League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 305: Spiritual support, turn inferior into superior!

  Chapter 306 Spiritual support, turning inferior to superior!

  Chen Yuan was also a little numb seeing this scene.

  He thought that he would be arrested, but he didn't expect that the other side would come at level two.

  Also, it’s fine to catch two levels, and this wave of my own just hit it.

  If the time and place are right, the opposing side is occupied, so what else he has to say, he will give you a blood directly.

  IG fans are rare to see their own blossoms, they are very excited, waving the cheering stick in their hands and cheering for King Ning’s performance!

  【Good grasp! 】

  [Yuanzi brother is targeted]

   "The opposite is a bit cruel!" Karsa exclaimed as he brushed the three wolves on his hand.

  Chen Yuan also shook his head helplessly. He didn't make up a few soldiers in this wave, and he couldn't afford the money in his hand.

   "Brother Yuanzi used TP to go online after he was resurrected, and it happened to be able to eat this wave tower knife!" Remember to explain, "Fortunately, he brought TP! If he is ignited, it is estimated that he will lose the right to line directly!"

  But the use of this TP still brought a lot of obstacles to the early rhythm of RNG.

  "8.00MIDT" Baolan typed in the chat bar to record the TP time.

  In these six minutes, the people of IG will definitely not be safe.

  The mid laner of both sides restarted the line, Rookie got a blood and went home and made a dark seal and a true eye.

  The fifteen-point magic power of Killing Ring adds a lot of courage to Rookie, and he frequently uses the [Dark Sphere] to consume.

  Even though Chen Yuan is in a tricky position, it is still a bit difficult to twist the ball without showing off his shoes.

  And now that Syndra has risen to level three, it is no longer possible to dodge the ball with the hammer shape as before. Syndra can completely push you away and fight back.

  The double suppression of experience and economy makes Chen Yuan inevitably into a disadvantage.

  The doll shook her head and analyzed: "Brother Yuanzi is at a disadvantage. Then the RNG game may be a bit difficult. After all, the hero Jace was chosen to suppress it."

   "But RNG is more than just a rhythm point." Remember to focus on the blind monk, "Karsa seems to have an idea?"

  The blind monk with the red open brushed all the way to the lower half, and when he finished collecting the crabs, he just reached the fourth level.

  Karsa's first thought was naturally to catch it, but the IG guys had clearly arranged their eyes on the bottom road, and the two began to retreat ahead of time.

The hero   Blind Boy can't bring a scan. There is no way. He can only get into the lower field area of ​​King Ning. It is not difficult to know this information from the two levels of King Ning. The stone beetle and F6 are still there.

  At this time, King Ning made another move, and Debang quickly cleared the three groups of wild monsters in the upper half, and then flashed another wave on the road.

  Xiaohu didn’t play too aggressively, so it’s too late to run after seeing the jungle.

  However, King Ning’s wave of hard-heartedness wanted something to gain. Xin Zhao flashed directly up and stabbed, and Xiaohu could only cross over and pull away.

  This is a standard IG-style rhythm. I catch you a flash in the early stage, and then wait for a suitable opportunity to pass you directly.

   Lost a large wave of **** lines, and have to face TheShy with a head. Generally speaking, most top laners can leave the game directly.

  Chen Yuan frowned, Karsa lost his way, he was crushed, Xiaohu was arrested, the opening of the game was too unsuccessful.

   "Brother Ka, come and help me to force it. We pushed the line and walked on the road." Chen Yuan's mind turned slightly, and he had a countermeasure and began to command the jungler.

   "OK." Although Karsa is a brainy jungler, his command of Chen Yuan is unconditionally executed, "Are you going to catch TheShy? Xiaohu hasn't been online yet."

   "No," Chen Yuan marked the stone beetle in the upper half of his house.

  Karsa knew instantly.

  His blind monk was solo red and then swiped directly down, so the stone beetle was still there, and his number of hits after the appearance of the bottom road also exposed this information to IG.

  Ning Wang finished catching the road, naturally it is impossible to let go of this group of wild monsters.

  Those who offend our wild area will be killed even though they are far away!

  Karsa ran directly to the middle after brushing F6. He knew that there were eyes in the grass in the middle, but he still pretended to squat in the grass.

  Rookie saw that the opposite jungler was coming, so naturally he didn't dare to press down deeply. He operated Syndra to stand in a safe position to make up the knife. Chen Yuan took this opportunity to push the line vigorously.

  After the two finished pushing the line, they disappeared directly into the shadow.

  They raced against time to walk through the wilderness. Xin Zhao was not fast at hitting the stone beetle, but they might not be able to keep up with their movements a little late.

  Karsa stood in the grass next to the red BUFF, a stone beetle camp was inserted into the wall, and he happened to see King Ning who was pounding a small stone!

