League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 306: 1 double kill!

  Chapter 307 One Shot Double Kill!

   King Ning could not help gritting his teeth when he saw that the situation had started to get better for RNG.

  A feeling of powerlessness gradually spread in his heart.

  They have played too many games with RNG, and he knows he has to do something now.

The   RNG team, as long as they get a little advantage, they will start to be unreasonable.

  In fact, the same is true for their IG, but their IG uses their unique group ability to widen the economic gap, while RNG operates through Uzi's push tower.

  Although their IG method is more profitable, it is risky, but RNG's operation is completely opposite. The return is average, but the advantage is that the risk is almost no!

  Now let Uzi get the head, it is not difficult to imagine how Ning Wang will develop in the next game.

Next, Uzi will push the line back to the city and go to the upper half. The five people hold the group to control the vanguard, and then the RNG double-C immediately changed the line. Chen Yuan went to the lower guard tower to develop. Uzi used the vanguard to push down a tower and then entered him. The parallelogram brushes wild rhythm.

  In this way, the economic gap between the two sides will only increase. After 20 minutes, the economic gap between the two sides will reach 5000+, and RNG will take the big dragon through a wave of team battles and win the game.

  Once this set of combo punches is activated, no one can stop them. Since this spring competition until now, as long as Uzi gets the vanguard, they have never lost.

  "You must target the next road." King Ning said in a deep voice.

   "Indeed." Rookie also nodded, "You come to the middle road and help me catch a wave. After we catch Jace home, we will wrap it up."

  They all understand that RNG's big daddy is Uzi, but the real big daddy is actually Chen Yuan.

  With Chen Yuan sitting in the middle of the road, RNG’s bot lane is solid.

   "I can come too!" TheShy also took the initiative to speak at this time, operating Silas to run to the middle.

  He stole Ryze’s big move [Zigzag Jump] when he went to wave to fight. At that time, he planned to use it to stay over the tower, but the battlefield changed rapidly, which made him useless in the end.

   And now he is resurrected and came to the middle road, which can be used to GANK Chen Yuan!

  Ning Wang nodded with joy when he saw the news.

  Man has a portal, let's see how you run!

  IG Nakano meets at the second tower of the middle road and stares at Jace under the middle tower.

  Since TheShy came directly after the resurrection, his disappearance did not arouse RNG's alertness.

  Rookie’s blood volume was also dissatisfied because he had carried two towers on the top road. Chen Yuan felt that he should push this wave. After all, this was one of his few opportunities.

  So he moved Jace forward and started advancing the line.

  But at this moment, Rookie suddenly began to press forward abnormally, and only half-blooded Syndra took the initiative to walk into Jace's attack range!

  A dark magic ball began to condense under Jace's feet.

  There must be a demon if something goes wrong, Chen Yuan felt a little wrong, and quickly began to retreat.

  This time is too late.

  "Silas quickly opened his ultimate [Zigzag Jump], and a portal opened behind Jace!" Remember to say quickly, "Xin Zhao and Silas will appear next to Jace soon!"

  Chen Yuan raised his eyebrows in surprise, a little surprised.

  He didn't expect that TheShy, who has always "liked development", would abandon the road **** line to do himself.

  Chen Yuan took a deep breath, his hand speed began to explode on the keyboard, and Jess threw seven skills in an instant!

  Face-to-face acceleration cannon, the moment when W is turned on, it turns into a hammer form, and then releases the sky leap, followed by the hammer form three hammers at the speed of light, and then an E!

  A gunman dropped in seconds!

  The opposite is also a three-grab one, how could it give you room to operate, Chen Yuan's set of skills to eat the gun cart before his death is already the biggest stop loss.

Immediately afterwards, TheShy and King Ning rushed forward. Silas EW pressed his face and shot a second E in seconds, and controlled Chen Yuan. King Ning followed and stabbed three shots. Rookie had another EQ, and Chen Yuan didn't move. Directly sent away by pleasure.

   "It's uncomfortable." Chen Yuan couldn't help sighing and opened the shop to update his equipment.

   Two-level catch, six-level package, he was ironically targeted in this round.

"It's okay, Brother Yuanzi! Give this to me!" The little tiger on the road simply smiled. Without a line, he showed Ryze's line pushing ability to the fullest, sent the line into the tower in three or two, and quickly gnawed down. A layer of plating.

  The viewing angle is changed again.

   "Taking advantage of King Ning's chance, Karsa quickly came to the bottom road and tried to attack Ah Shui!"

  RNG's bottom lane is the Big Mouth Tam combination, and the ability to start is quite limited, so this task is naturally handed over to Karsa.

  Blind monk set of silky eye-touching R flashes, directly kicked A Shui’s Xia back!

