League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 310: Dominate the battle, single kill!

  Chapter 311 Dominates the battle, single kill!

Karsa was late for this wave. He finally rushed over when Chen Yuan was facing a crisis. The prince sprinted over with an EQ and directly picked up the excavator standing in the forefront. At the same time, W [Golden Shield] unfolded. A layer of plastic wrap appeared on the body.

  At the same time, Xiao Ming also came over. Standing under the tower and being ignored, he blocked the retreat of IG Nakano!

   "Can't run away, change another one!" Rookie signaled a little prince with a lower blood volume, and King Ning directly started to focus on fire.

   "Wang Ning and Rookie still want to replace Karsa before they die. Can they succeed?"

  The excavator stepped forward and lifted the prince. A connected with Q to trigger a strong attack. Rookie first played a set of QEQ and then played a WQ to continue the control. A set of control chains for the blind monk could not move.

  Karsa has no room for manipulation, so he can only shoot [Rhythm of War] against the excavator while in imprisonment.

  Ning King is also unambiguous here, and directly hit E [Wild Bite] to hit a high amount of real injury, directly crippling the prince!

  Karsa was taken aback by the damage, operating the prince hurriedly to open a flash, his wave has eaten up the entire set of skills on the opposite side, and now he only needs to retreat.

  But King Ning’s eyes were quick and his hands were quick, the excavator plunged into the ground in an instant, and a water polo shot was shot, accurately hitting the prince who flashed on the road.

  The last trace of the prince's blood volume could not even resist the water ball, and he fell to the ground.

  The doll is going crazy when she sees this scene, "Wow, the excavator is very high! Give Karsa a second! But can they run away on their own?"

   "I know what to do!"

  At this time, a honest voice came from Rookie's headphones. After so long, Lao Niu has finally waited for his Erlian CD!

   Chief Bull Head [Savage Crash] and then [Earth Smash], directly hammer Ryze and the excavator at the same time!

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuan finally waited for his energy to improve, Akali moved lightly, and said "I am out of my boundless meaning!" Han Ying] Stabbed two at the same time!

  Four-layer murder or addition, Akali's damage in shoes is really not low. When this Q comes down, both of them have dropped a bit of blood.

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuan pulled his footsteps and turned his head back and hung it passively on the digging fuselage.

  Xiaoming right clicked, Chief Bull Tau gave a flat A to the excavator.

  Chen Yuan also waited for a while, and also followed up with a tie A, completely knocking out the last trace of King Ning's blood!

   Immediately afterwards, Xiao Ming once again gave Ryze a flat A.

  But this level A is a bit different, because at this time, under the feet of the old cow, the number of layers of the E skill [Trample] has just been stacked!


  The hooves were cruel and ruthless, knocking old Ryze directly into a faint.

   Immediately there was a scene of a little girl beating the purple old bald head, brutal and inhumane.

  In the end, Rookie couldn't escape, and became the fourth head of Chen Yuan's wave!


  The unrelenting voice of the announcer echoed in the earphones of the players, but these voices were all covered by the cheers of the audience!

  What is the concept of Yuanzi Ge taking four kills?


【send! 】

  【Rookie: Brothers, I got down in advance】

  [Let’s congratulate RNG]

  【Do you think G2 can play with us? 】

  The audience in the live broadcast room has already begun to study MSI's opponents.

The fans of   IG are all lifeless at this time, and they don't have much hope for the result of this game.

   "Hey! Niu ah brother cute!" Little Tiger, who had not participated in this wave at all, applauded again and again on the road. At this time, he wished to kill himself to Chen Yuan for a wave of five kills.

   "Hahahaha." Chen Yuan also smiled and cocked his mouth at this time. He thought that this wave of TP might receive one or two heads, but he didn't expect that the other side gave him four of them so much!

  Chen Yuan had very little blood left, he and Xiao Ming sent the line of troops into the tower and quickly returned to the city to replenish equipment.

  A minute ago, he had to buy Dolan Shield to be able to afford the murder ring.

  But just a minute later, he has another 1,200 gold coins in his hand!

  At this time, Chen Yuan has two choices.

  One is to revolve out of Hex Technology, add a real eye, and play with a wave of teams.

  One is a direct naked murder book, playing a heartbeat.

  What do you need to say! ?

  Chen Yuan did not hesitate, and directly combined the eight-layer murder ring in his hand into Mejia’s Soul Stealing Volume!

  At this time, Chen Yuan even regrets, why he had to wear shoes before, why not just buy a murder book.

  It can only be said that the pattern is still small

   "Oh!" The doll saw Akali's equipment for the first time, "What is this? A murder book?"

   "His" Miller couldn't help taking a breath, "Yuanzi brother is crazy! He wants to kill IG!"

