League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 331: 1 tower in 7 minutes?

"Has the game started, brothers?" In the domestic live broadcast room at this time, PDD, the first brother in the LOL district, was enthusiastically brushing his copy of World of Warcraft.

At this time their team has reached the BOSS.

PDD is really reluctant to withdraw from the dungeon in front of the BOSS, so he can only grit his teeth: "Brothers wait for me for ten minutes! Wait until I finish playing this BOSS and watch the game together!"

As soon as PDD said this, the number of people in the live broadcast room began to decline rapidly.

PDD, who only treats live broadcasting as a sideline, is not too relieved. He just concentrates on hitting his boss. He knows that when his copy is finished, the lost people will come back.


"Chong Chong Chong brothers, first-level regiment!" Chen Yuan enthusiastically took the lead in the charge. Since the opposite side had all the jeweled piano girls, they were naturally going to engage in a wave of first-level invasions.

But on the other side, SKT's auxiliary mata also took the lead and led the team to squat into the grass at the entrance of the wild area.

As the only auxiliary FMVP in the history of the S game, his thinking in the game is always more than that of the opponent.

He calculated it, Chen Yuan would definitely lead the team to play the first-level group, so he came here in advance to guard.

"Brother Yuanzi and Xiaoming took the lead and walked directly towards the enemy's wild area, MATA squatted straight in the grass!" The doll said loudly, "Be careful of RNG in this position!"

Seeing the hook on the opposite side, mata manipulates the gem to release E [dazzle].

Because the gem was in the grass, Chen Yuan didn't see the special effect of the opponent's E skill until he walked into the grass, but it was too late at this time, and he and Xiao Ming were directly stunned in place.

"Kill this, kill this!" Mata signaled Chen Yuan's demon girl, and the five SKT members directly started to gather fire!

Khan's Silas quickly released the two Es, the chain hooked the demon girl, and once again played a control. Even though Chen Yuan was passively invisible, he was still killed directly without moving from the beginning to the end!

Of course, Xiao Ming's side is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

As SKT is focusing on Chen Yuan, his blood volume is still quite healthy.

He directly sent a QA to the gem on his face, and Uzi came up to the W contact point to hit the vertigo (Lengzhi, that version of Lucian is usually played by the main W).

Xiaohu first played A on the side to connect with [Electric Shock], and then came up with a hammer, [Sky Leap] played a wave of high AOE deceleration effects!

Karsa was also reckless in the comparison, Xin Zhao also stabbed with an E, and would not run away at all.

Four people set the fire, where a mere gem can bear this kind of damage.

MATA flashed crazily, and the gem flashed and pulled away as soon as the stun was lifted, but it had no effect.

Uzi's last attack has been launched, and the bullets have followed up, forcibly killing the residual blood gems!

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Ming knew that he could not run away, so before he died, he gave another A to Qin Nv and put a pass. The next second, he was killed by SKT people.

Uzi flattened A, Xiaohu cut back to the artillery form and flattened A, Qin Girl passively went directly to the third floor.

Teddy was a little frightened by this offensive. In this case, he didn't dare to eat the fourth flat A. If he was fainted, he would definitely be dead.

No way, he directly surrendered to flash to escape.

"Slid away!" Seeing the piano girl crossover, they couldn't chase it anymore, and RNG had to give up.

"Wuhu!" SKT fans in the audience have begun to cheer.

We have a late-stage lineup, and we won your early-stage lineup in the first group. How do you play? ?

"Oh, this wave is so bad!" The doll is a little uncomfortable: "This wave has been hit by one for two, Clid and Faker are each headed, then they are going to take off!"

Miller couldn't help frowning: "Then Yuanzi and Karsa might be a bit difficult."

The RNG voice channel at this time.

"NiceNice!" Chen Yuan said loudly: "This wave has earned it!"

Uzi was also quite excited: "This one depends on buddy C!"

Karsa also nodded at this time, "I am proud that you are on the line and directly press, I will go to oppose the blue after I finish the game."

The bottom two quickly gave a positive reply, and the game soon came to the line-up period.

Faker, who got a head and had both calls, started to suppress it as it should be. Ryze learned W at the first level, and he had to face Chen Yuan directly on his face.

Chen Yuan has nothing to do. The combat effectiveness of Demon Fairy Level 1 and Ryze is five or five, which is not very powerful, but there is a dark seal on the opposite side, and that advantage is greater.

"Brother Yuanzi, learn E at two levels, I will help you catch a wave." Karsa said at this time: "E skills must be hit."

"OKOK, a must!"

Chen Yuan nodded, and while observing Karsa's position, he began to pretend.

Soon, the two sides reached the second level, and Faker, who had control of the line, pushed the line forward slightly.

Karsa also squatted into the grass beside him, operating Xin Zhao.

