League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 295: Top coach, top calculation

  Chapter 296 Top Coach, Top Calculator

   "This round is JDG's right to choose sides. They chose the blue side and banned Luo directly in the first hand!"

  Remember to start analyzing at this time, “Obviously after the last game, JDG does not want to release this support with strong ability to open a group.”

   "And they can't take it themselves." Colonel Guan answered, "Because they have to try their best to use a strong line-up support to keep the lane down!"

   "RNG bans scarecrow and grave digger." Remember to continue to interpret, "RNG's ban position has not changed. Since the eight-to-six game, it has never been released."

   Immediately after, Redmi made a lightning strike and banned the blind monk and Syndra. The three outstanding heroes in the previous game were all banned!

  Brother Feng is the winner, he doesn't need to guard against too many things, he still responds to changes in the same way, or bans Zoe in the third hand.

  JDG's turn to make the first-hand choice, they did not hesitate to lock the excavator.

  This hero is quite similar to Zoe. He has a strong combat power alone, and his ability to cooperate with his teammates is very strong. In the middle of the field 2V2, his stable control increases the amount of burst, and he can easily cooperate with his teammates in a single second.

  If the excavator is paired with Zoe’s midfielder, it will be a lore. Unfortunately, no team is stupid enough to release this combination.

  From this choice, it is not difficult to see how JDG played in this round.

  They ban the blind boy and Syndra to minimize the deterrence of the RNG midfielder, and then grab the excavator by themselves, and gain the advantage of the midfielder linkage through the version of the hero.

  Continuous elimination.

  Brother Feng nodded slightly, "The opposite game may be the main rhythm of the midfield. Do you have any ideas."

  "Fight with them!" Xiaohu didn't think it was too much to see the excitement, "Which other team's Nakano can beat us?"

  "Then we will take Olaf." Brother Feng nodded, "The heroes in the jungle position must not lose in the fight, and then take another bull's head."

  Since the other side dared to put bull's head, they naturally had no reason not to take it.

   Immediately after, Redmi continued to make moves and quickly won Ice Girl and Galio.

  Bing women's midfielder, assisted by Galio.

  Gario's choice in this hand is quite terrible.

  This is Redmi’s ultimate move. Not only did it choose Galio against the ice girl to win the ban, but also allowed Green Hair to join the rhythm of JDG's linkage.

  Facing the Nakano with the ice girl and the excavator, if you still want to choose a mid laner that can deal with it perfectly, it is already impossible.

  Chen Yuan is also frowning at this time, you have to say that the mid laner can push the line to push the ice girl, and can withstand the excavator's GANK, that is indeed there.

  The Undead God of War, Thain.

   But with Thain, you have to face two problems.

  The first is that the damage is not enough. In their RNG, the output of the middle road is quite critical.

  Secondly, the two meat-fighting heroes VN and Kai'Sa are still outside.

  Syne can withstand the excavator, but can't withstand VN later.

  "Let’s take Thain first." Brother Feng said, "First we shook in the middle and middle lanes, we ban Kai'Sa, and then directly grab VN in the second round."

  "If Thain gives the middle lane, he will get a C position on the top lane."

  This decision is not bad, and the team members nodded.

  Selected Thain, came to the second round of BP, Redmi once again made a knife, the first hand ban position and hold Jace.

  He clearly understood Brother Feng’s thoughts and banned Jace, the champion of Xiaohu.

  Neither of the two redmi bans, the ADC Redmi, has gone to ban. He wants to keep a ban position to see the attitude of Brother Feng.

  If Brother Feng doesn't ban, it means that both sides take one and everyone is happy.

  If Brother Feng bans one, he bans the other.

   is also the champion coach, but Redmi’s city is obviously deeper than Feng Ge. JDG’s BP is a natural disadvantage, but Redmi has used personal calculations to get a chance.

  Brother Feng shook his head helplessly, and honestly chose to ban Kai'Sa and Kenan.

  Redmi smiled slightly, banned VN, and came to the selection process.

  Both sides are left with two positions of top order and AD.

  Brother Feng considered for a long time and decided to choose the top laner first. He won the top laner Ryze for Xiaohu and chose a spell turret to avoid the problem of insufficient damage due to the mid laner of Thain in the middle and late stages.

  On the other side, Redmi once again boldly innovated. He actually gave the task of beating the meat to Zoom. He first locked the Wushuang Swordsman for the top lane, and then selected the skateboarding shoe Calista for the bottom lane!

  Generally speaking, the ADCs that play fast in the late game are generally weak in alignment, and if the hero with weak alignment is selected, Uzi will only be pushed to the line, and then endless four packs of two.

  Even if your hero is strong, and there is no economy after being crazy over the tower, it will also lose the damage ability it should.

  This is an endless loop, which directly leads to RNG’s front meat shield usually being able to walk two or three back and forth in the opponent's lineup without losing blood.

