League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 380: Top decision-making, breakthrough in desperation!

The two in the commentary booth were still immersed in RNG's weird selection of heroes.

   They really can't understand the mentality of Galen ADC.

   bad? Not so, RNG has won two consecutive victories!

  Wang Duoduo turned his head to look at sister Yi Shu: "Do you know what style of play this is?"

How would I know!

   My sister is numb, you don’t know that you play games every day, and I don’t play LOL very much. How can I know?

   But she still smiled and said, "Let's look forward to Genzi's performance. Since they dare to take it out, they must be a little confident."

   The RNG fans in the audience are also eager to support the stick dance. They see the home team doing this way, they don't have the slightest worry in their hearts, they are full of excitement!

   They have won hemp a long time ago, and they want to see RNG lose.

  Especially in the current situation of reorganization, even if the fans lose, there is no psychological burden. After all, they all know that the situation is special now.

   "At the start of the game, the five FPX players went out in unison. They wanted to use Kalmar and Titan's first-level strength to invade the RNG red zone!"

   RNG is crowded with Silas, excavators, and Galen cats. The first-level regiment highlights a mentally retarded. Only Jess is considered an individual, and it is also a semi-crippled with only 52 attack power.

   In this case, Chen Yuan did not hesitate to let Wei give up the second half to see if he could try to change the field.

   Of course, it’s hard to be exchanged according to their opposing enthusiasm...

   After all, the FPX mid-range single Kalmar, the first level push line is very strong, Wei goes to the opposite red BUFF single to open basically, there is no return.

   "Xiao Tian started with a comfortable three-buff!" Kris nodded, "FPX's lineup advantage comes out directly..."

  Wei can say that there are only three sets of wilds. Then, after he finishes three sets of wilds, what should he do next is a very severe test.

   Catch up, catch, or steal the opposite monster, this is a question of choice.

   The **** line was launched soon, and the three-way line started.

The director of    also deeply understands who the protagonist of this game is, and the camera is the first to cut directly to the bottom.

   Chen Yuan and Xiao Ming both chose the auxiliary equipment to start the game. Xiao Ming brought the sword of stealing magic, and he brought the shield of holy relics.

   There is no such thing as the auxiliary clearance rule in the current version, so the auxiliary equipment will not affect you to make up the sword.

Galenja cat is more like the combination of stone man and cat that Chen Yuan played before. With Galen's strong frankness and tenacity, he can enter seven out of the opponent's camp, and then the cat will take this opportunity to do crazy QR damage and it will be over. .

   This is Chen Yuan's routine that he slowly improved and explored after being slammed once in qualifying. He also performed quite well in the training match, so he naturally had to show his hand in the official competition.

   Although the main C of this combination is a cat, Galen's fill-up is also very important.

   The first is that Galen needs to be equipped to make two core outfits, black cut and plate armor.

   The second is Galen’s W [Courage]. It needs to kill the minions and superimpose dual resistance, a 0.25 dual resistance, the upper limit is 30, which means that you need to make up 120 dollars to stack up, this is the key factor to support Galen Frank!

   So the two of them have already negotiated, Chen Yuan gives priority to the knife that can be repaired, and the knife that can not be repaired to Xiao Ming, and then Xiao Ming tries to use the auxiliary equipment to steal money.

   With the double bonuses of the Sacred Shield and the Stealing Blade, Xiao Ming's economy will not be bad.

  Of course...Gailen's lay-down lanes, in addition to tower knives, definitely still can't make up most of the knives. According to experience, the cat's economy is generally better than that of Galen.

   When Chen Yuan went online, he went to jail honestly. Pressing Ctrl+3, Galen put the big sword on the ground and raised his hands flat, and the whole person began to swing up and down.

   There is no way, there is a Titan on the opposite side, please take a look at Sister Li.

   The bottom road is really unattractive, so the director just made a simple cut and moved the camera to the jungle side of both sides.

   Wei, who has only one wild area, has already finished his three groups of wild monsters.

   The excavator that was upgraded to level three walked to the middle without hesitation.

   Now the river crab hasn't been brushed, and Doinb's Kalmar has already pressed the line of soldiers across the river. It is really unreasonable not to catch a wave.

   Once the two Nakano communicated, the excavator came out from behind, but Doinb, as a mid laner who played with his brain, naturally couldn't count this.

A minute ago, Xiaotian also finished the red BUFF in the lower half of RNG. His main focus was originally on the bottom lane, so after finishing the red, he started to brush the stone man. By the way, see if he seized the opportunity. .

   But after everything went over, he saw Chen Yuan dancing...

   Is this still scratching?

   There is no way, Xiaotian took advantage of the situation and brushed off the last set of F6, and then planned to walk towards his Xiajun area.