   "This wave is ok, do it!" Chen Yuan quickly spread the encirclement, starting from the right to circle the wall.

  Xiaohu is surrounded from the left.

   "You can kill, you can kill! Brother Ka keeps people!"

  Karsa nodded, [Gold Bell Jar] did not hesitate to touch the eye he had just inserted, and the blind monk directly confronted the two of Xin Zhao!

   King Ning still wanted to run, but it was obviously too late.

  TheShy originally wanted to save, but seeing this situation can only go back and retreat.

   "The blind monk patted the floor and hung down to slow down. Jace fired an acceleration cannon from a distance!"

  Xiaohu also came here to call QEWQ, and immediately stopped after the imprisonment. The meaning was quite obvious.

  Chen Yuan was also unambiguous, operating Jace to take the [Sky Leap] to take the head!

  This head can make up a big mouthful for the nearly collapsed center lane, and his teammates should let him.

   "Slid away." Chen Yuan took the head without stopping, letting Karsa take away the few little stone beetles, and he returned to the middle to receive the line of troops pushed over.

  It is difficult for him to beat Rookie by laning alone. After all, he has lost some experience once again in this wave of roaming.

  On the other side, King Ning was severely injured after being besieged by the three, and he was temporarily lost on the map.

  But everyone knows that IG's is waiting for a rhythm point, that is, waiting for TheShy to press the line into the tower.

  This will be a difficulty that Xiaohu will suffer.

On the road, TheShy has begun to stock up the line, prioritize the clearing of long-range soldiers, and keep the melee soldiers to delay the progress of the line. In this way, when the line is pushed under the Tiger Tower, there will be a wave of giant lines. .

  If according to their plan, King Ning came to cross the tower at this time, then the game would basically come to an end in advance.

  Chen Yuan has nothing to do with this situation. He has only half of his health left now, and he still can't get the line right, so he can't return to the city at all. It is still a problem if he gets through this line.

  This is also attributable to Xin Zhao, the opposite jungler. If it is an excavator blind monk prince or something, he will not even dare to repair the tower knife.

   glanced at Syndra's level. It has been at level five for a long time, and Rookie's position has begun to become more aggressive, obviously not far from level six.

  Chen Yuan didn’t care about it either. He knew that Syndra was still flashing, and his own HP flashed REQW, so he decided to return to the city directly.

  Rookie was not surprised by Chen Yuan's actions, and he didn't even want to step forward and try to interrupt, but continued to push the line.

After    and other troops were sent into the defensive tower, Syndra successfully rose to six. Rookie turned his sword and ran straight to the road.

  "Come! Three packs of IG's on the road!" The doll looked at the scene on the screen, slightly excited.

  King Ning was already ready in advance on the road, Xin Zhao appeared behind a tower and sealed the way for Xiaohu to retreat, and Syndra also hurried over.

  IG's actions were lightning fast, and their time to close the road was extremely advanced. At this time, TheShy hadn't even pushed the line of troops into the tower!

  Xiaohu has a hunch that he will be overtaken, but he still has no time to retreat.

  Chen Yuan frowned. Although he was walking on the road for the first time after returning to the city, it was obviously too late with his moving speed.

  With Karsa alone, how could it be possible to withstand the crazy bag of IG.

   "I can come in this wave." An unexpected voice sounded, which turned out to be Xiao Ming.

  He manipulated Tahm to retreat and began to return to the city, and used the talent [Unsealing Cheats] to replace his purification with teleportation.

  Chen Yuan couldn’t help his eyes light up when he heard this voice, he immediately changed his mind, “Then Xiaoming, you go to support the road, I’ll go down the road to protect a wave of Uzi!”

Several members of   RNG quickly completed the tactical deployment, and a wave of counter-attack plans are slowly unfolding.

  On the road, the tower-crossing operation officially began, and the three of them were already on the verge of doing it.

  Xiao Ming knew that he could not wait, so he handed over TP directly.

  A beam of transmitted light lit up, and IG was temporarily in a trance, and some did not understand it.

  0.1 seconds later, they realized that this was assisting Tam.

   "Continue, just stop him!" King Ning shouted, this wave of their long-planned leaping over the tower, it would be ridiculous if it was destroyed by an auxiliary teleportation.

  The first person to do this was Rookie’s Syndra. Standing at the limit of the defensive tower, he directly sent a long-range EQ towards Ryze.

  Xiaohu himself has been forced to a dead end, and there is no room to move, so he can only be stunned honestly.

   Immediately afterwards, Silas and Xin Zhao both rushed forward and output frantically at the dizzy Ryze.

The reading bar sent by    is gradually filling up, but Ryze's health bar is getting lower and lower.

