League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 302: PTSD belongs to yes

"IG has already felt a bit of a crash in the early stage..." Remember to take a look at the economic panels of both sides, and Chen Yuan's economy in the middle road is already far ahead of Zoe.

And the most important thing is that King Ning's wave is also dead, Karsa's experience of eating two heads in this wave, and a large wave of soldiers.

This wave of economic disparity opened up enough to allow him to lead Ning Wang by one level.

Xin Zhao was able to fight against the blind monk at the first few levels, but in this situation, I don't think I can beat it anymore.

"Oh, be steady." King Ning went straight to the bottom of the stone beetle after he was resurrected. This is one of the few wild monsters he can still farm.

"It's okay." Rookie and TheShy are both unusually calm. Although they have a small economy, they still have no problem with their personal ability to stop the line, and the small pressure will not affect them too much.

"The next road can be caught." On the contrary, Ah Shui gave King Ning a chance, "The eye on the opposite river is about to fall."

"Ten seconds left." Baolan thought slightly and gave the exact time when the eye position disappeared.

When aligning, A Shui keenly observed that Xiao Ming arranged a river eye at 2 minutes and 40 seconds.

The role of this eye position is to prevent the third level from grabbing, which is a regular eye position necessary for RNG's bot lane.

Of course, if there are rules, there will naturally be flaws.

The two-level jewelry eye time is only 90 seconds, this eye position can only last for 4 minutes and 10 seconds, and it will be eliminated soon.

But now Uzi is busy dealing with the match line, too late to make up a new eye position, this is a wave of opportunities for IG.

King Ning nodded, he handed over the punishment to take away the big stone beetles, and then took away all the small stone beetles. Xin Zhao turned around and walked towards the river with his spear.

Just as Baolan said, the moment before King Ning walked towards the river, the eye position of the river channel arranged by RNG just disappeared quietly.

"Wang Ning's time to catch the jewelry eye is very good!" Wawa couldn't help being a little excited when she saw this. "What do you say about this wave?"

Uzi and Xiao obviously still don't know anything about the upcoming crisis, and they even took a step forward.

Then naturally there is no need to say more about the plot that will happen next.

King Ning's eyes lit up, and Xin Zhao walked directly out of the grass, and Baolan didn't even flash up, so he simply walked forward and formed a wave of attack with Xin Zhao.

At this moment, Chen Yuan frowned slightly when he saw this scene. He had just used a snowball to clear the line of troops in the air. At this time, it must be impossible for him to run to the bottom to support him.

No way, he took a step back and decided to TP directly.

But at this time, Rookie suddenly walked over with the line of soldiers, obviously not letting him TP.

Fighting has already started on the next road, and it is definitely too late to find a safe position again.

"I can't come, I can't come!" Chen Yuan's mouth instantly turned into a repeater, reminding the two of Xia Lu.

It's just that Uzi and Xiaoming have no time to reply to his news, and the bottom road war has begun.

"Let's control it with your hands first, if I go over, he must have run away!" King Ning yelled loudly while forcing Uzi to move from behind.

Baolan also understood that there was a rare opportunity, so he simply flashed up and passively stopped Uzi.

At the same time, the Q skill [Dredge the Channel] is already under reading.

Xiao Ming has been waiting for this moment for a long time. When the Titan flashed up, an E [Qing Wu Cheng Double] flew towards Xia Fei.

At the moment when Titan took the bait, Luo also flew to Xia's side and helped her block the deadly hook.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Ming made another W [grand debut], blocking the forward path of Ah Shui and Xiao Ming.

Although brave in this scene, he was quickly set on fire by the two and lost a lot of blood.

Uzi did nothing on this side, he was responsible for running.

At this time, King Ning had already circled and ran to Uzi's side. Xin Zhao turned on Q [Triple Claw Strike], and the spear began to jab at Xia.

At the same time, his WE two skills are still in his hands, as long as Xia dares to exchange, he will directly keep up with E skills.

Uzi has nothing to do, he can only turn on WA for a while, and then hand over the treatment to keep away.

The double explosive acceleration provided by W and Healing treatment caused the distance between the two to be slightly opened.

King Ning saw that A was not in Xia, he released W [Wind Slashing Electric Stinger], but was dodged by Uzi.

Xin Zhao used E [Fearless Charge] again, like a tarsus maggot, sticking to Xia's body again.

At the same time, a refreshing breeze flowed from Xin Zhao's feet, which came from his talent: [Phase Rush].

