League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 297: What is the brain of the top order?

  Chapter 298 What is the brain of the top order?

   "The person is gone." Chen Yuan made a few signals on the middle road, but he didn't move, but returned to the middle road to continue pushing the line.

  He has no TP and no big moves. It is definitely impossible for him to support this wave. It is better to push the line in the middle.

   Level three E skills push the small soldiers, Q skills charge down, W burst open, and then press Tiamat, a wave of soldiers line is cleared in three seconds.

  At this time, the opponent's middle and wild two were still on their way. Chen Yuan was not polite. After the troops entered the tower, they immediately began to knock on the tower, blasting down, and the first coating of the defensive tower was gone.

  "Go on the road, do it faster!" Toothpaste cut the screen and glanced at the situation in the middle road. He was also a little anxious. He didn't expect Thain to push the line so fast.

  If this wave of movement is slower, not only will the next artillery soldiers not be able to eat it, but the coating may have to drop a lot.

  "Toothpaste and Xiaofu came to the road, are they going to overtake Xiaohu!" Colonel Guan looked at the screen and shouted impassionedly.

  At this time, the tower-crossing action in the game continued, and the three formed a circle, gradually enclosing Xiaohu’s Ryze under the tower.

  The first thing to bear the brunt is naturally the Xiaofu’s excavator.

  "The little man first used the prey search to hit Ryze from a distance, and then dig a tunnel up, using ground-breaking to lift it up, and the three directly started to gather the fire!" Colonel Guan started his classic report skill name.

   "But the explosion of these three people seems a little insufficient! A set of top laner Ryze that doesn't fall out of the catalyst stone in seconds, can Xiaohu still operate this wave?"

  The next scene is foreseeable, the little man will use the ultimate move [Void Rush] to avoid the damage of the defensive tower, so as to achieve a perfect wave of towers.

  In this case, Xiaohu was very clear-headed. After waking up from the control, he did not have any extra operations, but directly threw the EW second company, and the goal was directed at the excavator.

  Ryze's EW is only one level, but the two skills can be combined to play a strengthened W with up to 1.5 seconds of imprisonment.

  A prison constructed by runes appeared at the foot of the excavator, and then, the whole person took a step forward.

  This step forward is the essence of Xiaohu’s operation.

  This step brought Ryze directly into the range of Ice Girl W.

  Since the other side brought the toothpaste, there was no reason to let go. He directly pressed W, and a ring of frost appeared at Lisantjo’s feet, imprisoning Ryze, and then cooperated with Ping A to inflict a good injury.

   Immediately after that, Zoom's sword girl fell with a knife, and the little husband in the state of imprisonment also made a claw A, and took away the head of Ryze.

  It can be said that it was this step Xiaohu took to kill himself in advance.

  If it weren't for this ice ring, Ryze would at least be able to resist one more A tie. In the early stage of this slower attack, the time to tie an A was close to one second.

   But it was this wave of early death that completed Xiaohu’s counter-kill under this wave of towers.

  Ritz had just died, and the excavator was released from the imprisonment in the next instant.

  At this time something embarrassing happened.

  Ryze is dead, and the excavator has no target to lose big!

  Originally, the little man came in to actively fight the tower. After finishing a set, he was imprisoned by Ryze for 1.5 seconds. During this period, the defense tower was outputting wildly against him, and his blood volume had long been left.

  If he can throw a big move, it doesn't matter how much blood he loses, after all, he can completely evade the big move.

   But now it can’t be thrown out, and the defensive tower hatred cannot be transferred, and the problem arises.

  There was no flash, no tunnel, and the little husband was desperate and could only watch the defensive tower beat himself to death.

   "The Rune Mage killed the Void Escape Beast!"

   "Wow! You ate the ice ring one step forward, did you deliberately blow the hustle?" Chen Yuan keenly observed the details of this wave, and was a little stunned, "Is it so strong?"

  "Do you know a hairy?" Xiaohu was also triumphant at this time. "This wave is just the brain of the top order, enough for TheShy to learn for a lifetime."

  This wave is indeed correct. Xiaohu can rank among the top singles with his downshift operations. He has backs and downs with the operation-type top singles like Zoom and TheShy.

  If there are five successful labors of Wei and Chen Yuan, then the other five successful labors come from his own game understanding.

  If TheShy had Xiaohu's mind, it would be unimaginable.

  Oh, in fact, you can also imagine that TheShy has Xiaohu's mind, isn't it just Chen Yuan from Shanghai Unit?

   "Well, it's okay." Chen Yuan casually interrupted the chat.

  He shouldn't start this topic in this wave.

