League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 278: Wonderful games, crazy fights!

  Chapter 279 Wonderful game, crazy fights!

  The loading time is not long, and Summoner’s Canyon will soon come to the scene!

   "RNG, come on!"

  "Go on IG!"

  The fans on both sides broke out in an instant, and the two top-ranked teams in the league collided, and the number of fans was outrageous.

  "In this round, IG has the advantage on the lane and RNG has the advantage on the lane." Miller analyzed, "It seems that every time we watch a game between two teams, their BP focus is the same."

   "But the previous ADC was Uzi." Wawa said, "And at that time, RNG was mainly in the lower half. Now they are mainly in the upper half. Then this BP is not working well, but it is a problem."

   "And we can see here that TheShy is carrying money. If this round of RNG is still stocking and hitting the road as before, then RNG may die miserably."

  Chen Yuan is also discussing the issue with his teammates at this time.

   "Can Xiaohu hold on to the road?" Chen Yuan asked, "As long as you hold on, this round will be easy to win."

   "It's not good!" The seller frowned, "Ryze is not easy to fight Kennan, his hands are too long."

  "Then be steady, let the line go first, and I will swipe it up all the way to help you catch a wave." Wei roughly marked his wild route, the red BUFF and blue BUFF magic swamp frog, the classic three-minute speed three catch.

  This GANK route is actually quite risky.

  If you choose Mirror Red on the opposite side, when he sees you appearing on the road, he can directly brush off all the F6 and stone beetles that have not been brushed in the lower half of you.

  The gap between the two groups of wild monsters is enough for King Ning to form an absolute advantage over Wei.

  Closing account for a moment, nodded.

  His Ryze comes with a point control, it is not difficult to cooperate with a blind man to kill a Kenan without displacement, and the fault tolerance rate is actually quite high.

  On the other side, on the voice channel of IG, King Ning is having a difficult communication with TheShy.

   "Brother Shy, how about my level 3 direct hitting the road?" King Ning asked his own order at this time.

  TheShy thought a little, and nodded likewise.

  His Kenan comes with a stable control, and it is not difficult to cooperate with Olaf to kill a non-displacement Ryze.

  The Ueno players on both sides reached a weird tacit understanding at this moment.

  Foreseeable, a **** storm is about to occur.

  Chen Yuan operated Galio to buy a corruption potion to go out. The recovery of these three-layer potions plus W's own magic shield, resisting Sindra's offensive is not a problem.

   And his talent in this round is a predator, and the secondary system points out the astral insight and the minion de-qualifier, plus the summoner skill of flash teleport, his main goal in this round is a support.

  Galio the predator, this belongs to Chen Yuan’s unique understanding, and few people play in the rankings.

The   pawn line slowly advanced, Chen Yuan took advantage of this period of time to slightly adjust the position of the keyboard, ready to start aligning.

   "Neither side chose to play a first-level team, but the interesting thing is that both sides' junglers are going up in the lower half, obviously putting the main battlefield on the top road."

  Both sides knew that the monsters refreshed in 1 minute and 30 seconds, and the ten heroes who defended the jungle returned to their positions.

After    went online, Chen Yuan found that Rookie's position was quite forward and made it clear that he wanted to suppress it.

  But his head is still iron, regardless of the Syndra on his face, he walked forward and stood at a special angle. A Q hit six minions at the same time.

  Rookie originally wanted to use QA to consume Chen Yuan, but seeing Galio’s move, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​leveling A and only used the Q skill to hit it.

   did not attract the hatred of the creeps.

  He didn't understand why Chen Yuan dared to push the line at the first level, but for him, it was not a bad thing. He simply gave up the idea of ​​flat A consumption and chose to put the line.

  He is not afraid to do things after Chen Yuan pushes the line, because they are Syndra and Olaf. If the other side dares to invade the middle field, it is no different from sending.

  After the arrival of the second wave of soldiers line, Rookie here slightly topped the line for a second, and after the arrival of the third wave of soldiers, he controlled the position of the line in front of his tower.

  Sindra this hero has the W skill, and the ability to control troops is better than other heroes.

  If the jungler does not come, this mid laner line will be locked here for a long time, and Galio alone cannot unlock it.

  This technique was used by Chen Yuan when he was playing against JDG. At that time, both games of toothpaste chose to call the jungler to break the game.

  The results of those two games also proved that the early exposure of the jungler is not a good thing for the trend of the whole game.

  If it wasn't for the little husband who came to reveal his red information, then he would not be caught by Chen Yuan Nightmare in the second round of red.