Seeing his wife being chased by an unknown brawny man, Huan Ling finally couldn't help it. He released the second paragraph of [Qing Wu Cheng Shuang], flew back to his wife, and helped her to paste it. A layer of plastic wrap.

Uzi then returned to his side with assistance, turned around and quickly shot QE, with a feather shot before, to imprison King Ning.

The two have once again shown a tacit understanding of cooperating for many years, helping each other, and there is a vague tendency to escape!

However, King Ning could not bear this kind of anger, and with the phase BUFF, he simply gave up the Xia who had half of his blood left, and directly turned to the phantom Ling with little blood left.

Taking advantage of Luo Duo Q's stiffness, the final attack of the triple claw strike relentlessly stabbed the body of Huan Ling, blasting it high into the sky.

A Shui didn't care about the skills, and directly flashed up to follow the damage. Kai'Sa shot an AQ in the open position, and countless bullets evenly penetrated Xia Luo's body.

Kai'Sa's decent outbreak quickly cleared Luo's remaining blood volume.

"IG caught this wave, only Xiao Ming was killed!" Remember to look at the scene on the screen, "Uzi half-blooded and successfully escaped by surrendering a double move."

Xiao Ming looked at the flash that he could not use, smiled wryly, and habitually clicked twice.

In the end, he was still greedy, thinking that the opponent would not hit himself. If he flashed out this wave, then the opponent would not be able to catch anyone, and he would fall into the blood.

"It's okay," Chen Yuan was a little relieved when he saw that Xiao Ming didn't use the flash. "The auxiliary flash is not used to escape. You can catch a wave in the middle when you reach level 6."

"OK." Xiao Ming actually had this intention.

Uzi hurriedly returned to the city to make up for it before the opponent had pushed the **** line over.

Now the level is not high enough, and the resurrection time is not long. When Xia returned to the city, Luo also happened to be resurrected, and the two went out of the spring at the same time.

At this time, Ah Shui and Baolan have pushed their troops into the defensive tower, and they will lose a lot of soldiers in this wave.

"Let's push directly." Uzi knew that the opposite side had just finished catching the bottom lane, and their lower half was empty. They would definitely not catch it again in a short time. They had to seize the opportunity to fight more aggressively.

Of course, if the other side insists on going his own way and has to squat down hard...

It can only be said that the master of Shabike has arrived...

In the middle, Chen Yuan is still quite comfortable on the line. The hero Zoe is a line fighter, but when he encounters the snowman, there is really no way at all.

After all, the snowman is not in line with you. A snowball came up to the ranged soldier in seconds, and then he carried the damage to clear the melee soldier. The last Q gnawed away without losing much blood.

Moreover, Chen Yuan was still the same, and the soldiers went to the upper half after the Qing Dynasty. Anyway, TheShy had to be pushed as long as he crossed the river.

In addition, the control of the hero, the Desert Butcher, is simple and rude, and he will bite after two drills. If he eats a snowball next, there must be no return.

So TheShy was forced to go to jail here.

This wave, this wave is called the line desert snowman!

Time went on quickly, and the game quickly reached eight minutes.

During the second time, King Ning and Karsa fought on the road many times, but no one succeeded.

However, King Ning's GANK rhythm and river eye position still helped TheShy relax a lot.

Shi Senming manipulated Luo Qing to get rid of the melee soldiers under him and successfully promoted to six.

"Let's go, I can play alone." Uzi was also very arrogant, and directly let Xiao Ming go for a walk.

In this wave, they are also playing counter-psychology, because everyone knows that although Xiao Ming's assistant has a strong roaming ability, he is also separate.

When assisting this kind of AD, he will wander more, and when assisting Uzi, an eternal god-like AD, he rarely wanders.

This was the case in the first few games against JDG.

So Rookie subconsciously relaxed his vigilance against Xiao Ming.

And because he knows that Karsa is in the upper half, his position is close to the river in the lower half.

In this way, it provides Xiao Ming with a natural GANK opportunity!

Rookie relaxed his vigilance. His Zoe hadn't been home for a long time, and he was planning to return to the city to make up the line after completing this wave.

In the venue at this time, watching Xiao Ming touch the middle road channel, he subconsciously began to cheer.

"He has a flash, you move faster." Chen Yuan saw that Xiao Ming had touched him, he directly started to push the snowball, and the goal was directed at Zoe.

Rookie realized that the moment he saw the snowball was bad, but he thought it was too late to run.

In the grass beside him, a light beam suddenly shot out!

Luo turned on the big move [Jinghong Passing the Gap], [Flashing] and [Grand Appearance] used continuously, almost instantly crossing a thousand yards to reach Zoe's side.

