League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 312: The final strength of the World Championship is not as strong as the LPL

  Chapter 313 The final strength of the World Championship is not as strong as the LPL

  "Shake hands and shake hands." Chen Yuan patted the players on the shoulders, and let Xiaohu take the lead to the opponent's bench.

  Camera switch, following the pace of RNG players, came to the IG player stand.

  Rookie looks quite complicated at this time.

  He tried his best in this round of BO5, but in front of Chen Yuan, he still didn't play a big role.

  In the four rounds, the line-up between him and Chen Yuan was actually not a big problem. Except for Zoe who was targeted by the Snowman in the first round, the two of them had back and forth in the rest of the situation.

  It's just that Chen Yuan's ability to interpret the battle situation is really too strong. Whether it is supporting or arresting people, the opponent always takes a step ahead of him.

  Even in the second game, he asked Shangning Wang to madly target the middle and catch Jace twice, but the effect was still not great. The opponent still gained the head by squatting down the road with one hand.

  Rookie is very puzzled. It is clear that IG has been significantly stronger this year, but why is it still broken in the face of RNG.

  After the end of S9, the contracts of TheShy and Ah Shui will both expire this year.

  In this business alliance, nothing is permanent. Rookie knows that if the upper and lower double Cs leave the team, then he may never get the coveted S crown.

  TheShy and Ah Shui will stay in the team?

   And he is already a 22-year-old veteran. The peak period is about to pass. Even if the lineup is preserved intact, can they still retain the championship strength?

   "Oh." Thinking of this, Rookie could only sigh and shook hands with Chen Yuan.

   "All right, Brother Chicken?" Chen Yuan patted Rookie on the shoulder, "Can you stand it?"

   "If you can't stand it, you have to stand it." Rookie, who has been living in China for many years, actually said a classic line of the star master.

   "Come on, see you at Intercontinental." Chen Yuan responded with a smile, and then walked to the next person.

"It's a pity that IG stopped the league runner-up again in the spring of 2019." The baby said loudly, "18 spring, 18 summer, 19 spring, this is their third runner-up! This can be said to be a shame, but It can also be said to be an honor!"

   "Even though they lost the game in the end, their strength is still worthy of recognition." Miller also took the words, "I believe that they will not be disadvantaged against teams other than RNG!"


  A Shui in the audience was a little numb listening to Miller’s criticism.

  Aren’t you talking nonsense? If we lose the wind, can we still make it to the final?

"Let's go back."

  A Shui proficiently began to clean up the mouse and keyboard, and has been intensively reviewing the major posts on the forum. He has already cultivated a heart that is not bad, and his emotions are quite calm.

  RNG=Last year's world champion, and the runner-up SKT was 3-0 by RNG.

  Then they won RNG one game today = they are the second team in the world.

There is nothing wrong with   .

  A Shui thought so.

  The long mouse pad wrapped the keyboard and the mouse, and the moment before he retreated behind the scenes, Ah Shui could not help but turn his head and glance at Chen Yuan on the stage and the silver dragon cup in his hand.

  The eyes are the desire that cannot be concealed.

  "Come, let us make the position!" Standing on the stage, Chen Yuan was quite majestic. He asked Uzi and Xiaohu around him to move a little aside to make room for the bench and Wei.

  At this time, whether it is the main force, the substitute, the coach or the manager, all of them are surrounded by the Silver Dragon Cup.

  The main force and the seven substitutes put their palms on the trophy, countdown to three and two together, and then lift the championship trophy high!

  The stage teacher has been preparing for a long time. He pressed the button, and the dry ice in front of the stage and the golden ribbon on the top all broke out. In conjunction with the new round of cheers from the audience, the atmosphere in the venue was once again detonated!

  Under the stage, Chen Yuan’s parents are already happy, and his mother Lin Nian is holding a mobile phone, and the camera button is almost exploded!

  The host Ren Dong is on stage again at this time, and he has a solid host experience and loudly said: "The 2019 League of Legends Pro League Spring Games, the championship belongs to!!!"

   After all, Ren Dong pretended to pause.


  The audience under the stage shouted out the name of the champion team.

  At this time, the sky was quite gloomy, it seemed that there would be rain at any time, and Ren Dong had to speed up his progress.

  "Let us have a request, Mr. Jin Yibo, the co-CEO of Tenking Sports, to present our RNG with their championship medals!"

  CEO Jin Yibo took the stage with a smile, and shook hands with Xiaohu.

  As the second most LPL champion, Xiaohu is second only to a hot man, and Jin Yibo is an old acquaintance among old acquaintances.

