League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 354: He's here He's here!

  Chapter 355 He is here He is here!

  Doinb glanced at the lineups of both sides: "The lineups on both sides are actually very similar. The junglers are all rhythmic junglers in the early stage, and they will have a certain degree of stealth in the later stage, and their top laners have a strong ability to open groups."

   "So the tasks for both sides in this round are actually very simple, stabilize the line, ensure development, and wait for the late team to fight."

   "Stay on the line, ensure development, and wait for the later team to play!" G2 coach Grabbz also made the final instructions to the players.

The five players of   G2 all nodded. In the late stage, Ritz Gavirus' double C was much stronger than the opponent, and the mid-term combat effectiveness was not weak. I believe that resisting the situation is not a problem.

  On the other side, the style of RNG's painting is completely different.

  "Dare to use Ryze to beat Lao Silas?" Chen Yuan squinted at the lineup opposite, "Proudly get down and wait for me at level 6, I directly stole Ryze's big move to **** them!"

   "No need!" Uzi waved his hand here: "Do you still need to talk about the ice? As long as the opposite jungler doesn't come, I promise to push a tower in ten minutes!"

   is obviously two teams in the same direction, but they have completely different play styles.

  The difference between the two teams came out at once.

  Chen Yuan bought the corruption potion and quickly rushed towards the middle road, beckoning his teammates to the opposite half of the area, wanting to invade the opposite red BUFF.

   "RNG still wants to take advantage of Bloom's strength to play a first-level group" The doll looked at the screen, but her tone was a little regretful.

   "But their intrusion has been guessed." Miller couldn't help shaking his head: "G2 clearly knew that RNG was going to invade the upper half, so they directly deployed the defense in the lower half and prepared to change the wild zone!"

  This is the disadvantage of a strong team. As the champion of last year, RNG is the most studied team, and some of their small habits are clearly mastered by their opponents.

  Chen Yuan saw the empty upper half on the opposite side, and realized that their wave might be empty.

   And the opponent must have been in their lower half area, and now it’s to send it back to the defense area.

   But he is not annoyed, the big deal is to change the wild area, then only Uzi will suffer.

   "Wunder be careful, they are very likely to catch you on the road." Jankos carefully reminded him to order.

  Wunder replied. Since his own red has been lost, he naturally has to be more careful. He plans to be wretched first and come with a wave of classic three-minute tower knives. Let's talk about the first three levels first.

The   pawn line will be launched soon.

  Zhonglu Chen Yuan sorted out the position of the mouse and keyboard, and began to align the lines carefully.

   Silas is against Ryze, it is reasonable to play Ryze, but this still has to wait for Ryze to have a level.

  At least in the first three levels, Silas has a certain advantage.

  In this round, Chen Yuan decisively adopted the swift pace of the main Q game.

  This gameplay is nothing more than a mixed line push line walk.

   Taking advantage of Ritz's lack of ability to push the line, Chen Yuan directly learned the Q skill and quickly began to push the line.

  On the other side, Caps also reacted accordingly. Seeing Silas learn Q, he also learned E decisively. A magic ball was thrown on Silas to save the mana flow tie.

"The alignment on the middle lane is quite peaceful," the doll couldn't help but said after looking at it: "Yuanzi borrowed Silas' ability to push the lane to obtain a short line right, see if he can do anything! "

  But then the camera suddenly cut to the bottom.

  "Jankos will be caught directly after hitting the red!" Miller shouted loudly: "But it's useless, Xiao Ming has already set his sights on the triangle grass!"

  Jankos is coming fiercely, and the Thresh that assists Mikyx directly flashes first with a reverse E to swing the ice of Uzi back.

  Because Jankos is coming directly after playing the BUFF, so there is only one level of the double line on the bottom road at this time.

  Uzi didn't expect to play so **** the other side. He was worried that the excavator would come to the top, so he didn't care about his skills, but also honestly exchanged.

  "To the north! This group of people is really too much!" Uzi didn't forget to say a bend at this moment, "Grab another two levels, so annoying!"

  He has no flashes of ice, and he will definitely be caught next, which is why he is irritable.

   But that’s all for a while.

  The director cut the camera to Karsa's side again.

  Olav, the hero, is actually quite uncomfortable.

  Because he is more dependent on the blue BUFF's return to the blue than the red BUFF's burn, and frequently throws [Countercurrent Throw], which is the biggest support for this hero to clear the wild.

  But everyone saw that after Olaf of Karsa finished playing G2's red and F6, he didn't even go to his own blue for the first time. Instead, he went around the wild area of ​​G2 and walked to the position of the stone beetle.

  This wave of Karsa deliberately waited for a wave behind the wall, and only walked to the stone beetle camp after all the soldiers had walked over to avoid revealing her position.

  The camera followed Olaf all the way through the wild, Wawa and Miller suddenly noticed a trace of greasiness.

  As we all know, in the first fifteen minutes of the game, there is a fifteen second delay between their viewing angle and the actual game.

  The director can better adjust the angle of view through this 15-second delay, and cut the angle of view in advance before the start of the fight.

