite person is.

  Chen Yuan is now outrageously equipped with luxury.

  Twenty minutes, 5-0-1, 228 knives are also the highest in the game, and there is already a rocket belt + murder book + Lich's disaster in hand.

  He is also a brave artist, Ike drove the scan and walked around the opposite wild area, trying to find the opposite figure.

   "Move directly!" After confirming that no one was around, Wei directly started the dragon.

  The lineup of Jessica Kaisha's dragon is quite fast, and the dragon's blood volume suddenly burst all the way.

  "JDG is not doing it yet?" Remember to say loudly, "The dragon is going to be second!"

  At this time, from the perspective of God, it can be clearly seen that the five people of JDG are squatting in the grass on the road, not far away from Dalongkeng.

  I have to say, JDG made a big move.

   Soon, the five of JDG obviously couldn't squat down, and the five slowly surrounded the Dalongkeng.

  Chen Yuan, who had been wandering at the gate of Dalongkeng, suddenly saw the mighty team on the opposite side. He was shocked and the signal went crazy at the same time.

   "Drive directly, don't hit the dragon!" Wei's voice was louder than anyone at this time. The excavator directly gave up the big dragon in his hand, turned around to dig a hole and flashed to the top, and went straight to the imp.

Although Wei was the first to do it, he was the second to arrive.

  Xiao Ming’s Luo Hou hair came first, and the phantom Ling was like a light flashing by, turning on the crown, R and flashing W, appeared at VN’s side from the dragon pit in an instant, firmly charmed it!

   "It's on!" Wang remembered shouting loudly, and began a passionate team battle commentary, "The excavator has a very high damage, and it hit VN half blood!"

   "It's coming in, the two-piece armor-piercing Kai'Sa has more damage! An AQ can directly impede it!"

  At this time, the battle was in chaos. No one expected that the VN, which was still alive in the last second, disappeared in the next second, and the JDG party was immediately defeated!

   "Cheche withdraw!" Toothpaste gritted his teeth and said, Syndra turned back to a QRE, four goals out, and completed a wave of beautiful goddess scattered flowers, all three of RNG's upper and lower fields were dizzy!

  If this control can be two seconds earlier, the person who wins the team is estimated to be JDG, but after all, there is still no time.

  Now they have reduced one player, even if they have good control, they can only yo-yo.

  Zoom also used the knife girl to throw a big move backhand, also hitting three people, and then quickly pulled the two blades of the wings to stun the excavator in the front.

  At this moment, Chen Yuan, who has been by the side of OB, finally waited for his chance.

  At this time, the opposite side has taken all the controls!

  Ike was hiding in the dark night, like an assassin who murdered invisible. At this time, he rolled out of the grass, then teleported for a while, and appeared directly next to Zoom!

  At this time, the equipment of the sword girl is not very good, she only has a three-phase power and half a blood hand in her hand, and the shoes are still showing magic resistance, which is really not meat.

  The other C position, Syndra is a mercury shoe, and there is a stopwatch in his hand.

After comparing   , it is obvious that Sword Sister is better to kill.

  [Time curler] On the knife girl, Chen Yuan’s E skill quickly used the push stick to reset the general attack, and then the backhand was a flat A to trigger the third ring!

  Zoom here habitually press W, the sword girl puts out a sword formation, trying to reduce the next damage.

  But unfortunately, there is no use for eggs. The magical damage reduction effect of Sword Girl W was cut two versions ago.

  After finishing a set, the electric shock falls.

  Sister Dao's health bar disappeared.

   "Fuck, Miss Dao was killed!" Colonel Guan couldn't believe his glasses.

  Sister Dao is not an ADC! Is this game played like this! ?

"JDG's formation was completely broken. VN and Sword Sister were killed one after another. Only Syndra had the output!" I remember watching Syndra condense the dark magic ball and hit Ike with 200 points of blood, "Oh, Xin Della has no output."

  "RNG won the team battle and won the big dragon. They want to end the game directly after they return to the city!"

   Soon, in 23 minutes, RNG burst into action and directly destroyed JDG's base crystal.

   "Then let's congratulate RNG for winning the first game."

  The wind brother in the background watched RNG easily level the base, nodded in satisfaction, and the team members had just returned.

   "Good game!" Feng Ge patted Chen Yuan on the shoulder, very satisfied with this baby mid laner.

  Now the LPL regular season is almost over. They have now played a total of 12 teams, and Chen Yuan, B, has abused 12 mid laners.

  The level of this order is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first in history

  On the other side, the well-known South Korean champion coach Redmi's look is not good, and he is chattering to the translator beside him.

