League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 371: The really powerful one is actually the mount underneath

【Ha ha ha ha】

   [Genzi: Itchy, itchy]

   [Don't hang up with the master skater! 】

   The audience are all stupid, they have never seen such a situation.

  Is this skateboard shoe really 2-1 and you have the Pioneer's tailwind?

   Chen Yuan couldn't help being amused. He pressed a T and turned on Timo to like it.

   The older brother-in-law on the other side is obviously a bit numb, and he replied with the frog's question mark expression.

   The audience could not help laughing.

   "It's a bit uncomfortable for skateboarding shoes to die here." Miller smiled and said, "He is dead after this wave of crossovers. What about the big dragon group two minutes later?"

   Brother-in-law can't help it.

   There are two team-opening machines, the Stone Man and Kenan, on the opposite side, and they all have flashes, so he can't fight in team battles.

   20 minutes, RNG five people have been preparing for a long time, the first time they directly open the dragon!

   "The RNG side...playing is a bit slow!" The doll looked at the screen, "Yuanzi brother is a pure meat production, relying only on the output of the wheel mother and Kenan, in fact, the speed is very limited."

   This gives WE a lot of reaction time, and there will be no situation where the dragon is rushed like the last game and the dragon does not know it.

   "Go and go, let them fight first, let's punish them." Sadness motivated his teammates to go to the big dragon group.

   Anyway, this is the wave that determines the outcome.

   As long as you can grab the big dragon, WE can still play, and even use the super minions of the big dragon BUFF to launch a counterattack.

   "957 teleportation landed, Xi Ye and brother-in-law have also arrived, they don't plan to let this big dragon go!"

   There is nothing to say. After Xi Ye approached, a QE crooked gun was first hitting Dalongkeng.

   Chen Yuan had been prepared for a long time, and he retreated two steps and took the shot.

   An armor-piercing Jace's accelerated cannon struck it and barely broke the shield on the stone man-and the shield was not full.

   Xi Ye's face is sullen, he feels like this wave of himself is dispensable...

   But he still concentrated to avoid being hit by the stone man.

  WE was determined to grab the dragon, so they didn't put too much pressure on it. They kept rubbing around the entrance, quietly waiting for RNG to press down the dragon's blood line.

   Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene, "Xiao Ming, come with me!"

   Xiaoming's cat is quite obedient, and he has already attached himself to Chen Yuan as soon as his voice fell.

   RNG walked out of the Dalong Pit, one person and one cat.

   "You lose Q and the big move first, I flashed into the skateboard shoes, we just gave him the second, you know what I mean?" Chen Yuan and Xiao Ming began to discuss the plan.

   Cat’s Q skills need to fly an extra distance to get damage. If the big move hits and then throws Q damage, it may not be enough.

   "Understand, understand, you will be done!"

   Chen Yuan nodded, he walked straight toward WE's lineup like a stunned green.

   Seeing this stone man appeared, everyone from WE was in danger of being in danger. They didn't dare to be picked up by the stone man. No one knew where they would go around and a Kenan would turn them over directly.

   "Brother Yuanzi's position is quite dangerous here, he might be driven here..." Wawa shouted loudly.

   However, as soon as the voice of the doll fell, Chen Yuan slammed into it...

   At the same time, the cat also threw a big move [The Final Chapter of the Magic Book]!

   Flashing increases the move, as long as the releaser does not have any problems, it is absolutely impossible to avoid skateboarding shoes without flashing.

   At the same time, the cat’s fish-catching missile also slammed into the skateboard shoes.

   Because of the special attributes of the cat, the hero, he doesn't need shoes. Adding this hero is also very difficult to die. Therefore, it is possible to replace the one thousand and one hundred dollars of shoes for a murder book.

   This is the case for Xiaoming. In 20 minutes, although he only assisted the economy, he already had a full layer of auxiliary equipment + Luden + fourteenth floor of the murder book.

   This Q [Fishing Flying Bomb] hit the skateboard shoes without magic resistance, and with Luden, it lost nearly 400 points of blood!

   And then, the damage of the final chapter of the magic book also hit wave after wave.!

   Under the control of the Stoneman, every wave of damage was scratched into the skateboard shoes!

   Seven waves of damage were hit, and he just hit 80+50*6=380 points of damage alive!

   A twelve-level ADC in 20 minutes, his blood volume is only about 1700.

   If the cat's two skills are fully damaged, it can wipe out more than half of the blood in the skateboard!

   The other half of the blood and how to fill the damage is Chen Yuan's job.

   "You will lose!"

   Chen Yuan presses Ctrl+2 in the middle of the combo, and the stone man spit out a line with an urn.

   With the W reset general attack on the skateboard shoe, its blood volume completely dropped to empty blood.

   Immediately after the cat's last two big moves, the delicate Calista was taken away from the last blood bar and fell to the ground.

   "It's a second!" The doll couldn't believe her eyes, "Why can a whole-flesh stone man be able to ADC in seconds?"

   The hero of Magic Cat just came out, and many viewers don't know much about this hero.

  Moreover, the cats in the rankings are more of the auxiliary equipment of the incense burner, and the subconscious mind already thinks that the cats are not harmful.

