League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 303: A Shui, can this fly too?

  Chapter 304 Ah Shui, can this also fly?

  Short-legged Ryze faced a huge snowball rolling at the speed of light, and the word "death" seemed to have been written on the top of his head.

  “The three directly focused on Ryze, and finally the head was taken down by Genzi with a Q.” Miller looked at the scene on the screen with a little excitement.

  The wave of King Ning’s excavators was long overdue, and in the end they could only see the back of Ryze’s weakly falling.

  "The RNG trio separated directly after crossing the tower. Genzi pushes the ball back to the center again, but he will lose some soldiers in this wave."

  Even if Chen Yuan pushes the ball directly after returning to the city, he will lose a lot of pawns, not to mention catching a wave of hitting the road and returning to the center.

   But this problem is not big, after all, he took the head in this wave.

   "Let’s continue to push the line on the bottom road, the canyon will be brushed immediately, you can not use this wave." Chen Yuan decisively directed the bottom road and began to push the line vigorously.

  Although there are a few skills missing on the bottom lane, he believes that with Uzi and Xiaoming's abilities, it is not a problem to lock the opposite lane in the bottom lane.

  The Opposite The Shy has been completely blown through. King Ning and Rookie also have different degrees of losses. The 3V3 Vanguard group on the opposite side has a low chance of winning. On the contrary, if the opposite side joins the group, there will be some variables.

  The time soon came to ten minutes, and Canyon Pioneer went to work on time.

  Uzi and Xiaoming strictly enforced their instructions, neither pushing nor releasing the line in the bottom lane, and firmly controlled the **** line in the middle position. One is to prevent grabbing, and the other is to prevent the opposite party from pushing the lane back to the city.

  A Shui and Baolan were a little anxious at this time. They actually wanted to play the Pioneer Group in this wave, but how could Kai'Sa's line pushing speed be comparable to Xia, so he had no choice.

   "On RNG, both the upper and middle lanes have begun to push lines." Miller looked at the screen, "Obviously they want to play this wave of pioneers."

  Karsa, who was waiting in Dalongkeng early, started to output the first time. When he hit halfway, Chen Yuan and Xiaohu, who controlled the line right, also rushed over.

  In this case, even if King Ning wanted to play 3V3, he had no angle to start a team.

  They have to lose their pawns first, and the odds of winning are extremely low.

  They are reckless, but not mentally retarded, they will not accept this kind of group.

   "It looks like IG is going to give up this pioneer. Are they confident that they can block RNG's offensive rhythm?"

   Vanguard was punished and killed, but the Vanguard's Eye was picked up by Chen Yuan's snowman.

  The intention of this wave can be said to be quite obvious, that is, it is clear that Chen Yuan will lead Pioneer to the road.

  Rookie had already updated the equipment in his hand, already holding the shoes and the missing chapter in his hand, just wanted to show his horror damage, but in the end, Chen Yuan's wave was even more excessive, and he directly called the jungler to push the line together!

   "Karsa and Yuanzi returned to the middle and started pushing the line together, and then the two went straight to the bottom road!"

  This scene is not only seen by the commentary from the perspective of God, but even by the people of IG.

  It is clear anyway, they want to use Pioneer to win Luyi Tower!

   "Canyon Pioneer hits it head-on, and the HP of the next tower of IG is in jeopardy!" Miller glanced around, "Rookie and King Ning also followed, do they want to guard this tower?"

  IG Nakano and the two were striding fiercely. Little Lori Zoe sent a remote QRQ to smash them, and Fei Xing directly cleared the long-range soldiers under a tower.

  This wave can be regarded as a bold person. If this wave of Xiaoming reacts faster, he must be left here.

  At the same time, King Ning also walked from behind the opponent's tower, and Xin Zhao took the Remnant Vanguard with a punishment.

The   pawn line and vanguard are gone, RNG does not push the tower to rely on, and can only retreat temporarily.

  IG's Nakano team personally took part and blocked this wave of offense.

  But the offensive on RNG's side is not just one wave. It's just a matter of time before the IG tower breaks.

  However, at this time, RNG's lineup is short, but it starts to show a little bit.

  That is, their hands are too short.

  Snowman, Blind Monk, Xia Luo, none of them have the ability to consume long hands, which also caused them to be constrained everywhere in their tower pushing actions.

  On the contrary, Zoe of Rookie is in this environment like water, unlimited flying stars and bubble touch awards, once he sleeps with any key person, RNG will have to explain one person in this wave.

   "RNG seems to be a bit dry here." Miller looked at the scene on the screen, slightly helpless.

  A flying star smashed out, accurately slammed on Chen Yuan at the forefront, knocking out the snowman's blood volume by one-third.

  But Chen Yuan didn't panic here. He asked Uzi to leave a small soldier. He gnawed down and raised the blood volume up again. Although he was dissatisfied, it was still enough.

  The two sides pulled each other like this, killing them, and finally at the twelve and a half minutes, several people from RNG took advantage of a wave of artillery cars and finally took the next tower.