  "You can't play like this! You have to find your own rhythm!" The translation mimicked the tone of Redmi at this time, "How come you encounter RNG, how to win the game, have you forgotten?"

  Zoom and toothpaste were both thoughtful at this time, and then responded with a wry smile.

  That's so easy.

  Their JDG is a team that relies on a single-band to open the situation, so with the bonus of this version of the grave head man, it can be considered a good result.

  Of course, even if the Tombhead is gone, they can also take out single-band heroes such as vampires, Jace, and weapons.

  The key point now is that they can play games on RNG in pairs.

  As we all know, RNG’s top order is three-person.

   Each game will have a fixed plot, that is, Chen Yuan leads Wei to the tower on the opposite side.

  Before crossing the tower, Wei generally harassed and harassed on the road.

  The endless sense of crisis makes people unable to line up at all, and some knives that can make up are afraid to make up.

  How to play this game?

  Zoom is a worry.

  "Welcome back to the scene! This is the second game of RNG against JDG!" Colonel Guan read the advertisement enthusiastically.

  The players of both sides took advantage of this time to take their place in the room. Soon, the second game officially began!

  "This round is still RNG on the blue side and JDG on the red side! Both BPs have started!"

   "The first three ban positions, JDG directly gave Yasuo, Bull Head and Ike!" Colonel Guan said loudly, "Ban dropped Ike, who performed well in the previous round. It seems that they are still scared."

  Brother Feng has been thinking about it for a long time, and finally chose to disable it, Yaoji, Zoe and the prince.

  "Let’s shake Galio first, how about it?" Feng Ge’s favorite thing is that Blue Fang first holds a hero in his hand and shakes it. All versions of heroes are clouds.

   "JDG took out the excavator and skateboard shoes" remember to nod, "The hero choice for this imp is much more normal."

   "RNG selected Kai'Sa and Sword Sister in the follow-up, they are still shaking!" Colonel Guan hissed softly, "Sword Sister swayed in the middle, Galio Zhongsuke swayed, anyway, I just won't BP with you!"

  The commentary can be seen clearly, and it is naturally impossible for Redmi to see clearly.

  "Let’s take support first, and just look at their Ban people in the second round." Redmi’s tone is unquestionable. The Korean coach’s style is to act arbitrarily in the team and will not consider the players’ ideas.

  JDG won the strong auxiliary hammer in the third hand, and formed a pair of shadow island fetters with skateboard shoes, and entered the second round of BP.

   In the second round, Feng Ge made a lightning strike, banned Ice Girl and Syndra, and JDG banned Pig Girl and Excavator.

  Brother Feng did everything in order to limit toothpaste, so he directly gave him four bans and vowed to abolish his ban directly.

  It was the red side's JDG's turn to choose the fourth hand, and they did not hesitate to choose to dig the grave.

  The hero's single belt perfectly conforms to JDG's play style. Since RNG dares to release, they naturally have no reason not to take it.

  After that, RNG made a quick selection and took down the nightmare and the wine barrel.

  College Guan was immediately fascinated, he didn't even understand RNG's lineup for the first time.

  Nightmare and wine barrel are selected, what is it?

  There are Galio, Sword Girl, and the four heroes swinging back and forth, right?

   "The opposite should be the barrel jungler." As a professional player, Zoom is probably known. "Nightmare and Sword Girl are both good at digging graves. They should want to continue shaking."

Redmi nodded at this time. In this case, the barrels are playing wild, and Galio’s assistance is a foregone conclusion. The only variable is the two heroes of Nightmare and Swordsman who will go to ~www.readwn.com~ Nicole, restrain the rush of the other side. "Redmi considered it for a while and gave a perfect answer.

  Nicole is not in the hero pool of toothpaste, but this hero is not difficult to operate, and whether it is E skills or ultimate moves, it has a miraculous effect on anti-advance.

  And the most important thing is that this hero can play no matter whether it is the lane sword girl or the lane nightmare.

   "OK." Toothpaste took a deep breath, bringing a trace of nervousness to the next game.

  In the final part of hero exchange and rune selection, RNG changed heroes for a long time. The two heroes, Sword Sister and Nightmare, changed and changed to give the audience a show effect.

  Soon the lineup of both sides will be determined.

  Blue side RNG: Top solo girl, Jungle Barrel, Mid lane Nightmare, Bottom Kai'Sa and Galio.

  Red side JDG: top digging grave, jungle excavator, mid lan Nicole, bottom skate shoes and Thresh.

  The audience waved the cheering sticks in their hands, and the scattered cheering and cheering voices had not yet gathered into a large scale, and Summoner's Canyon had already crashed into the venue!

  (End of this chapter)

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