League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 309: They don't want to stop me!

  Chapter 310 They don’t want to stop me!

  A Xiao Ming on the lower road, Chen Yuan and Karsa on the middle road. The three blocked the two ends of the river and surrounded the excavator that was fighting crabs.

  Fortunately, IG was the blue side in this game. King Ning saw that the situation was not good, and he directly hid in his jungle.

  If they are the red side, then he doesn’t want to run away if he doesn’t make a flash.

  Karsa, Xiaoming helped him break the crab's shell with a W. He quickly took the second crab, and then went back to his wild area with the same head.

  At this time, there was still a group of stone beetles in his lower half that hadn't been brushed, but karsa didn't take care of it. He wasted a little time and went all the way back to the Ueno area, starting with the magic marsh frog and brushing it all the way down.

  His idea is also very simple, that is, to squat against King Ning.

  Since he knows that your excavator is in the lower half, he naturally has to stay in the lower half as well, and be ready to squat at all times.

   "Wang Ning is still a bit miserable." The doll looked at the two-level excavator on the screen, "He hasn't brushed a single monster in this minute."

   "But his side is actually okay." Miller analyzed, "After all, he is playing an excavator. The combat effectiveness is very strong when he is upgraded to level three, and the increase in level four and five is not big."

  However, King Ning did not catch or hit as Karsa expected.

  He quickly cleared the three groups of wilds in the lower half, and then went straight to the upper half to collect the remaining five birds in the F6 camp.

  Then the excavator directly enters the state of hiding, and goes straight to the road!

  Obviously everyone at RNG did not expect King Ning to make such a move.

  After all, in the first two rounds, King Ning targeted the middle in one round and the bottom in one round, but he didn't help on the road.

  Everyone thought that when King Ning changed his style of play, he picked up his old line again-catch it!

  The director cut the camera to the top road. Both Sword Hime and Silas were heroes who responded, causing the top laners on both sides to exchange blood exchanges extremely frequently.

  But Silas was eventually lined up by Conte's disadvantage. At this time, his blood volume was not healthy, and half of his blood was left behind to go to jail, waiting for TheShy to push the line into the tower.

Xiaohu's little abacus is very precise. He knows that as long as he pinches W to death, the sword girl who has no control will not be able to cross his tower. Then he can directly TP back to the city to replenish the equipment after he has completed the wave of tower knives. .

  When he TP is online, he can take advantage of poor equipment and poor blood volume to grab a short-term alignment advantage.

   But obviously, IG's Ueno will not give him this opportunity.

   "Then this wave of tigers is a bit dangerous!" The commentators from God's perspective saw this scene all in their eyes. The moment TheShy pushed the line into the tower, King Ning arrived on time.

  Chen Yuan and Karsa were shocked when they saw the excavator on the road, and King Ning’s reverse behavior was far beyond their expectations.

  Xiaohu saw the excavator behind him, and the chrysanthemum suddenly tightened, his little head turned frantically, looking for countermeasures in a short time.

But the IG people didn’t give him time to think. King Ning's excavator slowly approached, knowing that there would be no support from RNG, so King Ning did not hand over the displacement, but walked up directly, and the excavator directly sent Silas. Jack up.

  The Shy rioted instantly, and AEQAE Sword Princess came up and hung five knives directly on Silas.

  Xiaohu's W skill will be broken, and he can peck the excavator to return blood after landing.

  But then King Ning became full of anger, E [Wild Bite], and took Silas away directly after landing, without giving him any operation space!

first drop of blood!

  The king of Ning, who was targeted by all means, still found a chance in the cracks to help TheShy win the blood!

  "This. My, my." Karsa was a little bit self-blaming for the first time. If he struck it seriously before, he could actually expect King Ning to catch it.

  But now it’s useless to say anything. He can only try to find some supplements in other ways.

   "Let's see if you can catch it in the middle." Karsa's prince drove to scan and squatted in the grass beside the middle, wanting to see if there were any GANK opportunities.

   "Karsa came to the middle to look for Gank opportunity, but did Ryz start to retreat directly?"

  Rookie's wave of killing seems to have opened up the perception of killing intent. There is obviously no vision of Karsa, but he just inexplicably gave up the line of troops at hand and retreated two steps.

   These two steps made him withdraw from the threat of the prince.

  Karsa sighed, and could only press B to return to the city.

The   director suddenly cut the camera to the bottom lane again. Both sides were in good off lane conditions, but the auxiliary positions on both sides were quite forward, obviously there was a desire to fight.

  Xiao Ming strode forward after receiving Uzi's signal, turned on E [War Trample] and Baolan shot A.

  In the next second, he almost didn't hesitate, and immediately flashed that Ah Shui, who was standing behind him, struck up two consecutive hammers!

  The flash of the bull head is not necessary, because as long as the bull head can exchange flash with the opposite ADC, then he can continue to squat in the grass and use the talent Hex flash to continue to threaten the opponent.

  As long as you can ensure that the flash will be better when Pioneer.

  At this time, the time is exactly five minutes, so using up the flash is the best choice.