   "Although this wave of down the road and a tower wasted some time, it was finally won!" said the doll, "then RNG may have to enter their familiar snowball rhythm again."

  Uzi, who hadn't been home for a long time, just like the purchase. After Xia returned to the city, he immediately jumped the long sword in his hand by two levels, and became a blue-sucking knife.

  At this time, Xia’s line pushing ability is not at the same level as before. He quickly stood up and led his teammates to form a "Uzi parallelogram" in the middle.

  F6, **** line, river crab, red BUFF, enemy F6, Uzi used Xia’s money-swiping speed and blue knives to return to blue, and the economy directly started to go to high speed.

  Chen Yuan is naturally also happy to make up the line on the bottom road. He has played this snowman for ten minutes, and it is almost time for him to retire.

Immediately afterwards, the two sides started a fierce game on offense and defense of one tower in the middle. The junglers on both sides showed their magical powers. Rookie, who has been pressed in the middle, finally started to exert his strength at this time. The two sides frequently grab orders and invade, and the heads are constantly changing. To erupt.

  The time soon came to 24 minutes. At this time, all three towers of IG had been destroyed, but the two towers were still alive.

  At this time, the head-to-head ratio of the two sides is 18-12, and RNG holds the economic lead of six heads and three defensive towers.

  RNG wanted to move the dragon, but never found the right opportunity.

   "The RNG side has better equipment, but their lineup is too stupid!" Miller looked at the heroes on both sides of the field, "Zoe and Kaisha can POKE at will!"

  In this case, how to start a group has become a problem for RNG. If the group is not opened, sooner or later they will retreat because of the lack of blood, which is tantamount to giving up the dragon.

  Chen Yuan now holds a push stick + dead man's plate armor + gargoyle plate armor three-piece suit, taking into account frankness and damage.

Although the blind monk in the team has a certain ability to start a group, Karsa is a typical person who likes to get lost in the middle and late stages. he comes.

  "Little Tiger, go and guard the next road." Chen Yuan looked at TheShy, who was still on the road, and temporarily let Xiaohu go and mix with the other side.

Ryze is a hero who spends money very quickly. Even though Ryze was targeted very badly in the early stage, the top order economy on both sides is still at 50-50. But this time period is obviously that Ryze is going to be more vigorous, and the two sides are still swapping. They earn.

  "Karsa and Xiaoming are still clearing the soldiers in the middle road, but Yuanzi and Uzi disappeared from sight at the same time, they want to steal the dragon!"

  The doll habitually lowered her voice when she saw this scene.

  On the screen, the snowman and Xia went all the way to discredit them, heading straight to Dalongkeng!

  "The fight is on!" I remembered to understand how RNG plays in an instant.

  They want to use the Yeti’s [Swallow] skill to fight the dragon, and then use Uzi’s three-piece equipment to steal the dragon!

   And Karsa, the jungler, is showing up in the middle, and it is easy to give the opponent an illusion!

  Dragon’s blood volume dropped rapidly due to Kasumi’s high damage. The fans in the audience had already started cheering because of their excitement. This may be a reminder, but the IG team members could not detect it at all!

  Gradually, the dragon's blood volume has been reduced to two-fifths.

  Uzi, who had not appeared in the middle, finally aroused suspicion on the other side.

  A Shui quickly transformed his newly turned vision into Dalong Keng, and the sight he saw almost suffocated him.

be cheated!

   Seeing that it has been exposed, Karsa and Xiao Ming simply stopped acting, and the two quickly moved to the dragon.

   "IG obviously doesn't want to let this dragon go, they are still walking towards the river in a group!"

  Rookie, who was on the road with a line, fell on the river for the first time. TheShy handed over the TP at the first time, and Xiaohu was also a TP to keep up.

  When the two landed, the dragon's blood volume was only three thousand left. After TheShy landed, the ultimate move [Phase Shift] was activated directly, and the landing point was directed at the dragon pit!

  There is no doubt that after a short delay, a Xin Zhao will appear in this teleportation array.

  The five people on the opposite side of RNG gathered on fire, and only Xin Zhao, a hunky man, could survive.

   "Don't worry, the dragon in seconds!" Chen Yuan roared, directing several people to set fire to the baron with only three thousand blood left.

  They are not afraid that King Ning will send over to grab the dragon.

  Because the kill line of the yeti was terribly high, the baron who had three thousand blood left in the last second was gnawed down. Karsa took the punishment, and the baron instantly turned to ashes.

  A circle of purple BUFF appeared beside the five of them.

  "Keep on fighting, keep on fighting! Don't let them run away!" King Ning, the reckless man, didn't mean to retreat. Xin Zhao directly flashed an R after sending it.

  Shinye circle【Crescent Sweep】, directly separate RNG's five-person camp!

  Chen Yuan, Uzi and Xiaoming were directly beaten into the depths of the Dragon Pit, while Xiaohu and Karsa were beaten out of the Dragon Pit.

