League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 387: The ultimate moment, 5 kills come back!

"Grab it!"

Wang Duoduo shouted aloud, and immediately chanted a poem: "Turn the tide to the end, and help the mansion! Wei and Xiao Ming, this wave of magical soldiers, grabbed the dragon from the enemy and succeeded in sustaining the team's life. !"

   "Nice!" Chen Yuan quickly cleared the super soldiers who had gone up to the high ground in the middle to avoid a direct wave of anger from the opposite side.

  With the blessing of the Dragon Soldier Line, the small soldiers on their side have gained huge gains. RNG has three people and one line. In addition, the resurrection time of 20 minutes is not long. FPX can only choose to retreat after a few attempts.

"Even though I grabbed the big dragon." Wang Duoduo glanced at the economic gap above his head: "But RNG is still very difficult to play here. They are still five thousand behind in the economic gap! And the fourth dragon will be wiped out immediately, here they are. You can't pick up the group either."

   Twenty-three minutes, the fire dragon refreshed. Although all members of RNG were resurrected, they had no intention of picking up the Xiaolong Group. Xiaohu took this opportunity to take the road soldier line across the river, and then quickly returned to the city in fear.

   Because they took the first dragon, there are only three dragons in FPX. The problem is not that big. As long as they can't get the ancient dragon, everything can be delayed.

let! Anything can be done!

   "Don't worry, I have a three-piece suit." Chen Yuan frantically absorbed the extra economy brought by the super soldier in the middle, "the next big dragon, we can fight!"

   After completing the line, he quickly returned to the city in the last few seconds of the dragon BUFF, and directly synthesized the mercury scimitar, becoming the first three-piece suit on RNG's side.

   "Two big dragons can turn this round!"

   The big dragon is played in 21 minutes, and the small dragon is played in 23 minutes, which causes the big and small dragons to refresh almost at the same time.

   Just as he said, the big dragon BUFF gains on the five of them disappeared, and FPX quickly made a comeback here, trying to force the group with the economic difference of five thousand.

   They don’t want to drag the game to the next big dragon!

   Xiaotian’s wine barrel stood at the forefront, his eyes fixed on the only C position of RNG, ready to start a group at any time.

   But at this moment, Xiao Ming suddenly found an opportunity. Thresh Q [Death Judgment] standing at the oblique corner quickly shot and hooked towards the barrel!

   Xiaotian noticed this detail and immediately used the E skill to retreat.


  Cryin suddenly became very decisive here, flashed a yellow card and threw it on Xiaotian's head.

   Although Keg used E to dodge Thresh's Q, he was stunned by the flashing yellow card of the card!

   Chen Yuan saw this scene and decisively started the ultimate move [the ultimate moment], VN turned into stealth with a giant crossbow in his hand!

   He rolled and approached, bringing the barrel into his attack range, and then Ping A kept hitting the barrel for a moment!

   The three-piece VN damage is terribly high, and it is definitely not something that an AP barrel can resist. Xiaotian quickly crossed over here, and Jin Gong immediately gave a big move to slow down.

   On the other side, Olaf of Wei directly rushed forward, and Olaf of Honor of Justice rushed directly into the enemy group, playing a wave of decent group slowing effects!

   A vertical eye appeared on the head of the FPX generals, and the card directly flew to the side, landing a yellow card to Galio of Doinb!

   Immediately after landing on the golden body, he directly evaded a series of control skills on the opposite side!

   "Run!" Doinb realized that something was wrong. He was stunned by a yellow card and was mortal. He immediately asked three teammates to sell himself and Xiaotian.

   RNG’s counterattack was too violent, and they had no time to take care of VN when they were opened, and it was impossible to win this kind of team battle!

   Jin Gong, Liu Qingsong and Liu Qingsong decisively crossed the wall and escaped. Lin Weixiang had a good standing position and barely kept himself flashing.

