League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 382: Galen Kitty starts to exert strength!

Of course, since RNG dared to choose this lineup, it would certainly not be impossible to solve this problem.

   They took great risks to select Jace on the road, and they existed in response to this situation.

   The three roads changed rapidly. Xiao Ming and Xiaohu came to the middle road. The cat Jace joined the tower in the middle road, and the upper and lower roads were developed by Cryin and Chen Yuan in separate areas.

   At this stage, Chen Yuan’s development really started to calm down, and there is no longer a wave of patching knives...

   During this period, FPX still acted as the offensive side, attacking RNG in bursts. First of all, four of them caught a wave of Cryin on the road.

   But as a price, Chen Yuan touched off the two layers of plating on the lower road tower on the opposite side.

   After fifteen minutes, the coating disappeared, and the RNG middle tower was overwhelmed and turned into rubble.

   But on the other hand, Wei was unwilling to be lonely, seized the opportunity to go to the road and cooperated with Cryin to kill the crocodile on the opposite side!

   The two sides arrested each other wave after wave.

   FPX is too anxious. They desperately want to open the gap by arresting people, but the resilience of RNG is far beyond their imagination.

   Compared to the impatience on the FPX side, RNG is not in a hurry here.

   Chen Yuan hummed a small song all the way, he glanced at the number of auxiliary equipment on his body, "Xiao Ming, come and divide the money, the auxiliary equipment is full."

"I'm coming..."

  The team atmosphere is extremely harmonious. Chen Yuan and Xiao Ming are also taking advantage of the auxiliary equipment to develop at a high speed. The two people only rely on auxiliary equipment to increase the team economy by nearly two thousand!

   Soon, Chen Yuan upgraded his auxiliary equipment to the full-layered quarter eye (four eyes can be inserted) in seventeen minutes, and made a two-piece black-cut cloth armor shoe.

   On the other side, Xiao Ming's equipment is also good, Frost Fang + eight-layer murder book and Athena's evil holy grail are already in his hand.

(Tips: The attribute of the Holy Grail is 40 magic power + 20 minus CD, and then you can save 20% of the damage done to the hero. When you cast a healing or shield on a friendly hero, the charge will be consumed to provide healing to the hero Effect.)

  The Holy Grail can save the damage caused to the enemy, and then use it to increase the cat's healing.

   This allows Xiao Ming to learn only Level 1 E, but with the Holy Grail blessing, the milk volume is still good.

   Chen Yuan glanced at the situation of the two sides. Lin Weixiang was already a two-piece suit of excellence + artillery, leading the audience in equipment, but it was obviously impossible to impress Galen, who was full of passive + cloth shoes.

   It's almost time.

   "The cat is coming!"

   Chen Yuan yelled in his voice, and Xiao Ming's cat did not hesitate to leave Xiaohu and enter the embrace of Galen.

   Xiaohu felt sad for a while.

   So for so long, I am a cat climbing frame...

   But Chen Yuan is actually not much better than Xiaohu, he is just a mount.

   Chen Yuan is now fattened up, he and the cat have seven false eyes and four real eyes and two scans, and start to pave the field of vision everywhere, taking the entire map clearly!

   (Four eyes can be inserted in the Eye of Season, Frost Fang has not been upgraded to Watch Eye, so only three can be inserted)

  Under this kind of vision protection, all the FPX's arresting actions are clearly seen, which leads to the infinite safety of Cryin who leads the line on the sidewalk, and can even use his own equipment to counteract the golden tribute!

   The time soon came to seventeen minutes, and the third dragon refreshed.

   This time RNG didn't give up any more, and decided to take over.

   "RNG chose to take the initiative to drive the dragon!" Wang Duoduo was a little surprised when he saw RNG's actions, "They are two thousand behind! Are they so bold?"

   Liu Qingsong naturally couldn't tolerate this scene. As the starter of the group, the Titan decisively reached out and hooked Galen over.

   Although Doinb still has a little distance to come here, he doesn't think he will lose out because he knows that he still has an economic advantage.

   Chen Yuan can completely avoid this hook, but they did not choose to do so. He directly turned on W [Courage], and Galen gained a high amount of damage reduction and resilience!