Seeing his AD being hammered, Baolan's reaction was fast. He raised his shield and walked to Kai'Sa's face for the first time, blocking Uzi's first flat A trajectory, and at the same time a Q [Bitter Winter] Bite] Throw it out.

  But Uzi's reaction was extremely fast. He didn't hesitate to make a flash, Kai'Sa dodged behind Bron, and at the same time avoided Bron's Q skill.

  The two set fire to Verus in the air. At the same time, Xiao Ming's E [War Trample] layers were also accumulating, and when Verus landed, it happened to be full.


  Niu Niu knocked on Verus' head with a hoof, knocked out a vertigo again, and Ah Shui once again pitted him on the spot.

   "Xiao Ming directly hangs on here to ignite! JackeyLove's blood volume is very dangerous!" The doll said loudly, "He still has a double call in this wave, can he run?"

  It was too late for Ah Shui to give treatment, but he also had to hand it in. Verus handed over the treatment and took a mouthful of his blood.

  At this time, Kai'Sa A made the fourth draw and tied A, and then threw out his W [Void Finding the Enemy].

  If this W hits the body to trigger Kai'Sa's five-ring passive, then Verus will definitely be gone.

  A Shui didn't think too much, and decisively turned over.

  But in the next second, the Void seeker still hit Verus impartially, triggering the passive, and hitting a high amount of slashing damage!

   "The Void Girl killed the Arrow of Retribution!"

After   JackeyLove's death, Baolan instantly became isolated and helpless, but fortunately, Bronn had a solid body, W touched the soldier, and luckily got his life back.

  There was a wave of line kills on the bottom road, and the audience immediately began to cheer, and countless ten years of dog fans came uninvited.

   "Pre-judgment flashes! Uzi killed Ah Shui!" Remember to scream, "After the team sent a blood, RNG's bot lane stood out! Regained the disadvantage for the team!"

  【So ruthless prediction! 】

   [Then RNG is not at a loss, the head is replaced! 】

  【Uzi! Always drop God! 】

   [This wave is not Xiao Ming’s credit? 】

  【My Uzi doesn’t take any credit, right? 】

  In the middle, the alignment between the two sides is still quite anxious.

  The mid laners of both sides have already been upgraded to level five. After possessing level three Q skills, Ryze has risen to a higher level both in terms of pushing ability and consumption ability.

  Rookie especially cherishes this fifth-level moment, because he knows that once both sides rise to the sixth-level, his suppressing power will be gone.

  He glanced at the minions piled up on his side, slowed down the effort of pushing the line, and at the same time stood quite forward, trying to limit Akali's make-up as much as possible.

  Obviously, Rookie wanted to stock up the line. He wanted to assemble a large line of troops into the tower when he was at level six, use the line to lock Chen Yuan under the tower, and then go directly with King Ning to contract.

   After being caught on the wave, Xiaohu has already used TP to go online, and Chen Yuan can't go away in the middle road, and Uzi will be isolated and helpless.

   "Be careful, Rookie will be six soon." Chen Yuan clicked on his TP, "But I may not be able to come."


  According to the opening statement, Xiaoming deliberately walked a big circle and arranged his vision in the grass on the back of the red BUFF.

  This eye position can see the movements under the Rookie bag in advance, providing them with more reaction time.

   Immediately afterwards, the bottom lane is back on the line.

   Soon, Rookie succeeded in gaining six after slowly eating the ninth wave of artillery carriages. The eighth and ninth waves merged into a giant line and escorted them all into Chen Yuan’s defensive tower.

   Immediately afterwards, he turned his head without reluctance and disappeared into the darkness.

  Chen Yuan directly clicked countless signals, and then he started to make up the tower knife.

  He didn't go to make up with the attack of the defensive tower one by one, but directly used Q Shuriken to clear it directly.

  At this time, the focus was on a race against time. Chen Yuan quickly took away a few long-range soldiers, and then made a flat A to take away the crippled artillery car by the defensive tower.

  High amount of experience helped him rise to the sixth level.

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuanguan ignored the remaining scattered soldiers and returned to the city directly.

  Akali began to count back to the city.

  At this time, Rookie and King Ning have merged and appeared in the field of vision arranged by Xiao Ming.

  Because Uzi killed Ah Shui and returned to the city after pushing the line, the line of troops that was below was reset under the IG tower and formed a wave of pushback lines that pushed down the RNG tower.

  Also, Ah Shui came online before Uzi, so soon, a wave of soldiers will be transported under the tower of RNG.

  Rookie and King Ning came directly to the tower!

  Chen Yuan secretly figured it out, it was too late!

  As soon as Akali returned to the city, the positions of Rookie and King Ning were already in place, and Ryze released the portal in an instant, and the location was chosen one behind the tower of RNG.

  At this moment, Akali returned to the spring, and Chen Yuan quickly pointed out TP toward the next tower, and at the same time pressed P to open the shop.

  Sold the Dolan Shield, just in time to buy the French shoes and the murder ring.

