League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 279: A magical walk from Xiao Ming!

  Chapter 280 From Xiao Ming’s Magical Walk!

  Olav, the hero itself, is outrageous. He is at Level 4 like Wei at this time. Although he only has a pair of shoes in his hand, his combat power is nothing compared to the blind boy with two long swords.

  "Kill Syndra!" Chen Yuan quickly began to act as the commander here. After Galio woke up from the vertigo, he directly an E [Justice Punch] to close the distance, and then a W flashed taunting the two!

  Rookie purifies the taunts in seconds, pulls away for a while, and Q [Dark Orb] gathers at the feet of the blind boy.

  Unexpectedly, with a lead flash, the situation is still quite anxious.

  Sindraga Olaf’s combat effectiveness is too strong, and the sustained damage is good. Even though Chen Yuan helped taunt, Wei still couldn't handle the damage.

   "Rookie uses W to grab his orb and hit the blind monk with a slowing effect. Wei can't catch up with Rookie!"

  At this time, the two commentators looked at the scene in front of them, both a little anxious.

   "Come back." Chen Yuan sighed, "I have no skills anymore, I can't kill it, and I won't lose blood even if I hit this wave."

  Wei nodded, Olaf kept blocking his face, and he didn't have any angle of Q, so he touched Galio back with a W [Golden Bell].

  But in the next moment, the sudden change occurred.

  A TP light belonging to the red side lit up. It was Kenan of TheShy. He TP the minion directly and fell behind Chen Yuan and Wei.

  At the same time, King Ning picked up the axe under his feet and threw a [countercurrent throw] again, and at the same time slowed down the two!

  The little tiger on the road sees a bad situation, and is also a TP!

  Gods return!

  "The TP from TheShy and Xiaohu, the fighting on both sides is fierce. This middle road is a wave of three beating three!" The doll started yelling, "What do you say about this wave!"

  Rookie has not much health, but he is still brave. Following King Ning, he continues to move forward. The Dark Orb predicts its position again and accurately hits the blind monk.

  Chen Yuan quickly simulated the ending of the fight in his mind, but did not simulate a reason.

  Now the six players in the upper and middle fields of the two sides are in a state of no flash. It is really hard to say which side can win in the real fight. After all, TheShy has got a blood, and the combat power is stronger than Ryze.

   "I can come, this wave of fights!" An unexpected voice suddenly sounded in the headphones.

   turned out to be Xiao Ming in the auxiliary position!

  Under the strong laning ability of the small gun and the Japanese girl, this side won the line right early, and bought a time for Xiao Ming to roam!

   And Xiao Ming's keen observation of the battle situation also allowed him to catch this wave of wandering opportunities.

  Before Chen Yuan started fighting, he had already set off and started to align in the middle.

  At this time, the sunshine girl is walking slowly in the river. Although it may be a little later, this battle will definitely not miss her!

   "Come on, don't run!" Chen Yuan and Wei turned their heads at the same time, creating an illusion of seeing death as home.

  Kenan and Ryze landed one after another, and they began to hand in skills at the same time.

  After Xiaohu landed, he directly fixed Kenan with a QW.

  TheShy brought the passive TP down, and directly hit the face with an AWE to stun the blind monk.

   "Gather the fire!" Chen Yuan said loudly, "Just hit this Kenan!"

The title of   Ryze’s spell fort was not called for nothing. Although the level is not high, QWQEQ's combo is still solid. With the flat A interspersed in the combo, Kenan's blood volume drops all the way.

  Chen Yuan's skill CD is still a long time away, and he can only go up and play a passive [Colossal Bash].

  Little Wei woke up from the dizziness at this time, Kenan's blood volume was still half.

  He didn't even think about running, and decisively [Tian Yinbo] connected to a level A and then [Echo Strike], and next to him was a level A and then [Tian Lei Biao] in seconds.

  The blind monk damage of the two long swords is perfectly reflected at this moment, and a set of Kainan will directly retain blood!

It’s just that the damage is still a little bit worse after all. King Ning’s Olaf walked A from beginning to end and never stopped. He threw out the axe in his hand for the third time, and at the same time decisively received the E skill [Thunder Strike] and directly took down the blind boy. Human head.

  Miller said loudly at this time: "The current situation is three-on-two, but although there are many people on the IG side, they have two residual blood. Can this wave still be played?"

   "Fighting!" What IG likes most is the small team fights in the early stage. Now they have the advantage, there is no reason not to fight.

  The three of them continued to chase Galio and slashed again.

  Chen Yuan has not returned home until now, and his blood volume is dissatisfied, and he has only half of his blood volume left after being scratched many times in the battle.

  At this time, all RNG fans can't help but hang their hearts.

