League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 296: Whirlwind charge tornado!

  Chapter 297 Whirlwind Charge Tornado!

   "What is this wave? This wave is called the mid laner sacrificing himself to pull out the GANK space for his teammates!" Chen Yuan was not ashamed, and began to claim credit for the first time.

  "Birds eat birdies." The teammates perfunctorily nodded.

   But there is one thing to say, this wave is indeed due to Chen Yuan.

  If it wasn't for the boy's catching and neglecting the defense of the field, Karsa would not be caught from the JDG's field.

  Chen Yuan went directly to TP from home at this time. He was arrested and returned home before the two groups of soldiers were completed. The money in his hand was not enough for 350, so he could only continue to go out with a corrupt potion.

   And he still has to use TP to make up the line, otherwise, if the wave of tower knife experience is not enough, the level difference will open his wave of laning and he will be unable to play.

  On the other side, the ice girl who got the first blood has already made a small yellow book plus the murder ring, and the pressure on the line has increased sharply.

  "The little man came to the stone beetle after returning to the city and began to brush the wild, but there is an RNG fake eye here!" Colonel Guan was surprised.

  This is Xiao Ming’s pre-judgment of the situation. This eye was just made up by him at the Stone Beetle Camp after catching the road.

  This information is not difficult to know through the three-level 12-knife grabbing of the opposite excavator. At this time, almost all the wild monsters of Xiaofu are there, and only the Demon Marsh Frog has one minute to refresh.

  The best way to swipe the wild is to swipe from the stone beetle all the way up, and then you can just wipe off the demon swamp frog that has just been refreshed.

The eye position of   Xiaoming is specially arranged to verify this conjecture.

  It turns out that he guessed right.

  Although this eye can only illuminate a camp, but in the future, the little man's every move can not escape RNG's magic eye.

  Of course, this number is only effective for smart junglers.

  If it is the kind of reckless jungler who does not brush the wild, it is possible to backhand you in the middle after brushing the stone beetle and F6.

  In professional competitions, this reckless jungler can often achieve some unexpected results through this unexpected GANK.

I remember that I also showed a wave of understanding through this eye position, "If it is not surprising that Xiaofu finishes his four sets of wild monsters, then he should be able to match or hit the middle, but I believe that RNG's upper and middle two lanes Will be prevented."

  On the side of Chen Yuan and Karsa, who are good at doing things, they will not limit their actions to preventing GANK. They have already begun to communicate at this time.

   "How do you say, why don't you **** him?" Chen Yuan clicked on the position of the excavator, "You should have beaten him now, right?"

  "Isn't that just casually hitting?" Karsa's actions here are not the same as that of an excavator. After catching people, he didn't choose to return to the city, but went back to his lower half to continue to play wild.

  At this time, Olaf also started from the three wolves in the lower half (the magic marsh frog was already brushed off in the super three), and then went all the way up.

  Although the husband arrested a lot earlier than Karsa.

  But because Karsa has never returned to the city, and he has to brush a group of Demon Marsh Frogs on his side, this causes him to clear the wild area faster than Xiaofu.

   Brother Ka intends to take this time difference and come to the upper blue area of ​​JDG for a wave of squatting, to see if he can squat to come to the little man who swipes the magic marsh frog.

  Chen Yuan also quickly understood this wave, he operated Thain to quickly start pushing the line.

  Now, Thayne, who has been promoted to level 4, already has level 2 E skills, and the line-clearing speed has successfully overtaken Li Sang Zhuo.

  Chen Yuan looked at the new **** line and walked forward without hesitation. The W skill was turned on first, the E skill pushed the whole wave of minions, and the Q skill began to accumulate power.

  Toothpaste operator Li Sangzhuo stepped forward, and wanted to interrupt with W.

  But Chen Yuan kept watching the toothpaste position. After Li Sangzhuo reached the limit of the ice ring, he did not hesitate to release the Q skill, Thain severely chopped down the sharp axe in his hand, and once again hit a high AOE.

   Immediately afterwards, Thain took two steps forward, and the shield still existed after he had eaten one of the opponent's ice rings. The shield exploded in the next moment, and three melee soldiers were forcibly cleared.

   Although the long-range soldiers did not eat this explosion, their blood volume was low.

  Chen Yuan then pressed the second bottle of corruption potion, and continued to wipe out the three ranged soldiers with one blow and one damage from the ice girl’s scraping damage.

The line of soldiers was sent into the defensive tower by Chen Yuan at the cost of half a blood. Then Chen Yuan ignored the ice girl behind him, and turned around and got into the blind area of ​​vision.

  "The little husband here has a very good control of the rhythm of the wild swipe. After swiping up all the way, the magic marsh frog just refreshed." Master Guan said admiringly, but his tone was full of pity.

