League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 317: 3 minutes of bot 2 to 3!

  Chapter 318 Three-minute bottom lane two-on-three!

  LPL domestic broadcast station.

  Miller dolls, this pair of partners have already been ready on the commentary stand, and the dolls are now holding a set of hand cards to read out the advertisements.

  "It’s about to start, RNG’s first game in this MSI," Miller continued after the advertisement was read. "The opponents in the first game were pretty easy. They will play against the local Vietnamese team, PVB!"

  At this time, PVB took the stage in stride and received a lot of applause.

  As a local team, PVB still has some home court advantages.

  Some Vietnamese fans who usually like RNG also started to support their home team at this time.

   Immediately afterwards, the RNG team came on stage again, and the cheers rang out again!

  Almost all the audience, except the Vietnamese fans, cheered and supported RNG!

   Then the director gave the output of the two teams in the spring split.

  Unexpectedly, the data of the two sides did not differ too much.

  PVB Canyon Pioneer has a control rate of 80%, and Baron Nash has a control rate of 75%, leading +8792 per game

  RNG Canyon Pioneer has a control rate of 86%, and Baron Nash has a control rate of 82%, leading by +9600 per game

  The extremely luxurious data of both parties caused heated discussions in the live broadcast room.

   [As expected of MSI, the teams that came are all killing in this region]

  【Can the gold content of Vietnam compete with LPL? 】

  "The data on the PVB side is also quite scary." Miller smiled, "It's just that the RNG data was generated in the highly competitive LPL, and the data on both sides are actually not at the same level."

  The two commentators are talking, and the players on both sides are all ready.

  With a crisp sound, the third game on the first day of the group stage officially began!

  "PVB has the priority to choose sides in this round, and they chose the blue side!"

  "PVB quickly banned the bull head, Akali, Snowman! Obviously they studied the LPL finals in depth!" Miller was surprised, "These are the heroes that RNG performed well in the LPL finals against IG!"

  The doll also smiled and said: "RNG has banned the prince, the excavator, and Xia. Then the blue PVB took out Jace with one hand, and finished shaking with one hand."

  Play swing?

  Brother Feng smiled slightly, "Then let's swing with the sword girl in one hand, and then take a bloom, and leave the tenth hand to Shangzhong."

  Since they are the red side, they should try their best to take advantage of the tenth hand Conte position.

  First take the sword girl Conte Jess, and then take out the second single-line hero when the other side, and then take out a back hand Conte.

  In this way, no matter where the opposite side swings Jace, they can't escape their clutches.

   "PVB quickly picked Spiders and Kai'Sa." Miller looked at the lineup and felt familiar, "PVB is preventing RNG from picking Silas?"

  Jace Spider Ka'Sa, these three heroes’ ults Silas stolen are all useless. This is also the trick used by RNG against IG.

  It’s just that PVB directly threw this lineup first!

   "RNG quickly locked Lucian on this side." The doll said loudly, "Come! One of Uzi's signature, Lucian!"

   "PVB quickly banned Tam and Enchantress," Miller looked at the ban on Tam and was a little confused, "They might want Zoe!"

   "Obviously, the other side is going to take Zoe, then do we want to ban it?" Feng Ge asked patiently, "PVB's Zoe is okay, it's a strong point."

   "No need!" Chen Yuan denied.

  In LPL, are there few people playing Zoe well?

  , toothpaste, and the little tiger who turned forward, they all have Zoe.

  But did one of them play a role when facing Chen Yuan?

  After all, Zoe’s skills require hit rate, but when they face Chen Yuan, who is in a bad position and reacts against the sky, his skills are difficult to match.

   "OK." Brother Feng nodded, "Then let's ban Titan and Sun Girl."

  Since we are planning to put the opposite side to pick Zoe, there is no point in giving the ban position to the middle. Brother Feng simply bans all the two hard assistants that are threatening to Lucian to ensure the laning advantage of the bottom lane.

   "Then the red party RNG directly selected the barrel with one hand, and combined with Jace the dual attributes of AP and AD, and also made up a hand to start the team."

   "Then what support do we have?" The PVB coach first selected Zoe on the fourth floor, and then discussed the fifth-hand hero choice with the players.

   "How about Parker?" PVB assistant Palette said, "This bloon is easy to play."

  "彳亍." The coach dragged his tone, and officially agreed to the lineup after confirming that there was no problem.

  At this time, on the other side of the RNG voice channel, the players are discussing the tenth hand mid laner choice.

  "How about Malzaha?" Chen Yuan asked.

  Grasshopper to Zoe, that is pure Kante position.

  Because of the passive existence of the grasshopper, Zoe’s side cannot use hypnotic bubbles to advance, which leads to the innate advantage of Zoe’s side.

  In addition, the grasshopper's three small skills push the line extremely fast, and he will walk away after pushing the line, and Zoe has nothing to do.