  Notice, Xiao Ming also started the big move [The Final Chapter of the Grimoire] here, and one after another magic ripples hit the FPX everyone!

   Enemies hit by the three waves will be imprisoned. Several people in FPX frowned when they saw this big move, so they could only disperse first to avoid being beaten out of group control.

  Want to go? Have you asked me!

   Chen Yuan didn’t retreat but moved forward. Big Galen turned on Q [Fatal Strike], removed the slowing effect on his body, and rushed towards the enemy!


   Galen took the cat and rushed towards the camp of the enemy four, looking very imposing.

   Chen Yuan was not picky, and he gave a silent knife directly to the Titan at the forefront of the enemy camp.

  At this time, the cat's ripples took effect, and besides the wheel mother on the FPX side, the Titan, the crocodile, and the spider were all confined in place!

   Galen rushed directly into the middle of the three, and quickly turned on E [Trial], and the whole person began to spin frantically!

  Galen’s E has a special effect. Enemies that are hit more than six times will be armored 25%, and every time the black chip causes damage, it will also break armor by 5%, up to a limit of 30%.

   Although the two are multiplicative, the armor penetration effect is not as high as the direct addition, but the total armor penetration is as high as 1-(0.75*0.7)=47.5%!

   In other words, one hundred points of armor, if Galen turns six times, you will have to be stripped of 48 points!

   And at this moment, the three people who were imprisoned by the cat's big move were just right, and Galen sturdyly turned six times!


   "Electricity surges!"

   Pi ​​Cheng Gaofushuai yelled. The laser cannon in his hand burst out. Hit the three directly!

Xiaohu originally chose the pure armor-piercing outfit of the Youmeng Curtain Blade. With the help of the armor-breaking tool Galen, this gun is directly real damage. The exaggerated effect is visible to the naked eye, and the health of the three people is sudden. There is a big drop down!

   Some meaty crocodile Titans came out. Fortunately, the spiders that were powerfully output by the whole law were shot down by this cannon, and they fell directly into the residual blood!

   Cat Galen's strong place begins to show up.

   As long as they are together, the output machine that is not afraid of death + the rampant armor-piercing tool man!

   And there is a more terrifying place, Chen Yuan here is fighting with the injuries of four people.

   Lin Weixiang's two-piece wheel mother, all the damage hit Galen, but after one round of output was hit, Galen didn't lose half of his blood...

   At this time, the belated Doinb finally arrived. He quickly gave Xiaotian an RE, wanting to help him escape.

But Chen Yuan didn’t have this shield in his eyes at all. [Demacia Justice] followed closely. A sacred energy fell from the sky and poured fiercely on the top of the spider’s head. The high amount of serious injury directly attached it to the shield. Take it away together!

   "What's this!" The sisters of Yi Shu looked silly, "What kind of harm is this!?"

   Then, RNG's crazy performance continued.

   Lin Weixiang started the big move [Rhythm of War], and the remaining four FPX players got double acceleration, and then they wanted to retreat in a group.

   While the CD of Galen’s Q skill is constant for 8 seconds, the black cut + auxiliary equipment provides a 30% CD reduction, and the total CD is only 5.6 seconds.

   After waiting for two seconds, Chen Yuan sprinted again.

   "Come on!!!"

   Galen yelled again. Xiao Ming simply gave him a mouthful of milk. Galen once again obtained an acceleration effect and rushed towards the remaining four people in FPX!

   Liu Qingsong looked at Galen who was getting closer and closer. He was numb. He turned his head back and surrendered his big move, and then quickly retreated.

   Chen Yuan didn't chase deeply either, showing a Timo expression, and turning around to hit the dragon.

   is another fire dragon to start, RNG five people get a small bonus again.

   After this wave, Galen began to gradually become perverted.

   After returning to the city, Chen Yuan bought a chain mail directly, ran to the dead man’s plate armor and left.

  Twenty minutes of teamfight in the middle, FPX five people gathered, and Cryin's Silas was still in the road to tear down a tower.

   Seeing this opportunity, Liu Qing Songguo broke the group and hit Wei's excavator with a hit!

