League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 381: Xiaohu's spiritual wandering, broke the game!

"Comfortable, comfortable!" Wei feels relieved. After this wave, he can be reconnected to the game.

   Although he didn't get the head, he is considered one of the biggest beneficiaries, because after the death of the opposite LWX, Wei can unscrupulously wipe out the monsters in the lower half of the FPX, and the disadvantage of the opening single BUFF is made up.

   Chen Yuan looked smug, "It is necessary, what is the key command? Learn a little!"

   "Awesome!" Wei, who used to be a conductor at YM, nodded. He felt that there was still too much to learn.

   "Although the next side is hurtful, Tian's plan is still not affected!"

   Wang Duoduo continued to explain from the perspective of the director. He has already seen Xiaotian's next move. "The spider ate the red BUFF and F6. He was not in a hurry to fight the crab, and immediately went on the road!"

   military training on the road is something they must be able to do after the combination of desert spiders is selected.

   Under the stable control of Crocodile W, the spider keeps up with the cocoon and takes full damage. Coupled with the spider's reasonable ascension to avoid tower hatred, this combination can be the strongest in the entire alliance in terms of tower surpassing ability.

   At this time on the road, Xiaohu’s Jace is occupying a considerable advantage, pulling wildly on the road, although his attack power is low, but with frequent changes in form and accelerated firing, the tortured Jin Gong is miserable.

   Although it didn't hurt, it was disgusting!

   Of course, Xiaotian couldn't bear it, and stepped forward decisively. Since RNG is a blue side, he can't get around on the road. Xiaotian can only launch a raid from the river, but he was spotted by Xiaohu's vision of the river.

   Xiaohu pinged for several signals in a row, and the opposite jungler came. Of course, he didn't dare to make a mistake, so he could only retreat honestly.

   Of course, retreat may not work, this is just the first step for Xiaotian.

  As Jace retreated, Jin Gong's crocodile naturally took control of the line. While using Q [Tyrant Strike] to slowly recover his blood, he pushed the line down towards the tower of RNG.

   Xiaotian went back to the river without hesitation, first dealt with the crabs, and then turned his head straight into the Ueno area of ​​RNG.

   Xiaohu looked at the line of soldiers getting closer and closer. Although he did not have the spider's vision, he also knew that his wave might be severe.

   There is no way, he can only force the top out here, trying to prevent Jin Gong from pushing the line.

   As long as the line of soldiers cannot enter the tower, the embarrassing thing is Xiaotian behind.

   But at this moment, the river suddenly ran out of a Kalmar...

  Doinb's thinking is also clear. Since the bottom teammates are gone, he doesn't bother to take care of Wei who steals the monsters in the lower half. After pushing the line directly, he will run to the upper half.

   This idea is undoubtedly extremely correct.

   The efficiency of Kalmar+Crocodile’s line pushing is simply against the stomach. As soon as a wave of soldiers arrived, the two of them ate a clean meal in threes or twos. Xiaohu still wanted to run, but he was blocked by Xiaotian.

   Then there was a wave of inhumane slings.

   Xiaotian bet on the blind spot and directly tied the tiger with a cocoon, and the other two followed the control and output respectively.

   "Then...it must be impossible to escape." Wang Duoduo couldn't help shook his head when he saw this scene, "There is no way this can be done..."

   After this wave, Xiaohu's vitality was greatly injured, and Jin Gong, who had obtained the head of the head, held the advantage of the equipment, and gradually stood up on the road.

   However, the game entered a short period of peace.

   After all, Xiaotian is not a human-grabbing machine like a scented pot. He has a lot of things to consider, such as clearing the wild, squatting, and arranging his vision.

   "Get off the road and overtake the tower!" Lin Weixiang pushed the line of troops into the defensive tower. He watched this Galen comfortably eat the tower and take the knife, and his whole body was uncomfortable!

  He wanted to go up and steal a few more times, but the cat made up for it with just one mouthful of milk. Isn’t there any use for the fart?

   After all, the cat’s E skill consumption is still a fixed amount of blue, and the blue cost is not high. It can be said that the amount of milk is as many as you want.

   This can't be suppressed at all!

   They are not audiences who don’t understand anything. They know how powerful cats are. Although they haven’t seen the combination of Galen, it’s not difficult to understand when they think about it, how outrageous they will be when they are equipped!

   Lin Weixiang shuddered when he thought that in the future there might be a picture of Galen carrying a full-output cat rushing to his face.

   "Don't call, don't call." Xiaotian was busy brushing river crabs, "I will come."

  He is not in a hurry here, he presses TAB and glances at the refresh time of the red BUFF in the lower half of RNG, and it will refresh in less than twenty seconds.

   He plans to cooperate with Liu Qingsong to reverse RNG's second red first. It would be better if he could squat to Wei.

