League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 298: Mystery: Wuhun Fusion Skill!

  Chapter 299 Mystery: Wuhun Fusion Skill!


  Li Sandra threw the ice flakes in her hand, hit it on Thain’s shield, and then followed up with a tie.

  Even though Lisandra’s equipment is pretty good, Hextech’s revolver and burning gems are in hand, but this QA did not even break Thien’s shield in two hits.

  Chen Yuan stepped forward and pressed W with his backhand, and the shield exploded directly, exploding Li Sangzhuo's face.

"The disadvantage of JDG is not small now." Colonel Guan couldn't help frowning. "Although the toothpaste side has one more TP than Yuanzi, he can't push Thain at all, and he can't consume it. His TP is useless at all. The place of martial arts!"

   As long as the mid laner Thain is qualified to touch the line, then his dominance in the middle is invincible, and the ice girl who is not leading in equipment and level has no way to compare.

  The mid laner is chained, and it is difficult to revitalize this disadvantage with the help of the little husband alone.

   Down the road, Uzi holds two heads and an assist, plus a fire dragon. This matchup advantage does not know how big it is.

  With a storm sword and a pickaxe in hand, the policewoman’s attack power is forty points ahead of skate shoes!

  This high amount of flat A damage imp can't be afforded at all, and the jail mode is turned on.

  In this way, where can Green Mao dare to walk, he can only accompany the road to protect the imp, and JDG’s original Nakano Auxiliary linkage plan has also completely failed.

  At the same time, Chen Yuan didn't even think about letting go of the bottom lane. He and Karsa frequently came to the bottom lane together to put pressure on them.

  Olav came to the road from time to time, and after clearing all the grass on both sides, a dark field and empty middle road gave imp an endless sense of crisis.

   "Protect it!" Imp knows how crazy RNG's four packs are. Now he dare not fix it with a tower knife, calling his teammates frantically.

   "I am here." The little husband has come to the bottom road to do anti-squatting, and the toothpaste also indicates that he has TP.

  But the little husband squatted on the lower road for a long time, and never saw anyone appear, but Uzi unexpectedly delayed the progress of the suppression, and Xiao Ming retreated two steps.

what happened?

  Redmi, who was watching the game in the lounge, frowned, because he knew that his players had been fooled.

  Karsa, this old silver coin, did not continue to squat down on the bottom road after finishing the line of sight, it turned out to be sneaky and smeared all the way to the top road!

  In professional games, this behavior is actually extremely stupid. A jungler traverses the entire map without a monster. If you can't catch people, it's called "walking around".

  But with Chen Yuan’s assistance, that’s different.

   "Big Brother Yuanzi and Karsa slowly got on the road! JDG was fooled!" Colonel Guan looked at Zoom, which was pressing the line, his tone was full of pity.

  Redmi in the lounge also closed his eyes, feeling a little desperate.

  The roar of Thain's ultimate move resounded throughout the canyon again.

  Rolls-Royce flashed a dazzling light all over, and slammed into the sword **** the road.

   "Little Tiger is very determined here! He directly used the portal to block Jian Ji's retreat!"

  Zoom walked toward the river, and the river ran out of a Thain.

  He could only change direction and walk towards the Ueno area of ​​RNG, but another Olaf ran out of the entrance of the wilderness area.

  Three packs of one, all retreats will be sealed!

  Toothpaste originally wanted to TP, but looking at this style, most of Jian Ji couldn't hold him down, so she had to give up.

  Facts proved that there is no problem with his judgment.

  Saen, Ryze, and Olaf together to kill a sword girl who has no flesh is not too easy, almost just one person can touch the sword girl directly to death.

  Olav sent [throwing against the current] Sword Fairy slowed down and threw an AE close to his face. Chen Yuan also threw E [killer roar] personally by slowing down, and he did not lose Q, so he drove W and walked up to A.

  Little Tiger arrived last, but his control is the most critical. The wandering mage directly raised his hand to read W, and an instant rune prison appeared, imprisoning Wushuang Jianji.

  Zoom can't prevent this kind of instant click control at all. He later realized that he threw W [Laurent Eye Sword], but it had no effect!

  Although he fought back desperately before he died, he set his big move to Olaf and hit three breaks, but the eggs didn't work.

  After all, Olaf, the hero, is unreasonable in returning blood, and he has only lost half of the blood after three breaks.

   "Little Tiger threw an [overload] shot, which triggered [Spell Surge] on Jian Ji and killed Wushuang Jian Ji!" Colonel Guan shouted.

  Sword Ji’s death has brought out a series of chain effects.

