League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 350: Here again?

  Chapter 351 is here again?

  The lineup was locked, and Chen Yuan thought a little bit and began to study the ways of talent.

  The clockwork hero is not easy to play, and Caps is not a weak player. It is obviously not appropriate to order an abusive talent such as electrocution to steal money.

  Thinking about it again and again, he still chose the most conventional phase rush, and the follow-up small talent points out the aura cloak, transcendence, and the storm gathers.

  The secondary system is to point out the astral insight and magical boots of the enlightenment system.

   Transcendence, astral insight, with the 10% CD in the small fragment.

   Talent can provide 25% of the CD for vampires, which is already enough.

  This is a set of talent points that Chen Yuan often used last year, and the appearance of this talent is familiar to the audience.

   is to bind magic orbs-magic shoes-hats-magic sticks.

  No CDs, only extreme violence costumes.

  Out of the house, Chen Yuan still made the Dolan Ring honestly. The Dolan Ring, which had both early blood volume and magic power, greatly improved the vampire.

  On the other side, Xiaohu’s side is full of beauty. The steel-and-iron-boned old woman proficiently steals money, then goes out and pretends to choose corruption potion, and rushes directly on the road.

  "Go to Mao on the road!" Chen Yuan hurriedly said: "Come and come, fight the invasion!"

  They Lucian Gabron, and the vampire Kalmar two long-range, plus a blind boy with harvesting ability, this level group can't justify without fighting.

   "Hey! RNG here!" The doll was attracted by RNG's unusual behavior: "They want to play a first-level team!"

  Chen Yuan gave a signal, "Come on, come here!"

  Five people huddled together and went around the entrance of the Bottom Road in the TL Shimono area, wanting to directly invade the red BUFF of G2!

  Doinb also said loudly: "G2 is not fortified here! They don't know that RNG has invaded!"

  Because Xiaohu is still in the team, in order to prevent Xiaohu from missing the knife, Chen Yuan decided to fight quickly.

   With an order, the team detoured from the opponent's stone beetle camp, towards the opponent's red BUFF!

  Sure enough, when Xiao Ming walked across the wall and saw the Red BUFF camp, the location of the three opponents in the wild came into view.

   "We met!"

  Xiao Ming took advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness and intentionally hit the unintentional, directly first handed a Q [Winter's Bite] and hit the nearest Ah P.

As soon as the   Q skill was released, the RNG generals had already followed the damage, Uzluzian W contact point played a two-layer passive, Chen Yuan and Xiaohu two ranged were also one person and one A.

  Blon Q and the rest of Ping A hit Xia's body almost at the same time, and the four layers of passiveness instantly overlapped, and Ah P was stunned in place before he could react!

  Bumped and sold out!

  G2's jungler and support saw that their AD was disabled in an instant, and they had no intention of saving it. They turned their heads and retreated, leaving an A-P lonely facing the attack of the five opponents.

  Karsa's head K's essence appears at this time, and the blind boy has a second-stage Q at the speed of light, and wants K to reach the head.

  But Xiaohu still has a better skill here, Kalmar RQ has been pinched in his hand, and shot directly at the moment of Xia's residual blood, strengthening Q's high damage and directly taking a blood!

  "HiaHiaHia!" Xiaohu smiled and twisted his mouth, "Comfortable!"

  However, Xiaohu’s head-taking problem is not a big problem, because the other four people can’t turn it back even if they take the head. They have to continue to fight the invasion. Only he has to go back to the city and go online. It is reasonable to get the biggest benefit from taking the head.

  He is now back to the city, just enough to make up his equipment and follow the creeps on the line without missing a knife.

   "Little tiger, let's take this red." Chen Yuan nodded, "After you pushed the line at the first level, help Brother Ka look at the red."

   "OK OK!" Taking the manpower short, Xiaohu did not dare to refuse.

  After returning to the city, Xiaohu quickly bought a dark seal, and the line life was directly full.

  "RNG took the opportunity to invade the red buff of G2. Karas will start with a three-buff start, so comfortable!"

   "In fact, it is not necessarily."

  Doinb suddenly said: "Because G2 has the right to the middle road in the early stage, Jankos may call the middle SLR to invade a wave of Karsa's red after playing the blue BUFF, so the two sides are actually even."

  This is the problem that RNG is currently facing. There are no first-level vampire AOE, and the clockwork has Q and passive, and the speed of pushing is too much.

  Of course, it is not necessarily impossible.

   "I'll just **** him at the second level!" Karsa still inherited the fierceness of Teacher Guo. "Beat him half a blood, and he won't dare to invade me."

   makes sense!

The   pawn line went online soon, and Chen Yuan deliberately released the line after communication, to lure Caps forward slightly.

  However, Caps is also a top mid laner at any rate. He obviously has obvious defenses against the unreasonable hand in the two-level catch. He does not deliberately push the line, so he puts the tail knife.

  For a long time, the second wave of pawns came and the **** line was still in the middle.

