League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 307: Delevingne! IG's hole card!

  Chapter 308 Delevingne! IG's hole card!

  Next, although IG did not give up, King Ning has been doing things everywhere, but it still has little effect.

  Because he did something on the top lane, Chen Yuan and Karsa will definitely make it up on the bottom lane.

  A famous commentator (Changmao) once said that in a game, most of the actions of the players are meaningless and will not affect the outcome.

  Sometimes you give a head to the head, or when you are fully loaded to complete a single kill, it will not affect the direction of the game.

  Take this game as an example. Even if King Ning’s rhythm is full here and wherever he goes, he can at most capture two or three people and help IG recover less than a thousand economic gaps.

  But this does not help them win the game, because when it comes to the vanguard group, the RNG people should still be there, and the combat effectiveness will not be much weaker.

  IG can only complete the turnaround if they score the key rhythm points of the 10-minute Canyon Pioneers.

  But how could RNG give this opportunity.

  Nine-and-a-half minutes, Uzi, who had an infinite advantage in the next road, pushed the line on time, escorted the line into the tower and returned to the city to make up the equipment and quickly headed to the upper half.

  IG is naturally going to take over the group. Baolan returned to the city one step in advance, and A Shui used Xia’s ability to clear troops to quickly close the line, returning to the city to replenish the equipment and gather together.

  The two sides are in a stalemate back and forth at the gate of Dalongkeng, but the RNG, who got there first, clearly occupies a favorable terrain!

"Jace and Big Mouth started to touch the prizes!" The doll frowned slightly at IG, who was constantly draining his blood. "IG needs to start a group first! The people from RNG don't want to fight with you at all! It's not a problem to POKE like this!"

  With another booster shot by Gao Fushuai Jess hit King Ning, the people of IG finally reached the limit of endurance.

   "I'm going up and fighting, you keep up." King Ning said solemnly, "Pioneer gave it to the other side and we lost. Even if we send it, we have to go up and pick up the group."

  The others also expressed their agreement. They are not willing to die in silence. They would rather stand and give away their heads.

  There is nothing to say, King Ning Zhao Xin’s E skill enters the battlefield, and then uses a big move to divide the battlefield. At the same time, TheShy’s Silas and the Royal Blue Titan all follow closely behind.

  Dual CRookie and Ah Shui stand behind to output with all their strength!

   Then he was beaten out in waves.

  The two sides only touched a bit, but IG's lineup was directly broken. Originally, King Ning wanted to try to use punishment to grab the vanguard, but he could not insist on the vanguard's residual blood.

  Chen Yuan has four heads in his hands. Although he is not as good as Rookie, his equipment is still exaggerated, with a ghost of dreams and mercury shoes in his hand.

  Jace directly hit [Sky Leap] with a hammer on the widening Xin Zhao, and with Karsa's echo attack, he directly killed Xin Zhao in seconds!

   On the other side, Uzi's mouth was spitting wildly, all kinds of barrage and cannons came out, the Royal Blue Titan threw a big move against the big mouth, but it was easily resolved by Xiao Ming's Tam.

  The fighting power on both sides is not the same level at all, so there is no need to fight down at all. Seeing all the front rows are dead, Ah Shui and Rookie can only retreat and stop the loss.

  Ten minutes, RNG won the teamfight and took the vanguard at the cost of only a Karsa.

  [Turtle, IG was hanged again.]

  [RNG is too stable here, so I won’t give a chance at all]

  【What is TheShy doing? Silas goes in and disappears]

  【This thief can't be a big move! Teamfights can only steal a blind man’s big move, it's useful]

  The advantages of the two sides gradually increased. Finally, in twenty-three minutes, the last wave of team battle broke out. RNG took the victory easily. Amid the cheers of thousands of people, they directly destroyed the IG crystal!

  "Congratulations to RNG, they held three match points with a two-to-zero advantage! They are just one step away from defending their spring crown!"

  As soon as Chen Yuan took off his headphones, he heard the doll say this, and he couldn't help feeling a little excited.

   Defending the title, what an honorable word this is.

  He habitually looked under the stands and saw that his father and Uzi’s father were happily communicating. He did not say hello this time, but went directly behind the scenes.

  As soon as she stepped off the stage, she saw Brother Feng who came to greet him.

   "Broken serve, this is good news." Brother Feng said with his arms folded, "The next round is our right to choose sides. In theory, we have a better chance of winning!"

   "The problem is not big." Xiaohu waved his hand, "The IG team was restrained by us~"

  Now the team holds a 2:0 lead, everyone is optimistic, and the teams are full of joy.