  The prize money for the Spring Finals Championship is still the familiar 1.5 million, which is not too much. If it is allocated to each player, it is not bad for Chen Yuan to get 200,000.

  Chen Yuan, standing in the middle, took the bonus card, and the process ended.

  "Next, let Mr. Jin Yibo present us the FMVP of the Spring Finals!" Ren Dong continued the process, "tell me loudly, who do you think is the MVP of this finals!"


  The audience in the surrounding stands unanimously shouted out Chen Yuan’s ID.

  Mr. Jin smiled, he opened the envelope, "The MVP winner of the 2019 LPL Spring Finals is"

   "RNG. Hero! Congratulations!"

  Thunderous applause erupted at the scene, and in the live broadcast room of the match, the "reasonable" was also all brushed up.

  RNG players shook their heads. The snowman in the first, Jess in the second, Akali in the fourth, Chen Yuan’s performance is unmatched, this MVP deserves it.

  Chen Yuan actually expected something, so he didn't panic, just stepped forward silently.

Isn't    just to win the FMVP trophy? He is familiar!

  At this time, on the big screen of the scene, the data of Chen Yuan's three scenes were given.

  G1: Snow Twins, 6-1-14, 90% participation rate

  G2: Guardian of the future, 5-2-7, 25% damage

  G4: Outlier thorn, 9-0-3, damage accounted for 32%

  In the first and fourth rounds, Chen Yuan performed perfectly, and KD won the game.

   Although the record in the second round was slightly inferior and the damage was quite average, don’t forget that this wave of Chen Yuan was targeted.

President Jin picked up a trophy from the master of ceremonies and handed it to Chen Yuan. Both smiled and shook hands.

  Ren Dong nodded, he walked to Chen Yuan's side with ease, handed the microphone to his mouth and began to ask questions routinely.

  "Excuse me, Hero, this is the third time you have won the LPL championship trophy, and it is the second time you have won the FMVP of the Spring Festival. How do you feel?"

   "Um." Chen Yuan prepared his words in just 0.1 seconds in his mind, and said with a smile, "Okay, this is a team game after all, and it's useless to have the best personal strength in the world. Win or lose depends on his teammates."

  Uzi was taken aback when he heard this.

  Chen Yuan’s words are fine. In fact, regardless of RNG winning so easily, the victory is still based on the mid lane and bottom lane strength.

  In the third game, Uzi was dealt with by Ah Shui De Levin, and there was a problem with the bottom lane, and the game naturally lost.

  Chen Yuan said this seriously, but in the ears of the audience, there was a hint of the rest.

  【The world's number one super soldier is not watching his teammates yet? 】

  【Yinzi brother, this is yin and yang, I am stateless? 】

  [Yuanzige: Why can’t you and Uzi be teammates? How can I win the championship with Uzi as teammates? 】

  【Sorry to kill people, right? 】

Many savvy audience members have already started to laugh. Ren Dong dare not continue to expand, and quickly raises the next question, "Excuse me, Brother Yuanzi, this FMVP, do you feel any difference from last year's FMVP? "

  "The difference?" Chen Yuan didn't expect this question. He pondered for two seconds, "The difference is indeed there."

Chen Yuan laughed, "Last year’s Spring Championship was actually very difficult for us. At that time, the running-in between our teams was not good enough, and the tactical play has not yet been established. In the finals, we let two chase three, which was thrilling. Difficult to win the title in China."

  "This year is different. We at RNG know ourselves and our opponents, and we are more confident, so winning is relatively easy."

"The third question." Ren Dong is almost endless, he continues to ask, "Just one more question, RNG will represent the LPL in this year's MSI after winning the spring championship. Excuse me, Brother Yuan, how about you? Do you have any expectations for the coming MSI?"

  Hearing this question, Chen Yuan actually wanted to laugh a little.

  As we all know, MSI is the competition with the lowest intensity of all competitions.

  On the surface, MSI is the champion of each major competition area. It feels full of gold content, but there is a problem that cannot be ignored, that is, the strength gap between the major competition areas.

  You said those Oceania Division, North America Division, Southeast Asia Division, their wild card division champions, can they have any strength?

   Put them in the highly competitive LPL or LCK, and they won’t even make the playoffs. Even if they do, it’s a round trip!

  In MSI, it is unfair to compete with LCK champions and LPL champions.

  (In this year’s MSI, this problem is particularly obvious. It is almost the match between RNG and DK. The rest of the teams are actually here to accompany the run.)

   "This." Chen Yuan couldn't help being a little mad, he laughed, "I don't have any expectations for the World Championship. In my opinion, the strength of the World Championship final is not even as strong as the LPL final!"

