League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 308: I won't give you a river crab!

  Chapter 309 I won’t give you a crab!

   "Let’s play, the time is up." The staff came to inform them to play again. Manager Quan squeezed Chen Yuan's shoulder hard, "Come on, Yuanzi, this kills!"

  The players of both sides re-entered the stage of the competition, and the cheers of the surrounding audience were once again high. The final match is always exciting!

  The players on the opposite side of IG have a very firm gaze. Ah Shui is not proud of being complacent because of the MVP just now. He sits in his chair and talks and laughs with his teammates.

  Chen Yuan sat in a chair by himself and began to close his eyes and rest.

   "Welcome to the 2019 LOL Spring Finals, the fourth round of RNG vs. IG, now starts!"

The   BP screen appeared, and the doll quickly switched states and began to concentrate on the screen.

  "This round is IG's right to choose sides. They choose the red side this time, then the blue side RNG will have the right to ban first!"

  The coaches of both sides quickly made moves. Feng Ge held down the opponents' Delevingne and the vampire, who had performed well in the game, and then banned Olaf.

  The ban position in this round is definitely not enough for the third ban of Fengge to play wild, but Olaf, the hero, still has to be held down honestly and cannot be given to King Ning.

   "Brother Feng is not arrogant now." Miller laughed, "As long as the heroes played well in the last round, all of them have to go to jail, which has changed quite a bit from before."

  The former Feng Ge was a famous head iron, S5's Huo Nan iron-making, and S7's Wufang Galio, all of which are handed down classics.

  Although the Galio story of S7 has long been reversed, the iron man of S5 still has no choice.

  "On the IG side, Jess, the blind monk, and Galio are banned! Let's take a look at one of RNG's selections!"

  Brother Feng has nothing to hesitate here, so he chooses a bull head for Xiao Ming directly.

  Preferably choose the bottom lane. This is their RNG's normal thinking. Because the bottom lane is a two-person road, the effect of the Kangte position is extremely prioritized. Even if the second player is given, it is of little significance. It is better to choose first.

   And by virtue of Uzi's ability, even if it is Conte, it is not afraid!

   "Ryze + Excavator! IG has selected a mid-upper swing hero and a jungler!" Remember to say, "Getting the excavator in the current version means that you can take the initiative in the early stage!"

   "Let's take the bull head and the prince!" Brother Feng nodded, first gathered the golden partner of Kai'Sa bull head, and then selected another T1 jungler.

   "IG selected ADC Verus last hand, they obviously want to leave Conte to TheShy." The doll deeply understands IG's BP thinking.

second round.

  193 has a clear idea, banning the two mid laners Zoe and Ice Girl, Feng Ge also showed no weakness, and sent Syndra and Demon Ji to the ban.

  Although I don’t know where IG’s Ryze is, Feng Ge still banned two mid laners.

  Fourth hand choice, IG directly wins Bloom, and the bottom lane combination is determined.

  RNG is still not selected at the top.

   "How to say, what hero to take." Feng Ge asked the opinions of the two players.

  "Let's get Silas for Xiaohu first." Chen Yuan said, "If we don't choose, the opposite will definitely be chosen."

  Silas, the hero Xiaohu, has also been practicing recently. Although he is not proficient, he can also be used in the game.

   "OK." Brother Feng nodded.

  "Then give me Akali." Chen Yuan said in a deep voice, "This hero is good for the opposing lineup!"

  Chen Yuan carefully observed the ban position, Akali’s bitter hands, Lisandra, Enchantress, and Galio were all banned. At this time, taking out the assassins of the Balanced Sect would be a lore!

  As RNG showed Silas and Akali one after another, the people on IG couldn't help but darken.

   "It's over!" Ah Shui was a little uncomfortable, "The two heroes were chosen by the opposite side."

  They also found that all the heroes of Conte Akali had been banned, and Akali happened to be the unique skill of TheShy.

   Their last-hand plan is to take Akali first, and Silas if they are robbed.

  But RNG has chosen

   Isn’t this nonsense?

  But the only advantage is that they can confirm a message, that is, Akali on the opposite side must be in the middle, and Silas must be on the road.

  Because of Xiaohu’s Akali, all the major teams know it well.

The four characters    are green.

  Whether it is training or RANK, his Akali is the most eye-catching boy. (Xiaohu Akali.GIF, you can search for it if you don’t understand)

  They don’t believe that in this match point game, RNG dare to let Xiaohu play Akali.

   "Take Sword Ji." TheShy said in obscure Chinese at this time, "This fight Silas, good fight!"

It is a philosophical question whether Sword Ji fights Silas or not.

  193 couldn't help but shook his head, that's all.

  At this point, the lineups of both sides are determined.

  Blue RNG: The top laner Silas, the jungle prince, the mid laner Akali, the bottom lane Kashaga bull head.

