League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 311: The defending king!

  Chapter 312 The Defending King!

  The cheers in the audience are long and never stop. Chen Yuan is God at this moment!

   "Ouch... I'm dripping my dripping" TheShy couldn't help being a little convinced, "I'm anxious about this wave."

   "Oh, it's okay." Although Rookie said on his lips, he couldn't help shaking his head. Seeing Akali's eye-catching five heads, this game was obviously difficult.

   "It's okay, you can turn it over!" Ah Shui said seriously, "There are six heads on the opposite side, and five of them are on Akali's body. As long as you stop him, this one can turn over!"

  Accurately find the key factors for winning the team and implement it efficiently. This is the fundamental reason why IG is good at playing miracle teams.

  Obviously, if IG wants to win this game, the key is Akali's bounty and murder book.

  As long as you can kill Akali twice, you can win this game!

  On the other side, RNG’s voice channel.

   "Yi Ri, this is Brother Yuanzi!" Xiaohu couldn't help but add a trace of worship in his eyes when he looked at Chen Yuan, and twisted his body on the chair, "Too hot!"

   "Don't disgust me." Chen Yuan's face was plain, "No more than regular operations~ Who can't I kill if I want to kill?"

  Karsa couldn't help hearing this, "Keep north! You are a locomotive!"

  Chen Yuan completely lived in Bengbu when he heard this, "Keep to the north! Don't let the locomotive roar at this time?"

   There is an old saying that when you have a Northeastern person by your side, after getting along with him for a long time, your accent will involuntarily begin to move closer to the Northeastern dialect.

  This game is used on WW, and it is also applicable

  The two sides completed the equipment and went online again. At this time, the time was nine minutes. After TheShy was killed once, it became obviously awkward.

  Chen Yuan’s equipment here is good, but he can’t kill Jian Ji by crossing the tower. He’s on the line and enters the boring state of pushing and defending.

  But on the road, Rookie and King Ning started to do it. Your Tianfei Akali was dragged on the road, and there is no TP, then I can’t do something in the lower half?

  Just do it, Rookie's Ryze pushed Xiaohu's line and quickly went to the lower half of the area, wanting to do something against Uzi.

  But Rookie has forgotten who he is on the line.

  Xiaohu is a player who is willing to sacrifice himself for the team. His Silas directly ignored the big **** line in the middle and followed Rookie to the bottom road!

  At the same time, Karsa, the originator of the anti-squatting flow, was not idle either. The prince squatted in the lower half early and waited!

   "Everyone from the other side is here, this wave can't be passed." King Ning frowned, "Go withdraw."

  Rookie glanced at the **** line in the middle, and shook his head.

  It’s really good to cancel your account! A dozen soldiers didn't even look at it, but just followed them.

  Although the middle lane lost a large wave of troops, but fortunately, he successfully guarded the down lane Uzi.

  IG this wave of small rhythm breaks again, it will be difficult to think of the rhythm again.

  Because the time has slowly turned to nine and a half minutes.

  Xia Lu Uzi's DNA began to move, and Kai'Sa underneath could not help but began to push the line.

   "This wave of bottom lanes is not used," Chen Yuan said suddenly, "I'm very fat, and our lineup is a little better, and the opponent doesn't dare to take the Pioneers."

  On their side, Akalija Prince Gaslas, formed a three-face lineup.

  On the opposite side, Jian Ji, Excavator, Ryze, the damage is indeed there, but the three heroes are diarrhea, as long as the 3V3 fights, Rookie will be set on fire by the three, and then killed instantly.

   "ok." Uzi nodded, he was not fat, staying on the bottom lane to continue aligning is a good thing for him.

  As for the fact that he can’t eat Pioneers, that’s not a big problem, as long as he can win the game.

  Sure enough, the time quickly reached ten minutes, and the IG, which put all the treasures in the 5V5 team battle, did not choose to take over in order to avoid the gap being further widened.

   "The Pioneer of the Canyon was also eaten by Akali. It's too exaggerated!" I remember it is a little hard to imagine, "How can I manage the late Akali? It's too invincible?"

  Although there are not many make-ups, only seventy in ten minutes, but with five heads in hand, and also brought a canyon pioneer!

  Karsa and Xiaohu, the "Nakano partner" who hadn't cooperated much before, also began to cooperate at this time. Silas and the prince raged wildly in the Ueno area of ​​IG, catching and eating.

   is about "playing around Yuanzi brother"!

  At this time, King Ning was very uncomfortable.

  Chen Yuan pinched Pioneer, he didn't dare to leave the road at all.

  He was afraid that as soon as he left, as soon as the vanguard came out, the previous tower would be gone.

  At that time, Akali's economy takes off, and when she goes home, she pays a gold body with all the money, and the game is really over.

  There is no wild brush, nor can he walk, King Ning is so depressed, he can only squat on the road and go to jail.