The little man who knew nothing about the upcoming danger squatted underground. Before he reached the camp of the Demon Marsh Frog, he shot it with a mortar to draw out the monsters a little, and slightly speed up the sweeping speed. .

  When the monsters were drawn out, the little man came out from the ground and lifted the Demon Marsh Frog into the sky.

  But he didn't notice. Just before he broke the ground, a small circle appeared in the upper right corner of the screen.

  This circle comes from the excavator’s W [Escape], this Escape Beast can use its advanced hearing to perceive nearby invisible enemies in the ground.

  The excavator turned on the Q skill [Queen's Fury] and triple-strength attacks, all hitting the Demon Marsh Frog, but in the next second, he realized that something was wrong.

  Did a circle appear on the screen when you just got up?

  Is it wrong?

  For steadiness, Xiaofu presses 4 to start scanning, and a red scanning circle appears around him.

  At this time, he clearly saw that a fake eye was actually under his feet, and on the other side of the thick wall opposite the Demon Marsh Frog, there were two faint red shadows!

  There are dogs digging slots!

  The little husband quickly ran away, and the excavator went into the ground and needed a hole-drilling yo-yo.

  But in the next second, in a dark corner that he couldn't see, the Undead God of War severely chopped off the giant axe in his hand.

  In the shadows, Chen Yuan completed a fully charged Q, and the partition wall was cut on the excavator.

  The full charge of Q skills has a very long knock-up time and extremely high damage.

  Chen Yuan approached two steps and threw the E skill [killer roar], which once again reduced the armor of the excavator by 15%.

   Immediately afterwards, Olaf, the incarnation of Karsa, became the God of War, and the Q skill [Throwing Against Current] was thrown on the digging fuselage, then A then E [Reckless Swing], and then went up to chase Maul A!

   Before the excavator even wakes up from control, the whole person has blood in it!

  "The excavator side still wants to escape, but the people from RNG didn't give him a chance at all. Thain gave him a flat A and took the head away!"

   "Brother Yuanzi, this wave of heads is okay?" Karsa said with a smile. It was impossible for Thain to get the heads, so he had to slip away because of him.

   "It's okay!" Chen Yuan also smiled. The man who took the head can be said to have returned a lot of blood for him.

  【From Yuanzige no revenge】

  【Only you catch the third level, right? 】

   [Little husband, Nabo is a master of Shapik, understand, Yuanzi belongs to the fact that he did not expect that he would be arrested even if he played a game of Thain]

   "Stay steady." Zoom on the road also hurriedly said. His Sword Girl proficiency is actually not high, but there is still no pressure on the weak rune mage in the early stage of the line, and he is firmly occupying the advantage.

"Wait for my sixth level, I will bring the rhythm." Toothpaste also stood up and spoke at this time. He, the ice girl who got the first blood, if it were a top mid laner like Chen Yuan Rookie, this game might be over. NS.

   "Oh." The little husband also nodded. He not only lost his life in this wave, but also lost a group of wild monsters. Now for nearly five minutes, he has only played four groups of small wild, and his experience has fallen behind a bit.

  Chen Yuan returned to the mid lane to continue aligning. Now he has nothing to do and is in a hurry to push the lane, saving his HP as much as possible.

  After all, he has no TP anymore. If he doesn't want to lose his troops, he still has to extend his time on the line as much as possible.

  As the level slowly rises, the mid laner Thain’s advantage over Lissantro has gradually begun to manifest.

  There is a corruption potion naked on one side, and a corruption potion plus murder or **** on the other. The economic gap is huge.

   But in this case, Chen Yuan can still mix with the ice girl back and forth.

The two sides developed steadily to level 6, Chen Yuan's three-layer potion has been drunk, the blue volume is only half, the blood volume is not full, and the flash is not good. This situation makes Chen Yuan feel quite dangerous and can only move forward. Line, I want to return to the city to replenish blood.

  Fortunately, the push efficiency of the third-level E skills is quite good. If a mouthful of sputum is released, the ranged soldiers will have to lose half of their blood.

The toothpaste side understands Chen Yuan’s thoughts. Of course, he will not let Thain push the line back to the city. The ice girl's third-level Q skill is also very efficient in pushing the line, and borneol can threaten Thain’s health. Can't push it over.

   "Come on, continue to catch him." Seeing Thain in the middle, the little man suddenly became murderous again, and the excavator drove again to scan and squat into the shadow area behind the middle.

  He knows that Chen Yuan has arranged the real eye in the grass, so his potent intention bypassed the real eye's field of vision and GANK from the rear.

  Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts can't help holding on again.

  You must know that the most disgusting thing about the hero of the ice girl lies in his big moves, and the ability to cooperate with the jungle is too strong.

   Stable point control plus not low damage, and then with a hand W, you can play a wavelength of time control effect, with a high-burst jungler, the sixth level of fire concentration is to eat and drink.

