League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 274: Oh, I want to go home!

  Chapter 275 I want to go home!

"RNG still chose a nightmare mid laner." Colonel Guan looked at the screen and nodded, "but I can understand it. After all, if you let Sword Girl come to the middle, it will be hard to play Zoe, but Nightmare has a W shield. Not very scared."

  I remembered and added with a smile, "And some viewers may not know that the first person to use the nightmare mid laner in the game is actually Genzi brother."

   "Doesn't anyone remember this?" Colonel Guan also answered, "Last year, in the semifinals of MSI, Yuanzi brought out a nightmare to Conte BDD's mid-single girl and completed a head-to-head single kill."

   "However, due to the version change, the gameplay of the nightmare mid laner has also changed."

  Remember to continue to add, “The talent of Yuanzi in this round brings a deadly rhythm. If there is no accident, he should be a flow of fighters who want to go to the blue dragon sword.”

  Chen Yuan quickly simulated the match-up situation in his mind during the fifteen seconds before the spring water was unblocked.

  In the end, I decided to buy the Dolan Shield to go out.

  Although his shield can ignore Nicole’s E, the most disgusting aspect of this mimicry Vastal laning is her short CD’s Q and the annoying passive A.

  The two sides still did not play a first-level team.

  It's just that there is no regular defensive position in this game with Xiaoming, but directly go to the road in advance to make an ambush in the grass.

The first two levels of the combination of Opposite Thresh + skateboard shoes are really too strong. If the two sides help the field to go online, they will not even be qualified to make up for the soldiers.

  So they must go online in advance to take up positions, and try to get back a bit if they can get back a little bit of the situation.

  Wei, who has no one to help, chose F6.

  The barrel with the hunter’s amulet can hit F6 without injury, and then use two skills to hit the red buff, the speed of the wild will be much faster.

   "Let me help you Q." Chen Yuan thought for a while, and after the monsters refreshed, he hit the six birds with Q [Nightmare Path].

  The two Q skills of the first-level wine barrel can't clear the bird, and you need to use the flat A to close them one by one. His Q can help Wei save five flat A's time, which greatly improves the speed of farming.

  But after Chen Yuan went online, he was dissatisfied with the blue amount, and it was easy for his opponent to guess Wei's open position.

  But this is not important, because He Xiaoming is directly online, and the opening route of the barrel is relatively fixed when no one is helping the field, so sooner or later, it will be exposed. Exposure a few seconds in advance is not a big problem.

  After the **** line, the toothpaste still maintained a strong aggressiveness. Nicole directly crossed the **** line and stuck to Chen Yuan's position.

  Now the nightmare has to take a set of QA as long as it takes one step forward.

  But Chen Yuan was not afraid at all here, and Nightmare just stepped up against Nicole's Ping A.

  Toothpaste was a little frustrated. He felt that Chen Yuan hadn't put him in his eyes at all. Would a short-handed fighter dare to come up to make up the knife?

  So he went straight forward and consumed it. Nicole's Q skill range was very wide, and it was slightly predicted to move. A seed smashed toward the nightmare, and at the same time, with a move of his right hand, he made a flat A.

  But Chen Yuan's reaction was outrageous at this time. He turned around the moment he saw Nicole lose Q, and he turned away this skill unexpectedly.

  The seed fell on the ground, did not hit any unit, and disappeared after spreading only once.

  Although Nicole’s next flat A still hit the nightmare, it was a bad thing.

  This Faping A directly attracted the hatred of a whole wave of small soldiers.

  Nicole was beaten by a small soldier in one round, and even lost more blood. And most importantly, the fragile balance between the **** lines was broken, and a wave of pushback lines was forming.

  Chen Yuan was not in a hurry at this time, and at the cost of taking Nicole's second flat A, he returned to the back again, and slowly returned to his blood with the help of Dolan Shield's recovery.

  However, in the eyes of outsiders, he walked up and was hit twice by Nicole. It was a bit silly. Few people could understand the mystery.

  Toothpaste is a bit annoying, because he knows he has been fooled again.

  He thought about it again, since the pushback line has been formed, he might as well simply break the can and push the line into the tower to cooperate with the little man.

  So Nicole no longer stopped, and began to increase efforts to push the line.

  At this time, the second wave of small soldiers has arrived. Under the accelerated push of toothpaste’s Q skill, the second wave of lines was quickly cleared, and the line of soldiers moved forward slightly.

  JDG's three remaining blood minions were trapped in the second wave of minions and outputted wildly.

  At this time, Chen Yuan came again.

  Seize the opportunity of Nicole's Q to push the line, Nightmare quickly walked up, Q skill [Nightmare Path] was thrown out and hit nine minions at the same time.

  The three ranged soldiers were all killed. At the same time, the nightmare moved slightly horizontally to resist the hatred of the soldiers with their bodies. After the arrival of the third wave of soldiers, the soldiers line was firmly stuck in front of the tower.

