League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 356: Buddha's Palm!

The two sides didn't have too much bells and whistles this time, because Xiaohu noticed that the anger on the opposite side was only half of the anger, so he didn't want to wait. When they met, he directly chased by E!

But the other side clearly understood this truth, and several people quickly retreated.

The auxiliary Thresh stood at the end of the team and threatened Xiaohu with a hook.

Xiaohu was a little bit afraid of Thresh's hook, so he immediately persuaded him, only Chen Yuan took the initiative to step forward and used a big move to steal Gnar's big shot.

Silas steals the Narr big, can release it at will without anger, the intensity is extremely high, the classic piracy is better than the original.

With Gnar and Kennan, G2 was immediately deterred, and he dared not step forward.

Chen Yuan saw that the opposite side had withdrawn so far, he had no choice but to fight the dragon honestly with the team.

But at this moment, he glanced at the small map, and suddenly he had a plan to make a living. The whole person began to retreat and disappeared from his field of vision.

G2 is also experienced here, they sent auxiliary Thresh to the back of Xiaolong Pit to avoid Silas from going around and starting a group.

As the dragon's blood volume began to decline, G2's anger gradually reached its full value.

This gave G2 courage, and they took the initiative to press forward.

But at this moment, the audience suddenly burst into cheers.

LEC commentary, EU commentary Caedrel seems to have seen the devil at this time, "NO! NO! Hero's position! G2 run!"

He shouted loudly, but how could the G2 players who are far away could hear their shouts? They are still looking for suitable opportunities for the next dragon group.

At this moment, in the lower half of G2, a dark place suddenly felt a little movement.

A Silas appeared out of thin air in the river, his hands surrounded by magical power!

The pupils of all five people in G2 were constricted.

Why is Silas here!

They quickly began to operate, losing skills, losing skills, and intersecting, but no one could throw them out.

Because while they were still in shock, Chen Yuan had already thrown out his skills.

Silas's yellow light flashed, and the whole person appeared in the center of G2's camp. At the same time, the magical energy burst out suddenly, his body twisted, and he turned into a behemoth out of thin air!


The giant beast Silas roared to the sky and carved six scratches on the ground with his hands. The G2 generals who were hit, without exception, all hit the wall at the door of the dragon under this tremendous force!

Silas pushed five!

In the domestic commentary booth, Wawa and Miller couldn't help but stand up directly: "I! Buy! Karma! Big five! Yuanzi is crazy about this wave!?"

All the viewers were stupefied, and even the barrage in the live broadcast room had a moment of stagnation.

But this stagnation did not last long.

Two seconds later, "666" began to float across the screen!

"Awesome!" Xiaohu also roared here, and Kenan decisively entered the second place!

[Secret mystery! Wan Lei Tian jailed! 】

An electric field directly surrounds the five people of G2, countless thunder and lightning began to fall crazily, and the blood volume of the G2 generals also began to drop rapidly!

It's a pity that Xiaohu still has a golden body in this wave. If he makes the third magic stick, then he can melt G2 directly in this wave!

Uzi's hand is going to be numb, but fortunately, he has a hurricane, and he can A three people at one time, Ai Shifu outputs with all his strength, and kills the G2 players one by one.

With Gnar and Kennan, the most worrying thing on G2's side still happened.

The two big moves were seamlessly connected, and the five people didn't even move, and they fell into a collective sleep.

This wave of team battles was simply ridiculously dreamy, and all the audience didn't even react.

This team won?

Five people didn't lose blood?


"RNG has played a wave of zero for five, and they seem to be able to do it directly!"

All five people are present, and the speed of pushing the tower is naturally full. Although the resurrection time is still very short, it is enough!

The icy arrow rain shot frantically, and the high ground and front teeth were destroyed!

When there was one main crystal left, the G2 party finally resurrected. The five of them died together, and they lived together, but they were already powerless.

In 25 minutes and 30 seconds, RNG completed a small turnaround and ended the game directly!

The five RNG players got up and hooked up. For players like them who won the game, winning the game is no longer worthy of excitement.

Only this kind of hearty and epic teamfight can arouse their dopamine!

"It's really outrageous!" The doll couldn't hold back: "The wave of Brother Yuanzi is too far ahead."

From the perspective of God, they clearly saw the whole process of Chen Yuan's surroundings.

After he retreated to the shadow, he chose TP directly.

The location of his TP was chosen in the grass of the opponent's blue BUFF camp, where there is a true eye.

This real eye was laid by Xiao Ming within two minutes, because G2 was too eager to join the group, so I did not find the real eye of his own blue BUFF camp.

In the end, it became a hidden danger. Chen Yuan disappeared directly from TP, bypassing the vision of everyone in G2, and appeared on their side out of thin air.