Chen Yuan knew instantly. Under this circumstance, he couldn't go up and bet the probability of E at will. He had already begun to calculate in his heart.

Looking at a remote soldier with residual blood not far away, he already had an idea in his heart.

He operated the enchantress and walked forward a little two steps, pretending to make up for long-range soldiers. Of course Faker would not let this opportunity pass.

Ryze stood behind the little soldier, taking advantage of the stiffness of the demon girl's making up the knife, and directly released EW, wanting to play a confinement to cooperate with the little soldier to wear the demon girl's blood volume.

But Chen Yuan was waiting for this moment. When he saw Ryze throwing E, he decisively stepped on Ryze with a W!

Although Ryze's W was successfully released in the follow-up, Demon Ji's W has also been successfully activated, and the displacement process has been uninterrupted!

In this way, Chen Yuan moved to Ryze's face with the effect of imprisonment!

At the same time, he shook after Faker lost the W spell, and an E [phantom chain] stretched out!

Accurate hit!

Karsa saw this scene without saying anything, Xin Zhao rushed out of the grass!

Ryze was quickly imprisoned in place, followed by Xin Zhao [Fearless Charge] + [Triple Claw Strike]!

Cong Blade Xin Zhao's attack speed is extremely fast, the imprisonment has not even been lifted, the third attack has been hit on him, and Ryze is picked to fly into the sky again!

Chen Yuan ignited and was too lazy to hang up, operating the demon girl to play a flat A lightly.

Karsa kept up with a tie A, Chen Yuan tie another A, the head took down!

Taking down the head, Karsa kept moving, he quickly ran to the river and started to fight the new-born river crab.

After hitting the river crab in twos or twos, Karsa took the time and walked directly into the opponent's wild area.

In the upper half, Clid's route to open the red BUFF alone is actually quite easy to guess. It is nothing more than red BUFF, F6, three wolves, and blue BUFF.

On Karsa's side, after hitting the red catch and then hitting the river crab, it was almost enough time for Clid to finish the three wolves.

Calculated like this, the opposite should be playing blue buff!

Karsa was very bold and went straight into the opponent's wild area. As expected, Nightmare threw Q [Nightmare Path] facing the blue BUFF.

"Haha, here comes the Lord!" Karsa yelled. The reckless style of play learned from the pot teacher last year began to show up at this moment, and Xin Zhao stabbed towards the nightmare with an E without hesitation!

Two-level Xin Zhao kills you!

In the case of learning W at two levels in the nightmare, the combat effectiveness and Xin Zhao's are a thousand miles away.

Karsa Congblade quickly stabbed out with three shots. The most important thing is that Blue BUFF also quietly sent two fists towards the nightmare. This wave of damage was blown out, and Clid was beaten to a half blood in an instant!

In this case, who can stand it? He can only punish the blue BUFF to return blood, and then quickly ran towards his second tower.

He didn't dare to fight because he knew that both the middle and lower roads of his home were busy repairing tower knives and there was no time to help him.

Karsa didn't chase, and comfortably accepted the opponent's blue buff.

And this was not over yet, Karsa, who had finished playing the blue buff, turned his gaze, and went directly to the opponent's next tower!

"Come and come, the more you go! Neither of them flashes!" Karsa shouted, and then, Xin Zhao rushed into the enemy's tower with an E without hesitation!

RNG's foreshadowing at the beginning of the game was finally revealed.

Although they have lost a head of money, they are not without advantage, that is, they have not handed in any summoner skills!

On the contrary, it is the opposite bottom road, two flashes, one treatment, one barrier, and four skills all!

You jewel piano girl, you don't have the skills of a summoner, but karsa is sorry for yourself after a wave of towers!

Clid obviously understands the situation, so he didn't even dare to swipe the crab, so he quickly swept to the lower half, wanting to help guard the wave.

But he didn't expect that this wave of Karsa happened to catch him, and Nightmare was beaten to half blood first, and was also driven to the second tower position, so naturally he couldn't help anti-squatting.

"Karsa fights against the tower, and the RNG three are crazy to output to the piano girl!" the doll said loudly: "How can the small body of the piano girl hold three strong men!"

Bron was passively triggered, the Qin Girl was fainted under the tower, Uzi shot the Q [Transparent Holy Light], and directly took the Qin Girl's head!

At this time, Karsa, who had carried the tower twice, had run out of blood. When he was thinking about the tower, Clid, who had just been beaten away, ran over again.

The nightmare threw a Q [Nightmare Path] from a distance, and then came up with an A, and cooperated with the third attack of the defense tower to pick up the head of Karsa.

"Kill him!" Seeing his teammates die in front of him, Xiao Ming couldn't bear this grievance. He looked at the nightmare running away and manipulated Bron to directly Q flash up to slow the nightmare, and at the same time passively hang it up!

