League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 346: This game is over!

  Chapter 347 This game is over!

  The middle lane began to line up, and Zoe and the melee creeps on the opposite side went on the line together, while Chen Yuan silently followed the long-range creeps.

  Who is good and who is bad, at a glance.

  Jensen saw that the captain was hiding behind the ranged soldiers. He didn't think much. He directly pulled a flying star back and then smashed it directly on the three ranged soldiers.

  Zoe's line push speed is neither fast nor slow. The two flying stars in the early stage, with the constant refreshing passive, can directly clear the ranged soldiers.

  It’s just that the average player will not push the line so crazy, because when your second flying star hits a ranged soldier, the melee soldiers usually have blood.

  If it is a player who is not very proficient in Zoe, this situation usually misses the knife.

  But Jensen couldn't control so much in this round. He had to push the line quickly to grab the crabs. Two flying stars were shot out one after another, and the first line of soldiers was quickly cleared by him.

   Immediately after, Jensen went up the river without stopping, and Xmithie's scorpion had already reached the position of the river.

  The two of them patrolled back and forth at the mouth of the river, confident that they did not even see the figure of Olaf on the opposite side!

   "em?" Xmithie was a little confused, he was a little unexpected in this situation, "Did the other side go directly to the lower half?"

   Thinking of this, he did not rush to move the crab, but first glanced at the F6 side of RNG.

  Sure enough, the red-opened Olaf didn't even play F6, obviously he went directly to the river crab!

   "Can you help keep a wave of crabs in the bottom lane?" Jensen asked as he leaned in the lower half, "Olav must be there on the other side."

   "No way!" CoreJJ felt a little uncomfortable. "The next lane is directly on the line to grab the second place. We have no advantage!"

   "There is no way" Xmithie was slightly disappointed.

  This Karsa is too oily!

  In the middle of the road, with the opportunity of Zoe pushing the line and wandering, Chen Yuan developed a wave of comfort.

  After Zoe came back, he didn't dare to neglect. He operated the captain carefully and made up every cut in his hand. After the two waves of soldiers ended, he even counter-pressured Jensen with two cuts!

   can only be said to be gratifying.

  But in the third wave of artillery soldiers, he was not qualified to make up again, because Zoe began to press again.

  Chen Yuan is not greedy, he just stands behind, and if there are residual blood soldiers, he will come up with Q to make up.

  If Jensen can make up with a flat A, if Jensen dares to show up, he is also unambiguous. He will directly send a shot indestructible to the opponent. The damage of this shot is not low.

  Calculated like this, it seems that Zoe didn't have too much laning advantage.

  The blood line is not dominant, and the compensation is not dominant.

  Void suppression?

  Jensen frowned, and this familiar feeling of pressure surged into his heart.

  The man on the opposite side is too stable on the line, has a solid grounding skills, almost never misses, and is well offensive and defensive, will not blindly resist pressure, and will not be too reckless.

  And this captain will always stand behind the little soldier, there is no flaw at all.

  On the other hand, because he has to push the line all the time, it will inevitably miss the knife. E can't be lost to the captain, so he can only go up to A once, and still take a gun at every turn.

  Why is the gap so big?

   Just as he was upset, a melee soldier missed again. Instead, it was on the captain's side. Taking advantage of the stiffness of his mending knife, he came up and fed him a bullet.

  The string in Jensen's heart was completely broken. Under the high pressure, his mentality was a bit distorted, and he didn't even fight back. He took the initiative to back up two steps to free up the knife space!

  The mid laners on both sides have formed a trend of peaceful compensation!

   "Why did Jensen retreat suddenly?" Colonel Guan looked at Zoe's position, "Aren't you suppressed?"

  Chen Yuan was a little puzzled when he saw the opponent retreating, but he was also happy to see this situation.

   Soon, Jensen pushed off the third wave of artillery lines, and the line slowly moved towards the RNG tower.

  Chen Yuan climbed along the pole here, and went straight out of the tower to push the line of soldiers outside the tower.

  In the case of a disadvantaged game, it is most comfortable to get the **** transfer position in front of the tower.

  Jensen saw that the captain even dared to resist the line, and suddenly he was so angry that he let you have a way of life. You still have to work harder, right?

  He was going to retreat again, and he approached a [hypnotic bubble] and hit it.

  But Chen Yuan didn't bother to run at all. He even ate the bubble with his strength, and forcibly kept the soldiers out of the tower.

  W eat oranges to get rid of sleep, and then hold back and eat the subsequent flying stars.

   "Big Brother Yuanzi used his half pipe of blood to jam the line outside the tower." Colonel Guan couldn't help but be speechless when he saw this, "This is too arrogant, right?"