  The price was that his blood volume dropped by one third, Chen Yuan knocked down the blood bottle in his hand and began to control the line slowly.

  This kind of push line cannot be pushed in, and it feels like being stuck in front of the opposite tower. Toothpaste always feels as if I have seen it in the last game.

  The nightmare on the other side would get stuck in the **** line even if he lost his blood. He had nothing to do, so he chose to shake the man again, "Little man, help me push the **** line."

   Xiaofu was also a little dazed at this time, he felt that his own mid laner had also said this in the last game.

  "Operating the excavator to go to the middle road, it seems that I want to help my own single-handed line push the tower." Colonel Guan analyzed, "Wei is not in the middle road at this time, so Brother Yuanzi can only retreat to the back."

  "The excavator is in." Chen Yuan clicked on a few signals, "You can catch a wave on the road."

  Wei's jungle smell naturally does not need Chen Yuan to remind him, he has already started to line up on the road the first time the husband appeared in the middle.

  Beer man pours a big mouthful of beer into his belly, the whole person is in a purple state, and he pats his belly and walks around behind the head of the grave.

  Little Tiger did not lose the chain at this time. Sister W [Dance from the Break] defeated the disabled soldiers, a Q [Blade Impact] charged up, and then used E [Double Blades of Biwing] to accurately stun the Zoom.

   "Good E! Account cancellation!" Wei yelled, and the beer man sent [meat and egg to fill my hunger] before hitting the head of the grave into the sky!

   "This must be impossible to escape." Colonel Guan began to cast the spell, "This control chain is full, and Zoom can't help but hurt here!"

  As soon as the voice fell, I saw Zoom encircling the barrel and the sword girl with a fence, and then flashed directly away from the distance, and the blood digging grave showed signs of fleeing.

   "Huh?" Colonel Guan was a little surprised, and began to cast the spell again "Can this still run? It ran away!?"

  Breaked twice, and as soon as his voice fell off, Xiaohu used Daomei to use a Q skill to follow up with two rounds and tie A to win the head.

  Zoom scratched his head helplessly.

  RNG is a two-player way on the road, there is no way to get caught.

  His defense work is actually quite good, but sometimes you can’t help it

After getting the first blood on the road, the director switched the camera to the middle road again.

  At this time, Chen Yuan was making up the tower knife comfortably, while Nicole on the opposite side was sticking to the nightmare like a brown candy.

  It’s just that Chen Yuan only regarded this Nicole as a fly, and he was stunned by Nicole’s flat A damage to fill up the entire wave tower knife.

  And this is not over yet.

  After completing the tower knives, the fifth wave of **** line also happened to reach the middle, and the nightmare was even unable to pretend, so he went straight up and started to push the line with Q and passive.

  Looking at the nightmare with lower and lower blood volume in front of me, the toothpaste was suddenly out of breath.

  He knows what the opposite B thinks.

  【Anyway, this Nicole did not bring ignition, it is 100% impossible to kill himself. 】

   [Moreover, my HP is only half, and the blue volume is not very full. I have to go home after filling up this wave of soldiers. Then I might as well directly push the soldiers directly against the damage, and then return to the city comfortably to replenish the blood. 】

  The other side doesn’t treat you as a person at all, you say you are not angry!

  Nicole's hands are a little softer, but there is Dolan Shield and passive recovery on the nightmare side, and the blood volume just can't be suppressed.

   After finally hitting the nightmare, there are still two hundred points of blood left, and the line of soldiers has been cleared.

  The toothpaste side is really too anxious, throwing E skills to imprison the nightmare, but Chen Yuan easily blocked it with a W.

  He played a tie A again. This tie A is passive with a W. After the fight, there are still 100 points of blood left in the nightmare, but there is no follow-up.

  Toothpaste can only watch the one-hundred-blood nightmare step out of his attack range and walk away.

  He is extremely regretful at this time, why didn't he bring the ignition.

  After returning to the city, Chen Yuan bought a burning gem with the gold coin in his hand, and then bought a bottle of reusable potion. After waiting for two seconds, TP went online.

  As I remembered at the beginning of the game, his style of play in this game will be the Azure Dragon Sword Warrior Flow, a nightmare gameplay that is close to ridiculous.

  He first came out of this burning gem, the first is to support the blood mixing line, but to stack the CD as soon as possible, so that the big move can be released faster.

  When the TP hits the ground, the health of the nightmare is also full in the spring, and the toothpaste also just pushed the line of soldiers.

   "Brother Yuanzi, I feel so comfortable playing on the line!" Remember to take a look at both sides' fill-ups, "Unbelievable, Nightmare is actually two dollars higher than Nicole!"

   Toothpaste was oozing cold sweat on his forehead at this time, and the coach chose Nicole to fight the nightmare for him.