Everyone knows that once IG's Uezhongye gets the head in the early stage, they will start to be unreasonable and use waves of small groups to directly fast-forward the economic gap to 10,000, and in the end, they will be on time in 20 minutes. A wave of flattening the base.

  IG and RNG are both standard non-overtime teams. It is said that the big dragon in 20 minutes is definitely not 21 minutes, but it is through operations on the one hand and reckless fights on the other.

  But at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

   Suddenly walked out of the river next to an aunt with a golden light all over her body, and all the audience in the flash couldn't open their eyes.

  "Xiao Ming is here!" The doll yelled, "The Japanese girl flashed the Q skill to stun Rookie behind the team, and then an E skill blocked TheShy again! What is this!?"

  Chen Yuan looked at the two being imprisoned at the same time, his heart was immediately excited, and the E [righteous punch] that had just turned better rushed forward without hesitation, and knocked Olaf into the air with a fist.

  At the same time, the Q skill [War Wind] blows at the two people who are being controlled at the same time.

  This Q triggered the [Daylight] effect on both of them at the same time. Under the double damage, Remnant Blood Kenan died instantly!

  In the next second, the W [Eclipse] on the Japanese woman burst open. With the Japanese woman's one-shot A flat A, Syndra also failed to survive!

  The cheers of the audience under the stage have gradually gained momentum.

  Just now RNG was still a two-on-three situation, with Xiao Ming’s wave of wandering, it instantly turned into a three-on-one!

  The only remaining King Ning was naturally unable to break the waves. He turned his head and strayed the moment he saw the Japanese woman coming over, and finally let him slip away and successfully stopped the loss.

  Although it is a pity to let Olaf run away, this wave is still a big profit in general!

  "Niu, Xiaoming!" Chen Yuan said from the heart, "Do you know that King Ning will come to squat? Or do you know that TheShy will TP?"

   "I know." Xiao Ming pretended to be advanced at this time, "There will be no professional players who can't even think of this? Then what kind of career are you playing?"

  Because the auxiliary position needs to assist in recording the skill CD of the opposite summoner, Xiaoming is extremely sensitive to the use of the opposite TP, so that he accurately predicts this wave of 3V3 in the middle.

   "But I still feel uncomfortable." Little Wei sighed, "I'm dead, King Ning is not dead, then he is six levels ahead of me."

   "The problem is not big!" Chen Yuan nodded, "I will also be at level six immediately, and I will run with him then."


  The voice of the audience under the stage broke out from this moment.

   "Oh, RNG played a wave of one for two!" Miller said loudly, "Xiao Ming's wandering is really something!"

  The doll also answered, "To be honest, I didn’t see Xiao Ming’s location at all! Because just after the fight, the director put away the small map."

  [RNG has something to do with this linkage, they always have one more than the opponent each time they fight]

  【Really NM is outrageous, even if Ah Shui failed to beat Uzi last year, he can't beat it now? Stop playing at all! 】

   [Almost done, how do you skate shoes and Morgana match the Dawn of the Cannon? 】

   "Oh." Rookie couldn't help but glanced sideways at the road, everything was silent.

  The two brothers Xiaohu and Chen Yuan happily shared the line of troops in the middle-of course, the artillery Chen Yuan would not give it to Xiaohu, he used the Xiaobing deweighter to take it directly.

  After clearing the troops, the two returned to the city at the same time.

   "Rookie has no teleportation here." The doll looked at the soldier who was gradually being worn away under the tower, "And he just didn't get the head, this wave of Rookie is really a loss."

  The head ratio of the two sides has formed a 4-2 at this moment. Although RNG has an advantage, the advantage is not large, and it may be equalized at any time.

  The game continued. After Chen Yuan returned to the city, he took out a pair of mercury shoes and bought an additional murder ring.

   looks like a bastard, but don’t forget, his talent brings predators.

  Galio, who had a pair of Predator's mercury shoes in six minutes, was no less powerful in suppressing the wing than TP.

  Xiaohu’s economy is also exaggerated. He did not shed tears of the goddess. To ensure the stability of the line, he has a lunch box in his hand, and mixing lines is no longer a problem.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuan did not conceal his intentions and used the minion de-weighting device to deepen the damage. Even though Chen Yuan only has the power of murder, he can easily clear a wave of soldiers with two Qs and one passive. .

  Moreover, the magic resistance provided by the Mercury Shoes also allows him to directly ignore Syndra's damage.

  This means that Chen Yuan's rhythm is about to start.

  He made no secret of his intentions. When he cleared the new line of troops in the middle, he turned on the predators and swaggered across the opponent’s jungle at a very fast speed to the bottom lane.

