League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 369: Uzi kill him!

Xi Ye thought that stone-slayers in the middle might not be able to resist, after all, this hero has high armor.

   But I never thought it would be so hard to fight!

   Chen Yuan saw that the soldiers were full of blood, he simply retreated to the back and waited passively for refresh.

   Ten seconds later, the shield came out, and Chen Yuan just made up for three pawns directly against Jace's damage, and then a pie yo-yo.

   The amount of blood lost on both sides was almost the same...

   Chen Yuan also earned a mana flow tie.

   It's numb to be earned.

   But no matter how you say it, the two sides are still long-handed and short-handed after all, so Xi Ye, who has the right to the line, slowly pushed the line over.

   Of course Chen Yuan was also happy to see this scene.

   Anyway, there are no river crabs in two minutes now. If you like to push, you can push, and after pushing, you can only hang up in the middle.

   With the death of the first melee soldier of the second wave, Chen Yuan rose to two ranks.

   At this time, Chen Yuan suddenly changed his laning strategy. He quickly learned the E skill [Shaking the Earth] and walked to the middle of the small pile to shoot an E.

   Golem’s E skill is not only a powerful AOE, it can also greatly reduce the attack speed of the victim, and the attack speed of a lot of small soldiers has been slowed down.

   Under this powerful effect, the line of soldiers was locked in the middle of the river by Chen Yuan, and the opponent couldn't push it even if he wanted to push it.

   Of course, this kind of arrogant action will definitely be beaten, Xiye Cannon form AQE plus hammer form QAE, hit Chen Yuan's sturdy whole set.

   Although Jace has a low attack, he has a lot of skills. A set of skills does not cause low damage. He hit Chen Yuan for 300 points.

   To tell the truth, it doesn't hurt or itchy.

  Chen Yuan even thinks that it loses less blood than he imagined...

   After all, he has three layers of potion and three biscuits, and it is not suitable to play with the other side all the time. He must sell blood reasonably to push the line.

   His move was naturally to lock Jace in the middle, even if he couldn't support it, he couldn't let the enemy support it.

   Chen Yuan had two laning goals in the first five minutes.

   First, Xiye can’t go to the opposite side.

   Second, make up 900 yuan before the supply is finished.

   nine hundred, it is the price of a small Sunyan, a little bit Ritz is holding back the tears of the goddess.

   But the difference is that Chen Yuan's three-layer potion adds a high amount of armor, and it is not a big problem to make up for 900 yuan.

   "Karsa, with the help of the bottom road combination, drives the blue, then brushes off the magic marsh frog and his own red BUFF, and walks directly toward the top road after reaching level three!"

   Miller explained along the screen cut by the guide: "Now 957 is facing the dilemma of a line of troops entering the tower, is Karsa planning to cross the tower?"

   Knife sister hit Kenan belong to Conte, but not completely Conte.

   At least in the first three levels, Kenan is still in control of the line.

This is also due to the previous version. Kenan’s double resistance bonus has been moved from the E skill to the ultimate move, which caused the Yordel to be a lot weaker before the sixth level. Otherwise, even if it reaches the third level, the sword It's hard for my sister to beat Kenan.

   Of course, when the game is in the late stage, after the sword girl has made the key equipment such as the three-phase and the wisdom end blade, playing Kenan is to hit with closed eyes.

   Wawa looked at this scene and began to yell: "Do you want to overtake this too? Sword Sister is almost full of blood!"

  957 knew that he couldn't beat Kenan in the first three levels, so he didn't even think about fighting, so he stood behind and heard the experience.

  Only when he walks up to touch the soldier with E, he will be caught and beaten twice by the tiger, so the blood volume is quite healthy.

   "Come, come, you can go, I directly QWE fainted him, he is still very early in the third level." Xiaohu quickly greeted Karsa to come over.

   The Artillery Carriage Line has just entered the tower, and it is impossible for 957 to rise to level three here.