   And Doinb and Xiaotian were not so lucky, they were accused of sticking to death!

   "This... FPX wave is a big problem." Kris glanced at the skill bar on the left: "FPX wave made four flashes, but on the contrary, it lost two heads!"

   "We don't know if Xiaotian gave the opportunity or RNG's ability to seize the opportunity is too strong, but they really shouldn't be in this wave!"

   Everyone began to look at the card that had been invisible for a whole game.

   His two yellow cards in this team battle are too important!

   The two heads of Barrel and Galio were both left behind by his yellow card.


  The double-kill voice is long overdue. VN got the 750 of the end of Galio and the 450 of the barrel. The economy is on a higher level, and even the captain who has not lost the gold!

   Chen Yuan didn't hesitate here, used the extra thousand to buy a stopwatch, and then bought a bottle of anger mixture, and quickly walked towards Dalongkeng.

   The big and small dragons are about to be refreshed, and the time to fight back has come.

   "Keg, Captain, Titan, none of them flashed, Galio and Kai'Sa still flashed." Xiao Ming reported all the opponent's summoner skill CDs again, "I will protect you in this wave."

   The crystal in the middle lane has been resurrected, and there is not much pressure on the line of troops on the RNG side. Under the protection of his teammates, Chen Yuan pushed the line of troops across the river.

   On the other side, FPX once again opened the dragon with their only four thousand economic advantages!

   Chen Yuan looked at the empty small map, made a foresight transformation in Dalongkeng, and saw the FPX fighting the dragon.

   "The people from RNG are here!" Wang Duoduo looked at the screen and shouted: "But you can't go this wave! The people from FPX are squatting!"

   "Beware of dynamite barrels!"

   Wei and Xiao Ming walking in the front of the team suddenly heard a voice in their headphones.

   Immediately afterwards, he saw a gunpowder keg on their faces and it detonated instantly!


   The three and a half captains, how can the damage be described as horrible, it is almost a barrel, and the blood volume of the two people who produce the flesh is directly reduced by one third!

   And this is not over yet!

   The captain fired a shot at the sky, and the big move [Cannon Curtain] also slammed down at the two!

  His ult has been evolved from the Silver Snake Coin [Daughter of Death], so there is a giant cannonball with three times the damage in the center of the ult, which inflicted 300 real damage to the two again!

   In the next second, Doinb's Galio suddenly appeared, and he was directly taunting the two of them with a full charge of W Flash!

  Wei used a big move to stop the taunt in an instant, but this didn't help him escape.

   Lin Weixiang Kai'Sa [Hunter Instinct] flew over, [Icacia Rainstorm] spread out, the damage was shared between the two, and they directly took the heads of the two!

   "Withdraw first, withdraw first!" As soon as Yesuke and the two were yelled to death in this way, Chen Yuan's brows were almost twisted into the word "Chuan".

   Xiaolong has also been refreshed, their big dragon is obviously impossible, all they can do now is to change a dragon to stop loss.

   "The FPX people don't seem to want to let RNG go, they just didn't chase the dragon! What to do with RNG!"

   Kai'Sa has no big moves, and Galio has no flashes.

   Such a message flashed in Chen Yuan's mind.

   "You protect me, this wave can be operated." Chen Yuan suddenly said such a sentence to the remaining two teammates, and then he quickly drank the mixture of anger, and opened the ultimate move into the [Ultimate Moment]!


   Xiaohu looked at the VN who was using the big move. He knew that this was the most critical wave. He didn't retreat, but stuck to the VN.

   FPX still uses Xiaotian as the starter, and Keg and Galio are at the forefront of the team.

   Chen Yuan took the initiative to approach, and directly hit the barrel with a flat A.

   There is no barrel and Galio, it is impossible to touch him.

   I only saw two people surrendering the E skill forward at the same time. Chen Yuan rolled backwards, avoiding both skills.