  But anyway, Chen Yuan's goal has been achieved. He squatted behind and slowly used the corruption potion to recover his blood, enjoying the benefits of the card line.

  On the contrary, Jensen is starting to have troubles. If he is stuck here, he will not be able to solve it for a while, and if he moves forward and pushes the line, there is a high probability that Olaf will be caught.

  No fluke in the professional arena, Jensen doesn't want to be that breakthrough.

  Thinking of this, he didn't bother to deal with the **** line in the middle road at all. Zoe turned his head on the river channel and walked directly on the road!

  The camera cut to the top road. Jensen, who was swiping from bottom to top, just launched a wave of flashes at Xiaohu. Scorpion turned on W and rushed from the back, very fast!

  Xiaohu’s game is just fun and there is no movement of Nicole. He briefly imprisoned Scorpion with an E, then turned and drove W to escape, but the Scorpion came around from behind, it was impossible to escape.

   "Scorpion gives Nicole an E to slow down, then this wave of little tigers will have to flicker." Colonel Guan was a little regretful, "This scorpion runs too fast!"

  Since Xiaohu didn't flash, there was only one dead word waiting for him. TL's top laner Kenan began to push the line. Scorpion and Zoe merged in the river and went around behind his tower.

   "The three people in TL Umakano want three packs of one! Karsa can't support the field in the lower half!"

  Looking at the three people who were getting closer, Xiaohu pinged countless help signals, but Chen Yuan, who was the only one able to support, frowned slightly.

  In this three packs of one situation, a captain T he did not control will not have any effect, and there may even be one attached.

  Chen Yuan thought for a moment: "I'm not going to be T in this wave. You can try to make the opponent who resists the tower lose more blood. I'll run over for a while."


  After a brief exchange, Chen Yuan quickly pushed the line with a gunpowder keg, and the captain pushed the line without obstruction. The speed was not too slow.

   Quickly cleared the line of artillery vehicles in front of him and the subsequent wave of small soldiers, and then Chen Yuan also walked on the road.

  Of course, he did not go to support, but walked all the way through his own wild area, and finally squatted in the grass opposite the red BUFF.

  This bush is on the right side of the Stone Beetle Camp and the Red BUFF Camp, and Chen Yuan quietly watched the surpassing tower on the road.

  The three of them got closer and closer, almost without discussing them. TL chose to let the Jungler Scorpion fight against the tower.

  Scorpion shot an E [Crystal Broken] hung on Xiaohu's face, and quickly followed a round A to play imprisonment!

  Oki's Kenan also quickly QEW three consecutive stuns.

  On the other side, Zoe also threw hypnotic bubbles.

  In the chain control, TL cooperates fairly well.

  But it's just good.

  Because Kenan’s stun time is not enough for hypnotic bubbles to take effect!

  Xiaohu's W is almost broken. Before the dizziness is over and the hypnosis takes effect, he successfully turns on W and enters the invisible state.

   "Two Nicole appear on the battlefield, but the real Nicole has a sleeping effect! You can't lie to people!"

  The problem is not big, Xiaohu’s purpose is not to deceive people, but to adjust to a suitable angle!

  Nicou quickly went to sleep, but after W changed position, his position was already standing next to Zoe.

   Immediately afterwards, Zoe slammed a flying star, woke up the sleeping Nicole, and hit its blood volume to the bottom!

   Before he died, Xiaohu finally threw his long-awaited E, [Tangle Barb] hit Zoe for the first time, and then suddenly changed color!

  Nicole’s E skill has a special effect. After imprisoning an enemy hero, the skill effect will increase.

  The imprisonment time will also be increased from 0.7 seconds to 1.8 seconds.

  The enhanced barb accurately hit the anti-tower scorpion at the end, confining it to the extreme distance of the defensive tower!

  The next moment, Nicole was taken away by Kenan with a dart.

  Now the suspense has shifted to Scorpion.

   "Little Tiger lost an E before he died, and imprisoned the scorpion. Can the defensive tower be killed?" Colonel Guan said loudly, "I have a chance!"

  The attack speed of the defensive tower is 0.83. This 1.8 second imprisonment is enough for the defensive tower to make two more attacks.

  Two shells landed on the scorpion one after another, lowering its blood volume continuously!

  The hearts of all people can’t help but hang up!


  The last attack fell. After the defensive tower was warmed up, the damage was extremely high, but it was still a little worse, and the scorpion went out with residual blood.

  The fans sighed.

   "It's almost ten points of blood!" Miller felt a little uncomfortable, "This wave of tigers has been dealt with to the extreme."

   Immediately after the director continued to shoot the Scorpion, he saw that the Scorpion had only 10 points of blood, and he didn't even run, and started to have the stone beetle's idea.