In the LEC commentary, Caedrel said with a bit of pain: "Unfortunately, this game was finally defeated, but through this game we can see that G2 has improved compared with the previous game, and they can already see RNG's High ground."

"Although it is difficult for two to chase three, it is not impossible! We still have a chance!"


In the G2 lounge.

Ah P and Jankos are wondering after Chen Yuan's last wave of TP.

They are still quite optimistic, saying that this wave of finches is very powerful and they are convinced to lose.

Wunder has even applied to the coach to continue to play Gnar in the next round. He wanted to come back to the game, but he was mercilessly mocked by the coach...

"Aren't you playing Gnar? I haven't missed the teamfight utmost..."

Wunder was suddenly embarrassed.

This game played two groups.

The first wave of RNG was directly destroyed, and he had no chance to lose it.

In the second wave, they were directly destroyed, and he had no chance to lose it.

Can you blame him for this?

the other side.

Different from the optimism of his teammates, Crazy Cap was obviously in a bad mood. He sat in a chair in the lounge a little depressed and stared at Chen Yuan's fixed makeup photos on the big screen.

He was a little anxious.

At last year's World Championship, his FNC was swept by RNG 3-0.

At that time, he still thought it was a teammate problem, so he resolutely left FNC after the end of the season and joined G2 to form the so-called European Galaxy.

Of course, the facts have proved that their G2 is indeed strong, sweeping in all directions in the European division, and there is no rival at all.

Caps thinks that he can finally break his wrist with Chen Yuan.

But finally in the finals, he found that the situation still seemed to be a bit wrong.

The plot of this game is surprisingly similar to that of the World Championship!

In these two games, although he did not lose the wind on the line, Chen Yuan always found some opportunities to wander. The vampire Silas ran around and directly destroyed all his teammates.

On the opposite side, B also has a thief √ eight handsome operation in every round. In such a comparison, it seems that his mid-level single looks like a dumb man.

At this time Caps understood that when he was in FNC last year, the reason why his teammates were so disintegrated was that it was not his teammates who could not do it, it was him who could not do it!

Faced with the pressure from the world's No. 1 mid laner, even Caps was willing to admit, "The next round of BP, I think we should be like this..."

Caps talked about the plan in his heart, and everyone in the G2 lounge became more surprised as they listened.

"I also have similar ideas, but I'm afraid you don't want to. Now it's just right for you to propose it yourself." Coach Grabbz opened his notebook, and the general tactical arrangements have come to mind.


"Welcome back, this is the scene of the mid-season championship game." The smiles on the doll's side are piled together, like a pot of lust.

"RNG is currently leading by two to zero, and the third game will begin soon!" Miller also answered: "We can know from the background information that G2, who has the right to choose sides, took the initiative to choose the red side in the third game!"

It's obvious to take the initiative to choose red.

G2 wants to play something different this game.

Sure enough, after BP started, they soon discovered that something was wrong.

The ban position on both sides is still regular, RNG is against AD, G2 is the swing position, but it is worth noting that G2 does not have ban Silas.

Since the other side is not banning, Brother Feng still responds to changes in the same way and chooses to take Silas with one hand.

But then, G2's subsequent two moves completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Sean and the wheel mother! G2 has selected two options that are extremely inconsistent with the version." The doll's tone was full of surprise: "Which way is this Sion?"

The cheers of the audience echoed in the stadium, declaring their puzzlement.

Thain, in the passerby game is indeed a good choice for the top lane, one of the best frankness, and strong pushing ability, can be said to be a lucky star.

But this is a professional game. The current version of the top laner Thain is a money-stealing toy for heroes such as Crow Kenan.

If he insisted on arranging a position for Thain, there would only be a middle unit.

In last year's MSI, Thain's mid laner was indeed a strong choice.

The outrageous attributes of the flag of command caused the hero to directly play the chess piece, and then lock the opponent in the middle in the middle, while he wandered arbitrarily.

Although there is no flag of command now, at least Thain's ability to push the line is still here, and he can still play in mid lane.

With suspicion, Brother Feng continued to BP.

The two sides BP back and forth, and the ending is soon finalized. G2 finally selected a single-handed crow, which really locked Thain in the middle unit.

This surprised all the audience. The choice of Thain's mid laner was quite different from what they had imagined as Caps.

The impression of the King Hat in people's minds is always that of a forehand assassin and a backhand mage, and the European French king who decides the outcome of the operation will always firmly control the victory or defeat in his own hands.

Why would he be willing to succumb to others, choose the recognizing choice of Thain mid laner, and hand the victory to his teammates?


"Brother Yuanzi, this wave can still be operated! Can you win the group?" The doll shouted while looking at the screen.

At this time, Chen Yuan was stealing the crow's big move from the opposite side. Silas turned into a demon form and turned the tide in the G2 team battle.

