League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 386: Impossible to grab the dragon! Wonderful from Ming and Wei...

[Hahahaha this Kaisha laughed at me]

   [I really flew over to send it off, right? 】

  【Bro Xiang, this can also fly? 】

  【Feifeifeifeifeifei! 】

   The audience in the live broadcast room was filled with a big bowl by Lin Weixiang's [feeding instinct], and the barrage of the live broadcast broke out immediately.

   Chen Yuan couldn’t stop smiling here too, "What is Lin Weixiang doing with this B? Isn’t he handsome?"

   Although Cryin was killed by the fire on the opposite side, he was too happy, and he clicked on Kai'Sa's big move several times in a row.

   On the other side, the FPX voice channel.

   Lin Weixiang immediately admitted his mistake: "I'm sorry dads, mine, this wave of mine."

   "You..." Liu Qingsong, who is usually elegant and easygoing, did not spray Lin Weixiang at this time. He took a deep breath: "It's okay, it's okay, we made this wave."

   They had killed a person, and then they exchanged one for another. Generally speaking, they did not lose money.

   Although he likes to spray people, he usually encounters teammates' mistakes in the game before the start of the game. He generally does not spray, because he is afraid that it will affect the mentality of his teammates...


   One minute later.

   "Little Tiger, it's you again!" Wang Duoduo yelled in the commentary: "FPX killed the tower of Xiaohu, this is the third time!"

  As the game came to ten minutes, the equipment and level of the heroes of both sides had a certain scale.

   In this case, the higher the road is no longer a difficult task, Doinb directly enters the tower W to taunt, and then the two teammates in Ueno are done with damage.

   Xiaohu is another bad road experience. He was crossed three times in a row in the early ten minutes, and his record came to 0-3...

   And at the same time, the FPX Umakano and three people worked together to directly destroy the tower.

   On the other side, Cryin flew down this time, but Lin Weixiang was full of double summons this time. After Kai'Sa purged the faint and escaped, Cryin flew lonely.

   "On the RNG side, you can also remove the lower road tower," Kris said while looking at the map. "But they can't get this canyon pioneer in the upper half."

   The camera cuts to the top side, and Xiaotian also happens to be a pioneer who has been alive for a minute.

   The phoenix fans underneath are still cheering, everyone said that RNG's vanguard is their lifeblood, but today, they have controlled the vanguard for three consecutive rounds, and three consecutive rounds are their early advantage!

   They have a great chance of winning!

   Wang Duoduo tried to analyze: "But after this wave, Brother Yuanzi will go to the middle road to guard the line. His equipment is very good. It is difficult for FPX to use this pioneer to tear down a tower. At most, it will hit the plating."

However, the FPX on the other side did not intend to demolish the center tower. They chose to let Doinb, who had no big tricks and no flashes, resist the pressure in the center. Xiaotian took the pioneer to the bottom lane and helped him push RNG's bottom lane. One tower.

   As Pioneer slammed into Lin Weixiang's pocket as the economy fell into the pocket, the great cleverness also took a breath.

   He can breathe...

   Soon, the time came to thirteen minutes, and the second dragon refreshed.

   FPX are all waiting, and this little dragon is bound to win.

   Chen Yuan's equipment here hasn't formed yet, he only has a dilapidated one in his hand, and the sheep knife hasn't been made yet. Facing the iron bucket-like FPX, he is also powerless and decisively chooses to let it go.

   Seeing that all map resources have disappeared, the game has entered a stage of development without waves.

   At least before the next dragon spawns, it will be difficult for both sides to break out a big team battle.

   Eighteen minutes, the third dragon refreshed.

   Chen Yuan returned to the city after eating the middle line, and combined the recurve bow in his hand into a sheep knife.

  The two-piece suit is in hand, this is the pinnacle of VN output ability, of course he chose to take the group!

  The two sides hovered at the entrance of Xiaolongkeng, but they didn't notice that there was a wine barrel on the back of Xiaolongkeng!

  The two in the commentary stand couldn’t help raising their pitch because of the wine barrel. “Xiaotian has blind vision here, but Xiaohu is also on the side. Can he succeed here?”

   As soon as Xiaotian walked over, he was stunned by the little tiger in the grass using [Double Blades of the Wings]. Obviously RNG was still guarded against his unseen wine barrel.

   But... a stunted 0-3 knife girl, how can he stop his wine barrel with a smooth journey?

   At this time, Xiaohu has not made three items in his hands yet, the youth version of the three small pieces plus a Tiamat, nothing else.

   Why can I stop the barrel with the addition of the jungle knife, the shoes and the shadow ball?

   Xiao Tianguan didn’t care about the Swordsman around him, and he just flashed away from the distance, an E+R, and the big move [Blasting the Wine Barrel] slammed into the middle of the enemy group!

   Although RNG had already started to retreat when they saw the barrel, Xiaotian's offensive was too fierce and the barrel's big move was far away. This big move directly exploded the RNG lineup as a whole!

