League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 301: Extreme support! Destroy IG in 3 minutes!

Soon, Summoner's Canyon descended on the big screen, and when the commentary looked at the skills of both sides, it was suddenly a little surprised.

"The snowman actually brought TP and sprinting?" The doll was stunned for two seconds. "This skill is too much, right?"

In the face of Zoe, even if he doesn't bring purification, he doesn't even bring flashes?

In addition, the snowman's talent has even spotted predators, in addition to ruthless hunters, walking on water and swiftness, the speed of movement is very tight.

Several commentators looked at each other, they could only interpret all this as "Yuanzige's thousand-layer routine."

Chen Yuan quickly bought Duolan Jie Erhong and went out. This Snowman mid-lane style was his idea when the Snowman was first revised, and he is constantly improving it in the follow-up.

So far in the club's internal training games, his snowman mid laner has not yet lost.

"If you don't play the first level, you just need to defend." Chen Yuan commanded the players to stand in their respective positions, while he was standing in front of the second tower of his home.

Standing in this position, the snowman can use snowballs to radiate to the upper and lower wild areas. As long as the opposite side dares to invade, he dares to let the opposite side go back and forth.

There is no idea of ​​intrusion on IG, they are normally red in the blue side, and King Ning swipes to level three and grabs them directly. They are all their old ways.

One minute and 30 seconds passed quickly, and the small soldiers' bases on both sides began to march toward the line.

Chen Yuan was still standing at the second tower, quietly watching the line of soldiers pass by him.

When the **** line crossed a tower, he pressed W, and the snowman began to push the snowball toward the center **** line.

"Hey! Brother Yuanzi seems to have some action here!" Wawa suddenly became interested when he saw this scene, "Is this going to use a snowball to push the line?"

The director was obviously also interested in this mid-lane snowman, and gave a close-up.

The snowman on the screen drove the largest snowball in history to the middle road violently, ran over three melee soldiers, and released them at the position of the long-range soldiers.

Snowball first hit the ranged soldiers for a period of crushing damage, followed by a period of blasting damage. Under the superimposition of the two periods of damage, the three ranged soldiers of the IG side were killed!

"Huh?" Miller felt that his understanding of the game had been deviated. "Level one, a long-range soldier with a second skill? Isn't this a bit exaggerated?"

Rookie frowned slightly. With this line pushing efficiency, he couldn't keep up even with a horse.

Don't talk about shooting horses, even if you give him a free Luden now, he may not be able to beat this snowman in terms of pushing the line...

But there is nothing he can do here, he can't use his body to block the snowball, isn't this stupid home?

Although the remaining three melee soldiers have a lot of health, what they will face is a wave of three-on-six.

Chen Yuan kept moving here, pinging A round after round, and quickly took away the three melee soldiers as well.

At this time, the time was 1 minute and 42 seconds. The second wave of small soldiers had just been refreshed, and Chen Yuan had already killed all the first wave of small soldiers, and the soldiers on his side were almost full.

The line of soldiers smashed into Rookie's tower, and Chen Yuan actually got a wave of wandering opportunities at the beginning of the game!

"Be careful in the middle, people are gone..." Rookie hit a few MISS in the middle.

"Huh?" TheShy's Chinese is not very good. Hearing this sentence, he thought he had heard it wrong.

He looked at his top lane, 1 minute and 42 seconds, it was time for the top lane team to converge...

I just arrived on the **** lane, you cleared all the **** lanes in the middle lane?

What are you driving?

Ah Shui in the bot lane is also a bit inexplicable, because in order to help King Ning become popular, he hasn't even been online at this time...

Have to guard against GANK without going online?

The IG people clearly saw that after the snowman finished pushing the line, he blatantly got into the river on the road.

TheShy's face was full of distress all at once.

He was planning to use his first-level long-hand advantage to suppress a wave of tigers, and as a result, the B snowman came.

No way, he could only retreat slightly and was forced to enter a state of peaceful compensation.

But Chen Yuan didn't think about letting The Shy go. He glanced at the **** line in the middle. At this time, Rookie had just completed the tower knife, and the second wave of **** lines had not even reached the line.

Without hesitation, the snowman standing at the gate of the dragon began to push up the snowball and rushed towards the road.

TheShy had just completed three melee soldiers when he saw a white snow monster rushing over from the river channel.

In the single-level catch? Li is the **** of Gan?

If this snowball is eaten, most of it will have to be bitten by the crocodile. The Shy has no choice but to retreat again and give up the line to Xiaohu.