   It’s disgusting to let Xiaohu pretend to be here

  Toothpaste glanced at the corpse of the excavator on the road, and then at Thain who was demolishing the tower in the middle.

  At this time, Chen Yuan's clearing soldiers were still babbling, and the next wave of artillery soldiers came before the group of soldiers entering the tower had died.

  He still had the same attitude towards the new artillery soldiers. Chen Yuan stepped forward directly to withstand the line of troops, EQW handed over a set, A several times the middle artillery car, a wave of soldiers quickly cleared.

  The artillery chariots are just a little extra effort.

  Instead, his own artillery car became the biggest booster for the demolition of the tower. Its superior anti-tower properties helped Chen Yuan eat the second layer of coating.

  Two layers of coating have disappeared, and the toothpaste is a headache.

  They played one wave after another on the top lane. Although they made two assists, they lost two layers of plating in the middle lane. In general, it is not a profit.

   "You can eat the coating on the top road, I have to go back to the middle guard tower" Toothpaste has no choice but to quickly return to the middle road.

  Chen Yuan was not greedy, he retreated directly after eating the second layer of coating, and returned to the alignment state in the middle.

   Toothpaste took a look at the time, and his own wave of GANK was full for less than forty seconds, but this B was able to push the line of soldiers through the entire middle in these forty seconds, and gnawed down two layers of plating.

  How can he walk around like this?

  Walk twice more, the middle tower will be gone.

  On the side of Chen Yuan, he had many thoughts in his heart as he watched the flashing and teleportation of his about to turn better.

   "My big move and double call are almost done." Chen Yuan clicked on the skill CD separately, "You can put the line appropriately, I will catch it."

   "OK." Karsa also nodded, and sent a punishment to take away the remaining blood dragon in front of him.

  Since the other side dared to go on the road with three packs, it would be impossible for him not to take Xiaolong.

  Take this dragon, and the hearts of the JDG generals can’t help but sink.

  If they still didn't lose money before, once this dragon is lost, they will directly become blood losers!

   Immediately afterwards, Karsa still kept moving. He first swept all the way to the top road, and then tried to catch a wave of top roads.

   It’s a pity that Zoom's eye position is doing well. After seeing Olaf, he has already started to retreat. Karsa caught up and threw himself away.

  But it didn’t matter. Karsa hadn’t planned to succeed. He just went up all the way and had nothing to do. By the way, he helped Xiaohu relieve a wave of pressure.

  Olav continued to harass a wave of Zoom, then used a scan to eliminate the eye position of the river, and then he returned to the city.

  The game continued, and soon the time went to nine minutes.

  At this time, another wave of small soldiers continued to the tense middle line. This is a wave of ordinary lines, and the next wave is the artillery line.

  Chen Yuan took the initiative to step forward, using the E skill [killer roar] to slow down the ice girl from a long distance, and then the whole person began to accumulate Q in place.

  Toothpaste was pushed by the E skill, and the deceleration effect was quite obvious. Although he intentionally used W to interrupt the accumulation of [Cruel Slam], but he couldn't keep up, he could only watch Thain fill up the Q skill.

   "Brother Yuanzi is clearing the line very quickly. Use Tiamat to quickly clear this wave of young soldiers!" Remember to open the mouth, "Then is he going to do something in this wave?"

  At this time, the director cut the camera to the bottom road. The skateboard shoes that imp got and Galio's lineup combination was quite strong. With a wave of pushback lines, the two had already pressed through the river.

  The timing of this wave was just right, and Chen Yuan smiled and started the big move.

   With a roar, Tyrant Zero transforms again, and the hearse charges towards the bottom road with brilliant light effects!

  Xiao Ming’s flashing has also improved at this time. Chief Bull Head once again flashed Q light speed to start the group, and the whole person went straight to the skateboard shoes.

  After the skateboarding hero is at level 6, it doesn’t make sense to turn on the support. After all, the hero's ability to protect the support is unsolvable.

  Uzi is still the same, with a backhand placed a clip under the foot of the skateboard shoe.

  The next moment, Uzi and Xiaoming were taunted by Galio.

  Xiao Ming is prepared early, Lightspeed uses the ultimate move [Strong Will] to dispel the taunt, and then the whole person takes a step forward and starts stacking E [War Trample].


  The skateboard shoes were caught by the [Yordel Trap] as soon as they landed, and they are once again in a state of imprisonment.


  Just released from the clamp's imprisonment, the brave and ruthless iron hoof came, and Niuniu knocked the skateboarding shoes faint again with one hoof.

  Uzi and Xiaoming played a very long chain of control.

  This control time is enough for old drivers to rush to the road!

  The hearse roared from the top of the screen, with a terrifying power, if it hits the skateboard shoe, it will probably be directly killed

  Lv Mao could not help, he could only move his steps, trying to block the hearse.