   And Redmi has once again taken a different path.

  Through the strong alignment of skateboard shoes to ensure that the bottom lane will not collapse, and then select Wushuang Jianji lane Ryz for the top lane, let Zoom continue to single belt.

  Sword Ji did not have a lot of pressure on the line facing Ryze, and in the later stage of the meat ability, it was impossible for Thain to touch him.

  And this also directly eliminates the possibility of two heroes on RNG swinging.

  Brother Feng frowned when he saw these two heroes selected, "How do you say the next road?"

  Since he left Conte in the bot lane, Uzi must play the best line, otherwise the game will really be gone.

   "Policewoman." Uzi also knew the team's current predicament. He then took out the Pi City Policewoman, an ADC with a high degree of restraint on skateboarding shoes.

  Brother Feng nodded, the lineup locked.

  He looked at the ten heroes from both sides. Although this time the BP was restricted everywhere, Redmi had been twisting his nose.

  But fortunately, there is not much difference between the lineups on the two sides. Whether it is the midfield rhythm of Olaf and Thain in the early stage, or the double C of Ryze and the policewoman in the late stage, they all have a battle against the opponent.

  Blue side JDG: Top Sword Ji, Jungle Excavator, Mid Single Ice Girl, Bottom Skate Shoes and Galio.

  Red side RNG: Top lane Ryze, jungler Olaf, mid laner Thain, bottom lane female police and bull head.

   "Come on!" Brother Feng patted Chen Yuan on the shoulder, "Try not to play single belt with the opposite side. Sword Ji on the opposite side is invincible in this round."

   "I understand." Chen Yuan nodded indifferently, "It's over for me."

  The coaches on both sides shook hands and left the field, and the second game officially started!

  The undead war **** Thain, this hero Chen Yuan has not played for a while.

   However, the difficulty of this kind of mixed hero can not be said to be a little high, it should be said that it is not at all.

Needless to say,   Skill talent, it’s the old one, flash teleportation.

  The talent points out the Olympian Comet, and then points out the mana flow band, transcendence, anxious, and the secondary system points out cookies and potions. Anyway, mixing is over.

  Comet Thain’s mid laner is a routine from eight hundred years ago. Anyway, it’s the online unlimited use of E skills to push people, and the consumption ability is extremely strong.

  In the early stage, two homicides and one Dolan were made, and the middle road was an EQ to clear a wave of soldiers.

  At the beginning of the game, Chen Yuan proficiently purchased the corruption potion, and then made a stop at the entrance of his own wild area to act as a door god.

  After the first game, Chen Yuan also knows that JDG is in a game with Thain. They are guarding their own wild area. It is impossible to steal the wild.

  "JDG is still four squatting blues." Colonel Guan looked at the positions on the map, and he was a bit numb. "Fortunately, they left one person to guard the red zone this time."

  It may be that the people from JDG are on the third floor. They think Chen Yuan is on the second floor, and they will do something anti-psychological. Unfortunately, Chen Yuan is very simple on the first floor.

The   pawn line will be launched soon.

  Chen Yuan squatted behind and did not step forward, quietly watching the soldiers fight each other.

  At the moment when the melee soldiers on both sides were left with blood, Chen Yuan began to step forward to find an angle.

   Thain spit out a thick sputum, the powerful thrust drove the small soldier far away, and blasted towards Li Sang Zhuo.

  [Killer's Roar]’s trajectory speed is extremely fast, plus the angle that Chen Yuan is looking for is quite tricky, this thick phlegm is accurately shot on Li Sang Zhuo's body.

  Olympic Comet and Scorching are triggered at the same time, plus the damage of the skill itself, this time directly hit Li Sangzhuo 97 points of blood.

   And this time I cleared out the three melee soldiers, which can be said to be quite comfortable.

  The toothpaste side wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to fight back, but he didn't expect Chen Yuan to go back directly after vomiting this sputum, giving him no chance to consume it at all.

  There is no way, he can only turn around and continue to push the line.

  The first-level Lisangzhuo’s pushing efficiency was actually pretty good, but after all, his level was too low. He managed to clear the first wave of pawns, and the second wave came quickly.

  Chen Yuan watched behind for a long time, and finally waited for the remaining blood of the three ranged soldiers.

  He didn't go up to find the angle this time. His goal was to push the line. Thain spit out a thick sputum and pushed the small soldier back for a long distance. The new second wave of soldiers was all affected.

  One skill hits nine minions, and the line pushing efficiency is full.

  The three ranged soldiers were all killed. Chen Yuan did not leave at this time. He operated the Cheon wheel to raise the axe and slashed towards the new melee soldiers.

  As long as this melee **** is cleared and promoted to two, he will get the line right.