Chen Yuan was not greedy here, the Snowman pushed out the snowball in his hand to force the opponent to move, twisting and sneaking back into the river.

The snowman carrying water walking and swift movement is extremely fast. When he returned to the middle of the road, the second wave of soldiers only dropped one, and because the second wave of soldiers paused slightly under the tower, melee soldiers and long-range soldiers All gathered together.

Nothing to say, the snowman pushed the snowball again.

(The first-level snowball CD is 14 seconds, and it is more than enough to go from the top road back to the middle CD and turn for the better.)

The full snowball exploded once again on the minions, spreading all the five minions, the long-range soldiers were directly hit by seconds, and the blood volume of the melee soldiers was also low. It was another wave of pushing the line and pulling the line!

Against Zoe's damage A, dropped a melee soldier, and then gnawed another melee soldier to return blood. This wave of blood did not lose much, and the second wave of soldiers was cleaned up.

Chen Yuan turned his head here, and then drilled down the road...

At this time, the time was 2 minutes and 25 seconds. The third wave of artillery cars had just reached the middle road, and the red-open King Ning hadn't even finished the three sets of wild.

The yellow MISS signal appeared in the middle again. The Shy, who just wanted to go up to press the crocodile, saw the signal and had to retreat again to hear the experience.

Now TheShy's heart is really too anxious. His Ryze can take advantage of the first three levels when he hits the crocodile. As a result, under the influence of this snowman, he not only failed to play the first three levels, but was also forced to lose a lot. Knife.

From the audience's perspective, Chen Yuan did not go on the road in this wave.

He quietly stayed in the small grass in the middle of the upper river, quietly waiting for his W skill CD.

Although the Snowman's mid laner is mainly based on pushing lanes and walking, it is still on the premise of not losing troops as much as possible.

When he cleared the second wave of soldiers, the third wave of soldiers had already reached the middle. If he still chose to grab it hard, he would have to lose it to a Muggle.

So he was on the second floor, pretending to go up and put pressure on the opponent's order, but in fact he walked to a suitable distance to prepare for his next snowball.

After 14 seconds passed quickly, the snowman pushed up the snowball again and ran from the river to the middle.


The snowball exploded again, blowing up all the artillery and ranged soldiers.

The HP of the third wave of small soldiers has been slightly increased, and with the first-level snowball damage, it is no longer possible to directly kill ranged soldiers in seconds.

But this problem is not big. Three Claws cleared three long-range soldiers one by one, pushing the line one dimension faster than Zoe.

Of course, it is impossible for Rookie to let the snowman clear the line. His QAQA triggered two passives, and all the damage hit the snowman, trying to suppress the snowman's blood volume.

Chen Yuan didn't bother to hide, he carried Zoe's damage A for a few shots of the artillery crew, and then a Q [Swallow] directly ate the half blood of the artillery crew, and the blood volume returned by a large amount.

Rookie is dizzy, what disgusting mid laner is this?

He felt that he was not lining up with Chen Yuan at all, and the mid laners on both sides were playing their own.

The snowman used the snowball to push the line on his own, while Zoe was on the side to make up the knife mechanically.

How did this autistic midlaner come out?

With the help of the two high-damage skills of Snowball and Devour, the third wave of artillery soldiers was quickly cleared by Chen Yuan.

"Brother Yuanzi quickly cleared the line of the third wave of artillery carts, and his blood volume was only half left, but he still had two bottles of red." The doll looked at the screen and began to look at the picture and talk.

But what was unexpected was that Chen Yuan pushed to the side of a tower and started to return to the city after pushing the artillery line.

"The snowman still has two bottles of medicine in his hand, but he doesn't need it, so he just wants to return to the city?" I remembered rubbing his chin. "Although the snowman is a hero quickly, he will definitely lose the line when he returns to the city. what!"

"It may be because of predators in his talent, so he wants to make the shoes as soon as possible." Miller tried to understand Chen Yuan's thinking.

Soon, after the snowman returned to the spring, he made a pair of straw shoes directly.

"Let's just say it." Miller showed a triumphant expression, "Then Yuanzi might use the predator to accelerate the return line. If he cooperates with the snowball, he will not miss a soldier."

But then Chen Yuan's actions were unexpected again. He didn't choose to go, but went straight to the road.

"Ah, this..." Miller stuttered for a while, and he couldn't help but slapped himself twice.

Don't predict Chen Yuan's next move. This is a rule of thumb between the interpretations.

Because this B will always play some fancy operations to slap you in the face...

[This Miller is talking about Goba]

[Don’t say if you don’t understand]

[But do you know what you said, why Yuanzi will go on this wave?]