   At this time, Doinb suddenly stopped him and told him to squat in the middle.

   Xiaotian will be suspicious, if he reveals his whereabouts in the middle, then Wei is likely to steal the red in the upper half of him.

   But Doinb's attitude is still firm, saying that the opposite jungler will definitely come.

   Xiaotian can only agree.

   And he hadn't squatted on the middle road for a long time, he really saw the opposite excavator coming out of the grass!

  The encounter between the two midfielders was faster than expected. Although Wei first went around and then drilled the hole to lift Doinb, and cooperated with Silas' second E to play a series of control, after all, they focused on Kalmar...

   Doinb calmly put a shield on himself, inserted the backhand RW straw into the digging body, and his blood volume began to rise.

   Xiaotian also ascended into the arena, Cryin did not bring ignition here, it is impossible to kill this Kalmar!

   "Retreat and retreat!" Wei was a little anxious, he flashed decisively to retreat, but was still controlled by Kalmar's chain.

   Xiaotian sent a [Jie Yu] call, Cryin played well here, he moved lightly to help Wei block the sound wave.

   The only price is that he was chased and beaten by Kalmar and the spider, and it was also a crossover before he escaped.

   This can be described as the poor Nakano two who were disabled before they left the school. Although they maimed Doinb, they paid for two flashes of their own, and they lost themselves to a wild horse...

   "Then Wei needs to go home..." Wang Duoduo looked at the blood-remaining excavator, "Then he... is so uncomfortable..."

   The RNG wild area has been emptied, but none of the wild monsters on the FPX side have moved!

   In addition, now that the excavator is in no state, Xiaotian comfortably controls the Shuanghe Crab, so can you still play this game?

   Chen Yuan, who had nothing to do, glanced at the middle road, and he also frowned slightly.

   He saw that Xiaotian walked directly towards the upper half after finishing the mid lane fight.

   Both junglers have the same brushing speed. They both brush to level 3 in about 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Even after finishing the mid lane, the time is exactly three minutes.

   There are still fifteen seconds left until the crab refresh time.

   And Xiaotian walks towards the upper half at this time, most likely he wants to swipe F6 or red BUFF first, and then get the river crab as quickly as possible.

   As for the crab, although he was too late, the bot combo had just finished pushing the line at this time. This crab will most likely be eaten by Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong.

   Chen Yuan saw this, a bold idea had already arisen in his heart.

   "Yan Yangwei, don't go back to the city, come directly to the lower half!" Chen Yuan commanded loudly.

  Wei canceled the return to the city as soon as he heard this, but he was a little confused, "I can't control a river crab in my residual blood state, and I will definitely come on the opposite side."

   "Doesn't the river crab still have fifteen seconds?" Chen Yuan said quickly, "You should have two punishments in your hand, you should go to the lower half of the opposite side first, and punish a group of demon marsh frogs to return blood."

  Wei understood what Chen Yuan meant, and no one had no vision in the lower half of the area at this time.

   He blindly went around and used the first punishment to clean the Demon Marsh Frog to recover its blood, and then he waited for the river crab to come out from the opposite wild area, and the second punishment to grab the river crab!

   The two punishments + river crab's reply are completely enough for him to fill up the state, and then Chen Yuan and Cryin come over and double-handed the opposite side road, invincible!

   This idea is very bold, but... it really works!

(I tested it. In three minutes, the excavator walked from the middle to the opponent's blue BUFF field, drilled through the blue BUFF wall and hit the magic swamp frog in about 30 seconds, about 3 minutes and 30 seconds. over)

   (Moreover, the current jungler is not brushed as fast as the wide-blade knives before. If it is a wide-blade knife, it might be a second or two earlier.)

   (And in the case of starting punishment, you walk to the river, and the second punishment also happens to be CD. It is completely feasible to include the time of FPX rushing down the road + fighting crabs.)

   Thinking of this, Wei didn't hesitate, and decisively walked towards the opponent's wild area.

   Before he returned to the city, he was afraid that Tian would steal it, so he returned to the city to go deep enough. Now he sneaks past, it can be said to be unconscious!

   The excavator first inserted a fake eye into the grass in the middle of the river, then drilled a hole through the wall from the back of the blue BUFF, and directly came to the position of the magic marsh frog, first handed over the punishment and started to brush.

  Because of wasting some time, it is only a few seconds before the river crab refreshes. Although it is impossible for the opposite side to come over to guard the river crab refresh, he still needs speed.

   After all, there is a hard CD of fifteen seconds between the two punishments. He is mainly afraid that the second punishment will not get better in time.

   On the other side, Chen Yuan also began to cooperate with the performance.