  Red side IG: top single sword girl, jungle excavator, middle single Ryze, bottom lane Velus Gabron.

  The game was quickly loaded and the ten players from both sides ran out of the base to stand.

  Chen Yuan glanced at Rookie's talent here, and saw that the other party had ordered the comet. He didn't put a cup on this side, and honestly bought Dolan Shield.

   And it just so happened that his talent point in this round is Swift Pace. With the recovery of Dolan Shield, it shouldn’t be a problem to stop the line.

  Akali, the hero is no longer as strong as it was when he was redone.

  Q skill recovery is deleted, W hidden tower mechanism is deleted, and the maximum health is reduced. This is a real cut on the line.

After   fisted several heavy knives in a row, he is now positioned more like an assassin with a weak line and an invincible team.

  The previous six-level one to directly over the tower operation is even more difficult to think about.

   "Be careful. If you win Shan Ruiz, you must do something at level 6." Chen Yuan said, "Be careful when you get down."

  The hero Ryze has a very high appearance rate in IG, so all major teams have researched.

  What they like the most is to use Ryze's ults to underwrite at level 6.

   "I know." Uzi nodded, "but we can TP back then."

   "Xiao Ming, you will have an eye on your own wild area, I can directly TP to support when that time comes." Chen Yuan thought for a while and said.

  Ryze's first-level big move is very short. If you want to fly to the next tower, you will have to pass through the wild area of ​​RNG. If you can see Ryze in advance, then their reaction time will be longer.

  Both players are constantly discussing countermeasures, and their first level performance is quite peaceful.

   "Both sides are quite conservative in their first-level positions, and they don't seem to want to go to the opponent's field to investigate the movement of the field..." Miller said, looking at the movements of the ten players on the minimap.

   Soon, the **** line was born, and the players of both sides went directly to the line. In order to ensure the line suppression ability, Uzi did not even go to the field and chose to let Karsa play solo.

  The midlaners of the two sides met for the first time, and coincidentally pressed TAB to take a look at the equipment.

  Rookie here is a very regular corruption potion to go out, but when he saw Chen Yuan's Dolan Shield, he still couldn't help sighing because of Chen Yuan's stability.

  Dolan Shield + Swift Pace, is the mixed line answer of the current version of the melee single. Kassadin Akali Silas is applicable. Under this kind of response, almost no hero can be consumed.

  If you force your blood to be consumed, you will only have your blue bar empty, and the opposite side will still be half-blooded.

  But Rookie should be suppressed here, because he can't go to peaceful development with Akali, the operation box Ryz walked a little bit forward, wanting to take the opportunity to play a WA.

  But Chen Yuan didn't panic here. He waited for the remaining blood of three melee soldiers in the back, and stepped forward to hit with a Q skill.

  Akali threw out her shuriken and harvested two melee soldiers. Chen Yuan deliberately left one melee soldier and did not kill.

  Rookie seized the opportunity of Chen Yuan to make up the knife, directly used W [Rune Imprisonment], and then quickly followed up with a flat A.

   Comet Ritz has nothing to say. The old gameplay is to use a series of talents such as anxiety and malicious slander to play laning suppression. A W is fixed and then chasing A twice, which can hit nearly 150 blood.

  Moreover, the stable imprisonment attribute of W makes this consumption method completely unavoidable and can only be eaten hard.

  But Chen Yuan didn't panic here. The melee soldier he had left before took effect. He took off the melee soldier and triggered the swift pace. Akali accelerated back and regained a trace of health at the same time.

  A small detail helped Chen Yuan lose nearly 20 points of blood.

   "Hiss!" Rookie sucked in a mouthful of Liangpi when he saw this scene, so thin, Brother Yuanzi?

   Immediately afterwards, Akali continued to hang up in the rear, enjoying the blood return of Dolan Shield and the Wind of Resuscitation.

  Akali stepped forward again when the long-range soldier had blood remaining. By this time, the blood volume was almost full.

   "I can't suppress this Akali." Rookie couldn't help but click on Chen Yuan's outfit and talent twice, "This is too stable!"

   "It's okay." King Ning clicked on Swift Pace and the firmness of the deputy department twice. "His talent does no harm at all, and he can't kill people in the later stage."

  Rookie was a little speechless, wondering if you have forgotten who the midlaner is.

  But he still didn't say aloud, and continued to use WA to consume.

  At the second level, Rookie couldn't control Chen Yuan even more.

  There is an embarrassment about Ryze, who learns W at the first level, that is, whether you learn E or Q at the second level, you have no ability to push the line.

  Akali boldly stepped forward, stood at a specific angle, and directly hit the melee soldiers and ranged soldiers at the same time with a Q.