   Although Swordsman can quickly gain experience through continuous Q minions, Xiaohu has skills in his hands, and it is impossible to give him this opportunity.

  957 was about to make up the wave of tower knives comfortably, and passed a wave of passive back pressure on Xiaohu, but when he turned his head, he saw a third-level pig girl appear next to him.

   Leg brother was taken aback, what do you mean?

   Are you RNG? Are you Karsa? It’s been caught all the time, right?

  957 As a veteran who has been in the league for many years, he has played countless games against Uzi. His feeling in every game is that the opposite jungler will not come up and will always play in the bottom lane.

   Even in S8 last year, RNG played like this.

   How did it change this year?

   Since the grief is going all the way down, I plan to catch it, so no one can help him in this wave.

   "Can you do it?" Xi Ye asked in the middle road: "I can TP."

   Xi Ye said on the surface, in fact, he didn't want TP at all in his heart. After all, if he went up here with T, then this stone man would be too comfortable playing.

   How can there be a third-level T on the road in the mid-lane?

   I was overpassed on the road, why should I go if the jungler is not there?

   "It's okay you don't use it, you continue to press this stone man." 957 gritted his teeth and said, "I want to do it."

   He slightly estimated the blood volume of the soldier and his own experience.

   All he needs to do is to stun Kenan with E, then Q dead gun carriage and three or four long-range soldiers, and he can rise to level 3.

   Although Sword Sister’s W can no longer reduce magic damage, as compensation, the physical damage reduction value has been slightly increased. With the damage reduction in hand, the opponent will definitely not be able to kill him.

   Since there are no soldiers under the tower, Karsa didn't hesitate on this side, and directly stuck to the sword girl's side, and a Q [Cold Assault] arched towards the sword girl.

   The control linkage between Kenan and Zhu Mei is not good, and the control chain is definitely not connected, so 957 chose to insist on this Q.

   Xiaohu quickly followed out QW, and then turned on the E skill [Origin! Thunder Armor].

   As long as Kenan hits the Sword Girl with E to stun, the control time is enough for Karsa to control the E skill [Permanent Freeze Domain]. After the ice breaker is hit, killing Sword Girl is not a problem.

  957 The speed of hand is extremely fast here, and his [Double Blades of Biwing] pulls apart in two instants. It is accurate and long, and a perfect diagonal line covers all Kenan and Sister Pig!

   "The leg brother E pulls very beautifully here, and he faints two people directly! He can operate this wave!"

  The commentator got excited for an instant and started to yell.

   But the operation of the knife **** the screen stopped.

  957's heart has already begun to yell at Xiaohu.

   This account cancellation, don't talk about martial arts!

   At this time, he noticed that Xiaohu’s Kenan was standing with the gun cart, and he also carried the lightning of the E skill on his body.

   If Dao Sister Q went up to make up for the small soldiers at this time, it would be tantamount to actively sending herself to Kenan's mouth, and she would be arrested in an instant.

  What's going on? There is no room for manipulation at all!

   There is no way, 957 can only be Q Pig sister, try to increase the distance between the creeps, and return to the point of blood.

   But it doesn't have much effect. Xiaohu's D button is already broken.

   Kenan used the flash to bring himself to the sword girl the first time he was relieved of his vertigo!

  【Profound meaning! Lei Kai] Triggered on Girl Sword, stacking the third passive layer.

   Karsa also quickly threw E skill [Permanent Freeze Domain] to freeze Sword Girl, and then flat A to break the ice.

   Immediately afterwards, the third attack of the defensive tower fell, hitting the pig girl to the residual blood.

   Karsa did not hesitate, and retreated directly, flashing out of the tower when the defensive tower was about to make a fourth attack.

   Xiaohu played the finishing touch here, chasing Sword Sister and hit two ace's to win one blood.

   And he finally got out of the tower at the cost of two attacks on the tower.