  After all, this is a BO5. When the two teams scored two to zero, it shows that there is a big difference in strength between the two teams. Therefore, it is very difficult for the two teams to chase after three.

  Who can be chased by a serious team?

  Can the team who was given two chase three be a serious team?

  Oh, IG was only chased by RNG last year, so it’s okay.

  However, as a coach, Feng Ge still thinks a little bit longer. He rubbed his chin, "You still have to be careful of IG's tricks."

  "Welcome to the Drae League!"


In the   BP interface, a strong man with eight-character Hu appeared on the IG side, and the audience's excitement was instantly filled, screaming in the audience.

  Even RNG fans can’t help but start cheering for IG.

  Of course, this cheer is based on the premise of 2-0. If it is a balanced score, it is impossible to cheer the opponent.

  IG’s BP in this round was clearly prepared. They first deliberately released Xiao Ming’s bull head and induced RNG to select the bull head Kai'Sa in the first hand.

  Then he directly took out the Conte combination of Delevingne + Tam, and played a down lane.

  The restraint of these two sets of lines can be as high as 10,000%!

  Delevingne has a lot of advantage over Kai'Sa, and then his own E [Clear Axe] can directly ignore the falling WQ Erlian.

  It doesn’t matter if he is hammered by the second consecutive tautou, there is an auxiliary Tahm.

  Tamm, the hero, also refrained from hard assists. As long as the bull head dared to hammer up, there would basically be no return.

  JackeyLove is an out-and-out Draven's top unique guy. When he was fifteen, he used Draven to top the hanbok. The size and size add up to seven or eight thousand points.

  After getting Delevingne, Ah Shui is like a change of individual. He has a strong line-up suppressing power. Even if his opponent is Uzi, he has also played a terrifying suppressing power!

  Four minutes, Xiao Ming was accidentally decelerated by Tam's Q skill in a wave of movement, Ah Shui instantly turned on W [Blood Charge] and stepped forward, and Draven the Conqueror chased the bull's head all the way to A!

   "A Shui is so fierce fighting here! Xiao Ming's side is cut down by Delevingne of Infinite W and it's very uncomfortable!" Seeing this scene, the doll almost catapulted off, and her excitement was beyond words.

  Xiao Ming knew that this would not be a problem, but he was unwilling to exchange it directly, so he turned around and handed over W directly to Delevingne.

  "Delevingne is maintaining pressure on the enemy~"

  The bearded brawny gave a wicked laugh, and unexpectedly interrupted Bull's W with an E [Clear Axe]!

  Xiaoming's heart was suffocated and uncomfortable, and he could only turn his head and flash back to escape.

  It's obviously too late to flash again at this time.

  A Shui did not hesitate to pick up the axe and then flashed, Draven refreshed the third W, and was chasing twice again under acceleration!


  Get a blood directly!

  The root of this wave of death comes from Xiao Ming eating Tahm's Q.

  And the most terrifying place is not over yet, IG has also changed their gameplay in this round. They are still in the blue side, and King Ning turned out to be blue from the upper half, and then brushed all the way down.

  When Ah Shui hit the line to kill, King Ning was also unambiguous and appeared directly behind the first tower of RNG.

The meaning of    is also obvious, they want to go beyond the tower of Uzi.

  Chen Yuan has nothing to do here, he must go down the road to protect the wave, otherwise the game will be over.

   "Brother Yuanzi's TP got off the tower and directly forced King Ning and Ah Shui back! Fortunately, if Uzi is overtaken again, RNG will blow through the road directly!"

  But remember to see this scene and shook his head slightly, "In this case, Yuanzi's mid lane advantage is gone."

  In this round, Feng Ge passed the tenth hand Kangte to Chen Yuan to get Zoe. He wanted him to play a line advantage in the middle, but the advantage he finally accumulated was also ruined by this TP.

   Immediately afterwards, IG revolved around the advantage of the bottom lane and the TP difference of the mid lane.

  Six minutes, Rookie immediately cooperated with King Ning to come with a wave of four packs of two after reaching the sixth level.

   King Ning put his eyes on the first tower of RNG, and Rookie, who was still on the middle lane, directly handed over TP!

Under   TP package, there is almost no premeditated, RNG can't resist at all.

The people of   IG moved quickly. After ten seconds, Uzi and Xiaoming turned into two corpses under the tower.

   "IG was forced to a desperate situation or had his hole cards out." Wawa couldn't help but sigh, "Their Draven system is too proficient!"

  This kind of operation is a standard game play. In a passerby game, this is impossible for 10,000 games.

  First play the best line, the jungler crosses the tower to force the TP, and then use the TP difference of the two sides by six levels to cross the tower again!