  And IG's bottom road situation is also not optimistic. After confirming that both midfielders are in the upper half, Uzi and Xiaoming are fully suppressed. Kai'Sa steals points from time to time to make Ah Shui miserable.

  Occasionally, the Velus of Ah Shui shoots an arrow, but there is little chance to hit Uzi.

  Uzi's iconic one-A three-turn head, which greatly affected Ah Shui's skill targeting!

   "Brother Yuanzi hasn't put Pioneer here yet, but the economic gap is still getting bigger and bigger!"

  At ten minutes, the economic gap between the two sides is actually not high, only in the early 2000s.

  But two minutes later, the economic gap between the two sides has reached 3K5!

  This is all brought about by operations and alignment.

  At this time, Chen Yuan saw that the situation was almost the same, and he finally summoned Vanguard.

   "Karsa and Xiaohu appeared on the road on time, and forced Ning Wang and TheShy back!"

   Pioneer knocked out, with the following three people from RNG Ue-Nakano who rushed to flatten the previous tower!

   Immediately afterwards, they didn't care about the pioneers who made great contributions, and directly left them on the road. A few people smashed into the wild area and began to eat the wild monsters of King Ning.

  Two minutes later, F6 and Stone Beetle were all refreshed, and Karsa was just full again, leaving King Ning dare not speak.

  The game entered the middle of the game. Except for TheShy and Xiaohu who are still in single-belt SOLO, the rest of the players are all in the middle.

  RNG sharpens the knife, and is about to work on the first tower.

  Naturally needless to say, Chen Yuan was naturally targeted by the opponent.

  He has no doubt that as long as his position is pressed forward a little bit, it will be directly broken by the four flashes on the opposite side.

  But Chen Yuan didn't step forward at all. He just stood quietly behind and asked Uzi to push the tower.

  Ning Wang didn’t make a lot of play in the whole game, and his development was poor. In addition, Ah Shui was also in a stunted state, and they did not dare to start a team hastily.

  Soon the time came to fourteen minutes, Chen Yuan's TP had already turned better, RNG instantly played 131, leaving Uzi with Xiao Ming and Karsa in the middle to continue grinding the tower.

  RNG is not in a hurry to play a group, and soon, within 20 minutes, the economic advantage is pulled to eight thousand!

  At this time, IG, who has never given up, also realized that RNG would never give them the opportunity to form a group.

  Opposite want to rely on operations to kill them!

   "RNG is here to go back to the city to replenish equipment, and Yuanzi here. Directly made a Central Asian hourglass! It's too stable!"

   Twenty minutes, French shoes, murder book, hourglass, technology gun.

  The Akali equipped with this equipment is more than just steady.

  The synthesis of this hourglass is the signal for RNG to change the style of play.

  Chen Yuan took the four teammates straight to Dalongkeng, really got to the ground and started directly!

  Although Akali this hero is quite useless to fight the dragon, fortunately, the jungler in the team is the prince.

  Under the group attack speed bonus of the military standard and the super high damage of Kai'Sa, the blood volume of the dragon drops quite fast!

  But the collective disappearance of the five RNGs still aroused the vigilance of IG. JackeyLove, a foresight transformation point in Dalongkeng, saw the dragon with only half blood left!

  "The IG side has already started to go to the jungle! This wave of them is too late!"

  The red IG had his back to Dalongkeng. There was a possibility of grabbing the dragon on their side. Chen Yuan immediately chose to give up the dragon.

   "This wave can't be played, stop playing the group!"

  Xiao Ming has been waiting for these words for a long time, Chief Bull Head first dropped a false eye on the back of Dalong Pit, and at the same time people walked out of the pit.

  "The IG side is a little anxious, they are going to Xiao Ming's face!"

  Except for King Ning who is still preparing to grab the dragon at the back of Longkeng, the other four have already hurriedly walked to the river!

  Sapphire blue drove to scan and walked in the forefront, and the red scanner scanned out the shadow of the cow in the grass in front!

  At this time, several people from IG showed an amazing reaction, and the lineup instantly dispersed. Royal Blue TheShy took the initiative to top, and A Shui Rookie took the initiative to retreat.

  Xiao Ming went forward and hit the sapphire bron!

  Although this wave of regiments didn't open well, the team battle had already begun. Uzi turned his head instantly and output frantically at Bron.

  Chen Yuan is a crazy OB, looking for opportunities.

  Akali didn’t get on, and Ah Shui didn’t dare to output. Verus could only squat behind and shoot arrows. Rookie was also standing next to Verus, guarding the safety of AD.

   But soon, Baolan couldn't hold it anymore, and was killed by Uzi and Xiaohu.

  At this time, Chen Yuan still did not go, and continued to OB at the edge of the battlefield, Ah Shui was still shooting arrows.