   "Does this really work?" Brother Feng hesitated, "Will it be too mixed?"

   "What are you afraid of?" Chen Yuan looked indifferent, "I have taken C both up and down, can I just mix the rhythm, and I don't need C."


  Brother Feng nodded. Although he has never watched Chen Yuan play Grasshopper, this hero is really not difficult to operate, as long as he has hands.

  "RNG's last choice..." The doll's voice is full of expectation, sonorous and powerful, "Look at what heroes he plans to bring out to face Zoe from PVB!"

  Everyone still remembers the first match of last year’s MSI group stage. Chen Yuan used the newly revised Sword Girl to come to Conte’s BDD Ryze.

  Three-level jump tower solo, six-level one hits three, he taught the world how to play Sword Girl in one game!

  One year later, it is MSI again. Will Yuanzi once again come up with some amazing heroes?

  Will he take the Angel mid laner?

   "We are not influenced by time."

  A purple gangster flashed on the screen, and everyone instantly collapsed.

【Ha ha ha ha】

  [Yuanzige: Unexpectedly, I'm mixed in this game]

  [The size of the doll, this B laughs so hard at me]

  At this time, the director also gave the historical data of Chen Yuan Malzaha.

  Unexpectedly, Chen Yuan really played a grasshopper here.

  It was taken out during the summer game of 18 against LNG. At that time, Chen Yuan took out the grasshopper mid laner and played his 24th consecutive victories with different heroes, making history.

  It’s just that RNG in the summer of 18 is unparalleled in the world, and the victory in that game has nothing to do with him.

  When the commentator and the audience were chatting and farting, Chen Yuan quickly glanced at the lineup of both sides.

  Blue side PVB: Top laner Jace, jungler, mid laner Zoe, bot lane Kassaga Parker.

  Red side RNG: Top solo girl, hit wild barrel, mid laner, Lucian Gabron.

  The game started soon. Chen Yuan took a deep breath and manipulated the grasshopper out of the spring.

  Chen Yuan did not choose the regular corruption potion to go out this time, but directly bought Duolanjie and two bottles of red.

  Because he and Zoe on the opposite side of this game are destined not to fight to death or death, most likely to push the line and walk around, in the case of low blood pressure, the meaning of buying corruption potion is not great.

  The power and return to blue provided by Dolan Jie are of great help to his ability to push the line.

  "Come, come! Fight a wave of invasion." Chen Yuan glanced at the lineups of both sides, and decisively chose to play the first-level team, "Come on!"

  Led by Xiao Ming’s Bloom, the other four people all followed him. They did not rush to make an invasion here, but squatted in the lower river channel.

  1 minute and 20 seconds, just when the BUFF was about to refresh, Xiao Ming took the lead and rushed to the enemy's red zone with four teammates!

  The doll couldn't help being a little excited when she saw this scene, "PVB obviously didn't expect RNG to plan a time invasion of the first-level card, they did not set up defense at all!"

   "Here, here!" PVB assistant Parker was squatting in the triangle grass below, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated after the five opponents invaded, and then he signaled his teammates to retreat.

   Their top laner Jess and mid laner Zoe are still standing in the upper half and guarding them, and there is no time to support them.

  No way, PVB can only give up his red zone.

   "They really dare!" Miller was also amazed when he saw it, "Little Tiger here sees the other side and dare not take the group. He ran to the road quickly. From the time point of view, he shouldn't lose troops."

  Now the small soldiers have set off. When Xiaohu arrives on the road, he should be able to get the experience of the first three soldiers. Of course, it must be too late to make up for the soldiers.

  This is actually indifferent. After all, Sword Sister was not very good at playing Jace at the first level.

  The other four of RNG continued to go deep into the PVB red zone, and walked around, but did not see the opposite figure.

   "The opposite is withdrawn?" Chen Yuan was a little confused, but now that the red buff has been born, it is impossible not to fight.

   While he commanded the Xiaye three people to start the red BUFF, he walked towards the middle.

  Zoe, opposite Naul, seized the opportunity of Chen Yuan to walk to the middle, and first pulled Q [Flying Star Random Entry] backwards to brush out the passive, and firstly pierced the membrane on Malzaha's body with a passive shot.

   Immediately afterwards, Er Duan Fei Xing slammed towards the grasshopper.

  Chen Yuan smiled contemptuously here, who are you with?

At the moment when he played the second quarter Q on the opposite side, he already knew that the opposite was predicted to be the position of his head, so he didn’t bother to move on this side. Malzaha went straight forward and avoided the second. Segment Q!

  He took a pass of Zoe's passive A in this wave, and because his own passive can withstand 90% of the damage, he didn't even lose much blood in this wave!

  PVB single Naul's forehead dripped with cold sweat.

  If in qualifying, the opponent twisted his skills because he didn't move, he might think that it was the fried rice and vegetables on the other side.

