League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 318: Naked mercury shoes, right?

  Chapter 319 Naked mercury shoes, right?

   "How to say, RNG doesn't seem to want to leave here!" The doll suddenly shouted, "Uzi wants to operate this wave!"

  At this time, the spider has already circled behind the two of them. He first releases the human form W [Blasting Spider], and then quickly follows E [Cocoon]!

  Uzi did not panic at all, he reacted in time, operating Lucian to quickly throw E skill to move away.

  Xiao Ming seized the opportunity and hit the spider with a Q, while slowing down, he became passive.

  On the other side, PVB’s auxiliary Parker also quietly threw Q [Bone Spikes] from the side at this time, but Uzi still didn't panic, operating Lucian in a reversing position and once again lightly avoided!

   "Turtle! Uzi's stomach!" The doll exclaimed directly.

  These two controls are hiding, at least if you want to go, it must be okay.

  The two control skills were completely empty, and it seemed that he couldn't keep people. Pike was also panicked. He simply rushed up with E skills, planning to use E+ flash to stun Lu Xian from a long distance.

  But Uzi didn't even bother to run this time. He didn't even bother to care about Parker on his face. Lucian clicked on the W contact, and all the four shots were on the spider.

  Blon is passively triggered, and the spider is directly stunned in place.

  At this time, the Phantom of Pulling E skills flashed on Pike's side, and Lucian was going to be stunned!

   "Blon, stand in front!"

  Xiao Ming, Bloom's EW Erlian without hesitation, held the security door high and touched Lu Xian's side!

  The Phantom hits the security door and disappears instantly!

  Lu Xian’s firepower is constant, and then he plays a set of Q contacts, directly reducing the spider's blood volume to one-third!

  Xiao Ming directly put the ignition on the spider, and then hit Pike passively with a flat A.

  The spider turns into a spider for the first time after waking up from the control, and then ascends to the sky to avoid damage.

  Uzi did not nostalgic here, immediately turned his head and Xiao Ming set fire to Pike, one person and one flat A, Parker without displacement can not avoid it, and is stunned again!

  At this time, PVB's ADC Kai'Sa wanted to output like crazy, but Bloom's anti-theft door was blocked in front of Lucian, and his output simply couldn't pass!

  Seeing the residual blood of his own spider, Pike is half blood, but the blood of the two people opposite is almost full, who can withstand it!

  At this time, the time for the spider to ascend to heaven finally ended. His heart was ruthless and he fell directly beside Lu Xian. The spider AWQ quickly bit on Lu Xian's body with three bites, and the damage was quite good. One set directly hit nearly half of the blood!

  But that's all, Xiao Ming hit the spider with a Q again, and quickly followed up with a tie A, Uzi's same two tie A, he must kill the spider!

  Kasha hurriedly added a bite of treatment to the spider, but it didn't make much sense. The slowed spider couldn't escape Uzi's chase, and she followed up with a flat A and took the spider directly away!


   Immediately afterwards, although the two of them had unhealthy blood volume and only half blood, they had no idea of ​​retreating at all, and instantly turned to Half-Blood Pike next to them.

  There are two and a half blood on one side, and one and a half blood on the other.

  PVB is naturally unreasonable here, both sides are again engaged in passionate battle!

  Ka'sa once again tied the A spot on Lucian, trying to kill Uzi first.

  Uzi didn't bother to run, and stood on the spot against Kai'Sa's damage and Pike!

  One round, two rounds, three rounds, four rounds.

  Ka'Sa ace Lucian four times, and Lucian ace Pike four times.

  Immediately, Kai'Sa's passiveness is about to explode, if Kai'Sa is required to perform beheading damage, Lucian, who has little blood left, will die on the spot!

  But Uzi has already grasped the direction of this battle. He released E [cold pursuit] at the time, and Lucian moved away from Kai'Sa's attack range!

Kai'Sa was immediately anxious. He hurriedly flashed to catch up to point out the flat A, but Uzi was also a chicken thief. He had expected that Kai'Sa would flash and chase, and he also flashed. Flashed directly into the grass!

  Healing skills are added to oneself, and at the same time the backhand guns are given to Parker!

  Pike, who also had very little blood, was instantly killed!


   Flashing and pursuing Kai'Sa was hit by Xiaoming's A flat A and became passive. While Uzi was dealing with him, he waited for the passiveness to disappear.

  After the passive finally disappeared, he went up to the Q contact point to stun Kai'Sa again!

  Ka'Sa is desperate.

  He has no double moves here, and after this wave of vertigo, his blood volume is not much different from that of Lu Xian, let alone murder, he can't get away with this wave of himself!

   Soon, the holy gun ranger spouted holy light bullets from the muzzle again, killing Kai'Sa's life with one shot!