   Everyone's hearts couldn't help but to mention, but the next second, they all let go.

  , he dug into the second gear next to the fuselage. The whole person directly rushed into the enemy group. When they came up, Liu Qingsong's Titan was silent!

   Immediately afterwards, Galen rushed into the enemy group with the cat’s ult!

   Lin Weixiang was all numb. He hit Galen with a violent blow, and he clearly saw a number of violent attacks in his early 100s. It didn't hurt or itchy.

   But as soon as the cat hits it with a [Fishing Missile], his health bar will drop by a quarter!

   Who can stand this!

  Doinb honestly gave RE, a thick shield covering the five enemies.

   "Fight back and fight back! Just kill this Galen!" Doinb yelled and signaled to set the fire.

   Chen Yuan is a bit out of touch here, as long as he can stop Galen, the cat will not survive.

   If the cat killing book is lost, their winning side will be much greater!

   But the reason why Chen Yuan dared to be so aggressive was of course he had to rely on it.

His name in the first in the world was not for nothing. At the moment when Jin Gong crocodile W bite up, Chen Yuan pinched the opportunity to release W [courage], high resilience and damage reduction deepened, perfectly blocking the FPX wave of fire. !

   Immediately after Chen Yuan turned to the limit to avoid Xiaotian's next cocoon, Xiao Ming gave another mouthful of milk here, and Galen easily withdrew from the enemy group...

   The audience saw that Galen had suffered countless injuries but only lost half of his blood. Everyone was yelling, only the person involved, Xiaotian, was somewhat silent.

   Is this B a human?

The two sides dragged for a few more seconds. Cryin, who was in the bottom lane, finally made a long journey to the middle. He stood on the side of the FPX camp. He appeared on the battlefield with an E. R stole the Titan's big move and turned his backhand towards the enemy. Fang Kalma throw it away!

  Doinb felt bad when he saw this big move.

  Because he is at the end of the team, there are 10,000 teammates between him and Silas!

   The whole team quickly dispersed, but as the Titans' big moves approached one by one, the crocodiles and Titans in the front row were all knocked off midway, and Kalmar at the end of the team failed to escape and was rushed into the sky!

   However, Cryin was too close to FPX in order to give Kalmar a big move, which caused Liu Qingsong to hook him directly, and the other four set the fire and came up to directly destroy Silas...

   The audience watched Silas just enter the arena, lost a big move and went straight to the west. It was still a bit numb...

   But it is undeniable that the control effect of his ultimate move is quite crucial...

  Chen Yuan said "Wuhu" here, he once again turned on Q [Fatal Strike] and rushed into the enemy group in one flash, came up to silence Kalma, and then the whole person began to spin around Kalma!

  Wei is also unambiguous, and also flashes to keep up, set fire to this Kalmar!

   They deeply understand that in terms of the role of team battles, Kalmar is much higher than the wheel mother!

   The excavator flashed to the top, Galen turned a big sword, Kalmar could not move and go directly to the west...

   Galen specializes in bells and whistles, but I don’t want to tell you anything...

   At this time, Chen Yuan, who had been hurting all the time, finally couldn't stand it anymore, and was taken away by Lin Weixiang with a QA. The scene came to three on four.

   But the problem is not too big. After all, Galen was meant to sell blood. Chen Yuan's glorious death wave...

   At this time, the RNG team members have taken over, and the No. 1 spare tire tiger took a step closer and took the cat to his body.

   Xiaohu immediately followed Mimi’s acceleration cannon on the wheel mother. With the cat’s high adaptive bonus, this cannon was directly hit by a third!

   Lin Weixiang hurriedly crossed over and pulled away, but Xiaohu also flashed, forcibly catching up to change into a hammer, a set of QAE and take it away!

   Although the team battle returned to three-on-three, when both sides of the double-C were the first to die, it became a hand-to-hand battle between Uenosuke on both sides.

   With the cat's bonus, the damage of Jace and the excavator is almost exploded!

  Jace changed back to the cannon form and turned on W, three A, one Q, and the crocodile with only half blood came directly to the residual blood!

   Wei’s excavator has a big move [Void Rush], which directly kills the crocodile with one third of the blood left

   FPX was left with only Spiders and Titans at once.