   Xiao Ming and Wei were directly blown into the enemy group!

   "Xiao Tian, ​​this group is perfect! FPX is rushing right here, wanting to lose Thresh and Olaf in seconds!"

   But Xiaohu is not a vegetarian here, so he quickly went up and slowed down the barrel!

   Chen Yuan saw this scene and quickly started his big move. He didn't care about the two people who were set on fire, but went straight to the wine barrel.

   This wine barrel has no big tricks, just like a wooden stake.

   Xiaohu second stage E chain pulled the wine barrel, Chen Yuan quickly [dodge the raid] rolled up, and outputted frantically at the wine barrel!

   In the next second, a giant magic circle appeared at the foot of the barrel, which was Doinb Galio’s ultimate move, [hero debut]!

   But Chen Yuan didn't dodge, he stepped on the magic circle to output the wine barrel!

   The VN damage of the broken sheep knife is not covered. Although the sheep knife is not full, the set of three rings is still real. Xiaotian can't even support two third rings, so he goes straight to the west!

   On the other side, despite the support of Xiaohu's big moves, Xiao Ming and Wei didn't hold on for long. Xiao Ming was directly killed in seconds under the enemy's concentration of fire without any wind and waves!

   Wei’s Olaf is a little harder, he activates the ultimate [Rainers Twilight] to avoid control, and then wants to flash and escape.

   But unfortunately, the FPX has a very strong pursuit ability. Lin Weixiang Kaisha E [Extreme Overload] accelerates, but he didn't use the big move, he just forced to catch up with Flash and kill!

  At the same time, on Chen Yuan's side, Galio [hero debut] crashed to the ground!

   Chen Yuan was knocked into the air because he was too late to get out of the range of his ultimate move!

   Lin Weixiang [Hunter Instinct] was activated, Kai'Sa flew over!

  Before, Lin Weixiang would rather kill Olaf in a flash than to lose the big move, just to save the big move until this moment!

   At the same time, Jin Gong also provided a long-range support, the big move [Cannon Screen] was released directly with Chen Yuan as the center!

   FPX’s team battle ideas are quite clear. No matter who they drive to, their real goal will always be Chen Yuan’s VN. Three packs of one is just what they say!

  Cryin and Xiaohu still wanted to support Chen Yuan, but the appearance of Titan and the captain cut them off, and couldn't support them at all.

   Chen Yuan saw this scene and knew that there was already a wave of dead ends, so he could only try to change one.

   "Doinb used W to taunt VN, but it was cleaned up by Yuanzi brother, Yuanzi brother is still operating!"

   After purification, Chen Yuan quickly presses Q to enter invisibility, but under the high damage of the captain's ultimate move, Galio W, and Kai'Sa Q, when he reappears, he has only half blood.

   But his eyes are only one! That is Lin Weixiang's Kai'Sa!

   After killing the barrel, the sheep knife in his hand was already full.

   Although the Sheep Knife is now slightly weakened, the Phantom Strike after a full stack has changed from triggering once every two attacks to once every three attacks.

   That is to say, VN used to make this one, which can be used to trigger a third ring with two ties, but now it has become three rounds and ties A can accumulate to play four rings!

   But the problem is not too big. This is at best to give the tank hero a bit of a say in front of VN. The crispy ADC is still **** and how to kill, two sets of three rings.

   In the past, two sets of three rings needed four times to level A, but now the same two sets of three rings, that is, one more A, and five times to even A.

   After Chen Yuan appeared, he quickly gave Lin Weixiang a flat A, and then a flat A.

   The game screen at this time seems to be slow in front of Chen Yuan, and his nerves are tightened to the extreme at this moment!

   He clearly saw that Kai'Sa had already made a wave of hands against him here, and Galio on the other side had already taken a step back.

   Obviously, one is putting W [Void Searching the Enemy], and the other is putting E [Justice Punch].

   Chen Yuan did not hesitate to see this, and found a suitable location to flash!


   A short voice sounded, and Chen Yuan flashed golden light all over his body, and even one flashed while avoiding the two skills on the opposite side!

  Chen Yuan kept his hands, and again gave Kai'Sa a flat A, put on the second pass, and then quickly shot E [Devil Trial] to repel Galio who charged up!

   Lin Weixiang W is not anxious when he is empty, and likewise returns a flat A to VN, further lowering his blood volume.

   Chen Yuan didn't instigate, and the third tie A retaliated. This A finally triggered the sheep knife passive. The one A with Phantom Strike not only played a strong attack and three rings, but also added an extra layer of passive!

   The damage of this knife is outrageous, the storm and the third ring are triggered at the same time, directly hitting Kai'Sa's blood volume to one-third!

   Doinb was anxious now, he felt that this VN was really operable, so he flashed up decisively, wanting QA to take away this VN with little blood left.

   But he just crossed over, VN is invisible again!

   Now for eighteen minutes, Chen Yuan's level is twelve, his Q skill is four, and his ultimate is two.