Uzi didn't care about his skills, and flashed up to AEAA, the E skill resets the basic attack, three shots were fired in an instant, and the half-blood nightmare was stunned in place!

"Uzi chased all the way and took down the nightmare head with a single shot. Uzi's killing was crazy!" Miller was also crazy at this time, "Who asked you to choose the Jewel Girl in front of our LPL!"

At this time, there was only one gem in good condition left in SKT's bottom lane. Xiao Ming's blood volume was not too much now, so they ignored the trembling support, and the two returned directly to the city after collecting the line.

"Comfortable! Comfortable!" Uzi was triumphant at this time, with three heads in his hands for four minutes, and he directly bought a Bilgewater machete.

The equipment has gradually begun to be outrageous!

After the two junglers were killed in this wave, their vitality was badly injured and they accidentally got into their own wild area, planning to go up to the next wave first.

After Karsa was resurrected, he went straight to the upper half and got the upper river crab first. Even if he didn't get the head in the double river crab three BUFF, he was still comfortable.

At this time, RNG's fatal linkage rhythm continues.

Uzi with the machete in his hand, hitting two of them one by one in the next road is no pressure, and he can even hit them under pressure.

This move liberated Xiao Ming instead.

After finishing pushing the line with Uzi, Bron carried the big shield and walked towards the middle road.

And on the other side, Karsa also finished the three groups of wild monsters in his upper half at this time, and ran towards the middle as well!

A wave of standard Nosuke linkage, catching Faker in the middle!

Chen Yuan seized the opportunity again this time and wanted to go up and use the E skill to start Ryze, but this time it was a pity that Faker was turned around and avoided.

But this reversing position also gave Karsa a chance. Xin Zhao directly E [Fearless Charge] behind him, and the three-stage Q slammed Ryze!

Faker hurriedly crossed over to escape, but Karsa had already prepared. He directly flew with Faker, and Xiao Ming followed and hung up on Q to decelerate.

Chen Yuan made up for the last trace of damage and easily knocked the head down!

"Come and come, push the line and push the line! Let's get it!" Chen Yuan enthusiastically shared a large group of small soldiers in the middle road with Ye Fu, and after the three people shared their experience, they walked directly toward the bottom road!

Faker saw the three on the opposite side head straight down the road, and he immediately signaled the two to retreat.

MATA and Teddy suddenly have trouble telling them, let them not play games?

Two buddies can't beat one of them, and they have to honestly make up the sword.

As a result, now you tell me that the tower knives are not allowed to be repaired?

The two brothers struggled with each other's lips and could only retreat to the second tower and go to jail.

Chen Yuan saw the opposite side retreating without wasting time, and returned to the city to replenish equipment.

Karsa continued to move forward and got into the enemy's lower field area and began to eat the demon marsh frog on the opposite side. Uzi Xiaoming and the two went directly to the first tower and began to break the line.

Seeing the enemy minions being shot one by one under the tower, Teddy's heart was bleeding.

The sixteenth level of Jewel Qin is invincible, this is indeed true...

But how does Laozi get to the sixteenth level?

He was overtaken when he was about to make up the tower knife at the previous two levels. Now at the third level, he can finally make up the tower knife again, but he was driven away again.

In five minutes, his piano girl only made up six knives, and he didn't even make up as many knives as auxiliary gems.

Seeing that Uzi had risen to level 5 after breaking the line, but his piano girl had just risen to level three, Teddy really wanted to vomit blood!

And it's not over yet.

In the case of a broken line, RNG's bots will always enter the defensive tower with full blood.

Under this circumstance, the tower demolition efficiency has been infinitely improved, and now it has only been less than six minutes, and the blood volume of the next tower is only half!

"Ani!" Captain Teddy tried to shake people, "Can you save me!"

Just demolish the tower on the opposite side of the road~www.readwn.com~ The jungler on the opposite side has been dangling around, just squat!

How dare they go online?

"Can't help!" Faker, who was caught twice, was willing to help, but now he has a problem with the line, how can he help?

Chen Yuan is not Caibi. After he got two heads, Faker, the demon girl is pressing Ryze and it is impossible to let him leave the middle.

"Let's put the tower, you come to upgrade, I will go down the road to guard the second tower." Faker thought for a moment, can only give this solution.

Anyway, he is also resisting the tower in the middle, and going down is also resisting pressure, then he might as well go down and let the female piano gems come to the middle, at least this way they can have experience...

"Huh? Put the tower?" The captain thought he had misheard, this is S9!

If it was last year’s S8, you would still understand if you said that one tower was put in seven minutes, after all, there was not much money.

Now in this coated version, you put a tower in seven minutes, can you still play this game?

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