  Galio took the initiative to walk towards the river, and took the initiative to stand between the skate shoes and the old driver, quite a bit like the Hulk fisted to stop an alien spacecraft in Fulian 1.

  It’s just that in Reunion 1, nothing happened after the Hulk forced the spacecraft to stop, but Galio was dizzy when he was hit.

  Uzi didn't panic at all, and placed a second clip under Galio's feet, trying to follow a restraint.

  But at this time imp finally woke up.

  "The skateboard shoes with residual blood immediately used the big move to **** back the support after waking up. At the same time, a decisive DF second company wanted to go with the support."

  Remember to say loudly, "How do you say this wave? Can it be killed?"

  Chen Yuan certainly would not allow the fat on his lips to use DF Erlian to escape.

  The Undead God of War did not hesitate to flash an E, a mouthful of thick phlegm accurately spit on the skateboard shoes, at the same time Q [Cruel Slam] has begun to accumulate energy.

  After the skateboard shoes were slowed down, they couldn't walk or jump, and their hands hadn't flashed. In this case, you can only rely on Galio to escape.

  Lv Mao decided to sacrifice himself again, he took the initiative to use the second stage of the skateboarder's big move, the whole person rushed towards the Q-storing Thain!

   "Syne's Q was interrupted by Galio! Green Mao intends to sell himself to save AD!" The voice remembered was sharp and loud, but the next second stopped abruptly.

  Everyone can clearly see that although the skateboarding shoes have avoided the threat of Thain, he has entered a new trap!

  A word "imprisonment" appeared on the top of the skate shoes, pronouncing his death.

  "It's the clip again!" Colonel Guan yelled, "Uzi used the speed of the killer's roar to slow down and placed the Yodel trap directly at the foot of the skateboard! The slowed imp can't get out of the clip at all!"

  Imp and Lumao, both of them can be said to be affectionate and righteous characters. In this distressing situation, they did not give up on each other.

  The final result is also quite good, neither of them ran away.


  The little man started to run down the road the moment he heard the sound of Thain’s big move, but in the end he was still a little slow and could only collect the body for his teammates.

  Uzi was a good one to accept the double play, and began to push the line with Chen Yuan.

   "The three players in RNG are in good condition! They want to take action on JDG's bottom defense tower!"

  The defensive tower that was originally down the road has been gnawed down by Uzi. At this time, the blasting in the runes of Chen Yuan took effect again, and the second layer of plating disappeared with an axe.

  Chen Yuan’s direct tower returned to the city, letting Uzi and Xiaoming dismantle the tower, and he would take advantage of the fisherman’s profit.

  In the moment before returning to the city, the third layer of coating also broke, and Chen Yuan was allocated 53 gold coins again.

   But Chen Yuan’s return to the city early this wave was not deliberately trying to exploit his teammates, because he was anxious to defend the tower.

  At this time, the toothpaste has escorted a wave of cannon lines into the tower, and Karsa has come to the middle to make up the line, but this is not a long-term solution after all.

  As soon as he returned to the city, Chen Yuan directly TP in the tower, and at the same time, he took advantage of the four seconds of TP to quickly purchase equipment.

  There is nothing to say, a fist of the purple rain forest, and then a red crystal, went straight to Ju Jiu.

  The purpose of this Chen Yuan is very simple anyway~www.readwn.com~ The pushing ability is full. If you have a big move, try to walk around, and if you don't have a big move, just push in the middle.

  If the other side dared to walk, he would directly strip down two layers of plating.

  Saen TP landed, Chen Yuan was also very generous, and shared the experience of this wave of artillery soldiers with Karsa.

He chose the timing of this wave of wandering very delicately. He cleared the last short wave of the artillery line and then chose to wander. In this case, even if the toothpaste wants to push, he still feels weak to the next artillery. .

  Li Sandra’s pitiful damage is barely enough to fight melee and ranged soldiers, but it takes a long time to fight the artillery chariots.

  This is also due to the ice **** the opposite side. If it is a mid laner who can't push the line, Chen Yuan and even TP won't bother to use it.

  After receiving this wave of soldiers, the director called up the counterpoint panel. At this time, it is not difficult to see that Thain actually took the lead over Li Sang Zhuo in the make-up!

  In fact, it is not difficult to understand. After all, the toothpaste has lost two waves as it hits the road, and Chen Yuan did not lose the line when he caught it.

  "The rhythm of Brother Yuanzi is really good!" Upon seeing this scene, Colonel Guan couldn't help shook his head, "His game rhythm in this round is worth learning for everyone, including professional mid laners!"

  (End of this chapter)

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