League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 330: Jewel Qin Girl, right?

In the next game, SKT played against PVB. Vietnam's Lao Tie played consistently as before. He directly gave SKT a point and his score came to 0-4.

Vietnam is serious about giving points.

There were already sporadic Vietnamese spectators leaving the field, and seeing their home team so decadent, they felt like sitting on pins and needles.

Then, FW played against G2.

Compared to the lack of expectations in the previous game, this game is a bit more interesting.

Although the Flash Wolves are now a bit weaker, they have been a ruthless character who has made it to the top eight of the S tournament in the past years, even better than the historical record of G2.

Coupled with the title of King of BO1, many people still have expectations for Lightning Wolves.

Under everyone’s gaze, the new jungler Bugi of Lightning Wolves looked for a wave of rhythm from the beginning. As the prince of the blue side, after hitting the red in the lower half, he jumped directly across the map and caught two levels. .

In this wave of GANK, Ningwang Xiangcao has to speak to the insider.

This can only be said to be a typical stunned green GANK. Once no one is caught, all the time for running the graph is wasted.

But the effect was surprisingly good. Wunder was completely unprepared for this kind of stunned green two-level grasp. He was hit directly and honestly sent a blood.

But G2 jungler Jankos is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he chose to ambush a wave of GANK in the river grass and plan to return to the prince of the wild area.

The blind monk played QA and AEA in the grass, and directly beat the prince half blood.

At this time, the rookie jungler Bugi made a serious mistake at this time. After being ambushed, he was a little flustered and directly resorted to EQ Erlian to escape.

Chen Yuan couldn't help holding his forehead after watching this scene. The Q mark of the blind monk was about to disappear in half a second. Can't you wait for half a second before EQ? You won't die if you get an A more!

Sure enough, Jankos seized the last moment of the Q skill, and the second stage Q directly followed, and with the subsequent Caps, he directly took the prince's head.

When this wave of princes died, the two levels of blood earned were caught, and it became no loss.

"Oh!" Xiaohu was also a little uncomfortable seeing this scene, "This wave is a pity, this jungler is tense."

As a compatriot team, they and the Flash Wolves are still very concerned about each other's record.

But after seeing this scene, they all knew that the wilderness of the lightning wolf was about to fall.

Jankos, who was still almost full after killing the prince, naturally confiscated the first half of the wild area of ​​the lightning wolf, and the early rhythm of Bugi exploded directly.

In four minutes, Jankos went on the road after finishing the game, because Wunder was suppressed after being caught once, which was a wave of opportunities for Jankos.

The Flash Wolves' top laner Hanabi also gave a chance, he almost chose to fight at the same time when the blind monk from the opposite side squatted over.

Jankos didn't waste any time, and went up to dry up Hanabi.

The head-to-head ratio of the two sides came to 2:1.

And most importantly, the advantage that Lightning Wolves had built for Hanabi during the early game loss rhythm disappeared at this moment.

The two sides fought to the death and the life. In the ten-minute Nakano 2V2, the lightning wolf Nakano came with a perfect match and reasonable resistance to injury.

The two of them first set fire to kill G2's Caps when they all hit the residual blood, then Clockwork and the prince helped each other, and the residual blood killed the blind monk who was almost full of blood.

The audience cheered. Just when everyone thought that the game of Lightning Wolves was going to get better, everyone was surprised to find that the economic gap between the two sides had not decreased in the slightest!

Time soon came to twenty minutes. At this time, the head-to-head ratio of the two sides was still 3:2 as it was ten minutes ago, but with G2 being one head behind, the economic gap was more than three thousand!

Lightning Wolf's bot lane, Betty couldn't compare with Perkz on the lane. With no interference between the two sides, he made a gap of nearly fifty knives!

With such a big advantage, Ah P's style of play has also gradually begun to be arrogant, starting to launch a continuous attack against the central tower.

But at this time, Rather, who had previously obtained two heads in the Lightning Wolves, stood up again. His clockwork was equipped with Luden + Ghost Book + French shoes in twenty minutes.

He seized the opportunity with an R flash and forcibly dropped Perkz, who jumped in front of him for the cup, and then killed the assistant Tam under the protection of his teammates.

Although he was killed by the blind monk who came after him, his teammates were also very powerful and they fought back and killed the blind monk.

Lightning Wolves replaced G2's Noshitasuke with the price of a mid laner, and the head-to-head ratio reached 6:3!

"Lightning Wolves start the dragon! What do you say about this wave? There are two Caps and Wunder left in G2! Can you operate it?"

