League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 349: Vampire, come out again!

  Chapter 350 Vampire, re-emerged!

  May 19th.

  The final day.

  Chen Yuan woke up groggy in the room, he took a look at the time.


   "It's early" Chen Yuan got up from the bed and stretched.

  Yesterday’s semi-finals worked too long overtime, resulting in the delay of their final prediction and the recording of the promotional video. In addition, he had to meet Jiang Qiu downstairs in the hotel yesterday, which caused him to sleep a little late.

  Of course, he is not the latest.

  Karsa would be so excited that he couldn't fall asleep every time he reached the final, and this time it was the same. He just stayed up until three o'clock yesterday.

  Chen Yuan expressed his understanding, he crept out of the room and came to the training room.

  The game will not start until 3 o’clock in the afternoon, so you can sleep more.

  Chen Yuan took out his mobile phone and said good morning with his girlfriend Jiang Qiu.

  On the final day, the travel of the contestants will be strictly controlled so as not to get out of the moths. Now it is definitely impossible to go out to meet his girlfriend.

  Jiang Qiu quickly replied to a picture of a Shiba Inu looking down, with the three words "You are awake."

  A bunch of hanging pictures.

   Then there was a photo quickly sent over there, Yonghe soy milk and buns, very simple and unpretentious breakfast.

  Chen Yuan came to the lounge to turn on the computer, and typed by the way: [Also, where are you? 】

  Jiang Qiu: [It's downstairs in the hotel, and there is a Yonghe Soy Milk next to it. 】

  Chen Yuan remembered the location of the soy milk, which seemed to be on the side of the hotel window. He walked to the window of the training room and glanced down.

  Although the hotel floor is quite high, he has been able to sneak a glance at the strength of his little sister. Looking around, he actually saw Jiang Qiu.

  She was sitting with several hosts of LPL, but she did not participate in the topic, but looked down at her mobile phone.

  Chen Yuan was intrigued, and he picked it up, put it away, took a photo, and sent it over.

  Although it was shot in a high-rise building, it was a little blurry after zooming in, but the figure could still be seen clearly.

   Jiang Qiu: [? 】

  Chen Yuan saw the figure downstairs suddenly looking up, as if looking for the location of the sneak shot.

  The windows of high-end hotels are very flat, and you can see where the windows are open. Jiang Qiu quickly found Chen Yuan.

  She felt a little strange, so she raised her hand and waved to Chen Yuan.

   "What are you doing?" Aunt Yu Shuang next to him was a little confused. Following Jiang Qiu's gaze, he also saw Chen Yuan.

  "." Yu Shuang was a bit numb, he poked the Colonel Guan beside him and motioned him to look at it.

  All the commentators were attracted by Chen Yuan, and they all raised their heads and waved their hands.

  This scene is too weird, and the uncle who is eating breakfast beside them can't help shaking his head when he sees this scene.

  The young people nowadays are really weird

  Chen Yuan was a little numb when he saw the people. He watched the scene of a dozen people downstairs waving in the air, and then he closed the window.

   "It's starting. Didn't you forget everything from yesterday's rehearsal?" Vincent was standing in the background with the players.

  On the stage, singers invited by Riot Music Company have already sang passionately on stage.

  Chen Yuan stood on the side and peered at the lights and pictures on the stage. This time, WW obviously had a lot of thoughts on the final. The performance on the stage was quite amazing. The large-screen picture changed and the visual impact was extremely strong!

  As the performance ended, the big screen suddenly shattered, and the cracks were extremely real, and then a championship trophy broke through the screen!

   Immediately afterwards, the screen flickered, and the winning screens of previous champions appeared.

  In 15 years, the factory director was very energetic. In the decisive game, facing Faker's undefeated enchantress, he backhanded out his undefeated widow!

  Undefeated or undefeated, but in the end, the factory director made a good move and shattered SKT's undefeated myth, won the first MSI championship, and won the MVP.

  In 2016, after losing in the finals last year, SKT became more and more courageous. It first won the 15-year S championship, and then made a comeback at the MSI in 2016.

  After they defeated RNG led by Xiaohu and Xiangguo in the semifinals three to one, the championship was almost booked in advance.

  17, also a year belonging to SKT, they finally succeeded in defending their title.

  18 years.

  Needless to say, this champion is the beginning of the establishment of the RNG Grand Slam dynasty. Chen Yuan and Uzi have emerged in this game and have gradually become the world's first double C!

  The picture finally stayed on the picture of RNG holding the cup in 18 years. WW can be said to have given RNG enough respect this time.

  The cheers from the audience skyrocketed. In this final, the proportion of RNG fans increased significantly. They waved the golden cheering sticks in their hands, and the majestic cheers brought waves of shock to the G2 players.

  "First of all, let us welcome last year’s champion, RoyalNeverGiveUp from the LPL Division!"

  This year's hostess Lizhen has a very clear voice, but Chen Yuan always feels that it does not have the strong flavor of the French male baritone when he played the final in France last year.

  "Go on stage." Vincent patted Xiaohu on the back, "Come on, brothers!"

  Vinson is also quite nervous. If the LPL wins the World Championship, he will have a lot of bonuses.

