League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 319: Mother and son

   Chapter 320

  At this time, the team's voice is very comfortable. With such a huge advantage, I don't know how to lose.

   Immediately afterwards, Karsa was unreasonable. The 1-0-2 barrel caught the 0-2-1 spider was a hammer, and a meaty egg filled his hunger. The backhand was a big bird who punished the spider.

   "What else are you playing?" Miller said loudly, "F6 can't be held, what are you playing wild!"

   Immediately afterwards, Karsa, who had a three-way advantage, was still a match for the tiger. He even ran with the spider all the way, and turned the stone beetle back in front of him.

   "This is too miserable! It's been six minutes now, and the spider has just reached level four!"

  [I didn’t expect to be raising pigs by Karsa]

  [I never thought of raising pigs and spiders in wine barrels]

  [Hahaha, 6 minutes 0-2, I suspect this jungler may have been bought]

  And even so, RNG's Nakano duo didn't want to let him go.

  Chen Yuan marked the blue BUFF that was about to be refreshed on the opposite side, "I will be level six now, and I can continue to do a wave of spiders."

  Because the spider hit the BUFF late, and it was single-open, the refresh time of his blue BUFF was slightly delayed.

   "Huh?" Karsa couldn't see it, "Isn't it a bit of a loss to kill the spider? Isn't it good to kill Zoe?"

   "Zoe has a flash, it's not easy to kill." Chen Yuan's words are well-founded, and people cannot refute them.

  6 minutes and forty seconds, Chen Yuan handed over all three skills, the third-level E skill was extremely efficient in pushing the line, and after all the soldiers line was gone, he went straight to the lower half.

  Naul was startled by the grasshopper's move down the road. He couldn't get out of his body and signaled madness and signaled his teammates to be careful.

  But what he didn't know was that after hiding in the shadows, Chen Yuan went around with his backhand and went to the upper half again!

"There is a real eye here." Chen Yuan clicked on the grass on the middle road, and Karsa immediately understood that the grasshopper and the good brother of the wine barrel made a small circle tacitly, closing the limit of the real eye's field of vision all the way in. PVB's layup area!

  At this time, the director cut out the perspective of PVB. The position of the grasshopper and the wine barrel is obviously not far from the real eye, but neither of them is seen!

   "The people at PVB have no idea about this, are this wave of spiders going to be **** again?"

  Seven minutes, the blue BUFF refreshed, and the fourth-level spider started to work against the blue stone statue in front of him.

  He has no level and economy, and it is even a challenge to fight this blue buff.

  He dragged the stone statue while hitting slowly, but at this moment, the figure of Malzaha and the wine barrel suddenly appeared behind him!

  E [Evil Star Illusion], Q [Void Summoning], W [Void Swarm] + the last R [Grip of Hades]!

  Chen Yuan rolled his face on the keyboard, throwing out four skills in an instant, and the spider directly entered the suppressed state and could not move!

  "The impact of the barrel meat bomb and rolling the barrel, hitting a high amount of damage. The spider was immediately killed!"

  The fourth-level spider's body is extremely thin, wherever it can withstand the set of damage from two people, it will die on the spot!

   "The PVB upper middle duo still wants to support, but seeing the death of their teammates, they can only choose to give up"

  Jungler XuHao is almost **** off.

  As the heir of the Vietnamese bandit jungler, he perfectly inherited the advantages of SofM and Levi, that is, he is extremely offensive.

  Dare to choose a spider in the professional arena, which is also confirmed from the side.

  In the Vietnam League, he raises other people's pigs in the wild, and no one dares to say a word!

   But today, he actually played a spider and was raised by a wine barrel opposite, he couldn’t accept it!

   "Can you help Bottom Road?" At this time, the bot lane teammates were calling for help again.

  0-1's Ka'Sa has to face 3-0 and Uzi's Lucian, so the result is naturally more miserable.

  Lu Xian directly had a Bilgewater scimitar in his hand, and when he saw someone, he would draw the scimitar, and then E went up and shot out four shots, and Kai'Sa had lost half of his blood!

  Moreover, after Lucian has sucked blood, he suppressed even more unscrupulously, so he would fight at the sight of people!

  According to this laning trend, I am afraid that there is no need for Canyon Pioneers, and you have to break a tower directly!

  Jungler XuHao frowned at this time, and the spider against the wind is not good at doing things. Now let him catch it? is it possible?

  If he sends a wave of three kills in the past, he can't imagine how the Vietnamese audience will treat him

  But at this moment, there was another victory in the middle.

  Karsa, who has reached the sixth level, has nothing to say, and grabs another wave of mid lanes.

  The barrel E skill after circling around first forced Zoe's flash, and then decisively an R [Blast the barrel] to blow Zoe into his arms!