How to operate two on four?


In this crucial dragon team battle, the jungler Bugi made another fatal error.

Caps entered the arena decisively during the remnant blood of the dragon, Bugi panicked, and the punishment was too early!

After punishing the dragon, there are only 34 points of blood left, and Caps is not hypocritical, and directly grabs the dragon with a W [Slaying the King]!

Immediately afterwards, Wunder Nicole made a stealth move into the arena, covering all the four people in the Dragon Pit!

The two of G2 must first round up the four of the lightning wolf and the dragon!

The Cap King focused on the prince who resisted the dragon and was in bad condition. Silas stole the prince's ultimate move first, and EQR immediately killed him for three consecutive times!

Wunder Nicole also picked up the knife and killed Betty and Hanabi one after another!

With the successive deaths of G2, Caps' blood volume continued to rise under the triumphant recovery, breaking away from the danger line.

In the end, he gave birth to an auxiliary ShiauC and failed to escape the clutches, and was also left behind!

Two on four! Grab the dragon plus kill all!

G2 middle and upper staged a wave of miracles when the Flash Wolves made a mistake!

After this wave, the Lightning Wolf, who had already slightly surpassed the economy, collapsed directly, and the economic gap came to -5000!

The Lightning Wolves, who almost performed the miracle of defeating the strong with the weak, ended up with a miss. Unfortunately, it was placed at the foot of G2, and the record came to 1-3.

G2's record is 3-1, tied for first place with RNG with three wins!

"Oh!" Xiaohu was guilty of nausea, "Is this jungler messing up? This is a serious mistake!"

Brother Feng and Karsa couldn't help shook their heads when they saw this scene. They came out as lightning wolves. It was a bit sad to see this scene, but there was nothing to do.

In the WW live broadcast room at this time, their barrage also exploded.

[Close to the north, what is this jungler doing! 】

[Electric Wolf has this jungler, I think it’s hard to win and provoke]

[In fact, there is no other way. After all, G2 is also a strong team. If you lose, you lose.]

Countless people have committed two key mistakes to this jungler, but there is still a large part of the audience that maintains an indifferent mentality.

After all, most people know that their Lightning Wolves didn't rush to win the championship from the beginning, so the group stage record is not enough...

"The game is over, everyone in the audience, wait a moment, what will start next is today's highlight, RNG vs. SKT!"

"Elbow elbow elbow! Competition!" Brother Feng swept away his disappointment, regrouped and led the players to the stage.

Since the Lightning Wolves have lost, as compatriots, it is natural to help them find their place in the arena!

Then their first step is naturally to win the group first!

"Good audience friends, welcome back. RNG's BP against SKT has already begun. Let's take a look at the top three ban positions!" Wah took the lead. For key games, the official lineup has also been given the highest specification, Wahmi. Le.

"The blue team RNG banned Tam in the first hand, and the red team SKT banned Swordsman in the first hand. Now it is RNG's turn to perform the second ban selection!"

"Would you like to ban gems?" Brother Feng asked: "We can't keep banning gems, do you want to try the strength?"

Uzi was a little puzzled, "Do you have to try while playing SKT?"

"They have the best gems and piano girls." Brother Feng said with a smile: "How do you say, do you want to try it?"

"Try it and die!" Xiao Ming nodded boldly, "How can we fight this combination that can't be lined up?"

Brother Feng nodded. "Okay! Then let's ban Galio."

"?" Chen Yuan heard this question mark: "What do you mean by ban Galio? S7 has not been banned until now, right?"

"Hahaha." Brother Feng laughed: "Don't be embarrassed, Faker Galio performed very well in the LCK. It's banned."

"Our Galio can't just play, right?" Chen Yuan muttered. But he didn't say aloud, did he still know Feng Ge's careful thoughts.

A Galio icon appears on the ban position of RNG.

Many RNG ten-year-old fans directly cried.

[Shocked, Firefox actually banned Galio]

【Ye Qing knot】

[Hahaha laughed so hard at me]

Wawa knows that he can't do anything at this time, so he suppressed a smile and continued: "SKT immediately banned Luo. They want to choke RNG's outstanding Charo team!"

With the last hand, Feng Ge banned the excavator and SKT banned the blind monk. The first round of bans on both sides ended and entered the selection phase.

"Come to the first-hand selection." Miller looked at the big screen, "IG first selected Jace to swing, or their style as always!"

As we all know, the RNG of the blue side is definitely used for swinging first hand, and is rarely used to grab a version of a strong hero.