   Immediately afterwards, TheShy couldn't hold it anymore, Ah Shui was still shooting arrows!

  Chen Yuan hangs up alone, in exchange for the double C on the opposite side to hang up together.

  At this time, Xiaohu couldn't help it a bit, Silas took the initiative to steal Velus's ultimate move, and then directly threw an R flash towards Ah Shui!

  A water is poured

"King Ning and Rookie are left unable to return to the sky. RNG played a wave of zeros for threes, and turned around to start the dragon!" Remember to say loudly, "This wave will be punished by King Ning, but RNG's people will give him A chance?"

  The excavator squatted quietly in the triangle grass above the dragon, and King Ning, who had no vision, was calculating his health.

  He still has a fake eye in his hand. He intends to wait until the time is almost up, provide vision through the fake eye, and then drill a hole to grab the dragon.

  Xiao Ming had already consciously wanted to stop King Ning. Niutou started to circle Dalongkeng from the lower river channel, but he did not see King Ning who was above the triangular grass.

  Chen Yuan saw that Xiao Ming had turned a long time without seeing anyone. He knew in an instant that Akali jumped over the Dragon Keng with a big move and flew towards the triangle grass!

  Akali entered the grass and saw the excavator squatting in it!

  There is nothing to say, the smoke bombs, the face EQ, the stealth pull the EQR, there is no bells and whistles, simple and efficient, high damage will directly kill the excavator!

  The jungler was killed, IG completely lost the possibility of grabbing the dragon!

   "RNG accepted the dragon, the economic gap between the two sides exceeded 10,000!" Remember to roar, "The game is about to end!"

  [Hahahaha laughed so hard at me]

  【This Akali is hard to beat. 】

   [Laughing dead, Ah Shui and Rookie are waiting for you Akali to come up with double strokes and flashes, but I didn’t expect Genzi Brother B would not come at all! 】

  Ning Wang sighed. This is already the third BO5 lost to RNG. Not losing a BO5 means that they have lost an LPL champion. He is very uncomfortable with his hot personality.

   "RNG returned to the city to replenish the equipment after taking the big dragon, and started again with 131 points!"

  Several people advanced steadily and quickly broke three high grounds one after another.

  The three-way super soldier is mighty, rushing towards the last crystal under the blessing of the dragon BUFF!

  Although IG has Ryze, who has a super-powerful clearing ability, Rookie also feels deeply powerless facing the three-way **** line.

  The first front tooth, the second front tooth, and the two towers were destroyed one by one.

  RNG still did not give IG a chance to form a group.

   "A Shui still didn't give up!" I remembered loudly, "Virus R flashed to Akali, but Yuanzi Jinshen avoided the next damage!"

  In the next second, Ah Shui, who was in a group, disappeared directly into RNG's skill stream.

   Around the stands, IG fans collectively lost their voices, and even many fans with delicate emotions have begun to cry.

  But more RNG fans are starting to celebrate the New Year, with cheers resounding throughout the audience and reaching the sky!

   "No more!" Miller shouted, "No more miracles!"

   "RNG base will be destroyed!"

  On the big screen at this time, the screen of the super soldiers besieging the naked base has been reduced by the director, and the screen of the five RNG members hugging tightly has been switched on the big screen!

  Along with the commentary and the deafening noise of the audience, RNG is like a broken bamboo, and the main crystal of IG is directly crushed!

  Boom, boom!

  As soon as Chen Yuan took off his headphones, he heard a few crisp noises from above his head.

  The golden rain is falling one after another!

The   RNG player stood up and looked at each other with excitement.

  At this time, the lights above the head were also successively transferred to the RNG player seats~www.readwn.com~ At this time, the eyes were focused on them!

  "Congratulations to RNG! We defeated IG for the third time with three to one!" Wawa said loudly, "They successfully defended their championship throne, declaring who is the king of LPL!"

  "The RNG in the last round showed amazing operational capabilities. They effortlessly and without blood, they directly turned IG into the invisible!" Miller took a deep breath.

  "However, the IG team is also not to be underestimated. They have been fighting RNG from last year to this year. They also showed extraordinary strength. I hope they can continue their efforts!"

  At this time, the Foshan Sports Culture Performing Arts Center in Guangdong, the sound wave after wave, shaking people's eardrums, the sound is so loud that the surrounding blocks are clearly audible!

   "Brother Wuhu Yuanzi!" Uzi ignored the damage this time, and the fat body, who had completed the third stage of the ascend to the gods, was directly pressed on Chen Yuan's body.

  The fragile body of Chen Yuan's internet addiction teenager could not stand the ravages and almost died directly.

  But the next second, the other three players also rushed over, and the five players formed a group!

  Jiang Qiu's eyes are curving, and with a smile, he took this moment with his mobile phone.

  (End of this chapter)

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