  According to their many years of commentary experience, unless this Olaf plans to do something next, otherwise the camera will not follow him for so long without reason.

  Sure enough, Olaf of Karsa was promoted to level 3 after brushing the stone beetle. He did not return to the wild area, but appeared directly after the previous tower of G2.

   "Does Karsa want to jump over the tower? There are only three levels now!"

  Wunder, who was preparing for the tower knife for three minutes, watched a sturdy man appeared behind him, and suddenly the chrysanthemum tightened.

what does it mean? Three levels over my tower? Don't do it!

   "Slow down, wait until he gets smaller!" Chen Yuan suddenly said in the middle.

The first wave of   Naar’s hero is usually three minutes ago, about two and a half levels.

  Xiaohu sent his troops into the defensive tower in three minutes, almost at the end of the first wave of Gnar's growth.

  But why did Chen Yuan open the door to intervene in the tower-crossing movement on the road?

  He directed this wave!

  Because it was a waste of time to wait for Gnar to get smaller, there was not much left for RNG to enter the tower.

  But this is not a big problem. Chen Yuan retreats to the bottom of the tower and uses TP directly at the top laner!

  A blue glare lights up, and Chen Yuan directly TP the soldier to save the soldier!

  At the same time, Karsa and Xiaohu are getting closer, waiting for Chen Yuan to TP down.

  Caps, of course, can't wait to see this scene, TP follows closely behind.

  At this time, it is obviously too late.

  Karsa and Xiaohu worked directly, Olaf got close to the **** of Little Nar, turned on W to be a set of AQE, and then began to move to pick up Q.

  Xiaohu is also a set of quality QWE, which directly stuns Gnar in place.

  The damage of the two is extremely high, almost a set of one, and Gnar has blood remaining.

   Immediately after, Chen Yuan’s TP landed, and his Silas made up for the last damage. Seeing that he was facing Gnar was a set of EAWA, three stages of damage instantly killed the residual blood Gnar!

  Although Caps immediately followed TP and W anchored Silas of Chen Yuan after landing, it was meaningless.

  Because the anti-tower is Karsa.

  Olav stepped out of the range of the defensive tower at this time, just carrying himself to the residual blood.

  Because Gnar was dead at this time, Chen Yuan certainly wouldn't mind attacking this Ryze, so the defensive tower did not hit him, but turned to continue to output the minions under the tower.

  Caps hate your teeth here, you guys are too proficient in climbing the tower!

  Something has happened and it cannot be undone.

  Caps could only tearfully eat the few remaining soldiers under the tower, and then returned to the middle.

  Karsa is humming a little song all the way, Olaf walks all the way to the crab position.

  With the passive bonus, the residual blood Olaf's attack speed is directly full, and he starts to slash against the river crab.

  In this case, the remnant blood of Olaf has become a favorable factor for accelerating the game, and the audience will feel comfortable.

  Surrounded three groups of wild areas in his own field. Karsa's first round of wild monsters counted as all seven groups of crabs, and he also scored one blood. For the jungler, this early rhythm is quite ideal.

   "Proud that I will come right away, you guys will play a wave." Karsa thought for a moment, and manipulated Olaf to the lower half.

  Jankos was caught directly after hitting the red, so he probably did not move F6 because there is no time.

  Secondly, Uzi has finished making up the tower knives and will push out the line immediately. Karsa thinks that the opposite side will definitely not let this unflashed ice be, and will probably grab it.

  As a well-known brother Radar, this situation is not justified without squatting.

  Uzi went on the wave directly, so he didn't lose much blood. He used the Dolan sword to fill the tower knife, and the blood volume had returned to 90% full.

"Uzi has pushed out the **** line again. The **** line is stuck outside the tower. This is a wave of lines pushing down towards the G2 tower." Miller looked at the screen, "Jankos will definitely not let this opportunity go. Here it is!"

   "But Karsa is here too" Doinb couldn't help but sigh, "His anti-squatting consciousness is too advanced."

   "Seeing Uzi retreating from the line, Jankos went around again and started to move!"

  The excavator squatted underground all the way and drove it to scan. He did not find any vision along the way, which strengthened his determination to catch it.

  This time, instead of waiting for the assistant to start, he walked out directly by himself.

  He intends to flash the ice directly, and then let the auxiliary take control.

  The doll was a little excited when she saw this: "Uzi saw the excavator and took the initiative to move forward, trying to seduce the excavator into the grass!"

  The cheers of the audience under the stage are also getting louder and louder.

  Because of this grass, but there is an Olaf’s!

  Because Karsa was deliberately motionless, even if the excavator was squatting underground, he could not detect any movement.

  But this fact will not be hidden for long.

   Seeing Uzi enter the grass, assisting Mikyx is also doing his best, directly inserting a true eye in the grass, and providing the grass vision for the first time.

  As soon as my real eyes fell, I saw Olaf in the grass.

  G2 party suddenly got a crazy signal.

  Jankos was shocked, when did you Olaf come here!