  The Announcer's cold voice is like thunder, bombarding the hearts of the PVB players, making them feel in a daze.

   "Turtle, it's real!!" Miller was so stupid, "Level 3 is two to three, and no one is dead!? Go on and hang up?"

   "Brothers, this round seems to be gone." PVB ADC player Bigkoro murmured.

  Jungler XuHao nodded, "Oh, my mine."

  Zeros, who is on the road and crushing Xiaohu, is numb, and people are sitting on the road, right?

  At this time, the camera suddenly cut to the top.

  Since you catch all the spiders, how can Karsa be idle.

  Almost his wine barrels weren’t very wild, and after playing his own red buff, he went straight to the road.

  Obviously, Jess, who was on the opposite side, obviously didn’t expect that the barrel of the three-buff start would choose to grab only five sets of wild and just grab it!

  When the wine barrel appeared behind him, it was too late.

  Xiaohu's Q soldier is close to his body, and E [Blades of Biwing] The turtle is released at a speed but with extreme accuracy, stunning Jace on the spot!

  Karsa pours a sip of alcohol, and then hits Jace with an E [meat and egg]!

  The two of them had a fat beating against Picheng Gaofushuai, Xiaohu squeezed QA in his hand, and waited for Jace's residual blood to directly hit the head with a K!

  "NICE, brother is cute!" Chen Yuan in the middle road is simply smiling.

  I didn’t do anything on the middle road, and the upper and lower roads bloomed together. Who is unhappy about this?

  It's just that he didn't idle in the middle. He directly clicked the two-level E and the first-level W when he was at the second level. Anyway, he was hanging up and pushing the line in the middle.

  Think about the S7 global finals that year. At that time, the crown of SSG was a grasshopper mid laner without a brain. He played with Faker in the middle and played equal hands, and finally won the championship.

  Although the crown still chose the skin of the rock sparrow in the end, there is no doubt that the biggest contributor to Samsung’s championship is actually the tool man Malzaha.

After   Two-level E, the line pushing efficiency has reached a new level. On the other hand, Zoe simply relied on flying stars to push the line, and he couldn't compare with the grasshopper.

   "Brother Ka is good time." Chen Yuan said in his voice, "Wait for me to catch a wave in the middle of the sixth level."

   "Do you think I'm stupid? I will definitely come." Karsa nodded in response.

  This is the place where the grasshopper is alone. It doesn't matter if you pull the opposite side to stealth, and the opposite side has to always guard against the jungle.

  Because the grasshopper's big move is too ridiculous, just come up and hold you down as soon as you stare, and you can only watch yourself being madly blown out by the opposite jungler.

  Chen Yuan finished pushing the line again, and he quickly ran into the opponent’s wild area and made a field of vision in the blue BUFF camp.

  This eye position can prevent the spider from catching directly after it is resurrected, which can be regarded as protecting a wave of tigers.

  If you want to win this round, the advantage of Little Tiger Sword Girl is indispensable.

After   Sword Girl reaches the sixth level, she can turn inferior to superior to Jace.

  As long as the tiger can be escorted to the sixth level of immortality, then basically this round will be won.

   And the next movement of the spider on the opposite side did not exceed Chen Yuan's expectation. He really appeared in the field of vision that Chen Yuan had just arranged.

  The spider leaned on the road while hitting the Demon Marsh Frog, the final punishment was accelerated to clear the wild, and then went straight to the road!

  His idea is also very simple, that is, to cooperate with Jess, who is on the TP, to do a wave of sisters who have not yet returned to the city!

  Xiaohu doesn’t have TP. As long as he can kill the sword girl in this wave, and then Jace can control this wave of push back lines outside the tower, the sword girl will be bloodshed!

  Chen Yuan clicked a few signals after seeing the spider for the first time, and then he clicked on his own TP, "I can support this wave on the road, but be careful of the opposite Zoe, he also brings TP."

   "OK OK." Xiaohu nodded, "Can this wave of Karsa come?"

   "Yes!" Karsa also nodded at this time. He just finished brushing his own F6 and after hearing this, he gave up the rhythm of continuing brushing down, turned his head and walked on the road.

  Naturally needless to say this wave, Xiaohu went directly to the top of the actor, he did not choose to go directly up to seduce, and he did not directly retreat.

  The sword girl wandered behind, and when she saw the remaining blood of the soldier, she went up to make up for it, and then immediately opened the distance again, creating a look that she was afraid of being caught by the jungler.

   With this look of wanting to welcome but rejecting, seeing the jungler XuHao was a surge of heart, "I'm here, I'm here! Fuck him!"

  The spider got out of the grass, and shot a mouthful of unknown white liquid at Sword Sister.

  Xiaohu knows that he will perform a full set of acting. He manipulated Sister Sword to press W on the spot, and directly ate the spider's E, and came bound by Bo.

