League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 345: The counter in adversity, the captain in the single!

  Chapter 346 The counter in adversity, the captain is in the single!

  "Welcome back to the MSI semi-final match!" Colonel Guan's voice was obviously with a hint of excitement, "Now RNG is leading 2:0 and holding three match points!"

   "Now TL has been pushed to a desperate situation, as long as you lose another game, you have to say goodbye to this mid-season championship!"

  I remembered and said: "Then TL must come up with some hole cards. If they still have a regular lineup, it is impossible to beat RNG!"

  The director now switches the camera to the players' seats of both sides.

  Compared with the uniform indifferent expressions of TL players, the expressions on RNG's side are talking and laughing. Drinking water, chewing gum, chewing gum, forming a sharp contrast.

  Chen Yuan looked at the ten players in the room who were adjusting their order. Feeling a little bored, he casually sent a "0.0" in the chat bar.

  But I didn't expect that the big brother was still quite optimistic, and backhanded him a "QAQ".

   Immediately after the two sides, the emojis were out of control.

  RNG.Ming: (ω)

  TL.Jensen: (T_T)

   "The opposite is so optimistic," Chen Yuan said cheerfully.

   "It's the same in Europe and America." Xiaohu couldn't help nodding. "Last year, G2 and FNC were eliminated when they were also smiling."

  Amid the deafening cheers, the players from both sides took their place one after another, and the blue top single Impact clicked to start the game, and the BP screen appeared on the big screen!

   "BP has started!" Guan Daxiao vibrated: "RNG used the priority to choose the red side in this round! They will have the right to the tenth hand!"

  The first-hand advantage of the blue side is actually limited in the current version. It is nothing more than grabbing the jungle or swinging. In fact, there is no good choice.

  The first ban of TL is a bit strange. They didn't ban the blind monk, but instead banned the prince!

   But this can also be explained. After all, the blind monk and the prince are aimed at different points. Maybe TL's lineup is more afraid of the prince's terrain restrictions.

  And this time TL did not choose to go to Ban Silas, because they are the blue team, they can grab it by themselves.

  But Brother Feng chuckled, held Silas directly with his backhand, and banned Lucian again.

  College Guan suddenly became interested, "Do you think it is possible that TL will ban Yasuo in this round?"

   "It's possible!" Miller said with a smile: "After all, Brother Yuanzi played Yasuo. It is a bit outrageous."

  As soon as the voice fell, the ban position of TL flashed continuously, Luo and Morgana.

  TL didn’t go to ban Yasuo, but two heroes who shouldn’t appear in the ban position.

   "Morgana?" Brother Feng smelled a hint of conspiracy.

  As everyone knows, Morgana is notoriously restraining bells and whistles. With one hand, the black shield is free from control, which can make most routines useless.

  But there are so many LOL routines. Even if Brother Feng knows that the other side is going to work, he can't prevent him from having to play his own.

  He banned Kai'Sa in the third hand, and the game entered the selection stage.

  Brother Feng did not go to the ban jungle in the third hand like the previous two games, because they are now in the red team.

  In the case of the prince being banned, there are still two strong choices, the excavator and the blind monk, and they are second players, so naturally there is no need to ban it. It is good to take one at the same time.

Instead,    is the AD position. With both Lucian and Luo being banned, there is only one strong AD outside the court.

  Of course, it is impossible for him to just let the big brother get the hand, and directly send it to the ban position, and both sides will play T2AD.

   Come to the selection stage.

  TL's shot here is still weird, and even locked the wheel on the first floor.


  Brother Feng is even more strange when he sees the wheel mother. There are a series of high-quality choices such as Verus and Hanbing outside. Why do we need a wheel mother?

   "Take Verus, Verustam." Brother Feng still followed the version and decided to place the jungler in the third hand, first to lock the high-quality bottom lane under the current situation.

  TL side, when they saw the two heroes of RNG locked, everyone took a sigh of relief.

  They have made a series of preparations since the beginning of BP, banning Luo, and forcing RNG to ban Kai'Sa, just to let RNG choose these two heroes!

  "Look at TL's choices in the second and third hands" Colonel Guan said in a deep voice: "Gario and Scorpion!"

  As soon as these two heroes came out, everyone knew that TL was clearly prepared.

  Isn’t the rhythm system of Scorpion Scorpion the same as RNG’s winning style of winning the MSI championship last year?

   Then he played Galio again, AOE taunted Tam directly on the line, and W Flash also directly killed Verus at the undisplaced stand.