Zoe was lifted high into the sky by Low, and in the next second, the snowman's giant snowball also followed.


Zoe was blown up into the sky again, and the snowman opened his blood basin and gnawed directly on Zoe, then directly squatted down, and began to accumulate a big move [Absolute Zero]!

The snowman's ultimate move will provide a continuously increasing deceleration effect. When Zoe lands, the deceleration effect has been superimposed to 90%!

Rookie's face was suddenly full of bitterness.

In this case, even if he flashes, he definitely cannot escape the scope of this ultimate move.

He tried a wave of prizes, he first walked a few steps outside, and then calculated the time to throw his big move toward the edge of the snowman's big move, wanting to see if he could avoid the snowman's big move by moving the big move.

But Chen Yuan was also a very good chicken thief, he also calculated the distance accurately, and Zoe directly released the big move the moment before throwing the big move.

The [Absolute Zero], which was about to be fully charged, dealt extremely explosive damage, knocking Zoe's health bar directly into the bottom!

"Luo Qingwu sticks to the snowman in pairs, ignites and hangs it to Zoe! It must be impossible to run this time."

Rookie didn't even think about running, he simply threw a flying star before he died and took away a melee soldier.

At this time, the director quickly cut the shot to the bottom.

It turned out that Ah Shui and Baolan saw Xiao Ming appearing in the middle road and planned to do something against Uzi!

"Baolan pressed before the start, he seems to have an idea!"

Baolan knew that Xia had a big move in his hands, so he simply threw R [Deep Sea Impact] directly at Xia.

This is almost a conspiracy, that is, you clearly want to trade your own big for your big one.

This R Uzi definitely didn't dare to eat it, he used R [Storm Feather Blade] to take off.

Immediately afterwards, Baolan found the right opportunity, and Q [Unblocked the intestines] shot out!

Uzi's face was not red and heartbeat, just walking at a right angle.

"Uzi actually walked away from the Q, and turned around and hit the Titan with a WAQE backhand to hold it down!"

Ah Shui frowned slightly at this time. Titan didn't control a single shot. He had no big moves and couldn't fly up. So he resorted to W [Void Finding the Enemy] to see if he could steal it.

But this W was also keenly captured by Uzi. He twisted again, Ni Yu brushed past the Void's enemy, and then backhanded Royal Blue again.

Skills are all empty, this wave of killing plans was forced to abort!

"My hair! Is Uzi on a show?" The old dog blew and remembered seeing this scene and couldn't help yelling, "He just used the walking position to twist out all the key skills on the opposite side!"

Seeing the waves of their own players' shows, the cheers of the audience in the audience are endless, and the fans of IG are firmly suppressed.

Uzi sighed lightly. This wave was indeed a bit thrilling, but it was only this wave. After this wave, Xiao Ming also returned to the bottom lane.

"The bottom lanes on both sides are back in line, but now it is still IG's bottom lane that has a slight advantage." Miller looked at the situation and analyzed.

Now Xiao Ming and Uzi don't have dual moves and ultimatums, and their combat effectiveness is not one. However, Ah Shui still has healing and ultimatums, and the combat effectiveness must be a bit stronger.

It's just that in this situation, Ah Shui and Baolan are not too daring to push the line.

Because the mid laner snowman on the opposite side is back to the city again!

When this B returned to the city last time, he broke the rhythm of the upper middle field.

A snowman driving in third gears rushed over directly, they were really a bit uncomfortable...

It's just that they will still be wrong, and now Chen Yuan is not at all interested in their way down...

"Brother Yuanzi did the same thing after returning to the city~www.readwn.com~ He ran on the road again!" The doll looked at the snowman who was reading a predator on the screen, and couldn't help feeling silent for TheShy.

This wave is not anti-squatting, he is going to jump over the tower directly in this wave!

When the snowman pushed the snowball through a tower, the blind monk also appeared from behind the tower, blocking TheShy's retreat.

TheShy surrendered the big move [Zigzag Jump] and wanted to teleport and escape, but they obviously underestimated RNG's determination.

Xiaohu directly activated his big move and rushed up with two consecutive drills, stunned Ryze with a mouthful of ordinary W, and the portal he had just opened was instantly extinguished.

Then, the snowman sang all the way along the edge of the screen, and rushed to Ryze's side in just a second!

Seeing this scene, TheShy knew that he must die.

In this case, he laughed instead and covered his mouth with his right hand.

PTSD belongs to yes.

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