League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 355: Why don't you open it up?

  Chapter 356 Why don’t you open it up?

   "Brother Ka, hurry up! The soldier line is about to go in." Chen Yuan has already reached the river channel. Since Ryze's first-level ultimate is not long, he must stand closer.

  Fortunately, Xiao Ming’s vision was very clear. He Dao’s true eyes ensured that he was not discovered.

  "Here is coming, wait a minute!" Olaf of Karsa hurried over and appeared on the screen.

  Chen Yuan didn't waste time here, he directly activated Ryze's ultimate move, and a ghost of a portal appeared out of thin air behind a tower of G2.


  Perkz is numb, are you doing gods and demons?

  If you don’t mention the on-road ATM, you have to come to the off-road to get me, right?

   "Is there anyone, come and help?" Ah P yelled innocently under the tower.

  But no one came to help him when he broke his throat, because their jungler and mid laner were in the upper half, and they didn't have TP.

  Caps saw this scene and the people were also numb, but he didn't expect that Chen Yuan, B, would actually go down.

  There is no way, he can only make the mistake here, and gather the jungler Jankos to see if he can catch the stop loss.

  "Xiao Ming’s Bloom’s direct Q skill first fights against the tower, and the other three directly focus on the fire!"

   Silas + Olaf's midfield combination explosive ability is really good, the two are just close to the body, Verus's blood volume instantly drops to half.

  Assist Mikyx at this time with an E【Pendulum of Doom】, temporarily swinging away the enemy on his face, and Ah P also hurriedly surrendered and fled.

  However, Chen Yuan also flashed, and quickly flashed, followed by two stages of E to keep up, EQ for two consecutive times, and the third-level Q skill damage exploded, directly beheading Verus!

  The audience continues to cheer, it's not over yet!

  Xiao Ming’s Bronn blood came out of the tower, RNG made a comeback and continued to cross this lonely Thresh.

   is still a textbook-like anti-tower. The remaining Thresh without the aftershocks is impossible to hold. The head is finally shot by Karsa with an E [reckless slam] K into the bag.

  The camera suddenly cut to the top of the road.

  Everyone saw that Xiaohu had squatted in the autistic grass in front of the second tower.

  Caps and Jankos are in the Ueno area of ​​RNG, intending to get past Xiaohu's tower.

  But as the line of troops entered under the tower, they didn't see where Kenan's people were at all!

  Xiaohu explained to the audience what “stableness” means at the cost of losing two troops.

   "I tell you that if you can successfully surpass the tower in this wave, at least one-third of my credit will be scored." Xiaohu also wrote his discomfort on his face.

  The team’s voice was suddenly full of joy.

  Xiaoming is even more exaggerated, he directly awarded FMVP to Xiaohu in advance.

  Anyway, it is difficult for Xiaoming to get FMVP with an assistant, so it doesn't matter if you give it to anyone.

  【I didn't see the movement on the other side at all, just hid directly to the second tower, right? 】

  【Stable food! 】

  [Hahaha comedian, I really laughed at me]

  【What is the world's first consciousness of resisting pressure and top laner? 】

  EU's three people in the commentary booth let out a disappointed sigh at the same time.

  The game only lasted for seven minutes. The head ratio on both sides of the game had reached 1-5, the economic gap exceeded 1,500, and RNG was able to control the dragon.

  How to play this?

   "This tower is going to be gone!" Colonel Guan looked at the movement of this game: "How do I feel that the direction of this game is similar to the previous one!"

   is a key wave of four packs of two, RNG four people eat the defensive tower plating, and then Karsa to control the dragon.

   Although the three G2 people on the road are also pushing the tower, they are obviously not as fast as the RNG four.

  However, the time is only seven minutes after all, and it is not realistic to want to demolish a tower.

  When the plating layer is removed and only one layer is left, the double resistance of the defensive tower has been as high as 400!

  Ping A was only a dozen points of blood.

  Chen Yuan also no longer missed him, and after helping Karsa to get the dragon, the two returned to the city at the same time.

  When Chen Yuan returned to the line, he soon felt the pressure.

  Seven minutes is the time to refresh the second round of BUFF. After Caps got the blue BUFF with the help of the jungler, Ryze stood up in a real sense.

  【Spell Surge】and【Overload】Continuous shots, the **** line will be cleared in seconds as soon as it goes online.

   And if Chen Yuan wants to fight against Ryze, every time he just throws E, before he has time to throw a second E, Ryze’s backhand W will freeze.

  Ryze next only needs EQ to trigger passive acceleration and phase acceleration, and can directly use the movement speed to pull away and complete the white prostitution.

  Ryze's advantage against Silas finally began to manifest at this moment.

   "You should be careful, I don't have the right to move." This is already in the category of game mechanics, and Chen Yuankong has a full body operation and has nowhere to use it.