   Baolan decisively caught the blind monk with a hook, and at the same time, a big move knocked the blind boy into the air again, playing continuous control!

  Ashui Hunter's instinct was activated instantly, and Kai'Sa's big move also flew directly to Karsa's side, and he wanted to gather the fire first.

  Xiaohu was about to try E up to restrict Kai'Sa, but was frozen by TheShyEW, and the next second, Zoe’s hypnotic bubble also hit him.

  "Hit! I'll save Uzi, Xiao Ming will go up and save Brother Ka!" Chen Yuan shouted, only Xiao Ming could solve this dilemma.

   "OK!" Shi Senming knew instantly.

  Luo instantly turned on the big move, an E was first given to Chen Yuan, the charm effect was triggered on Debang, and King Ning was slightly taken away, and at the same time, it flashed to receive the second stage of [Qing Wu Cheng Double] and quickly flew towards the set fire Karsa.

  Luo of Lord E added a not-thin shield to the blind monk, and at the same time, Xiao Ming flew to Ah Shui with another W [grand debut].

  Luo’s RW is unreasonable, and the hero of Kai'Sa has no displacement. Ah Shui can only use Dodge to avoid this lift.

But this time Xiaohu came again. After he was relieved from his sleep, he just saw Kai'Sa handing over the flash, then he naturally couldn't save the skills at this time, the crocodile instantly activated the big move, flashed and then the Red Wrath W General Kai'Sa Just bite!

  Xiao Ming's eyes lit up, and he directly ignited Kai'Sa. Karsa was also a lightning strike at this time. The blind monk flashed decisively and flashed up and an RQ directly killed Kai'Sa!

  But with little blood left, he only finished one set in his hand, and he was also killed by TheShy with a [overload] shot.

  Outside the dragon pit, only Xiaohu was struggling to support him, but how he could resist Zoe Garitz's serial output, which he had no skills in his hand, was also defeated in the end.

  In the Dragon Pit, King Ning finally couldn't bear the injuries of Chen Yuan and Wuzi, and died at the same time as Xiaohu.

  The two sides came to 3V3.

  The state of Baolan is actually pretty good. He didn't think TheShy and Rookie had any intention of retreating. He also opened the shield and pushed forward, wanting to close the door and hit the dog against the three of RNG.

  Titan shot [Unblock the intestines] and went straight to Uzi.

  Uzi after King Ning’s suicide cut, his blood volume has been lost by half. If he can hook Xia to the second, then this wave can still be beaten.

  But how could Chen Yuan let the other side succeed, the old silver coin’s footsteps lightly, he took the initiative to block the hook, and the snowman took the initiative to stand in front.

  A snowman with 3000+ HP and a Gargoyle Plate Armor in hand is absolutely impossible to kill with Zoe and Ryze.

  They had enough time to kill the Yeti, enough time for Uzi to kill them twice!

  TheShy and Rookie shook their heads, four big characters.

  Bumped and sold out!

   "Zoe and Ryze immediately retreated when they saw the situation was not good." Miller couldn't help laughing at this scene, "Then RNG is making a lot of money!"

  Baolan is inevitable after all, and Chen Yuan’s head is [swallowed] by Chen Yuan.

  The team battle played two for three, and they also controlled the dragon!

   "RNG took advantage of the trend to tear down the second tower of the middle road, which had been incapable for a long time, and the economic gap directly expanded to eight thousand!"

  The IG fans on the scene couldn't help sighing, knowing that this situation is over.

  【A Shui, this dare to fly too? 】

  【This wave, this wave is called dredging the intestines! 】

  [This IG's next road is actually pulling the hips, King Ning’s big move is already perfect, and I haven’t played it yet]

  [Indeed~www.readwn.com~ I don’t know how AD died. How can I win a teamfight without a C? 】

  The viewers in the live broadcast room are all madly outputting against Ah Shui. When this wave of team battles are defeated, Kai'Sa is definitely going to bear the burden.

  But only the ten players in the field know that this wave of A Shui actually has nothing to do. If you really want to pick a problem, it is that he should not make a big move into the field.

  He handed over his only displacement skill first, then he could only dodge the W of Diluo.

   no flash, then Kai'Sa certainly can't escape the clutches of the crocodile.

   "Good fight, Xiao Ming!" Xiaohu took a sigh of relief. If it wasn't for Xiao Ming's support across the entire battlefield, then he and Karsa must have died in vain.

"Continue to push." ​​Chen Yuan went back to the city to make up his equipment. He just made a three-piece suit, so this wave hasn't changed much, but Uzi's side is terrifying. In twenty-six minutes, Xia has already paid. Out of his fourth piece of equipment.

  Uzi with a three-piece suit will be able to end the game. Now with a four-piece suit, why don’t you play five?

  "YM doesn't want to drag on anymore. The five of them pushed together and wanted to end the game directly!"

  (End of this chapter)

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