   Next, they teamed up with Level 6 Doinb for a wave of four packs of two. Then they can also control the dragon by the way, and maximize the benefits of one-stop bathing. This is the most reasonable and stable way to play.

   Liu Qingsong decisively left the battle line according to the plan and walked towards the RNG field area.

  Chen Yuan connected the ping signal on the lower road, indicating that the auxiliary disappeared. Wei, who was about to hit the red, noticed something wrong when he saw this message. The excavator squatted into the ground, and he really saw two ripples at the position of his own red BUFF!

   Seeing this Wei can't help but gritted his teeth, he almost won the Phoenix, has been biting red, right?

   And he also knows that he must not be able to go in this wave, because after the opposite is done, the next move must be to go down the tower!

   He has to find a way to keep the bottom lane, otherwise the balance of power that he managed to maintain is gone.

   But Wei thought about it carefully. They seemed to have no way to break the FPX rhythm.

  Because it's not just the bot lane, their right to speak in the wild is too weak.

   Silas can't push Kalmar, the excavator can't beat the spiders, let alone Galen Kitty.

  Furthermore, FPX is not a weak team, and the execution ability is one of the best. How can they break the game when the three-way is inferior? After all, not every time they have the opportunity to encircle...

  Unless the FPX is attenuated, they still have a chance to break the game by virtue of their number advantage...

   But at this moment, the director suddenly cut the camera to the middle.

   Both commentators smelled the scent of the rain from this cutting screen, and they both lifted their hearts.

   In the middle, Cryin's laning was still focused on stability, but he was laning Kalmar in this round, and the Spiders didn’t care about him, so he naturally wanted to play fiercely and delay Doinb's game as much as possible.

  Karma, the hero RQ, is a strong push line, but when you use the ultimate [Mantra], you will enter a long window of time.

   Without the bonus of RW, Kalmar's matchup is very weak.

   At this time, of course, Cryin will find a way to go up for a wave of blood.

Doinb also knows this reason, so he rarely pushes the line with RQ, usually with ordinary Q + flat A to push, but the problem is that Silas's main Q will not push the line slowly afterwards, and it is difficult for him to push the line into the tower. .

   Seeing that it's almost time to get down the road, Doinb has no choice but to throw his RQ.

   But at this moment, Cryin also made a decisive move.

  E【Sneaking】Go past the minions, and the second stage of E【Strong Captivity】prejudges the position and heads towards Kalmara.

   Doinb tried his best to move, but Cryin's prediction was extremely accurate, and this E hooked him precisely.

   In the next second, Cryin threw a Q in the air, and used the ultimate [The Way of Man] on the ground to steal Kalma's ultimate [Mantra], and then an RW held Kalma!

   "He can't kill me." Although Doinb was half-blooded by Silas, he didn't panic in his heart. He put a shield on himself first, and then turned his head back and gave Silas the same W to hold him.

   The two came to hold each other.

   But at this moment, on the grass on the road, a Jace suddenly popped out.

  Doinb panicked suddenly, he hurriedly flashed and pulled away, but Cryin was a special second E-chain that was released only when he got close, and the flashing didn't stop at all.

   The next second Silas' pirated spirit chain took effect, and Kalmar was imprisoned in place.

   "Little tiger is coming!" Wang Duoduo knew what this meant, and his tone suddenly rose.

   Jin Gong resolutely handed over TP and wanted to save Kalma's life in the middle, but it was obviously too late.

   In order to avoid extra-junctions, the little tiger is an innocent skill. The gun form Jess WR changes form, and then a flash Q directly moves towards Kalmar!

   Jace's 2.5 attack speed slammed his hammer against Kalmar three times, and Cryin also walked over here, W [King Killing Spike] shot at the residual blood Kalmar!

   "The Liberator killed the Apocalypse!"

   "Nice!" Chen Yuan, who had been cutting the screen and paying attention to Zhonglu, shouted at this time.

   This wave is too critical!

  Although Jin Gong will also land on TP, it doesn't make any sense anymore. RNG's wave constitutes a five-on-four, and the number of people is poor. The rhythm of FPX can only be abruptly interrupted!

   "Come, come, bags!" Chen Yuan resolutely gave up the line of troops and rushed over to the wild area with the cat.

   Jace and Silas are on the top, Galen and the cat are on the bottom.

   They plan to encircle a wave of anti-red spiders and Titans in the wild area!

   Liu Qingsong and Xiaotian glanced at each other, and the red BUFF that had just been refreshed on their hands was no longer hit.

   Xiaotian with [Ascension] Fortunately, he jumped to Xiaolong when he came to the edge of the dragon pit and ascended to heaven.

   Liu Qingsong, who has no displacement skills, is very bad. Facing the enemies surrounded by the upper and lower sides, he can only choose to cross-flash!