   The two resisted the tower reasonably and controlled reasonably, and completed a wave of textbook-level perfect tower crossings!

   "One blood is born!" The two dolls and Miller almost got up and applauded. They really didn't expect this wave to pass.

   And this is still based on the 957 biwing double-edged dizzy situation.

   At this time, the screen suddenly switched to the bottom road!

   Wawa reacted quickly: "Oh, on the sad side, I seem to want to get off the road more and more!"

   Sadly, Blue drove down to brush, but he was not as decisive as Karsa. He chose the route of five groups of wild + six groups of wild crabs, and then grabbed at level 4.

   Brother-in-law and Missing saw the barrels coming, and they both quickly cleared the fourth wave of troops and pushed into the defensive tower.

   "The wine barrel has gone around the back, these three bags can't escape!"

As soon as the voice of    doll fell, a glare of TP suddenly lit up in the grass on the road.


   hurriedly returned to the city after crossing the tower on the road, Xiaohu was now in the peak state of the equipment after returning home.

   Before the jump over the tower on the WE side started, Xiaohu already handed over the TP!

   And this is not the most terrifying, Uzi's side actually stepped forward directly, using his body to resist the line of troops outside the defensive tower!

  The line of soldiers could not enter the tower, which instead made the sadness of the tower behind preparing to cross the tower into an embarrassing state, and he couldn't make it through!

   "Go up and fight!" The eldest brother-in-law began to repeat indefinitely, "Push the line in!"

  Kenan TP's glare has become more and more shining, and if the wheel is dragged down, they will be surrounded.

   The Titan quickly stepped forward, without any fancy, walked to the face of the wheel mother, trying to force Uzi into the tower.

   But Uzi's heart is determined. He knows that this wave of soldiers must not enter the tower, otherwise the barrel will be smashed by an E, and he will be directly charged to death.

   Immediately afterwards, he did not hesitate, and ran towards Xiaohu TP's eye with a flash.

  Missing was stupid when he saw this move. It flashed from in front of me to behind me, right? Do you look down on me?

  He didn't hesitate on this side, and hit with a tie A, the Titan passively imprisoned the wheel mother, and then he quickly took a hook and wanted to hook this bold wheel mother back.

   And he still has a heart-warming eye on his side. He stepped on the E skill at the moment Q shot, and wanted to use E to break the magic shield of the wheel mother.

   However, it is a pity that the two heroes are too close now, and the Q and E skills almost hit the wheel mother at the same time.

   And the shield of the wheel mother has a hidden mechanism, as long as the skill interval is close enough, even 10,000 skills can be blocked.

   This caused Uzi to block all the first E and Q of Titan with a shield!

   Xiaoming’s cat simply puts on the skateboard shoes for the first time, and then presses E to speed up, trying to preserve the blood volume of the wheel mother as much as possible.

   After such a time spent on both sides, Kenan has already landed TP.

   Because Kenan does not have level six yet, every skill is very important. Xiaohu didn't use E to accelerate, but quickly ran towards him with his feet.

After Uzi flashed open, many soldiers lost their hatred. At this time, the line finally entered the tower, WE’s jungle grief finally had a chance to come from behind the first tower, but according to his journey, he is even more than Xiaohu here. Slow down.

   Uzi turned his head and threw Q [Spinning Blade], and then healed it to a distance, and Xiaohu turned on E [Profound meaning! Lei Kai] Charged up!

   Kenan instantly incarnates in the front row at this moment, and the electric mouse passes through the Titan and skate shoes, and then throws [Chidori] and [Electric Blade] against his face.

   The three-layer passive quickly stuns the Titan.

   The aftershock effect on Missing has disappeared, so now his frankness is not much higher than that of skate shoes.

   Xiaoming was not idle either, he quickly pointed out the passive from his lower body, and then used W to attach himself to Kenan's body to help Xiaohu brush out a shield.