  Chen Yuan’s face rolled the keyboard and gave QEW, and then Karsa made the last shot of [rolling the wine barrel] to end the damage!

  Fighting around made the young jungler XuHao finally unable to withstand it and completely collapsed.

  He didn't care about the three seven twenty one, and the spider came to the bottom road again, wanting to see if he could lose Lucian in seconds, looking for a chance.

  But the result is already doomed.

Uzi, who is one level higher than the spider, still doesn’t evade. Together with Xiaoming, he first kills Pike, then the spider, and then Uzi's residual blood seduce Kai'Sa, and finally he is treated to regenerate blood, and once again wins a triple kill. !

  It's really the same story twice.

  Seeing this, all the audience is numb.

  [This Nima is outrageous]

  【Send two waves of three kills, did you buy this jungler? 】

【buy what? Buy yourself and lose? I wonder if he still needs his trader? 】

  【Indeed, he still needs his trader to lose to RNG? It’s just real dishes]

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuan and karsa had another three packs of three packs on the road. The grasshopper made a big move directly to Jace, and the remaining two were responsible for the output.

  Xiaohu took down the head again, and also gnawed down two layers of plating.

   is another huge sum of money, and this game has gradually evolved into a solo show between Uzi and Xiaohu.

  I have been crushing the PVB of my opponents in the same region all spring, and I have never played such a disadvantaged game.

  They almost forgot how to fight against the wind.

  But it’s also a coincidence that RNG also played a tailwind game all spring. What they are best at is to play a tailwind game.

  There are loopholes everywhere, the RNG offensive is swift and fierce, and the coating has not fallen off for 14 minutes, and the three PVB outer towers have been flattened.

  The head-to-head ratio of the two sides is 12:1, and the economic gap exceeds 8,000. In 14 minutes, the economic gap is simply against the sky!

   "The game came to 20 minutes, RNG returned to the city to update equipment, rushed to the dragon, they are ready to force the dragon!"

  Miller was interpreting the game and watching the actions of the PVB players.

  He clearly saw that the players of the PVB were not afraid at all at this time, and the five people gathered to rush towards the dragon.

   "Will PVB be able to withstand the 12 thousand economic gap to take the big dragon group?" the doll said loudly, "how can this be beaten?"

  You should know that twelve thousand economic losses in twenty minutes and twelve thousand in forty minutes are not a concept.

  Forty minutes ahead of 12, the big deal is three-piece suits and four-piece suits. In fact, the gap is not big, as long as a wave of good team control is C-position first, you can still play!

  But it’s only twenty minutes now.

  When the PVB on the left is still laborious, the RNG on the right already has two sets.

  One pack and two packs, this is simply the difference in quality!

  Even if you hit five stone men, the C-position can't hurt or kill people, what's the point?

  The explanation can understand the problems, and the players on the scene naturally also understand.

  The reason for this wave of joining the group is also very simple, because the professional arena cannot surrender

  They just want to simply send a wave and end the game quickly.

  If there is a miracle, they win the team and take down the dragon, that's even better.

  Of course it’s impossible

   "RNG has already started the fight! There are Sword Girl and Lu Xian, they are very fast at dragon fight!"

  The doll said loudly, "The PVB is surrounded by four people in front of the group, and the spider is squatting on the side of the dragon pit. He wants to fight and punish the dragon!"

The   RNG dragon is very fast. When the front four are in place, the dragon has only 3000 blood left.

   "The location of the spider is still unclear, can this wave be hit?" Karsa felt a little unstable at this time, afraid of being robbed of the dragon.

  Chen Yuan was a little speechless at this time, "You are three levels higher than him, afraid of Mao? Don't worry, there is me."

   "OK." Karsa stabilized his mind, and RNG decided to take the dragon first and then take over.

  Xiao Ming took the initiative to walk out, and Bron temporarily blocked the attack of the four opponents through the big move and the anti-theft door.

  The blood volume of the dragon is also decreasing all the way.


It's now!

The spider of   PVB finally found the opportunity at this time. He quickly moved to the back of the Dragon Pit, and then decisively flashed into the Dragon Pit.

  At this moment, the dragon in front of him is only a thousand blood left!

do not care!

  XuHao gritted his teeth and pressed punishment directly at the dragon!

  However, the light of punishment he imagined did not appear.

  [Grip of Hades]!

  Malzaha's eyes widened, and a purple light shot straight on the spider, suppressing it to immobility.

   flashes to give a head, right? Bring it to you!

   Regardless of whether the opponent can grab the dragon or not, he is a big move anyway, directly stifling the opponent's extremely low success rate of grabbing the dragon in the cradle.

   Being suppressed, he can't be punished. He can only watch the dragon be accepted by Karsa.

   (If you are suppressed, you can’t lose your punishment, you’re hot on knowledge)

  Dragon took it, RNG double-C first cut the spider, then the sword turned, and went straight to the four people outside the dragon pit!