   "Little Tiger, this wave may be a little dangerous, Karsa is coming soon, can this wave be saved?" The doll was a little nervous at this scene and shouted.

  Chen Yuan saw Xiaohu being occupied by E, he did not hesitate, standing under the tower directly facing the road and handing over TP.

  On the other side, Zoe saw Chen Yuan hand over TP, so naturally he couldn't sit idly by, and TP was given to the road!

  The two TPs were almost on at the same time, and Karsa also came out from the rear with a drink!

  Three on three!

"First set the fire to kill the sword girl!" Jungle spider roared at this time. His spider is one level behind the barrel. At this time, they have no confidence to fight RNG on the 3V3 of the middle field. They must first drop one. Have a chance.

  But the problem is that Xiaohu has already pressed W [Dance of Breaking Distance] before eating the bundle. The damage of the two is greatly reduced, and it is impossible to kill it!

   Then, after two seconds, Karsa became Xiaohu’s savior, and the barrel rushed over with a decisive E flash, knocking both the spider and Jace into a stun!

  At the same time, Chen Yuan also TP down here.

   Although Malzaha has no combat effectiveness before level 6, the role of a hero is still real.

  The grasshopper fell to the ground and threw Q [Void Summon], a door to the void slowly closed, silenced both of them!

  Xiaohu has already woke up from the control. With half blood left, he looked at the two people on his face, and naturally it goes without saying, [Bi Wing Double Blade] directly pulled it out!

  This is a super long E. Not only the two people on the face, but also Zoe, who just landed, could not escape. All three of them were stunned!

  "Wuhu!" Xiaohu let out a dragon chant, and Sword Sister began to flutter in the battlefield.

  QA spider, QA Jess, Q soldier, plus the previous WQ two-tier passive, the five-tier passive is instantly full!

  PVB's Zoe still wanted to pull the flying star at this time, but how could Chen Yuan make him do as he wished, the grasshopper stood directly between Zoe and the sword girl, and directly pressed W just before the [hypnotic bubble] flew over!

  Two worms appeared, and they blocked the bubbles!

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuan directly added E【Fairstar Phantom】to the opposite Jace, and started to gather fire with his teammates.

  At the same time, Zoe also wanted to use the flying star to beat the sword girl, Chen Yuan still refused to give up, and directly manipulated the grasshopper to block the flying star again with his body!

   In the area of ​​protecting father, Chen Yuan can be regarded as holding it tight.

  Although his damage is not as high as Zoe, he has a body that can block skills!

   Blocked all the damage from the opposite side, and then shot out all the meager damage of his own, this wave of his effect was played out.

  Following passionate exchanges on both sides, in the end Xiaohu still couldn't handle it, and died in the set fire between Spider and Jace, but before he died, he also sent a QA to take Jace away!

  At this time, there was only a small half-blood spider left on the battlefield, fighting with a wine barrel close to full of blood. The mid laners on both sides had no skills in their hands, and they were still mixing up!

  Naturally needless to say more about this ending. In the end, Karsa shot the Q [Blasting the Wine Barrel], and cooperated with Chen Yuan's damage to take down the Spiderman's head directly!

  Although Chen Yuan was beaten a bit badly by Zoe, this is not a problem.

  Karsa instantly went to the upper body of the brother, and the wine barrel ran over and blocked the grasshopper from a long distance, and the middle and wild brothers retreated together.

  Zoe tried to chase for a few steps, but there was really no way, so he could only choose to retreat.

   "This wave is one for two!" The doll yelled, "RNG has earned it again!"

  The cheers of the audience under the stage can no longer stop. It has only been less than five minutes, but the two sides have already exploded with seven heads!

  Although it is 6:1, a pure hanging game

  But the crazy individual performances of the RNG players ~www.readwn.com~ still make the audience speak out!

  Nakano brothers returned to the city together at this time. Although Chen Yuan did not get the head in this wave, he was happier, operating Malzaha to buy a pair of mercury shoes, and then ran directly back online.

  PVB mid laner Naul saw the mercury shoes in the grasshopper's hand, and countless sulking gas immediately surged from her chest.

  At this time, his teammates couldn’t stand it anymore. Karsa couldn’t help but order Chen Yuan’s mercury shoes. "What do you mean, Brother Yuanzi? Are you learning Xiaohu’s costumes?"

  "?" Xiaohu tilted his head, "What do you mean Karsa?"

  Chen Yuan said cheerfully, "There is nothing wrong with the mercury shoes. Opposite the two APs from Nakano."

   "The truth is the truth, but."

  Karsa just wanted to say "this is not your style", but after thinking about it carefully, Chen Yuan must start to pretend once he said this, so he simply held back.

    My book friends should have friends from Henan, brothers from Henan, come on, stand up! ! !



  (End of this chapter)

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