   "Then how do you play?" Rookie wondered. In his cognition, Chen Yuan is not such a brainless player. This approach is simply unreasonable.

   But now that the facts have been formed, Rookie is also happy to control the pawns by wire here, which is regarded as profitable and harmless.

   Soon, the game continued, and the layout of the two sides at the beginning of the game has begun to show.

  In terms of the speed of scouring the wild, King Ning with Lan Kai was much faster. He took the lead in finishing the scoring of the wild three and came to the top of the road.

   "Did King Ning catch it directly in three minutes? Both sides did not choose to push the line, so the **** line is still in the middle road, and Xiaohu is in danger!"

  The audience under the stage did not pay attention to the minimap. They only saw King Ning’s movements on the screen, and they had begun to scream loudly.

  The Shy originally had the top level of timing ability. When King Ning appeared from the river, Kenan also pinched a full W passive in his hand.

  Kenan directly activates the E skill [Origin! Lei Kai] Shorten the distance between the heroes of the two heroes, and directly hit the A to hang the first passive, and then immediately follow the W, passive second.

  As long as he hits the next Q, Naritz will be stunned.

  If you hand over the flash now, you will definitely be able to run, but Xiaohu gritted his teeth at this time, and chose to bet.

  Heroes like Ryze didn't flash, then only military training awaited him.

   And Wei was already nearby, he flashed and ran, then their opening layout failed.

   "Playing, I can T." Chen Yuan looked at the four lanes and quickly chose to lean back, ready to TP support at any time.

  On the road, the battle continues.

  TheShy’s Kenan is a chicken thief. He holds the Q skill in his hand without losing it. The little tiger who engages is always nervous, and he keeps walking, which causes the distance between the two sides to get closer and closer.

   Immediately afterwards, just as the W passiveness on Ryze was about to disappear, Kenan issued a Q [Profound meaning! Chidori] threw it out.

  This Q skill predicts a bit of movement backwards, Xiaohu sees the Q skill at this time, habitually turning around and turning around, just hit the dart that was predicted later.

  At this moment, a light of TP lit up.

   "It's over, Xiaohu is fainted!" The doll yelled, "Brother Yuanzi is here to TP directly, Wei is not far away, can this wave be saved?"

  Fortunately, Kenan and Olaf are both continuous output players, with limited burst damage. After a pair of two, Ryze still has one-third of his blood left.

  At this time, little Wei deserves to be Wei's guardian of the tiger, and the blind man flashed W directly, and put a film on the little tiger.

  Galio’s TP light is getting more and more prosperous. If the TP comes down, it will carry out a round of double-teaming on IG Ueno.

   "Can't fight, withdraw and withdraw!" King Ning said loudly at this time, "This wave can't be killed."

The Ueno duo of   IG have already turned their heads to retreat.

   "No need, no need!" Rookie said hurriedly at this time, "I can cut off this TP! Keep playing!"

  While talking, Rookie turned out to be a direct flash to narrow the distance, and saw Galio who was TP under the tower.

   Directly an EQ second consecutive, a [Dark Orb] was pushed out and hit Galio's body!

  Rookie knew that Chen Yuan’s time was quite tight, and it was not enough for him to retreat too far, so he chose to flash here directly, believing that Chen Yuan was under the tower.

   "Brother Yuanzi's TP was broken!" Miller shouted, "The road is still 2V2!"

  Although the TP was interrupted, the deterrence of this TP still made TheShy and King Ning retreat a little distance, which gave Xiaohu a little room for manipulation.

  Ning Wang turned his head for the first time, and a Q [throw against the current] hit Ryze again.

  While the two skill CDs of the WE at the first level of Kenan are very long, and the Q skill is the last to be handed in, TheShy can only click on the A.

  "Hit! Don't go, you can change!" Although Xiaohu has only one-third of his blood, he is still a bold art master. Ryz turned around and backhanded Olaf a set, the phase rushed to trigger, and he started to pull constantly.

  Little Wei didn't even think about running at this time. The third-level blind boy was extremely powerful, and it was an old punch against Olaf.

   There was a fight between the two sides, and the little tiger's blood volume continued to drop soon, leaving only a trace of blood skin, but Olaf's blood volume was not much better, and there was still a quarter left.

  "Brother, I withdrew, this person will be handed over to you." Xiaohu's side is directly a collapsed seller. He has two Aces, or a Q's health left, and he can't fight anymore.