   "A Shui is not flashy here! It is obviously difficult to run in this situation!"

   Baolan saw that A Shui still had treatment, and originally planned to save it, but as soon as he saw that Xia had been crippled before she even landed completely, he simply collapsed and sold her.

  Just finished catching the middle, Rookie, who was about to take advantage of King Ning, frowned upon seeing this scene. If the next wave is not dead, they can seize the opportunity to go directly to Uzi.

  Nakano’s four packs of two, it is impossible to survive with only one tahm.

  But when Ah Shui died, their rhythm was cut off.

  The two sides GANK each other, which is equivalent to a wave of exchanges, which is a blood loss for IG!

  "Turtle! Two heads broke out again on both sides!" Wawa said loudly, "Both sides are fighting non-stop! Find a rhythm!"

  Uzi harvested his second human head and was a little excited. He was eating the coating while yelling "NiceNice" in his mouth.

  After returning to the city, he took a look at the economy in his hand, and he was only two hundred dollars short of the ruined King's Blade!

  He simply waited for two seconds, then sold the Dolan sword in his hand, and walked out of the house with his big mouth naked and ruined!

  Chen Yuan and Karsa's hard work on the bottom road finally came to an end, and the mouth was broken in eight minutes, which can only be said to be terrifying!

  "A Shui here. After returning to the city, I bought Caulfield's warhammer and a pair of shoes."

  One side is dilapidated, and the other is a 1100 small hammer. The equipment gap comes out.

  Actually, Ah Shui still has a lot of gold coins on his body, but he can't buy equipment.

  Xia’s first piece is usually the Scythe of Abundance, and this piece of equipment needs to be synthesized by the Great Sword of Storm, and the remaining money in his hand after buying the Warhammer is only 900, which is far from the Great Sword of Storm.

  So he can only buy a pair of straw sandals and a short sword.

   But in this way, the difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides becomes infinite.

   Big Mouth has passed the most uncomfortable early stage and came to a set, and then he is obviously about to carry out crazy line suppression.

  "The ADCs of both sides are back online, and Uzi's position is extremely high. He doesn't seem to want Ah Shui to make up his knife!"

  Uzi's operation is simply frantic, his big mouth directly crossed the line of soldiers, and one person chased Charo for two fights!

The hero   Xia has a short hand, with an attack range of only 525, while the big mouth itself has an attack range of 500. When level 4 is turned on, the attack range is as high as 590!

  In addition to the equipment gap, even Dian Xia would not have the advantage. Ah Shui had no choice but to be forced to retreat step by step until he reached the tower.

  IG off the road, the two dared to be angry when they saw this scene. Although Luo of Sapphire has a big move now, he is definitely not good at it now.

  Because there is Tam on the opposite side.

  Xiaoming’s Tam was standing behind Big Mouth, and he was holding the purification in his hand. As long as he didn’t get sick, he couldn’t drive to Uzi at all.

   "It's so uncomfortable to play on IG!" Miller saw this scene and shook his head repeatedly, "How can I play this?"

   "Let's wait for us down the road." Seeing the little brother being bullied so much, of course the big brother Rookie couldn't stand the anger. He first pushed the line of troops into the defensive tower in twos or twos, and then merged with King Ning, and the two went straight to the bottom!

  They intend to fulfill their wish for the future.

   But there are still variables in this wave, and that is Jace in the middle.

  Upper Poges is dead, and the TP hasn't improved yet, so they can be sure of their success as they cross the tower.

  This Bojes is here, and he already has TP in his hand

   "Brother Ka go back to squat first, I have a T." Chen Yuan clicked on a few signals and signaled that the opposite side was coming and down, but he didn't move.

   "OK." Karsa's anti-squatting consciousness is of course needless to say. The blind monk squatted directly into the grass and waited for the arrival of the opposite side.

   Soon, Syndra and Xin Zhao came to the bottom lane, Uzi did not panic at all, he pretended to be invincible, and Big Mouth began to retreat.

   Baolan took on the first task at the first time. Although Luo's hands did not flash, neither did Uzi.

  So there is nothing to say, Luo turned on the ultimate move to speed up, and he just drove Uzi with a charm W.

   "It's on!" The doll felt something was wrong when she saw this scene. He felt that Uzi was driven too easily!

  Xiao Ming also had a big heart at this time. Seeing his ADC being lifted, he just stood by and watched without paying any food.

  On the other side, Rookie has already walked out of the river and came to the bottom road. He shot a long-range EQ and hit the fly's mouth, renewing charge control.

  Xiao Ming still refuses to pay.

  Ning Wang rushed to the side of Big Mouth immediately after another E.

  Chen Yuan had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and he directly handed over his TP to the little soldier.

  Xiao Ming finally handed W at this time.