[This is still a question, I must go on the road and squat]

At this time on the road, Xiaohu gained a lot of laning advantage with Chen Yuan's help. The third-level crocodile was full of anger, and Ryze didn't dare to touch it at all.

At this time, the problem came out. As we all know, IG's top road is a two-person road. TheShy must have King Ning within five steps.

In the case of King Naning's Xin Zhao, in the face of such a situation, is it possible that he will not catch it?

Impossible, he will definitely catch it.

So this wave not only came to Karsa to squat on the road, but Chen Yuan also came here.

"Karsa squatted directly in the grass on the road while the little tiger pressed the line, but here is TheShy's vision!" The doll looked at the scene on the screen, a little surprised.

The blind monk squatted in the grass on the road. There was a fake eye set by TheShy under his feet, which could see his movements clearly.

"TheShy saw that the blind monk did not retreat, he was pretending to not know!" I remembered raising the volume, "King Ning is here, too, do they want to encircle Xiaohu and Karsa!"

"You can't fight this wave!" Wawa was a little anxious for IG's Ueno, "Genzi brother is coming soon!"

And there is a saying, Ryze + Xin Zhao, how could it be possible to beat the angry crocodile + blind monk? Are these two groups of Ueno at the same level of combat effectiveness?

In any case, King Ning is still up here, Xin Zhao slowly walked out from the back, and at the same time TheShy side also pressed forward slightly, QEWQ stopped the crocodile and hit a set, Ryze triggered a phase rush!

Karsa touched a [Golden Bell Jar] out of the grass for the first time, and a Q hit Ryze, but was easily twisted away by Ryze in the phased state.

In the next moment, a TP light appeared on the IG soldier, it was Zoe of Rookie!

Xin Zhao of King Ning also walked out from the rear with a spear. This is a wave of three packs from IG.

"This wave of IG is a planned wave of three packs and two!" Remember to speak loudly, "King Ning directly rushed to the crocodile with an E. Do they want Xiaohu first?"

Xiaohu is an angry crocodile, no matter how easy it is to kill, he is also unambiguous here, and Zoe who flashed red anger W stunned Rookie, at this time he was right in the middle of the other three.

[Tyrant Strike]!

Three heroes, plus a few minions, are enough to maximize the recovery of Crocodile Q skills!


The crocodile waved the weapon in his hand for a week, and a violent green number appeared, raising the crocodile's blood volume by a lot!

Although the blood came out, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for RNG to beat this wave.

After all, in this early stage, there was a huge gap in the combat effectiveness of one more person.

"Kill the crocodile first!" Rookie didn't panic at all. He hit the crocodile with a [hypnotic bubble] close to his face, and then the whole person began to pull away.

At this moment, a blood-red wolf head suddenly appeared on the heads of the IG trio.

There was a momentary blank in the three people's minds, and then they reacted at the same time.


Ryze, Xin Zhao, Zoe, and the three heroes turned their heads at the same time and ran towards their tower.

But how can it be too late to run at this time?

Karsa's blind boy directly hit three of them in an E flash, and then used [Tension Broken Bone] to slow down a group!

Chen Yuan smiled evilly, press F, and the ghost starts quickly!

The snowman itself was in the second gear acceleration state of the predator and snowball, and after gaining the speed of the ghost step, it directly opened the third gear.

The people of IG saw a snowman pushing a snowball, as fast as a ghost, the biu rushed to their faces!


King Ning’s Xin Zhao became the lucky one and took off high under the impact of [the biggest snowball in history]~www.readwn.com~ Although the damage is not high, the control is extremely strong!

Xin Zhao was set on fire by the three of them, and he was killed instantly!

Karsa's QW two skills have improved at this time. He touched his eyes and approached Zoe for the first time. Ping A hung a red BUFF to slow down, followed by another [Tian Yinbo] close to his face.

There is still a flash in Rookie's hands, but his blood volume at this time is not much, and he is mortal when he is beaten by [Echo Strike]. Fortunately, he doesn't bother to work hard, so he simply handed over his life to you honestly.

In the end, only one TheShy was left and ran back to the tower at the sacrifice of two teammates.

"This wave... the two sides played a wave of two for zero..." The doll couldn't help shaking her head when she saw this scene.

"The support of this snowman is so fast!" I remember and said in disbelief, "Brother Yuanzi is running with his feet here, and it's about the same time as the TP of Rookie!"

"I have a hunch that Yuanzi's snowman mid laner is likely to become a favorite in the next competition and qualifying!"

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