  Just through a Tam Q in the laning period, the snowball has been rolled to such a situation!

  Karsa also wanted to help Xiaohu open the situation on the top road, but unexpectedly, TheShy on the other side suddenly started to operate.

  The top single vampire turned frantically, first avoided the blind monk’s Q, and then used the blood pool to rub against the person to trigger the phase, and the whole person slipped straight away.

  At level 6, Karsa still wanted to cross the tower, but there was a serious mistake in their cooperation. .

  The blind monk touched his eyes and kicked the vampire away, and wanted to cooperate with Xiaohu's Ryze to directly hit the strong second.

  But the damage between the two was still a little bit worse. TheShy opened the bleeding pool in the residual blood state, and at the same time restored a huge amount of blood through the ultimate move and the red rage Q, and finally won the double kill through the output of the defensive tower!

  Up and down two blossoms, Xiaolong, Pioneer, IG all want it.

   Immediately afterwards, even though Chen Yuan led RNG to resist constantly, in the second wave of Xiaolong Tuan, he fell asleep to Draven of Ah Shui through hypnotic bubbles and played a good start.

  But it still has little effect, because the opposite support is Tam.

  A Shui vomited out of Tam’s stomach and did not retreat but moved in. The blood-drinking sword Delevingne played with the blood bar lock among the RNG crowd.

  In the end, Chen Yuan killed Delevingne by one shot, but none of the five of them were spared!

  【What is Delevingne? 】

  【Wuhu! ××√√√! 】

  【? what are you thinking about? 】

  【××√×! 】

  【The third game is just one game, just watch the fourth game and send it away to IG! 】

  The fans of both sides are also discussing the direction of this series. From the results of this game, it is not difficult to see that IG is actually a warrior!

  The result of this round has long since disappeared. After the Pioneer Group lost, the economic gap between the two sides widened.

  Later, the key dragon team battle, TheShy is like a **** descending to the world, a set of push sticks RQEW, the vampire shot a set of explosive AOE trigger phases and then drove away.

  R [Blood Plague] then exploded, Uzi was directly killed by a set of seconds, and the rest of the blood was also unhealthy, only Chen Yuan stood back and escaped.

  Before the group has started, there will be one less person. RNG has no choice but to give up the dragon.

  The hope of a comeback was completely deprived, and there were no heroes like Luo or Clockwork in their team, and Chen Yuan simply didn't bother to resist and gave him the push.

  Twenty-five minutes, the IG team made a wave of the highland group, once again won the team battle victory, and flattened the RNG crystal!

"IG still hasn't given up!" Remember to say in an emotional voice, "They recovered a point after falling two games first, but if they want to win this series, they need to replicate this victory twice. !"

  The fans on the scene couldn't help waving their cheering sticks to cheer for their home team.

  Last year, RNG was able to chase two to three. Why can’t we IG this year?

  The MVP of this third game was naturally given to JackeyLove in Carry's audience. The 4396 matchup economy was poor and the damage accounted for 43.96%, which formed a wonderful coincidence.

  A Shui put on an arrogant posture on the screen, watching the fans screaming.

  Brother Feng paced in the lounge after losing this round, and began to think about the ban position in the next round.

   Obviously TheShy's vampire and Ah Shui's Draven must be locked in, and can't be released in the next game.

  Moreover, Ning Wang’s jungle position is also restricted. Obviously, the ban position has become quite tense.

  The current version of the four major rhythm jungle, which ban to put which has become a problem.

   "It's better to win this fourth game." Brother Feng said solemnly, "If we are dragged to the fifth game, the situation may be against us."

  This disadvantage does not refer to the BP, but the mentality.

   In the case of winning two games in a row~www.readwn.com~ If you are chased by two points in a row, the pressure on the team being chased will be extremely high.

  In this case, the players are easy to panic, forming an absolute contrast with the momentum of the opponent Lien Chan's winning streak.

  Of course, that kind of unconfident emotion will only appear in unconfident teams. RNG, as the only major team in history, obviously will not have any unconfident emotions.

  A few players here are not panicked at all.

   "What are you thinking about." Chen Yuan saw that Brother Feng was worried, and he smiled, "Even if it is delayed to the fifth game, we can still win them."

   "Okay." Brother Feng nodded with satisfaction when he saw the players still smile, "The next right is the right to choose the opposite side. BP may be a bit difficult, let's just do it like this."

  Brother Feng was writing and drawing on the tactical board while talking about BP, and then looked at Chen Yuan, “Let’s not hide anything, let’s take them down directly.”

   "Okay!" Chen Yuan agreed.

    4600 words in this chapter



  (End of this chapter)

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