"There is no ban gem on RNG!" The doll looked at the ban person and said loudly, "What do you say? SKT will take the gem girl?"

Immediately afterwards, SKT began to show their cards, they took the swing position Jace in one hand, and then quickly locked the gem knight!

"Come!" Miller said loudly: "The T1 combination that has never appeared in LPL is finally here!"

"You got the bait!" Brother Feng smiled: "The other side is to prevent the ban piano girl behind us, so they must choose the piano girl directly for the third hand, then we can design a hand."

"Since you choose a weak combination on the road, let's choose two strong combinations and directly blast them!"

"Lucian Brom." Uzi said: "We will play a little bit with this combination."

Although Uzi can't pull out a hand of Draven in his crotch like JackeyLove, he is the person who has the most say when it comes to the suppression of the bottom lane!

Immediately afterwards, SKT locked the piano girl in the third hand, and the two sides entered the second round of BP.

At this time, both sides chose a swing position and a bottom duo, so the general direction of the two sides in the second round of the ban position is also surprisingly similar.

Brother Feng chose to ban Centaur and Qian Jue. These are Clid's proud heroes. On the other side, SKT banned the prince and Olaf.

Both sides choose four ban jungle!

Adding the two jungle bans in the first round is equivalent to saying that both sides have banned six jungle heroes in total!

This is undoubtedly a huge test for the junglers of both sides.

"It's RNG's fourth hand choice, what hero will they win..." Miller said while looking at the screen, "Silas! They still won a swing hero in the fourth hand!"

Silas cooperated with Ryze first hand, and it was still unknown which of these two heroes would go on.

That being the case, RNG can only come up with a hero who can fight Silas and Ryze.

"How do you say Xiaohu, do you have any ideas?" Brother Feng asked: "If you think of any good choices, then play Jace for Brother Yuanzi."

Xiaohu racked his brains and didn't think of a good choice.

In fact, there are still many choices. If this is Rank, Xiaohu can get a sword girl, or Raven, or even a promise.

These are all high-quality options.

But this is a game, Xiaohu really dare not take the less proficient Jian Ji Ruiwen...

"Why don't you come here?" Chen Yuan said tentatively, "Give me Demon Ji, and let Xiaohu go to play Jace."

"Okay." Xiaohu also nodded, he still didn't resist his champion Jace.

"What about the jungler, what does the jungler play?" Brother Feng asked again, "This is the main killer, Karsa, you have to choose a more aggressive jungler."

"Xin Zhao." Karsa nodded, giving a relatively reasonable choice.

SKT did not hesitate too much and locked the eternal nightmare in the fifth hand.

In fact, in the jungle position, the priority of Nightmare is not high.

Originally, SKT could lock the barrel, but their heroes on both sides of the field are AP attributes, so Clid can only take a step back and lock the nightmare.

But once this nightmare was selected, it meant that Clid had to be invisible in the canyon before the sixth level.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the already weak SKT bot lane.

The lineups of both sides are now locked.

Blue RNG: top laner Jace, jungler Xin Zhao, mid laner demon girl, bottom lane Lucian Gabron.

Red team SKT: Top lane Silas, jungle nightmare, mid laner Ryze, bottom lane girl plus gems.

"Both sides of the lineup..." Miller looked at the lineup and began his daily analysis: "Obviously, the RNG lineup is a mid- and early-stage lineup. Their three paths, including the jungle, are stronger than the opponent!"

"But there is nothing wrong with SKT's lineup. Although these heroes have disadvantages in the early laning~www.readwn.com~, they are extremely capable of fighting in the late stage!"

"Ryze, Silas, and Jewel Girl, are all heroes who have qualitatively changed at level 16."

Miller paused briefly, and then said, "It can be said that as long as the SKT lineup persists to the sixteenth level, the economic difference should not exceed 1W, then basically winning the game is very simple."

The baby who is superstitious about lineup economics heard this directly and said: "That means SKT's lineup is worth 10,000! Why do you say so much?"

"Um..." Miller was taken aback by what his partner said: "You are right..."

The doll continued: "Okay, BP is over, and the RNG vs. SKT match officially begins. Let's watch this match together!"

Summoner's Canyon loads quickly.

Chen Yuan took advantage of the 15-second time to open the door, he took a deep breath, took a drink of water from the cup, and then skillfully started to touch the mouse and keyboard to buy equipment.

Amidst the cheers of the audience, the heroes of both sides began to gather towards the river at the same time, starting their first wave of fights!

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