   The CD of the fourth-level Q skill is 2.5 seconds, and when the second-level ultimate is activated, the CD of the Q skill will be reduced by 40%, which means that the CD of the Q skill is only 1.5 seconds.

   After he has been operating for so long, his Q skills have already improved!

  He quickly threw Q [Dodge Assault] for the second time, and became invisible again, which made Doinb flash in the air, and made Lin Weixiang's Ping A lose his target and forced him back!

   Chen Yuan didn't wait, he appeared again, and he came over again with a flat A!

   Kai'Sa was put on another two layers of passives, and there was not much health left, so he was about to be killed!

   Doinb quickly Q+ passively, two waves of damage hit VN, completely squeezing his blood!

   Lin Weixiang also hit a tie A, directly harvesting VN's life!

   But VN also shot a crossbow bolt before he died, killing Kai'Sa as well!

   The ADCs of the two sides played a wave of exchanges!


   The news of VN double killing came, but no one cheered for Chen Yuan.

  Because the news that RNG was annihilated was just behind.

   Chen Yuan tried his best to kill people here, while his teammate was blasted by the fattest captain of FPX on the other side...


   The ruthless female voice spread in the venue, and the hearts of RNG fans couldn't help sinking.

   Two for five?

   After this wave, FPX's economy has completely taken the lead. From the early two thousand years before, it has directly expanded to nearly five thousand!

   Chen Yuan’s adult head made Lin Weixiang a lot of money.

   Then FPX took the Fire Dragon again, and pushed down the second tower and the high ground in the middle road all the way, the economic gap became bigger and bigger, and the fans' hearts sank to the bottom.

   Is there any chance?

   Immediately afterwards, FPX continued to execute the split push. The captain of Jin Gong took three heads in Shanghai, the economy was far ahead of the audience, and he was already a little invincible on the wing.

   Soon, the second tower on the road was also destroyed under the pressure of FPX.

  The economic gap between the two sides is as high as eight thousand at this moment.

   After pushing the second tower on the road, the FPX generals turned their heads and walked towards Dalongkeng.

   Wang Duoduo shouted: "FPX here directly chooses to open the dragon on time, they want to chase after victory!"

   "I can't fight this!" Sister Yi Yi glanced at the skills of both sides: "Brother Yuanzi doesn't have a double call in this wave, and they dare not output in team battles. They can't fight the front right now!"

   "And most importantly, there is no flash on Wei's side! His flash has been handed over now!"

   And the explosive fruit on the back of the Dragon Pit was also spotted by FPX in advance, and the red RNG couldn't go to the Dragon Pit at all!

   "I didn't flash!" There was a cold sweat on Wei's forehead, he clicked his flash, and there were 180 seconds left!

   Seeing that the dragon's blood volume is getting lower and lower.

   Everyone knows the importance of this big dragon.

   If FPX really gets this big dragon, then the game will really be over, and their VN will not have the ability to clear troops!

   "Have a chance!" Wang Duoduo said loudly: "RNG can let Xiao Ming hook the big dragon down, and then give Olaf a lantern!"

   Sister Yi Yi immediately shook her head: "This operation is too difficult. It is a test for Xiao Ming and Wei, and it is almost impossible!"

   At the same time, Xiao Ming suddenly said, "I can take you down!"

   He repeated it again: "I can take you down, get ready!"

  Wei suddenly understood what he meant: "Quick, quick! I have punishment!"

   The voice just fell~www.readwn.com~ Thresh threw a Q [Death Judgment] at the dragon with only three thousand blood left.

   Xiao Ming did not hesitate to dedicate Erdan Q to the enemy group, but in mid-air, he threw a faint green lantern!

  Wei did not hesitate to right-click the lantern, followed behind Thresh, and ran directly into the enemy group!

   Olaf opens the ultimate move in mid-air [Twilight of the Gods], and the whole person suddenly becomes bigger!

   Chen Yuan saw this scene and decisively chose to retreat.

   "Go and go."

   Even if the dragon is robbed, Thresh and Olaf are mortal. It is almost impossible to win a three-on-five team battle.

   So this wave doesn't need him anymore. His presence or absence doesn't make much sense in this wave.

   Win or lose, it all depends on Wei's hand.

   However, Chen Yuan chose to trust his teammates.

  Wei, in the state of being free from control, ignored all the enemies around him and fixed his eyes on the dragon's blood volume. When the dragon had only 900 blood left, E [reckless swing] + [punishment] shot at the same time!

   Level 12 Olaf currently has Level 4 E skills, which damages 205+50% of total AD, which is 262 points of blood.

   Twelfth level disciplinary damage 720.

   adds up to 982!

   This high amount of slashing damage is not in the keg, and two consecutive skills are poured on the dragon, and the remaining blood of the dragon disappears in an instant!

   "The Red Legion grabbed Baron Nash!"

   Cheers, burst out at this moment!

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