  Uzi also started to output with all his strength, but his talent chooses the swift pace of the mixed line, so the damage is actually limited.

   Missing is a passive backhand to hold Kenan, W reset the basic attack is another knife, with the exaggerated damage of the skateboard shoes early, Kenan's blood volume has begun to decline rapidly!

   There is another sadness. He didn't hesitate, and the barrel slammed into it with an E, and the set crippled Kenan!

   Xiaohu knew he couldn't run away, but he didn't plan to run, so he hit the skateboard with a passive one-A shot, triggering the third passivity on him.

   This dizziness is to buy Xiaohu some time, he sticks to the opposite A twice, and then he is taken away by the skateboard shoe E who woke up!

   And because Uzi originally had three or four spears on his body, under this spear, the blood volume of the wheel mother had dropped to half.

   "Uzi kill him!" Xiaohu yelled even when he died. Even the audience in the front row could clearly hear his shout, and many people began to yell after him.

   "Uzi kill him!"

   Xiaoming did not hesitate to abandon Xiaohu, and a W returned to Uzi's side.

   "Titan has no Q, and wine barrel has no E!" These are the two messages that Uzi has sorted out in his mind.

   Thinking of this, he didn't even evade, he just took the initiative to greet him!

   Wheel Mom’s Q skill CD time is fixed at seven seconds for all levels. After the two sides have fought for so long, Uzi finally waited for his Q skill CD.

   Wheel Mom [Spinning Blade] shot again, scratching the skate shoes and Titan at the same time, and then followed up with a flat A.

   The Titan who had been on fire from the beginning couldn't help but hurt, and went straight to the west. Even the blood line of the skateboard shoes was slightly unhealthy.

   Immediately afterwards, Xiao Ming didn't hesitate to put the ignition on the skateboard shoes, and the half-blood ADCs on both sides began to fight in place!

   Xiaoming milk took a mouthful of Uzi and quickly got down, and the cat Ping A kept hitting her skateboard shoes.

   But in terms of outbreaks, the skateboarding hero is still too strong in the early stage. He and Uzi played A twice, Q [pierce] and then quickly E [tear]!

   "Big brother-in-law has a very high burst here! Uzi has been beaten directly here! But his own blood volume is not much!"

   But Uzi also hit a flat A before he died, and beat the older brother-in-law's health bar to empty blood, Xiao Ming cat flat A and accepted it!

After a wave of 3V3 was over, there were two cats and wine barrels left on the court~www.readwn.com~ Xiao Ming didn't bother to pay attention to this wine barrel, anyway, he was not far from the defensive tower, so he withdrew from the tower and returned to the city. .

   "Two for two!" Miller started the finishing touch. "Xiaohu, the TP, can be said to have saved a wave of the next road with his own life, but he only got two assists, which is a bit explosive."

  Miller was a little bit euphemistic, Xiaohu TP sent a wave to the next road, almost using his own advantage in exchange for the safety of Uzi's wave.

   is not actually a profit.

"No way, after all, if you choose this combination, the more you will be unavoidable." The doll started looking for a round field. "RNG is already doing better than the top WE. After all, in the first game, WE is completely helpless in the bottom lane. ."

   "Fuck, this wave of Lao Tzu is so bad!" Xiaohu yelled uncomfortably, "I should have pulled it a bit, it's early."

   "It's okay, this wave of two for two, you also have two assists anyway." Karsa smiled at Xiaohu's top lane, and smiled, "Go back, or the coating will fall."

   "This wave of reason is okay, the opposite side did not eat the plating." Chen Yuan smiled cheerfully: "You have half the credit for this Uzzi."

  He finally made up for 900 yuan through a wave of knives from the tower. He was already in a state of exhaustion, and he quickly pushed to a tower and returned to the city.

  After returning to the city, he made up a little bit of blood, and then quickly TP went online, using TP's four seconds to return the blood to full, and at the same time a Bambi **** also appeared in the backpack.

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