  The scorpion turned on W[Crystal Scorpion Armor] to provide a shield for himself, then punish the big stone to restore blood, and began to eat the wild monsters comfortably.

  At this moment, the RNG fans who were still sighing before began to cheer again.

  The cheers fell into Xmithie's ears through the soundproof headphones, making him a little strange.

  What is cheering?

  Immediately, a powder keg that appeared out of thin air on his face gave him the answer.

   "Beware of dynamite barrels!"

  Captain Planck’s voice was quite rough. Before placing the third barrel, his left-handed scimitar was already severely slashed on the gunpowder barrel beside him!


  The gunpowder barrels triggered a series of chain reactions. Chen Yuan’s two pre-arranged barrels exploded one after another, and they soon passed to Scorpion!

  The gunpowder barrel exploded immediately after being put down!



  A not too high, but quite fatal damage appears, maiming the scorpion again! ,

  And this is not over yet.

  Chen Yuan had stored A barrel indefinitely early, and the captain raised the musket in his right hand and shot another shot at the residual blood scorpion!


  82 points of physical damage, plus 19 points of indestructible magic damage, completely emptying the scorpion's remaining blood!

  A barrel picks up the Q person, without giving the opposite Scorpion any chance to react.

  "Wow!" Xiaohu shouted again and again, "Really? Can the captain still have A barrel for three barrels?"

   "Hehe, there are too many things you don't know!" Chen Yuan filled a cup in front of Xiaohu, and when he found the cheap one, he hid directly back into the grass and returned to the city.

  This wave of Xiaohu has lost, but he has made a profit.

  Round up, RNG blood earns.

  Jensen is almost vomiting blood.

  He just made up the artillery line and went directly to the tower, only to get an assist.

  The captain on the other side came on after finishing the fourth wave of troops, and he also took his head!

  In addition, he also has a slipper, and now the captain of Chen Yuan has led him by ten times! And there is an extra head of money!

  Jensen felt that this wave of wandering broke him a bit. He glanced viciously at the jungler next to him, and didn't have a good face.

  Xmithie shrinks her neck, he admits that there is indeed a problem with this wave.

  Obviously, the captain is missing. He has to be greedy for the stone beetle, and feels very handsome.

   It deserves to be stolen now.

  Chen Yuan had a good time here, and he bought a handful of Shining Light when he returned to the city, and he was about to enter a happy life, while on the other side, Jensen’s Zoe still went out to dress.

  Corruption potion hit Captain Shining

  Pain Mask.Jpg

  Chen Yuan went online again, and the opposite Jensen also just pushed the **** line back.

   "I don't know if you found a thing," Miller suddenly laughed.

  Rita promptly praised: "What's the matter?"

  "Both sides made up the mid laner," Miller said with a smile: "Even though Yuanzi still has a wave of hits, he still has a few shots ahead of the opponent Zoe!"

  At this time, Chen Yuan's compensation was an astonishing 25 dollars. The first four waves of soldiers did not miss a single stroke. On the other side, even if he pushed the line into the tower, his compensation was only 23 dollars.

  Major Guan was a little puzzled when he saw this scene, "I can only say that the personal strength of the player, Yuanzi, is no longer in the same level as the others."

  Captain Yaoguang is easy to repair the tower knife. Various swing buckets refresh the Yaoguang to supplement the long-range soldiers. Q can not eat the soldiers, and the sword is all eaten smoothly after one wave of the tower.

  At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room is full of "good supplements".

  On the other side, Jensen also quickly returned to the city to go online, with a yellow book and a murder ring in his hand.

  Equipment is actually not bad, but compared with Yaoguang’s combat effectiveness, the gap can be described as a huge gap.

  Chen Yuan didn’t even bother to retreat. He saw Zoe go online, put a bucket under his feet, and then went straight up to give him a shot.


  Injury explosion.

  A small four-level Zoe~www.readwn.com~ has only 845 health.

  This shot is a quarter.

  Jensen replied with a bubble and a flying star, but Chen Yuan took a bite of an orange to solve his sleep, which caused the bubble's damage-increasing effect to be directly invalidated. The follow-up flying star didn't hit much blood at all, and he didn't even return as much as the orange!

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuan attached the second bucket to Zoe's feet, and then detonated it with a single blow!


   is another two-linked barrel.


  This barrel jammed the CD refreshed by the glare to the limit, twice the damage of the glare, and directly gave Zoe half of the blood.

  Jensen counseled again, and honestly retreated to drink blood.

  He is not a human counselor this time, he really can't beat him.

  It’s an advantage for Zoe to be the captain for reason, but he doesn’t know why, so he collapses inexplicably

   "I announce!" Chen Yuan said cheerfully in his voice at this time: "This game is over!"

  (End of this chapter)

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