   "Then I will continue to farm." Karsa was a little disappointed, he could only brush off F6 and then brush off the newly refreshed crab.

  But G2 has already set the eye position on the river side, just to detect the position of Karsa. When the blind monk appeared in the field of vision, Caps started to be bold again.

  Xiaohu didn't stop there, he used RQ to quickly push the line when he was online, and then ran directly to the middle of the river and got an eye.

  This eye position is inserted very deep, and you can clearly see the movement of the prince after he walks out of the jungle. Soon after this eye position fell, the prince also appeared in the river.

  After the prince finished playing crabs, he did not choose to return to his own wild area, but walked directly into the Dalong Pit!

The meaning of    is quite obvious, that is to invade Karsa's red!

  At this time, Karsa is still busy fighting with the Demon Marsh Frog, beyond the reach of his whip.

   "Keep one wave and keep one wave!" Chen Yuan said quickly, "Can Xiaohu come?"

  At this time, the third wave of artillery line came from the middle road. Because the sports car is extremely resistant, the line of troops should not enter the tower in a short time, enough for Chen Yuan to guard a wave of wild areas.

   "Yes, you can." Xiaohu also had an RQ on the side and pushed the soldier away, turning his head and walking towards the red zone as well.

  G2 upper and middle two channels send out MISS signals at the same time. Although the two of them can also come in this wave, they are obviously much slower than RNG!

  Jankos are all numb, just one red. Is it worth your loss in the middle and middle lanes?

  He could only give up the fight for the red BUFF, turned his head and walked towards the stone beetle.

  Jankos is very courageous, and invisibly made an agreement to RNG, the content is: If you don’t hit the red, hit a group of stone beetles and go, isn’t it too much?

  Chen Yuan walked through F6 and Red BUFF all the way, and saw that the two groups of monsters were all there, he signaled the stone beetle, indicating that the prince is likely to be there.

  He understood what Jankos meant in an instant, roughly: I am going to fight this group of stone beetles. If you have the ability, come to me and see if you lose or not.

  Chen Yuan couldn't help shaking his head, and could only give this group of stone beetles to the opposite side.

  A group of Ono is not worth his running from the middle to the top.

  For the sake of safety, he still put a fake eye in the position of the red BUFF, so as not to play with flowers on the other side.

  【? ? ? 】

  【Should I go shopping? 】

  [Yuanzige and Xiaohu go shopping together, it’s outrageous]

   "Brother Yuanzi and Xiaohu did not see the position of the prince here, so they withdrew directly."

  The doll looked at the mini map, “They probably don’t want to lose their soldiers, right? Then this red buff can only be given to Jankos?”

  Doinb sees through the meaning: "The prince won't be red."


  Doinb continued to speak. His slightly mutton skewers in Chinese sounded quite clear: “Yuanzi and Xiaohu made a signal at the position of the stone beetle. They know that the prince is there, but they don’t want to take care of it.”

   "If the prince dared to hit the red beetle after he finished the stone beetle, RNG will take him for the second time. At this time, Karsa is almost here, and the prince is very likely to die here."

   "Oh." Miller nodded, "It can be said that there is a wave of communication between the two sides."

  In the middle, the players of both sides returned to the line state.

  Crazy Cap is very diligent in pushing the line. During the time of Chen Yuan's support, he directly sent the third wave of artillery lines into the tower.

   Then he seized the opportunity, walked back to his tower, and quickly returned to the city.

  He used the go-out outfit of corrupt potion in this round. In the case of frantically pushing the line in the early stage, the blue amount was slightly tight.

  But in order to save money, Caps only stood in front of the tower, and did not stand under the tower and return to the city.

   Seeing this scene, Lao Yin than Chen Yuan suddenly became excited.

  The vampire directly pushed against the minion and walked down the G2 tower, against the minion’s damage, forcibly marched into the tower and took a bite of the clockwork.

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuan AE triggered the phase, and then the whole person quickly escaped into the blood pool and triggered acceleration, and just slipped straight away, and the damage of the defensive tower was successfully avoided by him.

  Caps is a bit irritable, isn't it cheap?

  This wasted eight seconds, it is very likely that he will miss one or two minions.

  Caps can't afford to provoke but can afford to hide. He saw that the vampire had gone far, he took a step back, stood directly under the tower, and continued to return to the city.

The reading of    slowly faded back to the city, but Caps saw at this time that Karsa's blind monk suddenly appeared in the middle. The blind boy W touched the vampire and walked under his tower again.

  "Don't?" Caps was a little numb, "Come again?"

  He looked at his time to return to the city, there were four seconds left, maybe it was too late to go back.

  Returning to the city to read the article is getting shorter, and the blind monk is getting closer.



  The blind boy yelled, and shot a sky sound wave from his hand, which hit the clockwork accurately.

   Back to the city and broke again.

  Caps people are all stupid, can't interrupt the last second of returning to the city?

  Another eight seconds was wasted. Crazy Cap can only cancel the plan to return to the city and continue to line up with the vampire.