   King Ning’s actions were the same. Olaf finally threw a Q, but was twisted by Xiaohu, and he could only start to retreat.

  At this moment, Theshy suddenly moved. After fighting for so long, Kenan’s eight-second CD's Q skills finally improved.

  He manipulated Kenan's decisive flash to narrow the distance with Ryze, and then sent another Q [Profound meaning! Chidori] throw it out.

  Xiaohu was shocked by this flashing Q, and he quickly flashed to avoid Q.

  But as soon as this flash was thrown out, he realized that something was wrong.

   was predicted!

  The ghost of the shuriken never dissipated, even if Ryze flashed, he did not let it go, and went straight to the position after it flashed!


  The shuriken plunged into Ryze's body, and took a blood ruthlessly!

  On the other side of the battlefield, Xiao Wei also shot [Tian Yinbo]. King Ning didn't want to repeat the mistakes of Xiaohu. He carefully observed and confirmed that the opponent had no pre-judgment, and then he dodged one by one.

  Little Wei can only shook his head helplessly, the blind boy flashed an E, and the blind monk's head was taken away with two flat Aes.

  At this time, there are only half-blooded blind boys and full-blooded Kenan on the battlefield.

  TheShy knew that he would definitely not be able to kill the blind monk. He chased A twice, triggered two steals and then left contentedly.

  "Both sides play one for one" Miller watched the battle, "The Shy and Wei respectively got the heads, don't lose or make money."

  The doll added at this time, “Don’t forget the middle! Rookie replaced Genzi’s TP with his flash.”

   "Flashing for TP, it's not easy to say who is losing and who is earning" Miller also smiled and answered.

The   RNG team voice is noisy and lively at this time.

   "Oh, this B on the opposite side came so fast!" Xiaohu couldn't help but shook his head, "I'll catch it at level three, I haven't pressed the line?"

   "Haha." Chen Yuan glanced at Xiaohu, "As long as you can twist a Q skill, you can't die, and you can't move by yourself. Who is to blame?"

  "." Although I was very upset after hearing this, I couldn't find any reason to refute, so I could only give a soft "hum".

  After this wave of fighting between the two sides, it is really hard to say who loses and who earns, but King Ning must be at a loss.

  Olav wants to speed triple-double BUFF to catch only two routes, either blue-magic marsh frog-red-catch; or blue-red-stone beetle-catch.

  Judging from Olaf's appearance on the road so quickly, he should have chosen the route to fight the Demon Marsh Frog.

After   Wei retreated from the top road, he comfortably turned away King Ning’s F6, and even took control of the river crab in the upper half.

   "Wang Ning is still a bit difficult here." Miller looked at the blind boy swaying on the screen, "I didn't get the head. I'm still dead."

  The middle lane has returned to the line state. Chen Yuan glanced at the pattern of the upper and lower lanes. "Can Wei come to the middle lane to catch a wave? He didn't flash."

  Wei just returned to the city at this time. He bought two long swords when he got the head. "You can try it. You can put the line first. I will come back after reaching the fourth level."

   "Well, the soldier line will be back soon, you can come."

  Because he just hid behind the TP, he has not dealt with the **** line, and the **** line has already begun to push back.

  Wei was very smart here, first brushed off his own three wolves and upgraded to level four, and then slowly walked around behind Syndra from the upper half of the opposite side.

  The upper river crab and F6 are gone. King Ning has no reason to be in the upper half, only possibly in the lower half, so Wei can boldly go around from the opposite wild area.

  After Rookie pushed the **** line to Chen Yuan's side~www.readwn.com~, he first walked to the upper half of the area for the first time, preparing to make a field of vision.

  The reason is the same, because King Ning is in the lower half, he only needs to have a good view of the upper half.

  Facts proved that his idea was correct, but his vision was a bit late.

   Before a fake eye could fall down, Wei had walked out from behind Syndra.

  The sky sound wave hits accurately, and the echo hit follows.

  Rookie's handling at this time is also considered to be fast and fast. He doesn't care about the blind monk on his face, and directly pushes Galio on the other side with an EQ.

  As long as Galio's control can be broken, the blind monk alone cannot kill him.

  At the same time, a red wolf head appeared on the heads of Galio and the blind monk. In the lower half of the river, a strong man also rushed out, holding two giant axes, and was rushing over at extremely fast speed.

  "This wave is from King Ning's anti-squat!" Miller said loudly, "This is only four minutes, and the two junglers have already begun their second wave of confrontation!"

  (End of this chapter)

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