  If Chen Yuan finishes the pota knife, he doesn't actually need to sell the Dolan Shield, but it is a pity that time is not waiting for me, now is the time to grab time.

   "You can fight! Just kill Kai'Sa!" Rookie's first reaction was to fight directly, because in his perception, Chen Yuan still had a Dolan shield in his hand.

  What can Akali with a six-level naked Dolan shield in the current version do? No one can kill!

  The purpose of their original package was to kill two. Chen Yuan, the TP, can save Xiao Ming at best, changing from killing two to killing one.

  The mission of opening the group is naturally to be handed over to Royal Blue. Bron didn’t hesitate to hit Uzi with a Q blitz, A Shui followed closely, and the deadly rhythm Velus hit Kai'Sa with arrow after arrow.

  Uz was afraid that the other side would ignite him, so he directly handed over the treatment, and at the same time used acceleration to get out of Velus' attack range.

  However, his retreat, instead, entered the attack range of Ryze and the excavator.

  But it’s okay, because he has Xiao Ming.

  The bull's head hits and hammers, and first pushes the excavator that drilled the hole, and then another Q [Smash the Earth] took off Rookie's Ryze.

  Xialu two people worked hard to support, just to persist until Chen Yuan TP landed!

  At this time, the second attack of the defensive tower fell, and a shot hit Bron to three-fifths of his blood.

  Don’t look at Bron’s health after two hits, but the attack on the defensive tower is getting higher and higher, and Bron’s HP can’t even hold the next two hits!

  Rookie and King Ning also knew that they could not be dragged. They did not hesitate to hand over the flashes at the same time. Ryze flashed W to freeze Kai'Sa, and the excavator was also a flash to fly Kai'Sa directly!

  Looking at the two offensive, Uzi naturally left the keyboard with both hands directly, because he could not survive the explosion of the excavator and the sixth level Ryze.

   "Rookie took Uzi in Q, they are already going to retreat, because Yuanzi brother is already going to TP down!" Remember to look at the screen and shout loudly.

At the same time, Baolan resisted the third attack of the defensive tower, and his HP was only a quarter of his life left in an instant. However, the mission of crossing the tower had been completed, and he did not miss it. W touched Ah Shui outside the tower and exited the tower safely. .

   Immediately afterwards, the TP reading was finally completed, and the stray thorn appeared under the defensive tower.


  Akali instantly releases R [I am a secret mystery! Confusion! ], Akali made an somersault and appeared on the faces of Bron and Verus.

  "He shouldn't kill people, right?" Rookie was a little nervous when he saw this scene. He habitually pressed TAB and glanced at Akali's equipment, but his pupils shrank slightly.

   When did this person return to the city to replenish the equipment?

  At this time, an Akali who wears shoes lands on the ground, which is obviously a big hidden danger.

  Chen Yuan's operation here is extremely smooth, he doesn't care about the remaining blood of Bron, and he starts directly at Ah Shui.

  【I have a profound meaning! Han Ying]!

  Akali threw a circle of shurikens, slowed Verus slightly, and pressed W at the same time, and the whole person dived into the smoke screen.

"Quickly, save it!" Rookie and King Ning panicked suddenly, because there were their minions under the RNG tower, and neither of them attracted the hatred of the defensive tower, so they walked directly under one of the RNG towers, wanting Support Ah Shui.

  When Akali appeared again, she had already brought a passivity in her hand, and the sickle blade was drawn mercilessly on Verus's body, and at the same time she threw a circle of shurikens, and then became invisible again!

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuan moved his steps in the smoke screen and threw E [I have a profound meaning! Hayabusa], Akali makes a backflip while throwing a giant shuriken and poking it on Verus.

  At the same time, Akali instantly uses second stage R!

  The target of his second-stage R is not Verus, but the residual blood Bron with only a quarter of blood left on the other side!

  "They don't want to stop me! Of course, they can think about it."

  Akali spoke an understatement, and the second stage R inflicted a large amount of slaying damage on the residual blood bloom. Chen Yuan followed a passive ace and directly took the Baolan head.

  At the same time, Velus on the other side naturally can't escape his clutches~www.readwn.com~ The second stage E starts, Akali moves again, rolls again in the air, and goes straight to Velus!

  Before the person reaches Verus, 【I am out of meaning! Cold Shadow] Once again released, with three Qs and two passives with an E, just to kill Verus directly!


  Chen Yuan cut the two people after landing, first use the smoke screen two QA to beat Verus to half blood, then hang the E skill on Verus, R first cuts Bron, E then cuts Verus.

  This endgame harvesting ability is pleasing and frightening!

  The audience under the stage began to go crazy, cheering wildly!

"Don't let him go!" Rookie yelled. Both Ryze and the excavator had short skill CDs. They had already wrapped up behind Akali, and wanted to keep Chen Yuan who had no skills and energy. !

  But at this time, the river walked over to a brawny man carrying a flag and wearing a gold armor!

    There was a short paragraph in the previous chapter that accidentally wrote Karsa’s hero as a blind monk and has been modified



  (End of this chapter)

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