  Xiaohu has played MSI for the third time, and he is also very familiar with the road. As the top laner, he walked first and strode onto the stage with his head high.

  The cheers from the audience suddenly rose by an octave.

  "RNG is back again, back to the stage of this final, they will defend their honor and bring this trophy back to LPL again!"

  Lizhen took a deep breath again, "Next, is their opponent, the champion team from the LCSEU Division, G2Esports!"

  On the opposite side of the RNG entrance channel, G2 players stood in a row and quickly entered the arena amidst the cheers of fans.

  "In this mid-season, G2 came aggressively. They struggled to defeat their strong enemy SKT in the semifinals. They were only one step away from the final championship!"

  G2 team members gathered in a row and took the stage. The tallest Wunder walked in the front of the team and stopped several people from behind.

  Chen Yuan glanced sideways for a few moments, but he didn't see where Caps was.

   Soon, the G2 players lined up in line with the yellow line on the ground, and Chen Yuan finally saw the crazy cap in the middle.

  The short cap is like a white girl among the **** men in the G2 group of strong men in Europe and the United States.

  The players from both sides gave an introduction in turn. After the introduction, Lizhen raised her tone: "2019 Mid-Season Championship, finals, now, start!"

  The live applause was thunderous, and the game started. The fans on both sides were united at this moment. At the same time, they began to cheer and vent their inner excitement.

  The big screen at the rear changes, and it starts to play the promotional video shot yesterday.

  In the promotional video, the opening is the local landmark of Kaohsiung. The aerial photography of drones quickly passed over Kaohsiung. Building 85, Sun Yat-sen University, all came into view.

   Immediately after that, the two teams' players' highlights were switched on the screen.

   "Hero! Killed 18 enemies in a single game, he created a new history!"

   "1527! Another new record, still belongs to RNG!"

   "Five kills! Caps! Lead the team to overtake the score!"

  "Four kills! Wunder ended the game and he took the team to the final

  The screen ends, and a sound sounds.

  "EU and NA have always been opponents. We both believe in a creed that we must never lose to each other."

   "But there is a premise, that is, we must meet in the knockout, so we and TL had an agreement at the beginning of the knockout."

  Caps’ figure quickly entered the screen. They were cheering for the victory over SKT, and Caps’ voice was still coming out of the picture, “We have made an appointment. We must defeat our opponent and meet in the final.”

   "We succeeded and defeated SKT, but TL failed."

   Immediately after the camera came to Perkz's side, cut out the close-up of his semi-final on stage, "In this case, we can only prove ourselves through RNG."

   "RNG defeated TL, we only need to defeat RNG, which means we also defeated TL."

  The scene continues to change. There will be no yin and yang in the promotional film of the World Championship, and the camera will soon switch to Chen Yuan's side.

  In the picture, he is standing next to Yu Shuang, waving goodbye to the audience. This is a post-match interview for the semi-finals.

   "People will only remember the winner."

   A sentence in Chinese sounded in the promotional film, directly detonating the passion of the audience, "I want to be the first, always the first."

  "For me, a champion is far from satisfying me. My goal is to become a legend, a legend that will never be forgotten!"

  【Fuck me, so handsome! 】

  【I look down on this champion, I just want to be a legend! 】

  【This sentence is really crazy! 】

  [Yuanzi brother is really confident, confident and capable]

  As the promo ended, densely populated barrage floated, occupying the entire screen.

  Take advantage of this time, the players of both sides have been in place one after another, and the equipment has been debugged.

  The live broadcast signal also quickly switched to the understanding seat.

  "Welcome back, this is the live broadcast of the 2019 Mid-Season Championship, I am the commentary doll"

  The Haier brothers are indispensable for the final stage. However, this time the officials did not invite a large colonel to remember or manage as their partner, but accidentally invited a professional player, Doinb.

  The three introduced themselves one by one. After the oral advertisement was over, BP also started, and the three quickly got on the right track.

  The contestant seat, the cancellation account sat on the seat, slightly dissatisfied, "Brother Feng, what are you feeling lucky? Guess the coins can still lose?"

   "What's the matter?" Brother Feng was also a little unhappy, "I just lost this time, okay, I always won in the past."

  Chen Yuan said cheerfully: “I wonder if this MSI finals requires a coin guess, but this time you still lose, it’s better to let me come.”

   "Indeed." Uzi's tone was still very relaxed, "Brother Yuanzi is always lucky."

  BP started soon, and G2, who had the right to choose sides in the first three or five rounds, took the initiative to choose the blue side in the first round.

  This is actually bad news.

  Because according to Feng's pre-match preparations, they must get the blue side, and then come to replace the ban, in order to best block Perkz's hero pool.

  At this time, G2 has already shot with lightning, and directly held the enchanting girl in the blue side with the first hand.

   "Let's see what happens." Brother Feng was a little helpless, "ban Kasha and Luo."

  As prepared before the game, Charo and Kai'Sa, neither of them could be released.

   "Two banADs!" The doll was a little surprised, "Why do they value an Ah P so much?"

  This question was obviously asked of Doinb by his side.