  This sentence ushered in the most powerful wave of applause and cheers on the scene!

  Even IG fans who were depressed because the home team lost the game started cheering loudly.

  【Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy! 】

  【Learn table tennis, right? 】

  【The intensity of the Olympic Games is not as good as the community competition, right? 】

  [Yuanzige: I think everyone in the rest of the competition area is Caibi]

  After three questions were asked, the large group of RNG club waved goodbye to the audience, and then quickly left the stage.

  "Xiao Yuan!" In the parking lot outside the stadium, Chen Yuan's parents saw his son walking out of the contestant passage at a glance.

  Chen Yuan was holding the FMVP trophy in his hand and carrying peripherals on his back. He first told his parents a few words, and then found Jiang Qiu on the phone.

   "Wait for me first, I will put the bag and medals, and we will go to the celebration party later!" Chen Yuanhe said the three in front of him, and then went straight to the team's Mercedes-Benz.

  Jiang Qiu smiled here and greeted Chen Yuan’s parents, but instead of waiting where she was, she followed Chen Yuan’s footsteps and walked up.

  Chen Yuan did not pity the FMVP medal in his hand, opened the door and threw it on the seat.

   "Hey eh? What's up?" Karsa felt a little uncomfortable seeing Chen Yuan's behavior. You just throw away the things I can't get, right? Look down on people?

  Severe obsessive-compulsive disorder patient Ka Ge opened the door on the other side of the car, put the trophy flat and flat, and then safely closed the door.

  But the trophy itself is unstable, and the leather seats of Mercedes-Benz cars are also soft, and the vibration when the door is closed caused the trophy to fall down again.

  Karsa saw this scene, and her heart began to feel uncomfortable again.

  Does he need to open the door to put the trophy upright?

  But Chen Yuan didn't take it seriously, he opened the trunk and put the peripherals. After putting the bag, he turned around and saw Jiang Qiu with a smile on his face.

   "How do you say it." Chen Yuan hooked his girlfriend and said with a sullen face, "You guys are okay today."

   "Niu Niu Niu!" Jiang Qiu blushed, seeing RNG winning the championship, she was even more excited than Chen Yuan, "Too handsome!"

  Chen Yuan listened to this "too handsome and spicy", he always felt a bit of yin and yang in it, but he could not find evidence.

  Ge Quan is not familiar with the land of Foshan, so he did not book any big hotels, just took the players and their families to have a simple celebration dinner.

  At the banquet, Brother Feng drank freely, with his younger brother, analyst Gouba, and manager Quan, the three of them had a strong drink.

  Chen Yuan was not spared here either. He was dizzy after being filled with a few cups because of his poor drinking capacity.

  Because drinking will affect the state of competition, there are not many professional players who drink.

   But there are exceptions, such as the S4 champion, JDG's current ADimp, is a famous alcoholic.

  Not only loves to drink, he also loves to smoke. At that time, he once performed the skill of smoking three cigarettes per four seconds during the live broadcast, and was shocked by the heavens.

  Of course, the competitive state of this player is destined to not last long. Now his level has fallen sharply because of his retribution for not restraining himself.

  After the dinner, Jiang Qiu and Chen Yuan walked outside as usual. The evening breeze that is about to enter the summer in May made Chen Yuan's wine spirit distracted.

  Chen Yuan habitually puts his hands on his girlfriend's shoulders, getting tired and crooked with his girlfriend.

  Jiang Qiu here, for fear of being seen by Chen Yuan’s parents, her face turned red, and she pushed the salty pig's hands away, "No today! Go to sleep!"

   "Why can't you?" Chen Yuan said calmly, "What a great opportunity today!"

   "No way, no way!" Jiang Qiu said this blushed ~ www.readwn.com~ I'll talk about it when I return to Shanghai tomorrow! "

  Tomorrow Jiang Qiu will fly back to Shanghai with the people from the RNG club, and then there will be a short five-day holiday.

  After five days, the RNG people will gather again to prepare for the MSI training.

   "Let's go, let's go." Chen Yuan pursed his lips, had a final match with his girlfriend, and then went straight to his hotel room.

  In the hotel, Karsa was still making affectionate video calls with his girlfriend, and the two men’s naive WW voice made Chen Yuan get goose bumps all over his body.

   "I came to LPL and won three championships! I'm not that good!"

   "Awesome! You are the most annoying!"


  The two teased each other, and they cooperated quite well.

However, Chen Yuan and Karsa have lived for more than a year. They have already had a certain immunity to this idol drama chat. He directly ignored the noise in his ears. After playing with the mobile phone for a while, he felt sleepy. Go to deep sleep.

  (End of this chapter)

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