   So the picture of this full-fleshed stone man's ADC in a flash, looks outrageous and outrageous.

   Even WE's eldest brother-in-law didn't understand, he opened the damage panel and took a puzzling look.

   The proportion of cat injuries is even higher than that of the stone man.

   And don’t forget, part of the damage of the Stone Man comes from the cat’s adaptive bonus.

   More terrifying is more than that.

   Cat’s ultimate is a very large range of AOE skills.

  Chen Yuan directly ran into the crowd, the cat's big move AOE effect is full, after eating three ripples, the WE crowd will be directly set in place!

   "Little Tiger is here to start the big move!" The doll exclaimed excitedly, "All the people in WE couldn't move, they were directly melted!"

   Brother-in-law's pupils shrank slightly, and he was already a little aware that their interpretation of the cat seemed to have gone wrong.

  RNG is not just a combination of Rockman and Kenan.

   also add a cat!

The survival attribute of    fleshy golem makes cats can comfortably throw big moves in team battles, playing a wave of invincible team control and AOE damage!

   "RNG played a wave of annihilation, and controlled the dragon!" Miller danced excitedly, "This... RNG team battle is too weird!"

   [The fleshy stone man second ADC, right? Isn't this what's going on? 】

   [Look, check carefully! 】

   [I wonder if this stone man can't lock his head with his big tricks! 】

   [Don’t be embarrassed, the higher the stone man’s armor, the larger his body size, it’s certainly not a problem for such a big one to kill a small skateboard shoe]

   [Isn’t there a cat hanging on your body? It should be the cause of the cat, right?]

  【Can cats make up for so much damage? It’s not bad for a set of flesh-and-blood stones to be able to beat ADC half-blood, right? 】

   The vast majority of viewers in the live broadcast room also ignored the existence of cats, and attributed this wave of seconds to Chen Yuan.

   But there is still a brother, who pointed out the key to this wave of problems.

   But in any case, RNG's victory in this game is a foregone conclusion.

   After the five people accepted the dragon, they all returned to the city to update their equipment. Chen Yuan directly bought a watchman armor and giant belt, and held most of the blue shield in his hand.

  Xiao Ming bought a useless stick directly with a power of +60.

   Then, the people of RNG pushed forward collectively again.

   Chen Yuan hangs up a cat and acts as a bully in the highlands of WE.

   In the case of WE's only AP keg dysplasia, no one can shake his health bar at all.

   "This stone man is too fleshy!" Miller yelled in surprise, "Can Xi Ye even be passive with a single shot?"

   In the next second, Xiao Ming once again threw a fishing missile, the full layer of murder book and Luden's damage is simply exaggerated, and Xiye immediately lost a third of his blood!

   Chen Yuan slammed into Wuhu in the next second, and hit him with his backhand!


   Xiye and Sadness took off directly, Xiao Ming’s [Magic Book Final Chapter] madly fired ripples forward, and everyone clearly saw the blood volume of the two falling down one block after another!

   "The cat's damage is exaggerated!" The doll finally saw the horrible effect, "The cat directly won the double kill, this is true!"

   is another ruthless group annihilation. RNG sings all the way and directly wins the opponent's base!

   "Congratulations to RNG, you won the first battle!" Miller and Wawa looked at each other, and both eyes were joyful.

   Explain that the RNG game is comfortable, just get off work in an hour...

The director of    also cut out the back panel soon.

   "The cat's injury..." Wawa was surprised when she saw it, "Second in the team, a little lower than Uzi, even above Xiaohu and Yuanzi!"

   "It seems that this Luden cat will soon become popular in qualifying." Miller laughed, "but I don't know if there will be such a good effect in qualifying."

   You need to know that a large part of the reason why the cat can be so fierce in this round is also because of the invincible team battle of Chen Yuan.

   Golems run around wantonly in team battles, and the cat’s big moves can comfortably hit the damage.

   If the cat possessed by the cat is replaced by a regular ADC, it's still a matter of two to say whether the big move can hit people.

   Chen Yuan and Xiao Ming stood up and looked at each other. He patted Xiao Ming's ass, and then went to the opponent's competition area to shake hands.

   Xiaoming smiled and said: "This routine is really powerful, I will play two more in the future!"

   If there is no accident, the MVP of this round should be won by him. He hasn't died once, the damage of the whole game is second, and the participation rate is the first.

   Auxiliary hero wants to play this performance, very blue.

   For Xiao Ming, who has only won the MVP once or twice in almost a season, this game is really comfortable.

   Chen Yuan is not angry, "You still want me to play against the pressure of the single rocker, don't you? Don't think about it!"

   "No, don't you, the Rockman, feel comfortable playing on the line?" Shi Senming said in surprise.

   "That's because Xi Ye is a..." Chen Yuan stopped abruptly in the middle of speaking, because they had already reached the WE player seat.

   He and Xiao Ming looked at each other, and their eyes were full of "understand all who understand."

   "Come on! Good fight!" Chen Yuan changed his arrogant private posture and shook hands with Xi Ye.