  It's just that against the last clockwork that didn't have much blue volume, Chen Yuan's laning was obviously much easier, and he has also learned the E skill now, and the push is no longer slower than the opponent.

  On the other side, Jankos is also showing his head on the road. After brushing the stone beetle, he has no wild to brush. Naturally, he has to go around and do a wave of tigers.

  It's just that Xiaohu is naturally on guard. Kalmar not only didn't go, but instead used the acceleration of the shield to hide from EQ, and then W imprisoned, backhanded and stole the prince fifteen dollars.

  This wave, this wave is called the rich and the rich.

  The junglers of both sides went shopping for a while, but their follow-up treatments were different.

  Karsa drilled into the wild area and started to deal with the F6 and red BUFF in the wild area.

  On the other side, Jankos, who has no wildness to brush, started to look for the rhythm of catching people.

  He can conclude from the first time Shouhong on RNG that the river has an opposite view.

  Thinking of this, Jankos, who has always been agile in his head, is better off scheming, operating the prince swaying towards the river. After walking through the view of the river arranged by the tiger, he plunged into the Ueno area of ​​RNG.

  Karsa was busy dealing with the red BUFF in front of him at this time, and knew nothing about the prince who was separated by a wall.

  The goal of the prince is of course not to grab the celebrity, but to continue to grab it!

  The current time is not enough to place a second jewelry eye on the line, which means that except for the eye of the river, there is no field of vision anywhere else on the road.

  The prince swaggered past the Ueno area of ​​RNG. He can be said to have walked a large circle around the entire Dalong Pit, and then returned to the top road!

   "The prince is back again, and he wants to catch it again! Xiaohu didn't seem to think about it at all!"

  Under the stage, RNG fans couldn't help but start screaming when they saw this scene.

  At this time, Wunder, who was on the road, also seized the opportunity when Xiaohu reached out to make up his knife, and tied Kalmar with an E [Never Go Back].

  Seeing that the other party initiates the exchange of blood, Xiaohu is naturally not afraid of it. Who is Kalmar afraid of in the early exchange of blood?

  W pierced the crow with a straw, A touched five dollars, then backhanded an RQ, and A touched another five dollars!

  Xiaohu’s stealing money here is a bit addictive, unable to extricate himself from it!

  But at this moment, Xiaohu clearly saw that another prince ran out of the triangular grass behind him.

  At the same time, a glare suddenly lit up on the soldier next to Kalmar!

   "It's the transmission of Brother Yuanzi, he wants to protect a wave of tigers!" The doll said loudly: "Little tigers escaped the prince EQ here, he still has to save this wave!"

   Seeing the vampire TP is about to land, Jankos and Wunder can only give up.

  Playing a flash and a TP is not a loss.

  Chen Yuan has lost his money to a Muggle. He reluctantly said: "I'm going to have a T down, what flash do you have? Sell yourself! Karsa can also come."

   "My mine." Xiaohu couldn't help scratching his head here, "I don't have RW, I'm afraid I'm dead."

   "Forget it. It's okay to be steady." T is up, Chen Yuan has nothing to do, "You go back to city T, let's change the line."

  This wave of Chen Yuan actually wanted to play a wave of 3V3. In his expectation, the clockwork should also be on T.

  A clockwork without blue combat power is not too strong, and Kalmar's early combat power is fully stretched, their chances of winning this wave of 3V3 are very high.

  But I didn’t expect that this wave of clockwork did not keep up with TP, and Chen Yuan’s TP only played a role in saving lives.

  Trust me, Chen Yuan is not a person who is willing to save Xiaohu at a loss of TP and **** line

  Want to come, Caps also gave up the idea of ​​TP because he saw Xiaohu intersecting.

  I can only say that this young man is calm and calm.

   "OK." Xiaohu nodded, and Kalmar returned directly to the city T.

  At this moment, the director suddenly cut the camera to the bottom~www.readwn.com~Uzi grabbed a third level and shot Perkz and Mikyx with lightning!

  Xiao Ming’s Bloom directly Q flashes the first hand to slow down Ah P.

  Uzi also quickly followed the damage, the E contact point, passively came to the third floor in an instant.

  Mikyx's bull head goal is clear. First, Q hammered Bloom on his face, and then W headed towards Lucian, trying to drive Uzi away.

  But Uzi’s reaction, do you need to say more?

   "Uzi dodges the W who has avoided the bull's head! He dodges behind the bull's head, and once again a flat A will make Xia dizzy in place!"

   Seeing that he was done, Xiao Ming directly set the ignition on Xia, and the two of them directly took care of the two-level bull heads beside him, and chased Xia fiercely!

   After waking up, Ah P handed over the flash healing treatment as soon as he woke up, but the killing intent on this side of He Wuzi was determined. The two of them also accelerated the treatment. When Xia was about to enter the tower, Xiao Ming waited for his Q skill CD.

  [Bite of Winter] was released for the second time, and the 45-degree Q blocked all movement angles, slowing Xia again!

  Uzi here two shots a little bit, easy to take the head!

  (End of this chapter)

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