  A crimson wolf head appeared on top of Ah Shui and Bao Lan’s heads.

  Rookie is worthy of being a model of grazing and squeezing blood in the mid laner. He also decisively gave up the **** line at hand and followed Chen Yuan to the bottom lane as quickly as possible.

  It's just that there are no predators on his side, so he will come slowly.

   "Little Wei also came to the bottom lane, this is a wave of four packs of two!" Miller looked at the battle for a while, "A Shui and Baolan still want to retreat, but there is no time. Galio ran too fast!"

The moment Ah Shui saw Lin Ran go down, he wanted to retreat. He didn't expect that this second-level shoe plus predator Galio could move so fast, and he was stunned by a wave of curves and overtaking. Block them in front of the second tower.

   King Ning, who was still in the upper half of the game, saw this scene, his mind turned slightly, and he chose to go on the road and cross the tower to stop the loss.

  Under the blockage of Chen Yuan and Xiao Wei, Xiao Minghe also quickly caught up.

  "Where are your teammates? Can anyone help?" Ah Shui wailed helplessly in her voice.

  Chen Yuan stepped forward decisively, a fully charged W after a break, without leaving any escape space on the opposite side, enveloped the two at the same time.

Baolan finally gave the magic shield to Ah Shui, but he was honestly mocked.

  A Shui resolutely handed over the flash, avoiding the next E [Zenith Blade] of the Japanese girl.

  Baolan is not so lucky here, he didn't even have the opportunity to use flash, and he couldn't move because of a set of controls.

  Operating the small cannon decisively jumped his face, and sat down on Morgana's face. He didn't rush to use the explosion sparks, but opened the Q and put the A.

  The blood of Morgana who was set on fire was not much. After being hit by a cannon on her face A twice, she went directly to the west.

  After getting Morgana’s head, he refreshed W. He jumped forward again. The displacement distance of two Ws in a row was extremely long. He directly stepped on Ah Shui’s head with one foot, and at the same time hung the [Explosion Spark], hoping to win the pursuit.

  If this explosion spark is exploded, the cannon will refresh W again, and Ah Shui can't escape.

  But at this time Rookie's support finally arrived. He stunned the cannon that had just landed with an EQ two-line extreme push and saved his AD life.

   "This wave of RNG four packs of two, just caught a royal blue." Miller said, "but they can still eat the bottom road plating and Xiaolong, in fact, they still make a lot of money."

  At this time, the director suddenly cut the camera on the road again.

  TheShy operated Kenan to play two AOEs with one EW, clearing all the **** lines, and the moment the **** line entered the tower, King Ning appeared on time.

   "King Ning has action again here", the doll was a bit dry at this time, "Kenan directly beckons here, Xiaohu has no room to escape at all!"

  The two were ruthless old punches. Xiaohu had nothing but a babble on the sidelines, and finally gave away his head without a doubt.

  "The two sides played really intensely!" Miller couldn't help but slap his tongue. "It's only more than six minutes, and the two sides have a 5-3 head-to-head ratio!"

  This is also due to the fact that both teams like to play support and GANK.

  If it is EDG and BLG that are partial to operation, it may still be 0-0 after ten minutes.

   In a fight, with various TP support on both sides, in the end, no one is dead until the end, it is a common occurrence

   "You push it, I have to get back." Chen Yuan left the range of the defensive tower, not greedy for the plating of the road.

  This team has Xiaohu and two big cores. He does not need to share the output task, so he will not divide the economy.

  What is eating grass and squeezing blood?

  After the two parties are online again, the two parties start to line up again.

  Rookie is still full of repression ~ www.readwn.com ~ is very aggressive, but in front of the mercury shoes, this suppression seems a bit weak.

   King Ning’s rhythm in this round was quite good. After he finished catching, he first helped TheShy eat a wave of plating, then went to the middle without stopping, and caught another wave of Chen Yuan.

  It's just that Chen Yuan is not so good at grasping. He has already set up his vision in Shanghe Dao, and he missed the moment he saw King Ning appear.

  Rookie pursed her lips, raised the mouse, and placed it on the center of the mouse pad, as if thinking about something.

   "You don't need to catch the mid lane." He said again, "You can just stare at this Ryze to catch this game. Give me a blue. I will hold this Galio."

   "OK." King Ning nodded, he first returned to the city, and then quickly ran down the jungle.

  At this time, the blue BUFF has been refreshed, and he helped Rookie get a blue to help him stabilize the line right in the middle, and then ran up the road without stopping.

  After brushing off the three groups of monsters on the road, he will also rise to level 6.

  A level 6 Olaf, how big a threat to Ryze is, it goes without saying.

  (End of this chapter)

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