  Tamm used W [Swallow] to directly help Uzi swindle Debon’s E, and at the same time avoid Sindra’s subsequent W damage!

  Uzi clicked on the screen, and the big mouth came out from Tam's mouth, he directly turned on W [Biochemical Barrage], and the big mouth turned on Xin Zhao and Syndra not far away!

  Xiao Ming is firmly at the forefront, firmly sticking Xin Zhao!

  At the same time, Karsa suddenly came out of the grass. His blind monk is now a 2-1-1 record. His development is only behind Uzi, and the warrior jungler is already in his hand.

  The damage of the blind monk in this state is also extremely high. Tianyinbo received the echo hit, and after landing, he issued an AE and directly confiscated most of Xin Zhao's blood!

  If it weren’t for Karsa's big move in Shanghai GANK, then Xin Zhao would probably have to be beaten directly!

King Ning was also taken aback. He surrendered his big move [Crescent Sweep] and swept away the blind monk directly. At the same time, a circular barrier appeared, blocking all the damage from Big Mouth!

  Rookie is also unpretentious here. He quickly condenses a second dark magic ball under his big mouth, but it is accelerated by Uzi's treatment.

   Immediately afterwards, Syndra directly used R [Energy Pouring], and five magic **** slammed into the body of Big Mouth, reducing its blood volume to one-third!

   "Uzi was beaten and disabled here! But he doesn't seem to be leaving!"

  Everyone saw that the one-third of the **** mouth not only didn't leave, but stood still and stood up.

  And even so, the IG people can no longer cause any harm to Big Mouth!

  Sindra's skills are all gone, Xin Zhao dare not fight, Luo and Xia can't touch the big mouth at all.

  At this time, Uzi is simply invincible, a mouthful of thick phlegm squirts at Syndra!

   "Wow, the damage of the broken mouth is very high! Rookie can't hold it at all!"

   However, RNG is playing three-on-four after all, and Karsa and Xiao Ming are also in a bad situation.

   The two of them were in front of them and were output by Ah Shui, and they continued to eat various AOEs, and their blood volume was also not optimistic!

  Just as the battle gradually turned into white-hot, when the heads of people were about to explode, Chen Yuan finally came.

  At the stage where there is residual blood everywhere, the entrance of a full-blooded Jace is almost like a **** of war.

  Chen Yuan TP found a good angle as soon as he landed, and a tricky crooked gun fired!

   "Electricity surges!"

  Picheng Gaofushuai let out a loud shout, and the energy cannon shot out, accurately hitting the remnant blood of Syndra and Xin Zhao!

  The two of them, who had little blood left, fell directly together!


  One shot, two sounds!

  The audience in the audience has already started cheering ahead of time, because they know that this wave has already happened!

The two sides then started a fierce exchange. Ah Shui made a [barb] and pulled back the seven feathers. The blind monk and Tam standing in front were all affected, and Xiao Ming, who had little blood, died directly. !

  The Karsa on the other side was also uncomfortable and was imprisoned in place.

  But it’s okay, because Chen Yuan is here.

  After Chen Yuan double-killed with a single shot, he did not hesitate to hit Ah Shui with a Q [Sky Leap]. After landing, he hit three hammers at the speed of light, and then backhanded with an E hammer flying to save ADC's Luo.

   Bow left and right, so majestic!

  Uzi is naturally hiding behind and spitting wildly, and the damage is much higher than Chen Yuan's hit!

  The two chased after victory and pursued all the way, and finally waited until Chen Yuan's [Electric Shock] CD turned better, Jace switched back to the artillery form, and a tortoise shot Q with a quick Q, accurately harvesting the life of Ah Shui.

  The sapphire on the other side also failed to escape, Uzi fired a long-range R [living cannon] precise strike, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will directly harvest Luo!

  【GG! 】

  【I think you are useless for mid lane! 】

   [Indeed, Jace is still 4-2 record now, this ghost can't be targeted! 】

   "It collapsed!" Miller glanced at the economic panel. The headcount ratio of the two sides was 12-6, and the economic gap had directly widened to nearly three thousand!

   "Oh." Rookie couldn't help holding his forehead when he saw this scene. He knew that the game was gone.

  In this wave, he thinks that their midfielders are moving fast enough that they can lose their mouths in seconds before Jace T comes down.

  But Xiao Ming’s W, which he threw to the limit, broke their plan!

  This wave can be regarded as a real proof. Playing RNG still cannot tolerate any fluke.

  Four packs and two grabbing a big mouth can't kill, but let the opposite double C kill all, is this game still playing?

  If it is a qualifying round, this round is estimated to be a round of 15 shots away with pleasure.

  Not to mention the opposite or RNG?

  (End of this chapter)

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