  Rookie quickly retreated after carrying the tower twice, and the hatred of the defensive tower shifted to King Ning.

  Fortunately, in the preseason version of S9, Fist made a wave of fine adjustments to the teleportation, reducing the time from 4.5 seconds to 4 seconds.

  This 0.5 seconds has become Xiaohu’s life-saving straw!

  Just before Ryze's blood volume was about to be emptied, Tahm finally got down.

  After Xiaoming came down, his hand exploded quickly, and a flash flashed to catch Xiaohu and save him a dog.

  At the same time, Karsa also came, two blind boys with long swords shot [Tian Yinbo] from the corner, and accurately hit King Ning who resisted the tower, and the second stage Q received the AE burst damage and directly killed the half blood Xin Zhao!

  In the next second, the little tiger spat out from Tam’s belly, and this **** Ryze suddenly became a hot potato.

   Silas gritted his teeth and used W【King Killing Spike】to harvest the remnant blood Ryze, but this move also attracted the attack of the defensive tower.

  Xiao Ming stuck out his tongue instantly, and the Q skill hit Silas with a high amount of deceleration, creating output space for the tower dad!

  The Shy backhand flashed away, but was still beaten twice by the tower. At this time, Karsa released the [Golden Bell Jar] that he had been holding in his hand.

  TheShy saw Rookie following behind the blind monk, and turned his head back for the first time.

   Silas threw Q [Chain Whip], and the magical energy exploded under the blind boy's feet.

  Karsa here, wait a while, wait for the Q [Tian Yinbo] CD to get better, and Q hit Silas with a face, and A receives the echo hit and takes the head directly.

  At the same time, Rookie also threw a big move [Energy Pouring] from the side, five magic **** rushed into the blind boy, and the same shot.

  The remaining one, Tam and Syndra, naturally couldn't find any wind and waves. The two tentatively tested each other, and they separated directly when they found no chance.

   "Both sides played a wave of two for two!" The doll said excitedly, "Xiao Ming's support is too critical!"

  Miller said, "But Xiaohu's wave is still a bit broken! This wave of soldiers has been eaten by Xiaoming, and he only got two assists."

   "It would be nice to be able to get two assists." I remember also shook his head, "I cut off a wave of IG's rhythm. This is the most important thing. This makes them from a disadvantage to a balance of power."

  At this time, the director moved the camera to the bottom lane again. The IG's bottom lane duo was obviously not satisfied that Uzi was eating the line alone, and directly moved the line into the tower.

  In the game, it’s because you are in good position and let you escape. This guy directly jumps over your tower and sees how you operate!

  At this time, the director switched from the IG perspective, so the commentator didn’t know that Chen Yuan had been waiting here for a long time, and the doll said loudly, “Uzi doesn’t seem to want to leave this wave. Does he want to operate it?”

   Just as the two of Xia Luo gradually surrounded their big mouths, and Luo released the [grand debut], a Picheng Gaofushuai with a giant gun walked out of the darkness.

Baolan and Ah Shui were shocked and their first reaction was to retreat.

  At this time, it is obviously too late to retreat.

  Uzi watched the grand debut at his feet, and instead of retreating, he moved forward, his big mouth flashed onto Xia's face.

  Chen Yuan first hit the phantom with a crooked accelerator cannon, and then stepped on his accelerator to quickly rush to Luo's face!

  Baolan was taken aback, and hurriedly used the E skill [Qingwu Chengshuang] to fly towards his AD.

  But Chen Yuan was not in a hurry, R switched forms, Q [Sky Leap] hammered Luo's side again, and at the same time, Xia also slowed down!

  Ashui is numb, he can only hand over the flash to open the distance, and give Baolan a second E escape.

  But Chen Yuan can't allow Luo to leave again this time~www.readwn.com~Thunder Strike] Seize the opportunity to release, Luo just went out and was sucked back by a hammer!

  There is a problem now. The audience in the audience has already started cheering in advance, because they all know that this wave has already happened.

  Uzi kept leveling A on the side, and the E skill slowed down to slow down Luo.

  At this time, Baolan is too late to hand over the flash. After the big mouth is opened, the attack distance is extremely long, and the attack speed is also fast in the deadly rhythm state. He is chasing all the way to force the magic to A death!

   "Oh! Spiritual support from Brother Yuanzi!" Miller knelt when he saw this place, "Why did Jace appear here? Did he come here directly after returning to the city? This is too scary!"

  I remember constantly shaking his head, "This person is indeed outrageous"

  Chen Yuan’s GANK interrupted IG’s bot rhythm, and at the same time fed Uzi a fat head.

  After this wave, the head-to-head ratio of the two sides reached 4-3.

  Chen Yuan not only recovered the head sent in the opening game, but also made a go-ahead!

  (End of this chapter)

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