  Next, Caps, who finally mastered the line right, began to look for the rhythm. They came to the top road again in the ninth minute, and they came to the back GANK through the big move [Twister Jump].

  Xiaohu’s Kenan was still enthusiastically pushing the line to go back to the city in the last second, but two strong men came after the next second, and the bright smile disappeared instantly.

   "Kenan turned on a big move and the damage was very high!" The doll said loudly: "However, this has no effect. Caps will take down Xiaohu with an EQ!"

  The crazy cap wandered in a wave, pulling the head ratio back to 2-5.

  The camera cuts to the bottom lane, and Karsa continues to put pressure on the bottom lane.

  Olav’s existence caused Ah P to dare not guard the tower at all, and could only watch Uzi eat a tower of residual blood.

  Caps saw that the next road was breaking a tower in ten minutes, and he got up with a breath of sullenness in his heart.

   After finally getting the line right, the situation can be opened up, and now you get down the road and the tower is broken again.

  The opposite AD came directly to the middle push tower, I still wandered?

   But there is nothing to do, because the root cause of the tower breaking this way is still because of Chen Yuan's sixth-level packet, which caused Ah P's vitality to be severely injured.

  After all, it's still the mid laner gap.

  Thinking that Caps was silent, he had no choice but to change lanes and come to the bottom lane to develop.

  Chen Yuan waited for a while here. After Verus arrived, he suddenly used the ultimate [The Way of the Man] to steal Verus’s R [Chain of Corruption] before returning to the city quickly.

  He specializes in stealing Velus's ultimate, just to try if he can try to kill Boris in the bottom lane.

  Although he can't push the line, he is still much stronger in combat effectiveness.

  The camera cuts to the upper half. The first time Uzi came to the middle, he walked towards the vanguard. This was his life.

  The advantage of ice suppression is extremely strong. With the ultimate [Magic Crystal Arrow] in hand, Gnar of Wunder didn't even dare to step forward.

  Instead, the resurrected little tiger occupies a favorable position. Although Kenan has no big moves, he is still a personal one.

   "RNG has directly started the dragon, but this Gnar is full of anger. Do you want to operate on G2?"

   Wunder threw a dart, and his anger just reached the full floor, and his heart began to move around.

  But at this moment, Uz suddenly shot a big move.

  The giant crystal sword was accurately shot on Gnar, Xiao Ming quickly followed Q [Bite of Winter], and then Uzi instantly began to go crazy.

   Deadly Rhythm and Q [Shooter's Focus] are activated at the same time, Hanbing is not scraping Guasha at this time, he is bleeding Gnar directly!

  Fortunately, Gnar increased his health in the middle, otherwise Wunder would have to die here!

   Seeing that his HP is running low, Wunder retreats directly, and even with G2, he can only choose to let go of Vanguard.

  "Pioneer was still taken by RNG, but there is Verus on G2. The line clearing ability is too strong. This mid-tower is actually not easy to dismantle." Doinb began to analyze at this time.

  Because of Chen Yuan's game style, he almost never dismantles the tower. Every time he has free time, he will find ways to go up and down to find opportunities.

  As a result, every time Uzi came to the middle lane, he faced a tower full of blood.

  Although the five-layer coating is still very fragrant, it is also difficult to remove.

  P sits steadily in the middle, shoots arrows if there are soldiers, and eats wild if there are no soldiers, the rhythm is still quite good.

  "Help! HelpmePlease!"

  Suddenly a loud cry for help from Caps came from the team's voice.

  A P screen everything passed, and I saw Chen Yuan beating the cap!

   "Brother Yuanzi here ambushes in the grass one step ahead of time, waits for Ryze to push the line, and then throws EQ in the gap of Ryze to push the line, EQ second company hits first!"

  Ryze's E skill CD is extremely short, Caps is in a hurry to backhand W to hold Silas first, and then EQ triggers phase acceleration, wanting to retreat.

  But Caps, who was just about to retreat, glanced at Silas's status bar, and found that next to his health bar, there was actually a portrait of Verus hanging.

  Seeing this scene, his soul is gone, and he immediately manipulated Ryze and started to move.

  Chen Yuan planned this wave of crouching for a long time, how could he let the opponent run away like this, he directly released the stolen big move [corrupt chain].

  However, Velus’s ultimate move is too wide and fast. Unless the releaser makes a mistake, it can’t be twisted at all!

  Chen Yuan slowly posted, and AWA played a set. After Caps released his control, he still wanted to run, but the acceleration effect on him had disappeared, and he couldn't escape Silas' clutches at all.

  Chen Yuan waited for a Q skill CD, [Chain Slash] was released for the second time, harvesting Ryze's life.

  Single kill!

   "Pretty!" The doll was amazed: "This wave is too important!"