  Toothpaste is absolutely unexpected, Chen Yuan, the B, even dared to grab the two-level line, he couldn't bear it immediately, and decisively drank the corruption potion, and hit him with a flat A.

  The burning effect began to appear on Thain, and with the follow-up Q round, more than a hundred points of blood were knocked out.

  Chen Yuan didn’t evade at all. He also drank the corruption potion on his backhand, but his level A kept hitting the small soldiers.

  This is obviously wanting to use his blood to grab the second line.

  Chen Yuan also knew very well that his mission in this round was actually very simple. He held the opposite middle field, dragged the game to the late stage, and waited for Uzi and Xiaohu C to finish.

  In this case, it is impossible for him to make up the tower in this round. Every time he pushes the line of troops, the attacking rhythm on the opposite side has to be slowed by 30 seconds, and the possibility of delaying it to the later stage is higher.

   "I can catch a wave, you can just put the line over." The little husband brushed the BUFF while observing the situation in the middle.

  The disadvantage of pushing the line is that it is easy to be caught, not to mention a Thain without displacement.

  The little husband directly changed his wild strategy. He chose the red + blue + magic marsh frog speed three play, and then the escape beast plunged into the ground and headed directly to the middle.

  At this time, the director also gave the shots to the husband at the right time, and the Void Escape Beast marched all the way in the shadows, unknowingly already squatting in the grass in the middle.

   "Did you catch the third wave? Saien's wave just pushed the second wave of soldiers over, how can I say it!" Colonel Guan raised it in one breath, "This wave of Yuanzi is in danger!"

  As soon as the voice fell, everyone saw that the toothpaste was suddenly started, a pair of crampons stretched out and stretched towards Thain, and at the same time the little husband walked out of the grass.

  Chen Yuan was taken aback by the excavator next to him. He had indeed thought that he might be caught in this round, but he did not expect it would be so fast.

  He glanced at his experience bar at this time, and he was still at the distance of Level 3 and Liang Zhibin. It was obviously impossible for him to escape again and again.

   can only choose to retreat directly.

   "It's not used, you can't make it in time." Chen Yuan immediately rejected Karsa's invitation to support, and then decisively flashed away from the crampons.

  But the killing intent on the toothpaste side was determined. After he switched to the second stage E, he flashed W forcibly imprisoning Thain, and then played an AQ.

  The little husband here is also a hole-drilling rush. In order to prevent Thain from entering the tower, he also decisively flashed Thain to fly again and renewed control.

There is nothing to say about the damage of the   three-level assault excavator. Thain was besieged by two people, and only one-third of his blood remained before he landed.

   Immediately afterwards, the two used the deceleration effect of the red BUFF to chase Thain A all the way, and finally the husband re-drilled into the ground, and a mid-range mortar accurately compensated for Thain's head.


  The two flashes were forcibly caught, which was indeed a bit difficult, and Chen Yuan sent out a blood after a long time.

  Chen Yuan is a little helpless, the opposite is too targeted, as long as he pushes the line, he has to be caught.

  He pressed TAB and clicked on his flash and the flash on the opposite side, indicating that it was the same time.

  Xiao Ming quickly started to record the flash time.

   "Two flashes to kill Yuanzi brother." Remember to say slowly, "Anyway, the JDG wave is definitely profitable, after all, the head is still in hand."

   Immediately afterwards, the director gave Karsa the shot again.

  When Chen Yuan was arrested, Karsa did not go to the middle to support. After the red open, he went around the big queen directly after brushing the blue BUFF.

   Knowing that the excavator was in the middle, he walked directly from the lower red zone of JDG until he reached the triangular grass on the lower road.

  Although Lumao has arranged an eye position in the grass that connects the river and the lower road, but this eye position can not see the position of Karsa at all!

   At this time, Lumao and imp are totally unaware of the coming danger~www.readwn.com~ and even actively press forward, wanting to fight for it.

   "Karsa's wave is quite perfect after this wave, Xiao Ming and Uzi started directly!"

  At this point in time, it is impossible for the double road to rise to level three, and level two bull heads can be said to be unsolvable.

  Lao Niu retreat first, pretending to be invincible, and then wait for the moment when the opponent presses forward, directly W flash Q light speed and super long-distance skateboarding shoes high!

  The connection of the flashing W is extremely smooth, this flashing top can be described as thunderous, giving no room for reaction at all.

  "Uzi put a clip under the skateboard shoe and played the second control. Karsa also came out from behind at this time, it must be impossible to escape."

  How could a fragile ADC withstand the ravages of three people? The sky sound wave hung up on Karsa's side. He didn't rush to throw an echo shot, but patted the floor, and followed all the way A.

  The sky sound wave hung on the body, and the imp side didn’t want to cross over, and just waited to die on the spot.

  The head was finally taken down by Karsa with an echo.

  (End of this chapter)

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