  But this is MSI! He believed that the reason why the grasshopper on the opposite side did not move was because he had seen his prediction.

   Is it so scary?

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuan seized the time when Zoe did not have Q, and Ping A faced the creeps with crazy output.

  Wait for the three soldiers to come to the residual blood, he surrendered E【Fairstar Vision】, and killed the three soldiers one by one!

  At this moment, Xiaohu’s wailing was suddenly heard on the road.

  Chen Yuan cut the angle of view and saw Jace beating the knife girl.

  The Shangdan Jess opposite did not choose to go directly online, but directly shaded a wave of tigers in the triangular grass.

  Originally, Xiaohu could slowly go around from the wild area to the road, but he was eager to have experience and chose to take risks.

  But in this adventure, something went wrong.

  The four skills of Jace at the first level, the combat power is far beyond the conventional top order. Wherever the tiger dares to head-on, the backhand is chased by Jace and beaten all the way.

  This way down, not only the blood volume is gone, but the experience has not been eaten!

  Xiaohu chose Duolanjian to go out with a single red bottle. It was obviously impossible for him to knock the red bottle and continue mixing at this time, because he was completely dissatisfied.

  No way, he can only go back to the city.

  At this time, Xiaohu intends to go online and save the TP in his hand. This way, although the first wave of soldiers is lost, the extra TP can allow him to get through his weak period.

   "Don't don't don't, you just go online with TP." Chen Yuan frowned slightly when he saw this scene, "You have to stop the line, or we will be lost."

  This wave of little tigers was beaten back home. He was mainly afraid that the jungle spiders on the opposite side would steal their red by taking advantage of the road.

  If Hong is stolen, then their first level invasion will be a complete failure.

  So Xiaohu must hand over TP in this wave to drag Jace on the road.

   "OK." Xiaohu believed in Chen Yuan's command, and did not hesitate to hand over TP to go online.

  Chen Yuan quickly cleared the first wave of lines with E [Far Star Vision], and then went to his own red zone to make a field of vision for the first time.

  Karsa's wild route is also to be as fast as possible. After he quickly finished the red and F6 on the opposite side, he quickly finished the blue of his camp.

   Immediately after that, he did not stop, and came straight to his own red BUFF!

  At this time, the jungler of PVB saw that Sister Dao TP was online, and Malzaha was gone. He could only give up the idea of ​​stealing red and quickly went down the road after playing the crab.

  "Because Malzaha disappeared after pushing the line, and Jace, who was on the road, could not help him. The spider did not cross the river to fight against the RNG monsters, but rushed to his own lower half of the wild..."

  Miller couldn’t help but frown when he saw the spider’s movements, "In this way, he would have lost a set of red BUFF and a set of F6."

"But he can do it like this." Wawafen scared. "Because they were a bit miserable in the bot lane, the combination of Kaisha Jia Pike is really too weak. If he doesn't bot lane, I'm afraid it will take ten minutes. Drop a tower!"

  Karsa came all the way to his own red BUFF, and saw that BUFF was standing peacefully in his camp, roaring at the intruder's barrel.

   "Be careful, the spider didn't come to my wild area." Karsa's mind quickly simulated the opponent's wild route, "He is playing a group of BUFF and F6, then he should be coming to GANK soon."

  Spider, the hero, is not too slow to brush wild, and he only brushes five groups of wilds (counted as river crabs).

   "About three and a half minutes, the spider will most likely appear in the bottom lane, coming from the position of the stone beetle."

  Karsa calculated the time when the spider appeared, but it was obviously impossible for him to squat, so he could only tell his teammates of his conjecture.

  Uzi and Xiao Ming are clear, Xiao Ming, who is pressing on the line, went directly to the other side's triangle grass to make a field of vision.

  Since I know that the opposite jungler will come from the position of the stone beetle~www.readwn.com~, there is no need to make the field of vision in the river.

  Sure enough, after brushing the stone beetle, the spider directly tried to gank the road and appeared in the field of vision arranged by Xiao Ming!

  Uzi suddenly shouted abnormally: "Don't go, don't go! You can operate!"

  Three-and-a-half minutes, this is a sensitive time for the bot lane!

  He quickly glanced at the **** line on the field and his experience bar, the signal was crazy on the melee pawn!

  Xiao Ming knew instantly, he used his holy relic shield to hit the melee soldier with a fist, and the execution effect would directly kill the half-blood melee soldier!

  At the same time, Uzi gave two aces to another melee soldier!

  Two melee soldiers turn into experience into the bodies of two heroes.

  A flash of upgraded glare lights up, and Lucian and Bron rise to level three at the same time!

  On the opposite side of the bot lane duo, because of being pinched, they are still far away from the third level!

  At the same time, the spider on the opposite side just went around behind the two of them, showing their fangs towards them!

  (End of this chapter)

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