League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 370: Skateboard shoes, pawn!

This Xiao Riyan immediately caused the doubts of the barrage.

   [Big Brother Yuanzi got out of meat? 】

   [Genko's steady appearance makes me feel sick! 】

   [This Riyan reveals despicableness all the time! 】

   all kinds of barrage.

   Of course, Xiye is the worst.

   TP went online after the sun fire, and the ninth wave of artillery cars line also happened to converge in the middle.

   After completing this wave of **** lines, the mid laners of both sides will also be promoted to level 6. This is a peak period for the Stone Man.

   Therefore, even if Chen Yuan had to pay three bottles of potion for this wave of artillery carts, he must push it over.

   Xiye also went home here, but he still had a thousand dollars in his hand. The economy in his hand was not enough for him to make a jagged dagger. He could only buy two long swords and a pair of shoes.

   But this only 20-point increase in attack power is not enough to make him able to beat the Stoneman.

   Chen Yuan directly chose to add points to the main W push line, and W's passiveness also made the stone man's armor higher.

   While the Golem was pushing the line crazy W, Jace was going crazy with the Golem.


   Jace played an extremely smooth set of damage, all six skills were played!

   Then he beat the stone man with half blood.

  At this time, if you retreat because Jace hit you with too much damage, it is obviously a stupid behavior!

Chen Yuan is not in a hurry, E slaps the floor to reduce Jace’s attack speed, and then Q reduces his movement speed. Although he does not have W at this moment, the skill duration is still there. The stone man is chasing poverty while Jace’s skills are in a vacuum. Chase and fight!

   The surrounding soldiers were also frantically gathering fire for the night, Chen Yuan chased A two or three times, and he just beat Jace for half a blood before he was willing to give up!

   Xi Ye almost vomits blood, why is it so fleshy!

   The meat’s one-on-one comparison also has high damage, right?

   And this is not the most terrifying, Xi Ye glanced at the level of the stone man.

   During this wave of exchanges, Chen Yuan has already cleaned the line of soldiers, and the big move is already in his hands.

   Although Xi Ye has also been promoted to level 6, is a level 6 Jess and a level 6 stone man in the same level of combat effectiveness?

   Half-blood, it is already entering the killing line of the Golem.

   Xiye didn't dare to bet, he quickly licked the medicine bottle in his hand, and then began to push the line cautiously.

  Because he knows that the stone man belongs to the main W, so the Q skill [Indian Flying Cake] is not harmful, so he dare to continue to be busy.

   Of course, he can't control this line right.

  Chen Yuan was never a person who was struggling to die alone with the opponent in the middle. After pushing the line, he quickly disappeared from his field of vision.

  WE both up and down the road suddenly everyone is in danger.

  Even though they all have a good view on the river, they know that Chen Yuan, B, likes to find some weird angles to catch people. Even if they have a view, they don't have any sense of security.


   "Karsa is on the road! He still wants to cross 957!" The doll couldn't help but yelled when she saw the movements of Sister Pig, "Sister Pig is at level 6 here! Both have big moves!"

  957 gnash your teeth, why do you dare to come and catch me?

   Aren’t you afraid that my teammates would buy it?

   Although the Golem hadn't missed his vision, everyone knew that the Golem must be on his way.

   I am a sword girl, what can I catch? Bottom wheel, won't you help me?

   "The control of Sister Pig and Kenan is too much, there is no room for manipulation at 957!"

At this time, the director of    suddenly cut out a split screen, showing Xi Ye's movement on the right screen.

   "Oh? Xiye wants to get down the road here!" The doll's tone suddenly lightened, as if someone might hear it, "No, sadness is coming, they want four packs of two!"

  WE's idea is also very simple, if you wrap it up, then we will naturally wrap it up.

   After all, you can only kill one, but we can kill two, and the killer is Uzi, and the blood is not lost.

   "WE moves very fast here, Uzi and Xiao Ming are ready!"