  If you are an old mid-range single player, you must have been disgusted by the ice girl's big move.

You worked so hard to suppress from level one to level five, but because the opponent ice girl had an aftershock, you couldn’t find a single kill opportunity. You finally waited to level six. When you want to try to kill a wave with a big move, fight on the opposite side. Here comes the wild.

  The ice girl came up with a crampon and shouted "Freeze!", she directly frozen you, and then the opposite jungler hacked you to death with two swords.

  "Catch it again! Thain hasn't realized this wave yet?" Colonel Guan's tone gradually rose, and he began to exclaim.

  As soon as the voice fell, Xiaofu and the toothpaste counted down to 321, and the two started at the same time!

  The excavator used the E skill [Digging a tunnel], and the whole person rushed forward.

  While the ice girl was not far from Thain, the toothpaste only took a step forward and included Thain into the big move.


  Li Sangzhuo yelled, raising his right hand, and countless Xuan Bing gathered at the feet of Thain.

  Unexpectedly, the dead warrior did not turn into an ice sculpture.

  "This is, war!!!"

The old driver of the    Tyrant Zero style used a whirlwind assault tornado, the whole person turned 360 degrees in the air, and when he landed, he had already turned into a Ferrari!

   "Oh!" Remember to suddenly say, "What is this reaction? Yuanzi used his ultimate control free control to withstand Li Sangzhuo's ultimate move!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that there was an expression of Timo's thumbs up on the old driver's head, and then the whole person drove the Ferrari with the expression of Timo on his head drifting away, leaving behind the ice girl and the excavator. People are alone in a daze.

  Chen Yuan wanted to go back to the city. He didn’t stop as soon as his big move came out. Thain drove all the way back to the door of his house.

The director of    is also very involved. He directly gave Thain a magnified close-up, and the camera followed him back home.

  【Press R to return to the city, XSWL】


  [It’s the most showy to have a bright face]

  [Yuanzi knows how to make program effects too much]

  "Day" toothpaste looked at his big move to enter the CD, slightly embarrassed, "This B responds so fast"

  Although the excavator was already drilling a hole, it had not yet appeared in Chen Yuan's field of vision, so it was invisible.

  In other words, Chen Yuan actually caught Li Sangzhuo's big move raising his hand, and after a very short time when the big move was read, he threw his big move and escaped with control-free.

  Although it is only an escape shot, the hidden difficulty is no less than any operation in the history of the alliance!

  Chen Yuan's face remained as usual.

  This wave of him did not rely on pure reaction, mainly because he had already predicted in his heart and knew that he was going to be arrested, so his gaze had been fixed on Li Sang Zhuo.

  When the attention is focused on a certain point, the reaction will naturally be faster, so when he saw Li Sangzhuo raise his hand, he threw a big move regardless of the three seven twenty one.

  Even Timo’s expression was that when he pressed R in a panic, he accidentally pressed T together. After all, the situation was urgent at the time, and he could understand it if he pressed his finger a little bit crookedly.

  Although outsiders don’t know it, they even think Chen Yuan is comfortable

  If this wave of toothpaste is in the third layer, first throw a Q skill out, Chen Yuan will still lose big, then this wave of clowns is Chen Yuan himself.

  Unfortunately, toothpaste is only on the first layer.

  After returning to the city, Chen Yuan used the money in his hand to directly mention a pair of straw sandals and a handful of Tiamat. This time he played a little differently from the previous mid laner Thain’s AP.

   Toothpaste has sent the line of soldiers into the defensive tower at this time, and Chen Yuan has not made up one of this wave of soldiers.

   But this wave is not only a loss, but it can also be said to be a blood gain.

  Ice Girl’s first wave of big moves ~www.readwn.com~ is generally a must-get in the professional arena, but this time it fell through with Chen Yuan.

  Although he lost a wave of soldiers, but invisibly stopped a head loss.

  Chen Yuan was completely indifferent at this time. Anyway, he was playing meat in this game. It didn't matter if he had to pay less knives. After the old driver came to the middle, he used Tiamat's ability to clear troops and began to clear the line quickly.

  The current clearing speed of Saien in this state can be said to dominate the entire league. Although the equipment on the toothpaste side is not bad, it is simply incomparable in terms of pushing the line.

If the    line cannot be pushed past, then there is no way to walk.

  "Come on." Toothpaste made a few requests for assistance in the middle.

  The line pushing tool Xiaofu immediately understood and helped the middle to push the line. This is a reserved item for each match against RNG.

  The excavator came to the upper grass on the middle road. He knew that there was a true eye in this place. He came over and shook the true eye around and used his own existence to force Chen Yuan back.

  Toothpaste is to take this opportunity to use the three QWE skills to transport a short wave into the tower.

   Immediately afterwards, JDG Nakano disappeared from sight.

  (End of this chapter)

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