But being strong is only that he is strong alone. In this later stage, a melee mage, no matter how invincible it is, it is impossible to beat five.

"Perkz! Hewantstokilleveryone!" The European commentator Drakos looked at the wheel mother who was pulling wildly on the screen with a big move: "His damage is very high!"

As soon as a flywheel hit Silas, the blood bar would go straight down a large square, plus W reset basic attack and Q damage, Silas blood bar fell all the way.

Chen Yuan W took a bite of Thayn around him to regain his blood, and then pressed the golden body in seconds. After the golden body was over, the crow's big move was immediately exploded, and he hit the extreme damage.

But it has no effect.

The late Lun Mama has economic advantages, and the output ability is too terrifying. With the self-protection of the E skill, no one can touch him.

On the other side, although Uzi was also madly inflicting damage, all he could touch at this time was Thain on his face.

The icy arrow rain hit Thayne in Bingxin's Cloth Boots. If the effect shouldn't be necessary for me to say more...

"Brother Yuanzi is down!" Miller's tone was full of despair: "Although RNG desperately replaced Thain and Crow, they were also beaten out."

The defensive towers were destroyed, and the economic gap between the two sides was getting bigger and bigger.

With the destruction of both highland and two front teeth, the economic gap between the two sides officially exceeded 10,000.

"Win!" LCS commentary, EU commented that Drakos looked happy: "Win! We defeated RNG!"

Although he only won a small game, Drakos was happy as if he had won the championship.

"This game proves that RNG is not a god, and they will bleed too! They will also be defeated. You guys have taken a big step forward. Come on G2!"

In the LPL official live broadcast room, the barrage is also flying all over the sky.

[This Thain is really disgusting! 】

[Caps has understood this game, so I just silenced Brother Yuanzi]

[Big Brother Yuanzi can't break the shield when he goes up, and then he pushes the line and walks away. Is there any way to do this? 】

[However, in this round, Uzi gave too much opportunity and was caught to death all the time, which caused the economic gap to be too great..]

Chen Yuan advanced into the lounge, but it was a rare failure. The atmosphere on the coaching staff's side was quite solemn.

Fortunately, the mentality of the players is pretty good. Although they lost, they lost plainly and there was nothing to be frustrated.

"Mine, mine." Uzi returned to the lounge, and immediately raised his hand to admit his mistake, "I have given too much opportunity."

"...You know it's fine." Brother Feng was a little helpless, and opened the video to start replaying the details.

As the saying goes, hit Uzi, and the two levels are over. G2 obviously also knows this truth.

So they set the goal as soon as the game started, and the same as the previous game, they caught it at two levels.

And this time is different.

Because the two sides exchanged wild areas in the second game, Uzi was defensive against the red two-level catch.

But in the third game, G2 started with a blue BUFF, and Uzi's guard was much less.

Then in order to grab the second place, the line was too deep and was eventually caught by Jankos.

Auxiliary Titan flashes A to take the lead of Q, and the prince flashes with an EQ, directly smashing Uzi.

At the same time, Caps in the middle is also using Thain's Lapis ability to push the line indiscriminately.

Walk around after pushing the line, and pack if you can walk around.

This is the main style of this game in G2.

Uzi experienced endless siege and Gank in this game, and death was also one after another.

For fourteen minutes, Uzi and Xiaoming sent seven out.

And Ah P's wheel mother took five of them.

In twelve minutes, the wheel mother finished pushing down the tower and came to the middle road. She was already holding the Scythe of Absolute Speed ​​Shoe in her hand.

Chen Yuan is numb.

How to play this?

Isn't this the way RNG wins the game? How come it was completely reversed in the third game?

Immediately afterwards, even though Chen Yuan led the team to retrieve a few waves of opportunities, Thain and the crow were all caught to death by him with Karsa.

But this does not affect the overall situation, because Ah P is not dead yet.

After pushing the line, this wheel will go into the wilderness and become invisible. She will not be greedy at all. She will always be in a safe place. She clearly wants to delay the game with you.

After coming to the late stage ~www.readwn.com~ the horror of the crow plus the wheel mother also began to show, which eventually led to the loss of this game.

Chen Yuan looked at the evidence game, if he had to find an excuse for this game, it would be too overcast on the opposite side.

Whether it is BP or play style, G2 has been completely determined, their RNG is like the prey of the set.

It is definitely impossible to restrict this kind of thing through the ban bit.

You banned a Thain, and Galio, the Ice Girl, and even the Dragon King, Malzaha are on the opposite side.

Hunzi is endless ban.

If you want to target this style of play, you can only use tactics to restrain it.

Brother Feng and Gouba Er had already planned the next game. Brother Feng smiled and said, "Since the opponent wants to play the late game, let's play with him!"

It just so happened that they still had a hole card not shown on RNG's side.

They plan to give G2 a big surprise!

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