   There are two heroes, Titan and Skate Shoes. The ability to cross the tower almost breaks through the sky. Killing a wheel and a cat is really killing you with your eyes closed.

   "After Xiye and Sadness came to the first tower of RNG..." The doll got more and more excited as she said, "Come here!"

   "Solid as a rock!!!"

   When the two of them walked into the triangle grass on the lower road, they were hit by Chen Yuan's stone man high up into the sky!

   Sixth-level stone man, a set of skills is beaten down, and it is less of a half blood, and the other half of the blood is naturally accepted by Uzi!

   The wheel mother had already thrown Q [Spinning Blade] at the moment the stone man was thrown big, and then he kept moving, turning on W [Ejection], and the flywheel wandered around between the two.

   Under the cat's adaptive bonus, the damage of the wheel mother can no longer be understood by common sense!

   "Xi Ye can't help but hurt and get a second!" Miller yelled: "There is still a trace of sorrow, and obviously I can't run away!"

   Sadness didn't even flash here. Of course, he couldn't escape the pursuit, and eventually became a dead soul under Chen Yuan's fist.

   On the other side, 957, who was on the road, naturally didn't want to escape the pursuit, and also turned into gold coins and fell into the tiger's pocket.

   "This..." Miller couldn't help but shook his head, "Yuanzi brother's consciousness is too advanced."

   "This is a game set by RNG!" The doll also laughed: "They deliberately let Karsa go to the road to induce everyone to think that Genzi is on the road."

   "In this case, the people from WE will definitely come to get off the road and overtake the tower. Brother Yuanzi is waiting for you here in this triangle grass, so smart!"

   "This wave of RNGs added up to zero for three!" Miller looked at it and shook his head: "Although the brother-in-law is not dead, his laning advantage is still there, but the top and mid lanes have been exploded."

   [What is a wandering mid laner? 】

   [Poor Xiye, played by Yuanzi between the palms of my arms]

   [Hahaha I am so ridiculous, you really walk on the face of the stone man? 】

   After Chen Yuan used his big move, he naturally began to hibernate, and the game entered a short period of peace.

   Nine minutes, Karsa came to the lower half and controlled the first dragon with the deterrence of Chen Yuan's ultimate move.

   But this is just a wind dragon, and it doesn't make much sense.

   The real highlight is the 10-minute Canyon Pioneer Group.

   WE still holds the strong early-stage skateboarding shoes with two heads in hand. This hero's powerful dragon-control attribute is WE's biggest trump card.

   "The brother-in-law has already started to rush to the upper half, they want to take the pioneer!" The doll looked at the screen, "Uzi is also going to the upper half here, neither side wants to let it go!"

   The brother-in-law played very strongly, and under the protection of his teammates, he directly pointed at the vanguard and began to pierce the spear.

   And he was also very confident in his reaction, he flashed his hand when he saw the stone man came and didn't run away.

   RNG’s voice channel talked a lot, and both Chen Yuan and Xiaohu’s team battle machines flashed in their hands, planning to give WE a big double-team.

   But when Xiaohu planned to go around and start a group, WE took the lead to start a group instead.

   They took advantage of Uzi's chance to walk to the middle, Missing unexpectedly flashed a big move directly to Xiaohu!

   Titan's ult can't be avoided, Xiaohu tried his best to pull it away, but he was hit by a hook after being knocked into the air!

   After being hooked, Xiaohu quickly launched a big move. Although he did not die under the protection of the big move, he also lost his threatening power.

   Chen Yuan frowned when he saw this scene. Now they are basically missing a person. How can this pioneer group fight?

  His equipment is actually pretty good. In ten minutes, he has cloth shoes and Xiaoriyan in his hands. With the fourth-level W, the armor is as high as 185. I don’t have to say...

   Thinking of this, Chen Yuan didn't hesitate at all, called Karsa and walked towards the enemy camp.