  Without the participation of the top order, the Canyon Pioneer that will be refreshed next, JDG is obviously not eligible to compete.

   is again a familiar ten-minute pioneer and a familiar plot.

  The audience is tired of watching RNG for ten minutes and taking Pioneer.

  Everyone knows that RNG takes the vanguard mainly because of the lack of numbers.

  Everyone knows that they will catch it in nine and a half minutes, or ten minutes, and stabilize the vanguard by making the upper and lower lanes attrition.

  But no team can guard this minute.

  This pioneer Karsa was not in a hurry to lose it. First, he and Chen Yuan wrapped up another wave of bots, but this time he did not succeed under the protection of the toothpaste TP.

  There is no way, Karsa can only summon the vanguard and force the next tower.

  Although there is only one layer of plating left in the next tower to eat, it is a bit of a loss to use the pioneer to hit the tower, but the attitude of JDG to protect the tower is resolute, and it will waste a lot of time to use manpower to demolish a tower.

  After taking control of Vanguard, RNG will return to the city collectively again, and when they go out again, their goal will be the dragon that will be refreshed in twelve minutes.

  Next is endless snowballing.

  But this time JDG's mid-lane development is not bad. Under the threat of toothpaste, Uzi's pace of pushing the tower has slowed down slightly.

  The three-layer coating of the middle road, Uzi did not finally push it off until fifteen minutes.

  During this period, the little husband made some actions again. He used the improved flashes and ults to cooperate with Galio to catch Karsa who was deeply in the field of vision.

  At this time, the economic gap between the two sides is not as large as expected, only three thousand five thousand.

   Immediately after that, time continued to elapse, and the sword girl of Zoom finally entered a state of invincible single belt as said before the game.

  Mercury shoes and greedy Hydra in the hands of Wushuang Jianji on the road willfully lead the line.

  Xiaohu wanted to block it, but Ryze's weak damage could not consume the greedy sword girl at all.

  And JDG is also very good at chicken thieves. Jungle and support help Zoom to **** through a lot of eye positions. As long as there is a move to catch on RNG, Zoom will play and disappear for the first time.

  Chen Yuan frowned slightly at this time. Although he was well equipped, he didn't produce much armor in this round. He was full of health and he was undoubtedly a big piece of fat in Jian Ji's eyes.

  There is no way, RNG can only allocate some people to deal with the problem of Jian Ji's single belt, but in this way, the rhythm of the attack is greatly slowed down.

  The game soon came to twenty-four minutes, and the dragon was already born.

   "Sword Ji's equipment is very good!" Remember to look at the scoreboard, "I will make three items soon. This single band is really incomprehensible."

   "But RNG is already planning to force the dragon!" Colonel Guan also said loudly, "They want to use the dragon to force the group, and they don't want you to bring it with Jian Ji!"

  Now RNG has three dragons in hand, and the three heroes of policewoman Riz Olaf are not slow in their dragon fights. The threat is real.

   "You can't let the dragon, go up and fight! I can T." Zoom didn't hesitate. He knew Xiaohu's Ryze also had a TP. He couldn't break the high ground even if he took it all the way to the black, so losing the dragon would definitely not be worth the loss.

  Imp, here is a visionary transformation in Longkeng, and it is clear that Baron Nash’s health is only half left.

  The little husband suddenly panicked, and he quickly led the team to the enemy group.

  At the same time, Zoom also handed over TP as soon as possible.

  At the moment when Zoom used TP, the RNG generals who were playing the big dragon collectively withdrew from the dragon pit and rushed towards the front JDG four.

  Fake big dragon, it's really lifelike!

   "Withdraw and withdraw!" The green hair signal is going to be broken, signaling the teammates to withdraw.

  If this wave retreats, although they will lose a TP, they have also successfully delayed the rhythm of the dragon on the opposite side, which is not a loss.

  "Cars, cars, cars!" Of course, Chen Yuan didn't plan to let JDG go. The undead warriors took the lead and once again opened the big move fruit break group.

  "Will you drive big at Longkengkou?" Guan Zeyuan looked surprised, "The people of JDG have retreated to the wild area, this car can't get in!"

  In their perspective, Thain seemed to be stuck, rushing from Longkeng towards the wild area, but at this angle, he had to hit the wall anyway.

  But at this moment, Ryze suddenly opened the classic book in his hand, extracted the rune in it with his right hand, and slammed it on the ground!

  A teleportation circle is formed on the ground, and the other end of the circle is in the crowd of JDG!

  Major Guan instantly understood what RNG wanted to play, and instantly became excited, "This wave!!!"