   But at this moment, Lao Yin smiled slightly than Xiaohu.

   He decisively fired a Q [electric shock] towards the dragon, then turned his head and walked towards the dragon pit.


  Unfortunately, this dragon is a water dragon. After being woken up by Xiaohu Yiq, the whole body burst out, pushing Liu Qingsong back to the deepest part of Longkeng.

   Immediately after the water dragon began to output wildly at the Titan, with a powerful slowing effect, the sticky Liu Qingsong was struggling!

   Even after RNG and others were surrounded by the entrance of Xiaolong Pit, Liu Qingsong was still stuck by the water dragon!

   Heaven will kill you!

   Jin Gong, Lin Weixiang and Xiaotian glanced at the Titan in the Dragon Pit, sighed helplessly, and decided to sell it.

   Since Doinb was killed in the mid lane, their plan lacked key figures, and there was a fatal loophole.

   Moreover, RNG's processing was extremely fast. Chen Yuan resolutely gave up the army line and went to the wild area to chase and intercept, and tore the loophole open.

  , together with Xiaohu Q's move to wake up Xiaolong, is another way to go.

   The key gentleman of this wave is obvious, it is the little tiger who walks to the middle!

   The two heads produced this time, he has made significant contributions!

   There is another wave of carnival at the scene!

  The fans off the field were also excited to tap the cheering stick in their hands. They really made a lot of money in this wave!

   Two heads, a little dragon, plus a TP that earned a golden tribute, and the flashes of Doinb and Liu Qingsong!

   And they don’t have any hair on this side...

The director of    also gives a replay in due course.

   "Xiaohu's wandering is too important!" Wang Duoduo looked at Jace who appeared from the river, "Although he didn't have any bright operations in this wave, he won with a clear idea!"

   Xiaohu knew from this scene that when the bottom lane could not be used, the only breakthrough in this wave of FPX was the mid lane Doinb, and it must be established on the premise that the Cryin second stage E pulled people!

   But this is the case, he did not hesitate to give up the top lane, and sneaked to the middle to get a wave of GANK.

   And this wave of Cryin is also quite awesome, the second stage E is accurate in E.

   It can be said that at this moment in his E, FPX's failure is doomed!

   Chen Yuan got another assist in this wave of team battles. After Chen Yuan returned to the city, he gave priority to upgrading his auxiliary equipment, and then bought an additional red crystal.

   With the response from a water dragon, his alignment is actually quite comfortable.

   Even after reaching the sixth level, he still has the confidence to fight the opponent.

   Then, FPX's counterattack came...

  The reason why the strong team is strong is that they can make the most reasonable play regardless of headwind and headwind.

   Doinb in the middle road did not hesitate to TP middle road after he was resurrected, and quickly pushed the **** line across the river.

  Wei has just swept the field all the way to the upper half, and is unable to support it at all, and Xiaohu and Cryin are not to mention, they have no TP at all.

   Chen Yuan was beaten all over his head. Under the hands of four people, even if he had W [Courage] injury reduction, it was useless. Honestly, I gave you two lives...

   He can only comfort himself. Fortunately, he brought TP...

   "Ten Minute Canyon Pioneer Group~www.readwn.com~Lin Weixiang stayed on the bottom road to push the line, Liu Qingsong came to the upper half to join the group! RNG gave up!"

   Chen Yuan and Xiao Ming are in a conjoined state, and it is definitely impossible to leave the bottom lane. With Liu Qingsong participating in the war, RNG can't pick up this wave at all.

After    and took the vanguard, Liu Qingsong took advantage of the situation to go to the road to put pressure on Xiaohu, and directly drove Xiaohu to the second tower to prevent him from being a soldier.

   Chen Yuan quickly took the opportunity to develop here, and Galen was spinning frantically on the bottom road, and Blade Storm caught the creeps spinning frantically.

   It's just that there are still disadvantages in the bottom lane, and it's not like this one or two waves can get back.

   Then, FPX made a comeback and released the Canyon Pioneer in the bottom lane.

   This is also one of FPX's fixed tactics. Although Liu Qingsong will always walk in the upper and middle lanes, after they get the vanguard, they will usually put them on the bottom lane to feed back Lin Weixiang's economy.

   Chen Yuan played inferior alignment for ten minutes, and the coating had been worn a lot. Pioneer hit him, and the next tower was instantly destroyed.

   A blood tower was taken, and the FPX economy instantly overtook it.

   Twelve minutes, FPX took control of the newly refreshed dragon, and the snowball was getting bigger and bigger!

"RNG is facing a problem here." Wang Duoduo said, "They are Galen in the bottom lane, Silas in the middle lane, and both double-Cs are short-handed. In this case, how will they respond to FPX's push tower? Rhythm?"

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