Chen Yuan thought for a while. Since the murder book is published, it must be for heads, but the line of troops in the middle is too short. In addition, Rookie must be wretched after this battle. It is obviously impossible to kill solo. .

   "Little Tiger, let's change the line, you go to Ritz, I will fight Jian Ji." Chen Yuan said.

   "Huh?" Xiaohu's eyes lit up after hearing this. He was already crushed by TheShy Sword Ji. Now that he has the opportunity to change to the middle, he is naturally anxious.

  The two hit it off, Akali went straight to the road after going out!

  Instead, it was the little tiger who was supposed to go on the road, and walked to the middle road.

  Swap the line on the middle!

  MID Tiger, come home!

  Akali went online soon, and the moment TheShy saw Akali appear, his body trembled for a moment.

  His memory can be traced back to last year's summer finals.

  At the third game point at the time, Chen Yuan used Akali to single-kill his Tianfei Jianji in a single belt, thus ending the game with a final word.

  Now, it's the same match point, and the same sword girl playing Akali.

   "You still want to kill me?" TheShy's expression showed a slight fierceness.

  His sword girl has just returned home. Although there is no head in his hand, he has an assist in his hand. He also ate two layers of tapi from Xiaohu, holding a pair of Tiamat plus vampire scepter and a pair of shoes in his hand.

  Although Chen Yuan’s economy is better, he published a murder book, which is equivalent to buying 60 powers for 1,500 yuan.

  It can be said that in terms of combat effectiveness, there is not much difference between the two sides!

  After Chen Yuan goes online, he will first stabilize the line and wait for his big move CD.

  Now Akali’s big move CD is quite long, two minutes full, so Chen Yuan got mixed up to eight-and-a-half minutes on the road.

   Seeing that his big move was getting better, he began to take the initiative to move forward, and the two began to test each other, but the first flaw was refreshed, and it was brushed in front of Akali.

  Chen Yuan frowned slightly at this time, this positive flaw can be said to make him a big disadvantage.

  Sword Fairy starts to poke a flaw to gain acceleration, that is undoubtedly to make this hero stand directly in a downwind position, and Jian Ji can break the flaw through this infinite chain of acceleration.

  But it is not without a cracking method.

Just seize the opportunity when Jian Ji Q comes to poke the flaw, Chen Yuan throws W into invisibility, let Jian Ji's Q poke the soldier, and then Chen Yuan can walk to the other side by walking and let this flaw become a flaw on his back. .

  In this way, you can gain a lot of advantage in the match.

  Just do it, Chen Yuan manipulated Akali to walk two steps forward, making a threatening posture, and Jian Ji began to pull each other.

  As long as Jian Ji dares to throw Q, he will throw W instantly.

  But TheShy is just not Q here, he is not the kind of ordinary color pen swordsman, he also has his own ideas.

  Akali, the hero, has a ridiculous skill, which is the W smoke bomb. It can be said that as long as he has this skill, he can be invincible in the face of melee heroes.

  So if you want to beat Akali, you must first trick the smoke bomb out.

The idea of ​​  TheShy is also very simple. You go up and use Q to poke the first flaw and run away. It must be useless. Chen Yuan is not such a restless person.

  He had to use A to break the first flaw first, and then use the acceleration and Q skills to break the second flaw. The damage of the two flaws was not low, and Chen Yuan didn't think it would work if he didn't hand in smoke bombs.

  While trying to lie to Q, on the other hand, I didn’t even think about losing Q. In this way, it would be quite funny for both parties to try each other.

  The two walked back and forth a few times, and Chen Yuan could not help but see that the other side did not lose Q. He threw a Q skill and hit Jian Ji in the limit.

  TheShy just turned his head and took a step back at this moment, Chen Yuan didn't need to move, a passive appeared in his hand.

  TheShy saw this scene and looked back again, wanting to confront Akali against A.

  He wants to take this passivity hard, so as to get a chance for A passivity.

  But I didn’t expect that Chen Yuan was not greedy at all, and instead took a step back.

  TheShy frowned slightly, but for the sake of the little soldier, he could not chase deeply. He could only chase for two steps before retreating.

  But at this time Akali seized this opportunity and suddenly turned back. After the passive blessing, the attack range doubled after the passive blessing. The sickle with an attack range of 250 yards was slashed on Jian Ji's body!

  This wave! This wave is called top pull!

  It has always been TheShy pulling others, how can others pull him?

  Shy brother suddenly got angry, he didn't care if Akali had handed in the smoke bomb, he directly shot Q [Break the air] and slammed it straight!

  Chen Yuan smiled slightly at this time, and quickly press W directly with his eyes and hands!

   Akali instantly dropped a smoke grenades into invisibility, the sword girl Q skills marched halfway, the target disappeared, this Q finally poke the minions.

  Chen Yuan walked invisible in the smoke screen as he planned, moving from the left to the right of Jian Ji. (RNG blue square, IG red square, friends can make brain supplements on the positions of both sides.)