   Yes, just go hard.

   The stone man’s high armor caused the skate shoes and Jace’s injuries to hit him without any pain.

   Chen Yuan relied on this frankness and walked unstoppably toward the skate shoes.

  At such a close distance, even the eldest brother-in-law did not dare to say that he would definitely be able to use the flash to dodge the stone man's big move, and he could only retreat by two steps.

   Then the two melee packs of WE's Nosuke came up and started to focus on Chen Yuan.

   At this moment, Chen Yuan started a group with lightning!

   The big move [Unstoppable] Knock the excavator and the Titan into the air, and the two of you are hit!

  Uzi finally arrived, the wheel mother turned on the big move, and the flywheel ejected frantically at the two!

   In the case of control, the stance output of the wheel mother will not be lower than that of skateboard shoes.

   Under a set of control output, the auxiliary Titan with poor level and equipment was the first to be killed in battle!

   Sadness here, the punishment pioneer took a bite of blood and a small life.

   Anyway, they have skateboard shoes, and his punishment is not particularly important.

   On the other side of the battlefield, Xiaohu had to withdraw from the battlefield because of his low blood volume. The Sword Sister of 957 was like a **** of war, and his big move was thrown directly at Chen Yuan.

   Sword Sister cuts to the stone man with a Q, and E [Double Blades of Biyi] pulls straight towards Uzi.

   Uzi blocked the double-edged blades with an E, but he still had the mark of Sword Sister's ultimate move, so he retreated two steps temporarily and stood at a suitable output position.

   Withdrawing from this step led to the grief and his life.

   Brother-in-law's spear-inserting action on Vanguard is still non-stop, and the number of spears on Canyon Vanguard has exceeded twenty.

   Vanguard's HP dropped all the way to 800, just above the slashing line of punishment.

  In this case, it is obviously impossible for RNG to take the Pioneer.

   Chen Yuan uttered a "retreat", Karsa handed over his big move [Extreme Ice Cold Prison] to freeze the two front rows of the enemy, and Chen Yuan Q [rolling wheels] stole the speed of the knife girl and retreated directly.

   Brother-in-law quickly surrendered Q+E, and the two skills exploded to drop the vanguard in seconds, and at the same time quickly retreated.

   "WE paid a head price and got this Canyon Pioneer." The doll looked at the screen and said, "No matter how you say it, they still make money."

   Both parties choose to switch lines at the same time,

   However, the pressure on RNG's side is still not great, because they have the ADC with the MAX tower guarding ability, the wheel mother.

   went to the game because the brother-in-law could keep guarding the tower, and the game was delayed for more than twenty minutes.

   "The Canyon Pioneer was summoned, and in fourteen minutes, he finally pushed down RNG's middle tower."

   Pioneer won the tower and made up for the lagging economy on the WE side!

   But at any rate, the head ratio of the two sides is 7:2, and RNG still has an economic advantage here.

   When the second dragon was refreshed, the two sides started a team battle again, but this time Chen Yuan opened a good team. He seized the opportunity of Xi Ye and his brother-in-law to stand together and directly flashed the big move.

   Although the eldest brother-in-law still surrendered to escape, Xi Ye couldn't escape, and was directly knocked into flight.

   The most feared thing of POKE heroes is the unreasonable opening of a group like the Stone Man. With one less person first, WE can only give up the fight for the little dragon and the fire dragon gets it.

   And it was in the middle of the game. When Uzi held the scythe of seizure in his hand, he had vaguely turned over to become the master, and the wheel mother even dared to push the line across the river under the protection of his teammates.

   Until 17 minutes, Chen Yuan made his second piece of equipment here.

   The Armor of Thorns.

   In the case of passiveness, the armor of the Golem has reached a terrifying 438!

   What is the concept of 438 armor, the physical damage reduction is as high as 79% of the terrifying!