  Although he has one more TP than the opponent at this time, he will return to the city soon, and with the speed of nightmare pushing, it is obviously impossible for him to go online after returning to the city. TP must go online and guard the plating.

   And the opposite nightmare is about to be level six, and will usher in a qualitative change period, and his sixth level can only say that it is six and not six.

  In a professional game, Nicole learned the big move in six minutes, and it is common for him to have the opportunity to use it until more than ten minutes.

"In the middle road, Brother Yuanzi took advantage of the toothpaste to return to the city, and began to push the line again," remembered from God's perspective, "Wei continued to walk back and forth on the top road and put pressure on Zoom. Although JDG had a lot of advantage in the bottom road, they Can't eat the coating!"

"I saw this scene half an hour ago!" Colonel Guan said, "If there is no change in JDG, when Brother Yuanzi walks around here, we will see the same plot as the last one again. "

  Jungler Xiaofu is also very anxious now, he simply went to the bottom lane, trying to rely on the powerful combat power of Thresh and skate shoes to catch a wave of bottom lanes.

  "Here came to the bottom road, Lumao decisively took the lead, and a flash was reversed!" Remember to say loudly, "Wow! What are you doing! He flashed and avoided Thresh's flash E! What reaction is this!?"

  At this time, everyone clearly saw that at the moment when the green hammer stone flashed up, and the E skill had not been thrown, Kai'Sa was also a flash, directly out of the range of the E skill.

  This terrifying reaction made the scalp numb quickly.

  However, Xiao Ming was not so lucky here. After being swung back by Thresh, he was hooked again. The little husband’s excavator flashed up and hurt Galio from the top. Finally, the skate shoe of Imp took a spear off the head.

  【Fuck, something is wrong! 】

  【Brothers are hanging up! Hurry up! 】

  【Xiaoming: You seem to be stupid like this, you know? 】

   [Don’t be embarrassed, the auxiliary flash is not used to escape, Xiao Ming wants to stay flash]

  【Galio specializes in flashing? Will there be any Hex flashes? 】

  In the middle of the road, Chen Yuan was aligning and observing the bottom road. When he saw this flash, he couldn't help but shake his eyebrows.

  His reaction power is as high as 96 now.

   But ask yourself, even if he wants to dodge Thresh's flash E by relying solely on one-handed reaction, it is basically impossible.

   After all, Thresh’s reverse E is instant, and the reaction time left for you is almost the time between when someone else presses the flash and E skills.

  And what is the interval between the professional players pressing the two keys? Maybe not in 0.3 seconds

   "Gazi, you're not a fried Hu, are you?"

  Gazi is the nickname given to Chen Yuan.

   Hearing this, his eyebrows trembled, and he was extremely sullen, and he couldn't even see any expression on his face at this time, "Isn't it just a hand?"

   "So I don't have any hands?" Xiao Ming glanced grotesquely from the side. He was not like "to save flash" as the barrage said. He originally wanted to flash and run, but simply reacted.

   "Little will be a big year next year, but the reaction is normal." Xiaohu also said with a smile on the side.

  Chen Yuan and Wei are both 18 and 19-year-old strong boys, Xiaohu and Xiao Ming, who are running for the third time, are indeed out of place. (I'm also Bensan at the age of 21, right?)

  The voice in the team was very happy at this time. Although they had just been caught and killed an assistant, none of them felt that this round would be lost.

  At this time, the guide camera suddenly switched.

  Little Wei's keg appeared on the road again, and the Beer Man turned on the wolf's head and walked around behind the grave digging.

   "Seeing Xiaofu appearing in the bot lane, Wei seems to be caught up here again!" Colonel Guan's voice was very passionate, "but Xiaohu is only at level five here! This must not be caught!"

  Colleague Guan rarely fails to cast this spell~www.readwn.com~ really can't catch it.

  The hero's natural armor and blood volume are very high, and the most important thing is that there is no pressure line here, and it is not far from its own defensive tower. This wave of GANK is a bit stiff no matter how you look at it.

  However, Madam Guan clearly underestimated Wei's determination.

  The barrel of the wine is turned on and the wolf head is quickly close to the body, and the tomb digging is raised high on the belly, and a set of skills are all poured into the tomb digging body.

  Xiaohu also quickly came to his body at this time, an E skill will control the grave digging, and the backhand is two swords and A to keep up with the output.

  A set of skills for the two people to dig the tomb for half of the blood, and then tacitly separate actions.

  Little Tiger went back to push the line, while Little Wei went round to the opposite tower, ready to cross the tower for the second wave!

  Since one wave can't be killed, then another wave!

  Anyway, the toothpaste in the middle road has been locked by Chen Yuan, and the jungler is on the road again, they can slowly dig the grave!

  Brother Zongzi put the pain mask on his face again at this time.

  "Never play against RNG again, oh oh oh, I want to go home!"

  (End of this chapter)

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