  And the Scorpion is also a great threat to Tam in the late team battle. As long as he holds a big move, Tam doesn't dare to eat people. If you eat it, you can buy one, get one free.

  And the hidden dangers don’t stop there. Once the hero of Galio is chosen, you don’t even want to choose the excavator and the blind monk.

  As the representatives of the junglers who "close first and then control", they are very afraid of Galio's assistance.

  Going in is basically just going back without going back.

   "Opposite this is to lure us to the bait" Brother Feng frowned.

   The lethality of the opposing two-handed selection is really a bit big.

   "You can only take Olaf, otherwise the opponent will definitely be banned."

  Chen Yuan nodded in the third hand position, selected Olaf in the jungle position and locked it.

  The first round of selection by both parties ends and enters the second round of BP.

   "TL still has the trump card." Colonel Guan looked at the first three hands being killed, and couldn't help feeling a little anxious, "Let's see if there is any way for the selection of the two hands after RNG."

  Both sides quickly ban people.

  RNG banned Kalmar and Clockwork later.

  The acceleration, shielding and control of these two heroes are all highly compatible with the scorpion. Brother Feng can only use his own two ban positions.

  On the other side, TL banned Syndra and Demon Ji.

  Sindra is to guard against the face of a scorpion, and the enchantress is another level.

  Because TL has chosen the bot combination of Ka'Sa Galio, Ka'Sa is destined to lack protection in the late team battle.

  Since this is the case, they have to ban this mysterious enchantress to avoid attrition.

  Since the scorpion is selected, the survival of the C position is extremely important.

  "RNG chose the top laner Nicole first in the fourth hand. This top laner selection is not bad. Both Nicole's E and R are very useful for the scorpion!"

   Colonel Guan exclaimed, “Little Tiger’s hero pool, there’s nothing wrong with it!”

  "How did TL last two hands."

  The player seats on TL are discussing enthusiastically, and the heroes are selected quickly.

  The top laner Kenan, the mid laner Zoe, the speed of light is determined.

  All line-master heroes were selected in the two lanes. In terms of BP, the TL round was a perfect match!

  In the case of 0-2 behind, they took the lead in showing their hole cards and wanted to take a point from RNG!

   "Kenan, Zoe, Scorpion, Galio. Opposite control is too strong." Brother Feng glanced at the opposing lineup, "Brother Genzi, it's up to you."

  Because they have already selected Nicole on the list, Chen Yuan does not need to have a specific attribute in this round, ADAP will do.

   "How about this?" Chen Yuan was quite relaxed at this time, and he moved the mouse to a hero.

  Brother Feng took a look and shook his head again and again, "Gallen? Don’t do it."

   "Galen is actually okay." Chen Yuan said with a bit of dissatisfaction, "It's tough to fight the opponent."

   "Don't talk nonsense, change one."

  Chen Yuan is a bit tangled. Opposite this lineup, the first thing you need to think about when choosing a hero is how to survive under the hands of Zoe + Scorpion.

   and how you can break through the hands of these two people and play a role.

  In the professional arena, this is undoubtedly a fantasy.

  He expanded the list of heroes, starting with a massive selection of more than one hundred hero lists, and looking at them one by one to see if there is a choice that suits this situation.

   Then his eyes lit up suddenly, is this all right?

  Brother Feng took a look at the probe and couldn’t help raising his eyebrows, “This is indeed okay. But the alignment shouldn’t be very good, right?”

   "Not afraid!" Chen Yuan looked confident, "Aligning is not a problem."

   "That's it!"

  The image of a rugged man with a big beard, holding a machete in his left hand and a musket in his right.

  Marine disaster, Planck!

   "Captain!" Colonel Guan looked surprised, "Does Yuanzi want to use the captain to line Zoe? It can't be played, right?"

   "Captain mid laner, that has to be traced back to S5 time~" Miller couldn't help but sigh, "I remember when General Pawn played the famous scene of fire."

  "But the captain can really take it out in this situation, W [Scurvy Therapy] can get rid of the Scorpion [Crystal Stinger] and Zoe's [Hypnotic Bubble]!" Colonel Guan started his classic reporting skills.

  On the other side, all the TL people were stunned, and Jensen opened his mouth even more.

  Is this a mid laner hero?

  You hit my Zoe with the captain in your hand? Are you so courageous?

  Jensen feels quite stressed.

  Because he could see that the opposite break point was the captain.

  As long as the captain gets fat, it will become a point they can't handle at all!

   But now the dust has settled, no matter how surprised he is, the ending will be like this.

  After the shift, the lineups of both sides have a panoramic view.