   Skateboarding shoes are now also a two-piece set of run-down hurricanes, attack power is 166 points, stone man's health value is 2621 points.

   That is to say, the damage of the skateboard shoe is about 166+2621*0.04=270 points under the current health bonus of 4% of the rundown.

   And these 270 points of blood fell on the stone man, and the damage caused was about 54...

   And this is not the damage reduction of cloth shoes...

   In accordance with this damage, the skateboarding shoes have to be A forty-eight hits to kill the Golem.

   (Of course, the actual situation is different. After all, the armor of the stone man W is broken a lot, but the lower the blood volume, the lower the additional damage of the run-down, so it is not much worse.)

  How to play this?

   "The dragon is about to be refreshed soon. The brother-in-law is pushing the line on the road alone. RNG seems to have an idea for him."

   Miller followed the content on the screen and began to explain, "Yuanzi brother took the initiative to look for him after completing the equipment. There is still flashing on the skateboard shoes, and it has just turned better!"

   Chen Yuan didn't care about the three-seven-one, he just hit the skateboard shoes with a big move when they met directly.

   The eldest brother-in-law drew away decisively, and at the same time quickly threw out his big move [Call of Destiny] to pull the Titan crouching behind.

   "WE is a wave of premeditated anti-squatting, they just want to catch this brother Yuanzi!"

   Titan used the second stage of the skateboarding shoes to rush over, smashing Chen Yuan high and flying, and then a set of his own AQR, the control is directly pulled slowly.

   On the other side, the older brother-in-law also spears crazily under the control of the Titans, triggering a deadly rhythm, and the skateboarding shoes are attacking fast like ghosts, and the hair is thrown one by one!

   But the stone man.





   Although the armor of the stone man is slightly reduced after the passive shield is broken, it is definitely not a skateboard shoe that can move...

   A dozen Aes went out, the stone talent barely lost half of his blood!

   Chen Yuan's people are all numb, are you doing this scraping?

   He turned around and gave a Q to the skate shoes, and quickly retreated after stealing the speed.

   Brother-in-law chased A twice, and then drew his spear with confidence!


   A high amount of damage exploded, knocking out the Golem’s health bar... a short cut.

   There is even 800 HP left on the Stoneman. According to this output, it can at least resist ten times of level A.

   At this time, RNG's teammates finally arrived.

   Xiaoming was led by Uzi this mount to Chen Yuan's side, and W attached himself to the stone man.

   Now the mainstream outfits of cats are still mainly the auxiliary outfits of the incense burner, and even the skills are the main milk ~ www.readwn.com~ It is a soul.

   It’s just that Xiao Ming’s outfit is completely different from the mainstream outfit. In addition to the auxiliary outfit, he directly echoed Luden’s first piece, and he also had a six-layer murder ring in his hand!

   And his skill plus point is also the main Q and vice W, extremely violent.

Although there is only level E, and there is no increase in the amount of healing from the incense burner, Luden’s law is strong here, and the amount of milk will not be too low. One mouthful of milk will directly milk 300 points of blood. The stone man brought back a small half of blood.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Ming threw another Q [Fishing Missile]. With the blessing of Luden and the sixth-layer murder ring, the damage of this Q is really good, and the blood volume of the skateboard shoes immediately went to nearly 400. !

   This hurt everyone's eyelids.

what is this?

   Brother-in-law is desperate.

   because he glanced at his health bar.

  The effect of large anti-armor is to add 10+10% armor damage to the attacker.

   Every time I click on skateboard shoes, I have to lose 30 points of blood.

   He got close to 20 hits of the stone man. The light armor shot him more than 600 blood. He was also Q twice by the stone man, and then he was maimed by the cat like this...

   In the next second, Uzi turned on the big move [Rhythm of War], and the cat also turned on the big move. The Stone Man took the cat’s big move and rushed straight into the face of his brother-in-law!

  Magic ripples raged wildly on Calista's face!

  Skateboard shoes, pawn!

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