   "Don't leave alive!" The blade dancer's voice is firm and powerful!

  Xiaohu looks like a God of War on the battlefield. Sisters are flying around, and the big move Iron Curtain unfolds, including all four PVB players!

   "Ka'Sa faced a two-piece sword girl with no room for resistance, and was directly killed by QA!"

  At the same time, Uzi's eight shots in one second are extremely smooth, and the black-cut Lucian went up to a set of full armor, and then directly grabbed it with a big move, directly smashing Jace!

   Immediately afterwards, RNG advanced all the way to chase and kill, and none of the remaining four people in PVB were spared!

   "Is RNG going forward?" Miller said excitedly, "They want to end this game!"

   Soon, in twenty-two minutes, the PVB base burst open and scattered randomly!

  "Congratulations RNG!" The doll immediately amplified the volume, "This is the shortest duration of this MSI. Although this is only the first day of the group stage, I believe this record will be maintained for a long time!"

  Chen Yuan happily took off his headphones and glanced at the data panel by the way, and found that his Malzaha injury was quite high, ranking fourth in the team.

  It's okay, much higher than Bloom.

  The second-hit Tiger is slightly dissatisfied. , "Hey, how can the damage be so much lower than Jane's pride."

   "The opposite party will give you two waves of three kills, I guess you are the highest." Uzi's mouth was about to smile at this time, he really did not expect the opposite party to be able to send it so.

  Of course, this kind of thing can only be said behind the scenes. After speaking, Uzi still had to happily shake hands with the other side.

   "But this round is okay. Even if PVB loses, there will be no change in the ranking pattern." Miller laughed.

   Then he and the doll popularized the group stage format to the audience.

  In this group stage, the three teams of RNG, G2, and SKT are definitely competing for the first place and can be divided into upper-class groups.

  Of course there are inferior groups, that is TL, FW and PVB.

  These three teams are competing for fourth place.

  Compete for the last spot.

  Anyway, these three teams will lose to RNG by default, so PVB can not panic at all, just need to score as many points as possible during the civil war in the lower group.

  "Uzi stay for the interview, and the others will go back to the lounge." Vincent held Uzi and handed him a microphone.

  Uzi brought his peripherals to Chen Yuan for help, while he took the microphone and returned to the stage.

  After Chen Yuan returned to the lounge, he lay down on the sofa and began to paralyze Ge You, while watching Uzi’s interview.

  The person in charge of the interview is the host Yu Shuang in China. She is responsible for asking questions, then translating them into English and passing them to the Vietnamese host, and then the host and then translating them into Vietnamese

The question asked by    is still nothing new. It is nothing more than how to treat such an opponent and the outlook for the future schedule.

  However, when Uzi and Yu Shuang stand together, the images of the two are unusually harmonious.

  Aftershock Auntie's generous smile and the honest and honest smile of Uzi, many people have started to show up the barrage.

  【Good match】

  【Mother and Child】

  【It’s outrageous to brush like a match, all for the father and the mother! 】

  【Mother and Child, Mother and Child, Mother and Child】

  I don’t know who took the lead, but the barrage of "mother and son" instantly swept the entire screen.

   Xiaohu, who was watching the live broadcast on his mobile phone, immediately laughed out of Bengbu, and showed his mobile phone to the rest of the team members.

  Chen Yuan saw the barrage without clams, and the lounge suddenly fell into a sea of ​​joy.

  Uzi came back and saw that all his teammates were bursting into laughter. He was a bit blinded and didn't know what happened.

   Next up are SKT and Lightning Wolves.

  The face of the Khan champion who has already lost a game reappears, and he looks like he has won the game ahead of time.

  But his performance is worthy of his confidence. With one hand, Ryze's line-up suppressing force is full, and the single belt processing in the later stage is perfect, and he directly took the lightning wolf on the road!

  At the same time, ~www.readwn.com~ and Teddy also played stably, and the double-C combination all burst onto the opposite side.

  In the end, Clid, who usually plays a key role in the team, became invisible for the whole game.

  After all, the three-way advantage can win the tie-in dog.

  In the end, SKT scored 10,000 economic losses and won the victory in 26 minutes.

  At this point, SKT's first day of the schedule has ended, 1-1, this is their answer sheet.

  At the same time, both G2 and RNG are now 1-0 records, and they will be fighting next time.

  So next, which team can win will be the key to the top spot in the group.

   "Let's go, let's go, ready to play." Brother Feng got up here and asked the players to get up to the game.

   "Hey, I'm starving to death, my brothers are all earnestly finished ordering, let's finish eating quickly." Chen Yuan touched his stomach and started to growl.

  The players got up quickly, they were quite confident, and did not feel nervous at all because of the next strong enemy.

  (End of this chapter)

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