   Originally, Xiaotian wanted to gather the Titans and try to get rid of this Jace in seconds.

   But just after starting, Xiao Ming suddenly took a mouthful of milk, and the mouthful of milk with the Holy Grail directly made Jace's blood volume almost full...

   Then it's okay...

   The two of them can only turn their heads to deal with the same unhealthy excavator.

   "Xiaotian and Liu Qingsong counterattacked and killed the excavator, but they couldn't run away. They were all overtaken and killed by RNG people!"

   Wang Duo vibrated and said, "RNG has played three for five in this wave! Their economy has officially completed the overtake!"

   Under the camera, Xiao Ming has already lived here in Bengbu. Anyway, he doesn't have to run around playing with a cat, so he just left the keyboard with his hands and started clapping.

   is too fierce!

   At this time, the director gave the damage panel for the team battle on the wave.

  Guardians of the Future: 2200!

  Magic Kitty: 2643!

   Everyone was surprised to find that the cat from the beginning to the end, the damage is even higher than Jace...

   All the viewers couldn't believe their eyes, thinking they had read it wrong.

   Is this reasonable?

   In the slow-motion playback, the cat has no sense of existence from beginning to end, and the big move and Q obviously do not hurt much, but it just highlights a stability.

   With the stable mount of Galen, the cat does not need to consider the timing of output at all. As long as Q turns well, he will throw it out immediately!

   Generally speaking, ADC team battles output nine seconds of movement in one second, but they can still deal explosion damage.

   But the cat is completely output for ten seconds and does not move... Even if the single damage is not high, it is still a terrible number when accumulated!

   The time soon came to twenty-five minutes.

   Chen Yuan has already made his second piece of equipment, the plate armor of the dead, and the two core pieces are all in place.

   On the other side, Xiao Ming’s equipment is a bit outrageous, the 22nd floor of the murder book + Holy Grail + Luden + Frost Fang, the equipment is quite luxurious, a Q can even kill a quarter of the Titan's blood!

  Chen Yuan was also a daring master of art, so he stood in front of the other side and shit, and let Xiaoming use his Qs one by one.

   And don’t forget, RNG still has Jace’s here.

   Under the threat of double POKE, FPX is unbearable and can only choose to open a group hard.

   But Liu Qingsong looked around, the only person he could drive to was this Galen...

   Liu Qingsong looked at this Galen and his teeth tickled with hatred.

  You are itchy, don’t you wish we would drive you?

   satisfy you!

   Titan made a decisive shot with a hook~www.readwn.com~ and Chen Yuan was not unexpectedly motionless, so he just took the hook...

   The team battle between the two sides started quickly, but RNG now has an economic advantage and it is completely unreasonable. Chen Yuan didn't rush to the back row, so he cooperated with his teammates to gather fire on the Titans, and the E skills were crazy to help the little tiger break the armor.

   When the E skill is finished, the Titan's HP is almost the same. Chen Yuan casually took away Liu Qingsong with a big health care, and then the whole person opened Q to accelerate, and rushed to the enemy group with the cat's big move!

   Xiaohu also gave Galen a portal to speed up spiritually!

   "The FPX has Kalmar's R and Wheel Mom's big tricks. They run very fast, but Galen runs faster than them!!!"

   All the audience's eyes will be shocked.

   Everyone saw that Galen was as fast as a ghost, chasing the FPX with a double speed bonus, and the magic cat’s ripples one after another, forcibly hitting the crocodile of Jin Gong three times and leaving it in place!

   RNG followed up quickly, and Jin Gong also turned into a dead soul!

   Immediately after that, RNG gave no chance. They rushed to the high ground with the line of soldiers. LWX still wanted to clear the line, but thanks to the method of the wheel, as soon as Xiaohu fired an accelerated cannon, he had to obediently go back and replenish his blood!

   Taking this opportunity, a precise two-stage E on Cryin hooked Xiaotian's spider!

   RNG rushed forward and sent Xiaotian back to the spring. The five FPX members only had double Cs!

   Wang Duoduo couldn't help but yelled: "Can't hold it anymore. RNG is about to wave!"

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