   On the other hand, the vision provided by the foresight transformation has long been drained, and the people at JDG have no idea what is happening in the Dalong Pit.

  In the information they now know, they only know that Ryze put the end of the portal in the middle of their lineup.

   "The bag is packed!" Lumao decisively commanded the team to encircle the portal, and even if it was Thain who appeared in the next second, they would not miss it!

  A mere Saien can't stand their fire!

  The teleportation circle entered the final stage. With the violent roar, Thain opened the ultimate move and rushed into the teleportation circle just before the portal took effect!

  On the other side, JDG’s people will see a faint figure appearing in the ultimate move. The green-haired Galio has fully stored W, ready to taunt this unaware enemy at any time!

  The next second, the enemy did come, but what came was a Thain with a big move.

  In the state of the ultimate move, Thain is immune to the next series of controls, and the dump truck continues to move forward like a ruin, accurately knocking the skateboard shoes high!

   "Fuck!" Wang remembered that everyone was silly, "What is this!? RNG used Ryze's big move to send the big-up Thain to the middle of JDG's lineup!"

  The fans on the scene screamed in unison. The team battle has just begun, but the sound that came out has resounded throughout the LGD E-Sports Hall in Hangzhou!

  Syne used the E skill to hang the armor for the first time after hitting the skateboard shoes, and then began to accumulate Q on the spot!

  JDG all handed over all the control they had just held to Thain, who was opening up. At this time, they couldn't interrupt this power accumulation!

  The giant axe fell, and the skateboarding shoes took off for the second time. Chen Yuan was also unambiguous here, and the backhand A received the giant nine to reset the general attack, and the two rounds flat A quickly fell.

   Thain’s second giant nine enhanced attack used a special attack animation, instead of using a giant axe, he waved his own fist.

  Under the high HP bonus, the weight of this punch is quite substantial. After a punch, the blood volume of the skateboard shoes is directly cleared!

   "I was hit by a second directly! What kind of damage is this!"

  This is the beginning of JDG's defeat.

After   AD was defeated in seconds, they were directly defeated, Chen Yuan used all his best to keep people, and the remaining four teammates chased all the way behind.

  In the end, RNG played a wave of zero for three effortlessly, and won the Baron Nash!

  【Fuck! Boy, what kind of car are you? 】

  【This wave, this wave is called Martial Soul Fusion Technique! 】

  【The winding path and the rampage? 】

  【But Thain’s damage is really cruel! 】

  "RNG didn't plan to go home after taking the big dragon, they want to take advantage of the trend to advance!"

The four of   RNG slowly advanced under the crotch of Thain's father, and went down two cities in succession, finally breaking the high ground that had been grinding for more than ten minutes.

  After this wave, JDG generals not only have no possibility of a comeback, but also have no confidence in the comeback.

   Twenty-five minutes after the Zoom single belt was caught by RNG, the game was completely over. RNG everyone pushed forward from the top road and destroyed the JDG base in one fell swoop!

  Imp took off the headset and looked around, he felt a little at a loss.

  This mud truck of Thain completely destroyed his confidence.

  There is no way, if you play an ADC and are protected by your teammates, you will have some problems with your mentality.

In the    lounge, Redmi looked at the hammer-headed imp, and he also understood that this series must be gone.

  He was the coach of imp during S4, and the two have known each other for a long time.

  Redmi knows that this ADC has always been an arrogant person.

  Imp is a person who never uses his own champion skin.

  Because he feels that his current self is not worthy of his skin.

  Now ~www.readwn.com~ He was ravaged by RNG in every possible way, but he couldn't beat the lane, and he was killed in a team battle.

  Does he feel that he is unworthy of playing professional games?

  Redmi tried to enlighten his team members, but it didn’t work as expected.

  The break ended soon, and the players from both sides played again, and the players of JDG still had no fighting spirit.

  There is still no suspense in this round. RNG is blooming in three ways, and Chen Yuan’s ordering speed in this round is not even as fast as Xiaohu.

  Xiaohu forced Jace to press Zoom indiscriminately, and completed a wave of tower solo kills at level 5!

  Ten minutes of pioneers, 20 minutes of dragons, RNG's game rhythm is always as precise as a machine.

   Twenty-two minutes, the JDG base was once again in ruins, and the head ratio of the two sides was finally fixed at 21-3.

   "Let's congratulate RNG, sweep the JDG in three consecutive cities, and be the first to advance to the 2019 LPL Spring Finals!"

   Colonel Guan said loudly, “This is the first three-to-zero since the playoffs. The myth of RNG continues! They will start the final battle between the winners of IG and FPX!”

  (End of this chapter)

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