   Xi Ye was taken aback for a moment with an expression of pain on his face, he hesitated for a moment, and then responded, "Thank you?"

   The other four teammates have weird looks. You didn't mean that just now!

   After shaking hands, the five people came to the center of the stage to stand in order and bowed to the audience.

   Jiang Qiu under the stage has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. He picked up the phone and took a picture of Chen Yuan's face.

   After a few people bowed, they saw a staff member come over and put Chen Yuan in the column. The meaning was quite obvious.

   Chen Yuan shook his head helplessly, gave the mouse to Uzi, and asked him to help bring it back to the training room.

   "Welcome, RNG. Hero!" Aunt Yu Shuang, dressed in a white blue and white porcelain cheongsam, strode onto the stage on high heels, "Say hello to everyone."

   Chen Yuan nodded and picked up the microphone, "Hello everyone, I am RNG's Hero."

   The fans under the stage yelled loudly, and Jiang Qiu, who had always been the fiercest screamer, calmed down at this moment because Chen Yuan was looking at her.

   Aftershocks and other fans under the tower gradually stopped, and she quickly asked questions, “First of all congratulations to RNG for winning the 2019 Summer Split. Then I would like to ask, how did you rest during the previous holiday?”

"Um..." Chen Yuan thought: "In fact, I didn't have much rest. After all, I won the championship on May 19, and I will be back to play on June 1st, plus I have to come back to play the training game early. In fact, the rest period is very short."

"Second question..." Yu Shuang glanced at his hand card, "In the second game, did you choose the stone man and the cat? This choice was improvised, or was it prepared long ago? Good way?"

   The audience reaction was extremely intense, and they wanted to hear what Chen Yuan said.

   "This, it is indeed a routine we have been practicing here." Chen Yuan said sincerely, "But I don't recommend you to learn it. It is difficult for passers-by to perform this kind of performance."

   If you steal the master’s routine to increase the cat’s winning rate and cause the cat to be cut off, isn’t it a blood loss?

   "Although it was Xiao Ming's MVP in the second game,"

   Chen Yuan added, "But everyone who knows the game knows that if a cat hurts, it's a matter of having a hand. Press Q and R to finish it. In fact, the real power is the bottom mount."

   mount, referring to Chen Yuan himself.

   The audience roared with laughter.

   [Yes, I put it up again]

   [Do you understand the gold content of the stone man with 100% win rate? 】

  【But **** are amazing! 】

   [Although I'm very upset, but I can't find a reason to refute]

   Yu Shuang was also amused by the term "mount". His eyes were curved and his smile was quite brilliant, which was obviously different from his previous professional smirk.

   The interview came to an end. Chen Yuan finally had the time to return to the lounge and start getting happy water in the house.

   In the lounge, Uzi pressed his right hand on his back, which seemed to be a little uncomfortable.


   Three days passed in a flash.

   June 4th night.

   Chen Yuan started live broadcasting as usual.

   Recently, he can be described as a live broadcast model worker. For three consecutive days, the live broadcast is full of time, and fans are calling for the New Year.

   In the live broadcast content, Chen Yuan was playing Yasuo sliding around in the middle, when the opposite Galen suddenly rushed up with the cat.

   Chen Yuan still wanted to run, but after Galen Q and Cat E ran too fast, he jumped over the tower to silence him, and then the cat opened up and Galen turned around.

   Chen Yuan couldn't throw it out, but he saw his blood bar falling down like crazy.

   After finally waiting for the silence to end, he immediately opened the distance by pressing the flash, but the egg was not used.

   The cat gave Galen another mouthful of milk. Galen ran as fast as a ghost, and rushed to the second tower to give Chen Yuan a big move.

   Immediately after facing the chase of Chen Yuan's teammate, he flashed here and walked away.

   "Oh my day!" Chen Yuan patted the table, "It's still shabby!"

The opposite Galen is a top order~www.readwn.com~ Originally picking Galen in the King's Game, it is basically the same as sending it. After all, everyone can play in this segment. Galen is within reasonable limits. It's just a toy.

   But in the middle of the game, when Galen and the assist cat in the bottom lane merged, the game changed dramatically.

   Galen is like a running wild horse, with a black cut plate armor in his hand, as fast as a ghost, turning around when he sees people.

   And the most annoying thing is that there are two attributes of W's toughness and Q's removal slowing effect, and Galen can't stop it at all if he wants to run!

   "Here is something." The door of the training room was opened, and Brother Quan, the manager, walked in, "Stop for those who have not yet opened the qualifying."

   Chen Yuan wanted to end it a long time ago. This gave him a chance. He quickly surrendered and sent out GG in the chat bar.

   Then he quickly ALT+F4+F4 and quit the game.

  【Classic, Genzi Brother Three Lian】

  【Initiate surrender + send GG + exit the game, he is too skilled! 】

   [I really can't win this round, this Galen is too invincible to play]

【Ha ha ha ha】

   The barrage in the live broadcast room was also full of laughter.

   But they haven't been too proud for long.

   In the next second, the live room screen also turned off instantly.

   In the live broadcast room, a full screen of question marks floated instantly.

   This wave, this wave is four consecutive!

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