   "Here in LWX, push the line of troops into the tower and walk towards the river with Liu Qingsong. They want to eat river crabs." Wang Duoduo looked at the screen, his tone getting higher and higher, "But! Wei is also nearby!"

  Wei had already set up his vision in the river in advance. He clearly saw that the Titan broke the crab's membrane first. LWX drove the crab and walked in the direction of the middle.

   Since the two of them didn't have wild swords, and the wheel mother was not a hero with very explosive damage, so they didn't play fast.

   At this time, the crab suddenly slid behind the two of them. LWX pushed the boat along the water, controlled the relative position, and drove the crab toward the lower half, so that he could return to the bottom after the crab was hit.

  Wei glanced at the time he was disciplined, and suddenly felt determined, silently squatting at the entrance of the FPX lower field, standing in the shadow of the corner and waiting for the opposite.

   down the road, Chen Yuan here also used E and Xiao Ming to quickly clear the thick wave of pagoda swords, and the whole person took the cat and quickly walked towards the river!

   Middle Road, after returning to the city, Cryin took the first step here. He did not go directly to the line, but also went straight to the river!

   In other words, he will be one step ahead of Doinb to the battlefield next!

   A wave of far-reaching plans for four packs and two is slowly taking shape!

   The audience off the field could not help but start cheering and shouting when they saw this scene. They smelled the outbreak of the battle!

   Great clever Lin Weixiang hit the river crab with a flat A, officially reducing his blood volume to less than two hundred, and his two thick eyebrows shook as a result!

   What is the concept of ADC level three eating crabs, take off!

   This extra 80 yuan economy was enough to allow him to make key equipment for a wave of soldiers ahead of time. The most important thing is that this money is for nothing!

   But at this moment, an excavator suddenly came out of my wild area, and he was very clever and a little dazed.

   Why is he here?

   At this moment, a white light fell on the river crab, cruelly taking away the little cutie with only two hundred blood left.

   The soul of the river crab turned into a ray of green light and sank into the body of the excavator. The double recovery of punishment + river crab made the excavator almost full!

   "Fuck it!" LWX was furious, "Lose, **** him!"

  Who would have thought that Liu Qingsong turned his head and ran, "Fuck Jβ! The middle road on the opposite side is coming over. If you don't run, you will die!"

   "Oh oh." The clever Lwx immediately followed, turned his head and ran, but it was obviously too late.

   Because Silas is here.

   Cryin Silas second-stage E quickly shot at the wheel mother.

   Lin Weixiang's reaction is no problem, the wheel mother opens the shield to block!

   The spell shield shattered in an instant, but Silas' chain still hooked onto the wheel mother accurately and controlled it!

   The reason why Cryin dared to shoot with E skills directly was because he was sure of it.

  Because Silas usually uses EQ combos now, the second-stage E has just shot, and the Q skill has already dealt damage.

   And the shield of the wheel mother just blocked Silas’ Q...

   "E is here!" Wang Duoduo shouted, "Wei's excavator also lifted the wheel mother with a W, but it didn't hurt enough! Two people can't drop the wheel mother in seconds, LWX can give a flash!"

   This final key control was naturally made up by Chen Yuan.

   "Come on!!!"

  Gai Lun under Chen Yuan let out a loud shout, and then he did not hesitate to use the flash, the whole person moved to keep up, and a Q silenced the mother of the wheel.

   This silence completely stifled the possibility of using flash to escape.

   The clever people are stupid, where did you guys come from?

  Why is the opportunity for digging the remaining blood in our wild area? Isn't it a game? I crossed?

   He only has what he wants now~www.readwn.com~ After all, Galen knocked on his head in silence, the only operation he can perform is to leave the keyboard with his hands and wait for death on the spot.

   Immediately afterwards, Cryin shot a W [King King stab] and took the head with a high amount of damage!

   One blood is born!


   The RNG fans under the stage are going crazy, and the cheers can't stop!

   This is the first time they have seen such a magical decision!

  RNG used the simple information that Xiaotian went to the upper half of the area, digging for residual blood and boldly walked into the lower half of the opposite area, first steal the magic marsh frog, then punish the river crab, and finally four people work together to kill the wheel mother!

   They resolved this deadlock!

   "Wow...Is this all okay?" Kris couldn't believe it. "Is this RNG?"

【good! ! 】

   [This decision, it seems that the new mid-laner can adapt to it]

  【So handsome Silas, he does have an operation! 】

   [Big Brother Yuanzi is also quite decisive when he flashes silent, otherwise Lin Weixiang will cross over and run away]

   Liu Qingsong's face was not worried. Although he wanted to accuse the cleverness of why he didn't dodge E directly, he thought about it carefully and felt unnecessary.

   After all, when a wheel mom has a shield, no one will choose to dodge Silas' E.

   If it is him, he will also choose to use the E gear.


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