  Blue side TL: Top laner Kenan, jungler Scorpion, mid laner Zoe, bottom lane wheel mom and Galio.

  Red side RNG: top laner Nicole, jungler Olaf, mid laner captain, bottom lane Velus Gatam.

Miller analyzed: "Obviously, RNG's three lanes are all superior lanes, and we can see the Summoner skills of the bottom lane. Uzi has teleportation and Xiaoming has purification. Obviously, I don't want to lane. Yes, the disadvantage of laning like this will only be greater!"

   "However, the jungle position on the RNG side is an advantage. If Karsa can spread his advantage to other lanes, then this game is easy to say."

After hearing this, Colonel Guan couldn’t help but shook his head: “How can it be so simple. There are advantages on the opposite line. Then the opposite jungler must use the advantage to invade. It’s good if you can defend your jungle position.”

   "This is it"

   "But the point of victory or defeat in this round is still in the middle. If Brother Yuanzi can develop, there are big moves and buckets, and TL is completely afraid to rush."

  In the player seat, coach TL is also reminding his teammates, “You still have to catch more in this game. The captain on the opposite side is not enough to solve it. Xmithie is looking at you.”

   "It's a must!" Xmithie squeezed her fingers. He had been upset about Chen Yuan for a long time.

  The cheers of the audience intensified, and Chen Yuan even felt the stage under his feet vibrated slightly.

  Summoner Canyon is here!

  Chen Yuan expertly bought the corruption potion and ran to the middle.

  He brought the captain's regular indestructible talent in this round.

Captain    is almost the only talent that can be brought. Q [Gunfire Negotiation] can play the indestructible effect of melee attributes from a long distance, whether it is damage or recovery, it is good.

  Summoner skill is flash teleport.

  The captain has its own release control, so there is no need to bring purification, which is also an important point.

   On the other side, Jensen’s Zoe is a regular flash ignited, and then the talent points out the electric shock, nothing special.

  At the beginning of the game, the TL bottom duo ran to the upper river channel for the first time, occupying the crystal spire in the river channel, and then the TL Umakano trio occupied the upper river channel!

  The two river spires are all occupied by TL. Obviously they have ideas about these two river crabs.

  Looking at the three roads, perhaps only Xiaohu’s on the road can get some right to speak in the early stage. Karsa decided to open the red in the upper half and give priority to the upper river crab.

  But the TL side is very aggressive, and Jensen has a fake eye directly inserted here in the Ueno area to get Karsa's opening route.

  Little hat thinks that this action has not been noticed, he swiftly returns to the middle of his home after inserting his eyes.

   But as everyone knows, in the grass next to Jensen, Chen Yuan found Zoe sneaking in and slammed his eyes. He repeatedly sent a few eye-catching signals to his own red BUFF.

  Karsa's opening route was exposed, and Xmithie immediately changed the strategy. He originally planned to drive the F6 Liter 2 and then become a big red. He immediately came to the red BUFF position and called the off road duo to help fight.

  He plans to go straight to the upper half to get crabs after playing red!

  But on the other hand, Chen Yuan and Karsa, two brainy players, have begun to discuss how to play.

   "The other side knows that you are red, so can you still get this crab?" Chen Yuan frowned and said, "There is a high probability that the scorpion on the other side will come directly after hitting the red."

  If there is a crab fight in the upper half, then they will undoubtedly lose, because he is playing the captain and it is impossible to get the line right in the hands of Zoe.

  At that time, because Chen Yuan can't come ~www.readwn.com~, a two-on-one or three-on-two will be formed.

  Karsa thought for a while, and said, “Then I’ll go straight to the lower half of the game to get the crabs, and then go all the way back to the upper half, how about?”

  Although this route will waste some time on the road, it is fortunately stable, and you can get the blue as soon as you finish the crab. The blue Olaf is the fastest in the wild.

  Chen Yuan said again: “It’s okay, but if you don’t see you when you go to the upper river on the opposite side, then the lower road on the opposite side will definitely come down the river and interfere with you.”

  If the opposite support CoreJJ finds Karsa in the bottom lane, and then merges with Zoe in the middle lane, the result is the same. Olaf is not qualified to take the crab.

   "The opposite side can't come!" Uzi said affirmatively at this time, "The opposite side of the road must help Scorpion win red. The two of us are directly online. I can guarantee that the opposite side will not be able to pass before the third level."

   "OK!" Karsa nodded, a brief play of the first three levels has been formed.

  Although Chen Yuan was unable to control the middle lane in this round, his teammates managed to make up for it in other directions through their own efforts!

  (End of this chapter)

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