   "Play a single kill on the bottom road, so that Brother Yuanzi can come to the middle road to help push the tower when he has time, and the middle road can be taken down!"

  The mad hat glanced at Ah P: "Luka, why didn't you tell me Silas stole your big move?"

  "My mine." Ah P obediently raised his hand and was beaten: "I didn't expect that he would go to the road to kill you with a big move. This wave is my fault."

  The wave of crazy caps is really numb.

  This Silas is totally unreasonable, a set of controls is directly controlled, and he has no room to operate, can he be blamed for this wave of solo kills?

  Twelve minutes, Uzi used the vanguard to finally grab the first tower in the middle road, return to the city and change lanes, and continue to push on the road.

  The competition has entered a short period of development.

  Of course, this development refers to RNG, and they develop at a high speed by dismantling G2 defensive towers.

  The miserable G2 on the other side also put the crippled soldier on hold.

  The economic gap between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger

   "I have to say that the situation in this round is surprisingly similar to the last round" Wawa laughed: "Twenty-two minutes, RNG leads the economy by 5,000, and they have already begun to force the team!"

  Of course, these five thousand economies are already played well in G2.

  In the LPL competition in this region, RNG generally leads the economy by 10,000 in 20 minutes.

   is still the familiar Dalong force group, but RNG has made a fatal mistake in this wave.

  RNG is facing the big dragon, and the little tiger, who is alone in the road with the line, chooses to return to the city to replenish the equipment and directly TP to join the group.

  But it is the problem with this TP.

  Xiaohu chose the real eye behind the enemy camp to TP, but he just used the TP when he suddenly saw an excavator and a Ryze appear next to his eye.

   "The position of Kenan, the TP, doesn't seem to be right!" The doll shouted loudly: "G2's large forces have returned to defense, he may be second if he is T down!

  As soon as the voice fell, Mikyx had taken the time, and Thresh’s hook had been released in advance. When the hook reached the eye position, Kenan's figure just appeared.

  West Shadow Thresh’s Q looks a bit bigger than other skins. Everyone saw this electric mouse standing in the middle of the hook as soon as it landed.

   A wave of perfect pressure to get up, Xiaohu was stunned before he could even use his big move!

  The following is naturally a brutal and inhumane beating. G2 is connected and controlled, Xiaohu did not move from beginning to end, and went directly to the west.

   And this is not over yet, Chen Yuan never expected that Xiaohu would not even use the big move, which caused his rescue operation not only to fail directly, but also to take himself in.

  Even Uzi at the end of the team failed to escape. Ryze drove the car and forcibly killed the escaped Uzi.

  Zero for five!

  The RNG fans under the stage were collectively silenced.

  I have to say that this wave is really a serious illness, and they are all choked in panic.

  EU commentary, Drakos is like a new year: "G2 can take the big dragon by the way. They have equalized the economic disadvantage! There is still a chance in this wave!"

   "What do you mean Xiaohu?" Chen Yuan said grimly, "Why can't I get a big move?"

   "I don't know!" Xiaohu also looked a little puzzled: "I've been pressing it, but the other side pressed it up and pressed it too perfect."

  "Huh?" This move was a bit beyond Chen Yuan's understanding.

  In his opinion, no matter how hard the opponent presses up, there should be a short time for activity after you land, and it’s okay to make a big move.

   Is it directly pressed on the server? The gap between pressing up is even smaller than Xiaohu’s button delay?

is it possible

  However, Chen Yuan will not blame it anymore because it has already happened. It is just that they are equalized by the economic gap, and they may not necessarily lose.

   But since the opponent took the big dragon~www.readwn.com~ Chen Yuan could only let the team avoid the edge and try to wait until the big dragon BUFF disappeared before playing.

  The game dragged on until the 26th minute.

  The fourth dragon is refreshed.

"Now the big dragon BUFF on G2 is gone, and Chen Yuan and Wuzi are also in the three-piece stage! Their equipment is ahead of the G2 double C!" Wawa vibrated: "The RNG wave is definitely It's about to take over the group."

The economy of   RNG is relatively concentrated, so their C-level equipment is better than that of G2.

  Chen Yuan is already a three-piece set of equipment with push stick, ghost book and golden body. Xiaohu’s equipment is surprisingly similar to him, and it is also a push stick ghost book golden body.

  Uzi will be more violent here, the endless three-piece hurricanes are destroyed, and the economy is the first in the audience.

   "Chong Chong brothers, this fire dragon must be taken!" Chen Yuan led the team to take the initiative to align with the Xiaolong Pit, and collided with the G2 side.

  At this time, the fans on both sides couldn't help holding their breath.

  This wave is the real life-and-death game. Basically, whoever wins this wave can win the game!

  (End of this chapter)

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