  Coin brother smiled: "Usually, there are only two situations for a player. Either he is too strong to deal with, or he only has two heroes. After banning, his strength will drop a lot."

   "Obviously, Perkz prefers the latter."

  This wave of Doinb almost said that Perkz is a good match. The doll Miller was frightened, and they quickly took over the topic.

   "G2 has subsequently banned Jess and Galio! RNG has locked Akali in the follow-up, and the top three ban patterns of both sides have been decided!"

  Brother Feng did not target Nicole’s point.

  Because it is not difficult to see from yesterday’s semifinals that although G2’s Nicole can swing in three ways, when it comes to the knockouts, they no longer trust this chameleon, which is actually useless for eggs.

  They didn't win any of their five games.

  They trust Kenan, the regular choice of the ice girl game.

  When it comes to the selection stage, the blue G2 directly selects the prince.

  G2's gameplay is still around the upper middle field, so it is necessary to grab the jungle with one hand.

  Brother Feng thought for a moment: "What shall we take? In the case of the red side, we can leave the Conte position to the upper middle, then we can take the road and the jungle first with the first three hands."

   "Get down the road first," Uzi thought: "Give me Lucian."

  This hero is one of Uzi's most confident ADCs.

   "RNG has taken out Lucian and Bron first! The bottom lineup is locked!"

  On the other side, G2 also shot with lightning. They still forcibly locked Xia, and then made up an auxiliary bull head.

  Xia plus bull head, G2 actually played the bull head here!

  The pure love warrior Chen Yuan was immediately furious, "The opposite is not Luo but also forced to play Xia, this is too much!"

   "It's not a big problem," Brother Feng smiled: "It's better for us to play like this on the other side. If Xia is gone, Luo is just a T2AD."

   Immediately afterwards, Feng Ge won the jungle blind monk in the third hand. The first three hands of both sides were determined, and both sides chose the bottom lane combination + jungler at the same time.

  The doll excitedly said: "Coming to the second round of BP! Both teams are left with solo lanes to choose from, look at their BP selection!"

  Doinb, who has always been bright in his head, began to show his understanding at this time: "If the fourth-hand RNG is not accidental, they should give both ban positions to the top road."

  As soon as the voice fell, Brother Feng directly banned Kenan from here.

  Doinb saw that the prediction was successful and nodded: "On the other side, G2 will focus on the Ban position. After all, RNG will choose the fourth hand first."

  G2 is also quite cooperative here, in the follow-up backhand ban Ritz and Daomei.

  All are good players in the upper and middle swings.

  Although Caps’ Sword Girl is also very good, but G2 is the blue side, and the first choice is RNG, so they can only ban themselves.

  Brother Feng also gave Doinb a lot of face, banning Parker in the second ban position, and two bans on the order.

  [Inb brother is still possible]

  [Indeed, Doinb still has something in the brain]

  【Is this a prediction? This is called prophecy! 】

  "Entering the second round of selection, let's take a look at RNG's selection!"

  RNG icon on the fourth floor lights up, Scarlet Reaper!

  "Vampire!" Seeing this scene, the doll suddenly dreamed of S8, "At this time, RNG was a hero who was banned for a whole year last year! It was brought out again today!"

   "And this hero also has a bit of swinging attributes, just want to confuse the opponent."

  On the other side, G2 coach Grabbz scratched his head. Vampires are also a jack-of-all-trades hero. If you have to say anything about Conte, Ritz is almost one.

  , or Kalmar, can barely count as a Kante.

  But if you let Caps take Kalmar, it's almost self-defeating.

  Ryze was banned by themselves again.

  No way, they can only follow their own plan.

   "G2 has locked the Crow and Clockwork here, and the lineup is locked!"

  The old combination of prince and clockwork is really too classic.

  "Crow." Looking at this choice, Feng Ge had a slight headache.

  This hero has been hitting singles for a while. With strong output stubbing ability and good frankness, as long as he can hit people in the later stage, it is almost invincible.

  So his Kangte is also very simple, as long as he can't hit people, drag the crow's big move over, then basically the crow will be half.

  So the pillar of the jungle troll is a good counter to the crows.

  And according to the canyon relativity, speeding up oneself is the opposite of slowing down ~ www.readwn.com~ Kalmar, which has group acceleration, is also a high-quality Counter.

  Brother Feng didn’t ask his teammates’ opinions again, “Let’s play with the vampire in Zhonglu. Let’s take a single Kalma and target a wave of crows, how about?”

  "Yes!" Xiaohu has no opinion, no top laner can refuse to steal money from top laner Kalma!

   "Kalmar!" The doll vibrated: "The vampire should be played for Brother Yuanzi, and the lineups of both sides are officially locked!"

  Blue side G2: top crow, jungle prince, mid-tier clockwork, down Lu Xia plus bull head.

  Red side RNG: Top lane Kalmar, jungle blind monk, mid lane vampire, bottom lane Lucian Gabron.

  The end of BP, fans from both sides shouted in unison to cheer for their home team.

  The first game of the finals will begin soon!

   This chapter 4600

     I wrote more than 3,000 words in the past three days, and it’s another chapter of piecing together. It’s a loss.



  (End of this chapter)

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