  He wanted to retreat again at this time, but it was obviously too late. Xiao Ming’s Bloom had already hit him with a Q [Bite of Winter] and started to fight back!

   Seeing that the situation is not right, a red swirling light instantly lights up on the G2 side.

   "Wunder's TP!" the doll said loudly: "He just ate the upper lane and intends to fight a wave in the lower lane!"

  At the same time, Xiaohu naturally would not ignore this situation, and the same TP came to the bottom.

  The gods are in a melee, and the bottom road instantly becomes four-on-four!

   "Just kill this excavator, leave the others alone!" When Chen Yuan was not there, Uzi naturally took over the responsibilities of team battle command.

  Karsa flashed forward and chased forward, slashing down with a sharp axe in his hand, triggering Bron to passively stun the excavator on the spot.

  Uzi and Xiao Ming slammed the damage, and in just a time of dizziness, they almost smashed the excavator.

  But on the other side, the G2 generals were not idle, Verus shot E [Evil Arrow Rain] to slow down the ice, and the other side Thresh directly countered the E+ hook to hook Uzi.

  Xiao Ming's action was a step slower, but the shield was still raised, and the anti-theft door was erected on Uzi's face to block all the subsequent damage of Verus.

  Both parties also quickly landed on TP. The two big dads on the single landed each to find their targets.

  Xiaohu’s Kenan landed and drove E, went straight to the opposite excavator, A then Q then A then W, stunned the excavator again, and then chased A again and took the head off.

   "Wunder here, they are still focusing on Uzi!" The doll vibrated: "Uzi prescribes treatment to raise blood, but it's useless, he didn't flash it!"

  Hanbing turned his head and shot W【Ten Thousand Arrows】to slow down the enemy, and began to retreat under the cover of Bron.

  But Bron’s shield didn’t last long. When the shield disappeared, Wunder jumped forward to keep up with it, and a boomerang killed the ice forcibly!

  "Go on!" Karsa Olaf, the conqueror, was full of layers, slamming his axe, and his combat power was higher than that of a cold ice. I didn't know where he was. When he saw the opposite side, he dared to flash up and kill people. He was naturally happy.

  Xiao Ming also cooperated quite well, Ping A gave Gnar passive, Kenan and Olaf also began to focus their fire, slowing down and chasing them all the way.

  Wunder flashed here, but Xiaohu also flashed, flashed up with a shuriken, and killed Gnar as well!

   "Break and sell!" Ah P saw that the two supporting teammates were all dead, and didn't want to fight, so he slipped away.

  One for two!

   "Gnar also died in the bot lane, and his record came to 1-2!" The doll was overjoyed, "This one has been ridiculously smooth in the early stage!"

  Chen Yuan nodded when he saw this scene. He hasn't come in this wave, but the team has still played.

  His laning in the middle is quite comfortable, and Ryze of Caps has already saved money for Goddess Tears and plans to go home to replenish equipment.

  But Chen Yuan saw through this point and pushed the line like crazy.

  At this time, Caps was a little embarrassed. He has a tight blue amount, but he can't push the line.

  Chen Yuan went directly to E and used passive push line, three-level Q plus a set of passive, a wave of **** line can be pushed off quickly, and Caps dare not lose EQ, only dare to hard A

   But the problem is not big, after all, Chen Yuan also wants to return to the city to replenish equipment.

  Both sides quickly rose to level 6.

  After Chen Yuan finished pushing the line, he used R to steal Ryze's ultimate move [Zigzag Jump] and retreated to the tower to return to the city.

  Caps is really gone without a drop of blue, but he also cleared the line quickly and went home.

  After Chen Yuan returned to the city, he directly made up a Hextech revolver and murder ring. On the other side, Ryze's economy was slightly worse, but there were still goddess tears and murder ring.

  But at this time, everyone saw that neither of the midlaners went to the middle after going out.

  After Chen Yuan returned to the city, he took Ryze's big move and went directly to the bottom road~www.readwn.com~ but Caps went to the top road.

  The crazy cap knew that Chen Yuan had stolen his own big move before returning to the city, and he would definitely wander away next.

  In his understanding, Velus on the bottom lane has flashes and healing, and Thresh lantern protection.

  On the other hand, there is no flash on the road at home. Gnar, who is no six, is no different from an ATM. Normal people know what choices to make.

  The key is that Chen Yuan's time to return to the city was too clever, and he happened to be stuck at the sixth level of the middle road, but he did not have the time to reach the sixth level.

  So he went on the road and squatted back.

  Chen Yuan actually thought so too, but when he was about to go on the road, he suddenly thought of what he said at the beginning of the game.

   Sixth level with Ryze's big move package.

  Chen Yuan embraced the idea of ​​killing one up and killing two down, and went to the bottom as soon as he gritted his teeth.

  In this way, the mid laners on both sides staggered, and the cheers from the audience became louder and louder.

  The doll said loudly at this time: "He's here, he's here, Yuanzi came with Ryze's big move! A classic wave of four packs of two!"

  (End of this chapter)

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