   (This version of Akali’s Q skill can easily hit six minions. Later, the judgment range behind the Q skill was cut, and then the Q was also narrowed)

  The moment Q was thrown out, Chen Yuan cast a smoke screen and threw it under his feet, and Akali entered a state of invisibility.

  Rookie's W skill was just halfway through the article, Akali disappeared, and the skill was held back after losing the target.

  Chen Yuan disappeared and waited for the Q skill CD to improve, and another Q shot hit six minions!

  Akali appeared again in the smoke screen for a short time. This time Rookie threw the W, but before he could keep up with the flat A, Akali went into hiding again.

   One shot of flat A is missing, which means that the damage of malicious slander is not played, and the consumption of two damages is extremely limited.

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuan waited for two seconds in the smoke screen to recover his energy and came out with another Q.

  Three shots of level 1 Q skills, just to kill ranged soldiers directly, and at the same time, there is not much health left for melee soldiers.

  Chen Yuan was promoted to Level 2 and used a W as a price to grab a short line right from the wandering hand.

  After that, Chen Yuan turned his head directly and walked towards the upper river.

  At the same time, Karsa also appeared in the middle, following Chen Yuan, and went straight to the upper river.

  From the perspective of God, everyone can clearly see that King Ning’s excavator had just finished brushing the stone beetle after it was red, and he was facing the river crab and was ready to do it.

  At this time, Chen Yuan and Karsa came.

Although Akali didn't learn E, she was a hero anyway, and King Ning couldn't beat two.

  The audience under the stage has begun to cheer.

"RNG here! The Yuanzi in the middle pushed the line and wanted to help Karsa guard the river crab!" Remember to say loudly, "The upper middle side can't help him! Then King Ning can only retreat in this wave. "

  Miller also began to play terrified, "Oh, the middle lane opposite has been in the river, how can I eat river crab?"

   King Ning is indeed a bit aggrieved, and his route is still blocked by RNG's middle field. He can't go directly to F6. He has to make a big circle from the entrance of the field on the road to reach the point of F6.

  At this time, Chen Yuan and Karsa were unreasonable. They took advantage of King Ning's detour and went directly to each other's F6.

  River crabs, they are both in charge.

  While King Ning didn’t know this information, when he made a circle to reach his F6, he saw that the big bird had been taken by the blind monk, but all five of the little birds were there.

   "Too much bullying!" King Ning's violent temper suddenly became a bit unbearable. You don't want the river crabs to be released. Do you want to come and eat my big bird?

  Aren't you cheap?

  "Come and **** them!" Rookie was also talking repeatedly, and Ryze went straight to his F6 after finishing the line.

  But I didn't expect that Chen Yuan and Karsa didn't even think about fighting. They didn't eat the few birds left, and they just slipped away with oil on the soles of their feet!

  Rookie has to press W on this side, but the distance is just a bit short, and I have no choice but to give up.

  There is no way, he can't flash up W to fix people, the two-level excavator and Ryze can't kill people with iron.

  Akali ran away in stealth, not to mention the blind monk, as long as the second can't be lost, then she would just touch her teammate and slip away.

  So they can only suffer from this wave.

  Karsa here is smiling and going back to fight river crabs.

  Ning Wang was still a bit dissatisfied and wanted to fight for it, but he carefully considered it and chose to give up.

  Because he has no monsters in the upper half, and there are monsters in the opposite half.

  He and Karsa grabbed the crab, even if they grabbed it, it didn't make much sense. Karsa had a big deal and patted his **** into his wild area, basically not losing much.

   But if he didn’t grab it, he would have lost a lot of time, wasting a lot of time and gaining nothing~www.readwn.com~ In the end, he would have to waste time to brush in the second half.

   Comprehensive consideration, he decided to take a step back and go straight down the river to brush the crabs, so that there is still one person and one crab on both sides, and he just loses a big bird.

   "King Ning finally retreated." Wawa observed the battle, "He went all the way to the lower half, and wanted to control the crab in the lower half first."

  At this time, RNG's torture plan is far from over.

   Just as King Ning was about to start the crab, a brave bull appeared in the lower half with a fake eye inserted into his face.

  Uzi's foreshadowing of going directly online without helping the wild came into effect. Xiao Ming, who pushed the line of troops into the tower, went directly to the river channel and began to harass King Ning who was fighting crabs.

   "???" King Ning is a bit numb, you guys are not on the line, are you? Just guard the river crab?

And at this moment, Karsa, who had finished brushing crabs, crossed the middle road again, and was promoted to the third-level blind monk E [Tian Lei Po] in the shooting of seven soldiers including the artillery cart, and then he did not miss it either. Came straight to the lower river.

   "Wow, Karsa is here again!" Miller said excitedly, "RNG, this is a river crab, I don't want to give it to King Ning!"

  (End of this chapter)

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