   Immediately afterwards, another Q appeared!

  TheShy knows that he is not capable of the enemy, and he is not in love with the battle. He walks directly in the opposite direction and runs towards the defensive tower of RNG. Waiting for your smoke bomb to disappear and then come back to fight.

  But Chen Yuan didn’t play with you anymore in this wave. He first walked out of a passive position, and then instantly released his ultimate move, Akali rolled towards Jian Ji!

  At the same time, Chen Yuan controlled the direction of the big move. He didn't think of using a stun of the big move to keep Jian Ji, but rowed beside Jian Ji.

  He is a man who eats a bite and grows a wise man. When his Akali and TheShy were fighting last year, he was prejudged by TheShy's reverse W, which caused him to be fainted.

  If the smoke bomb hadn't saved him at that time, he would have died in that wave.

  Back to reality, Chen Yuan shot an AQ instantly after getting close to Jian Ji.

  But TheShy is also fast and fast. Seeing Akali dared to take the initiative to run out of the smoke bomb, he threw R [Unparalleled Challenge] backhand and W [Laurent Eye Knife] placed a block posture and accurately blocked Akali's AQ.

   Immediately afterwards, a sword aura shot out from Jian Ji's hand and went straight to Akali!

  Chen Yuan looked at the flaws in his body and the upcoming W. He didn't dare to take it hard, but now he was in a stiff condition of losing his Q, and it was definitely too late to move.

  He directly handed over the flash, a yellow light flashed, Akali appeared on the left side of Jian Ji, and at the same time, the whole person flipped back and threw a giant shuriken.

   is his E [I have a profound meaning! Falcon Dance].

  TheShy has no time to avoid this E, so he can only eat hard.

  But he didn't even think about running away, but Wushuang Jianji flashed directly onto Akali's face!

  Because he knows that Akali has already handed in E and Flash, and the second stage of the ultimate move is impossible to hand in now, then Akali is now in a state of no displacement!

  Sword Fairy turns on E【Death Stabbing】, a decelerating round A to pierce the first flaw on the left.

  Then the whole person moved, taking advantage of Akali being slowed down and coming to the bottom, a critical strike to flat A and break the second hole below.

  At the same time, the Q [Broken Air Cut], which has just turned, shifts, and hits the third flaw on the right. .

  TheShy is a particular order of flaws.

  There is nothing to say about the first shot on the left, because it's on the face.

  The second shot below is because Akali is quite far away from her own defensive tower. Once Akali goes down two stepping towers, TheShy obviously can't kill it.

  So he deliberately left the flaws at the top to fight at the end, inducing Chen Yuan to go up.

But of course Chen Yuan also knew the idea of ​​TheShy. He first threw out the second E without hurriedly, Akali flew towards Jian Ji, the two heroines moved at the same time, and finally overlapped, causing TheShy to fail to poke. The flaw on the right.

  At the same time, the whole person moves to the left.

  TheShy moves to the right in order to break the bloom.

  The two quickly opened their positions. Chen Yuan seized the opportunity and hit Jian Ji with another Q, and at the cost of being broken through the flaw on the right, he pulled out a passivity.

  Immediately after that, the two heroes began to walk up at the same time, trying to fight the last flaw, while preventing the opponent from breaking, and at the same time waiting for the energy to recover.

  At this time, Wushuang Sword Fairy's blood volume is no longer healthy, only about one-third of the blood.

  But Akali's HP is also low, and most importantly, Akali doesn't have the energy to lose Q.

  TheShy believes that as long as he hits a four break before Akali throws a second R, he can resist the last wave of bursts through a steady stream of blood return and complete the counter-kill.

  But Akali has a two-level shoe~www.readwn.com~ The speed is a bit faster than TheShy imagined! This has become a key factor in determining the result of this wave of fights!

  Chen Yuan waited until his energy improved, and finally enough to release a Q, he was too lazy to move, and directly pressed AQR to Jian Ji!

  On the other side, TheShy's Sword Ji finally reached the position of the upper flaw, and a flaw was hit!

  A four-broken rose appeared at Akali's feet, which was breathtaking!

  But all this is meaningless!

  104! 121! 183!

  Akali passively connects Q to two Rs, and instantly hits three bursts. R's high amount of slashing damage directly kills the remaining half-blood Sword Ji!

   "Oh!" The doll was frightened by Chen Yuan's pull, "What is this?"

  First pulls a QA by moving the white prostitute, then dodges W, second E dodges Q to poke the flaw, and then takes advantage of Jianji's chance of greed for the last flaw, and directly AQR bursts and kills!

  If last year’s match-up between the two sides was still a mutual show, then this wave of confrontation between the two, Chen Yuan completely dominated the battle!

  (End of this chapter)

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