   Xiaohu quickly EWE, enters the W damage reduction state while [Bi Wing Double Blade] stuns the two front rows, and quickly throws a big move sword formation, playing a group slowdown!

   The giant crossbow in Chen Yuan's hands was transformed into Zhuge Liannu, and the crossbow arrows were shot on the barrel one after another!

   Liu Qingsong seized the opportunity of VN's appearance, and Titan decisively threw his big move [Deep Sea Impact].

   Titan's ultimate is fatal to ADC, and Chen Yuan can only pull it away temporarily.

   Lin Weixiang on the other side was already ready to continue. At the moment when VN was hit by the Titan, he flashed decisively to follow up the damage!

   What he didn't expect was that a white light appeared all over the VN. Chen Yuan quickly used the mercury scimitar to relieve the knock-up caused by the Titan's ultimate move, and a Q went into stealth!

   Chen Yuan suddenly smiled, he knew that Lin Weixiang had a flash.

   He also knew that Lin Weixiang would definitely flash over and hit him after he was knocked into the air.

  He just wanted to seduce this Kai'Sa to the bait!


  Cryin's key yellow card was late, but one was thrown on Kai'Sa!

   "Wuhu! Nice!"

   Chen Yuan yelled, and the night hunter appeared again, like a murderous demon, with the giant crossbow in his hand shooting three arrows at Kai'Sa, taking down the head of Kai'Sa!

   Immediately afterwards, VN tumbled and became invisible again!

   Jin Gong at the back of the FPX camp had already set up the gunpowder kegs, and a two-linked barrel on his side passed by, and it happened to be avoided by one of Chen Yuan's tumbling.

   Jin Gong frowned slightly here, he placed a gunpowder keg again, his eyes continued to look for the position of VN in the team battle.

   He is so anxious.

   Captain only has three barrels in this version. Once the second company barrels are emptied in a team battle, it is almost deadly.

When    Chen Yuan appeared again, he had already returned to his teammates. The VN full of swords was devastating to the front row. Xiaotian's wine barrel was only hit by A's three times, and with the damage of Sword Girl and the card, he went directly to the West for the second time!

   Chen Yuan killed the wine barrel, and another Q went invisible.

   Jin Gong is even more anxious, but at this time his gunpowder barrel CD has also improved, as long as VN dares to show up again, he dare to send him to the sky with a two-link barrel!

   But at this moment, an arrow suddenly shot out from the void, which hit him, and Chen Yuan also appeared beside the captain at the same time.

   Chen Yuan wanted to cut the back row directly!

   From the perspective of God, after Chen Yuan's Q skill was invisible, he did not hesitate to use the flash, and flashed directly to the back of the FPX camp, just to forcefully kill the remaining output points of FPX.

   As long as you kill the captain and there is only one Galio left on the FPX side, there is nothing to do with him!


   Jin Gong was shocked and wanted to give the VN with his face a flaming knife. As a result, VN [Devil Trial] shot and knocked him back directly.

   Jin Gong’s first reaction was to quickly Q-barrel, wanting to directly smash this VN, but Chen Yuan also had a clear idea, turned around and flattened A to remove the gunpowder barrel, and then another Q skill became invisible, avoiding Liu Qingsong’s hook!

   "VN reappeared and hit the captain with two Aces and maimed him. Is Jin Gong going to die?"

   Jin Gong looked at the half-blooded VN on his face, his heart was angry, but he still had the Q skill in his hand, and he didn't lose it. In front of the three-piece captain, the ADC was just a matter of Q.

   Jin Gong pressed Q to VN before he died, [Gunfire Negotiation] flew towards VN with three special effects, and was executed by Holy Silver Crossbow Arrow in the next second.


   Chen Yuan pressed the stopwatch and entered the status of a golden man, avoiding the deadly Q of the captain!

   The cheers from the audience suddenly swept like a landslide and tsunami.

   The captain is dead. There are only Galio and Titans left in FPX. They have a chance to win!

   "Doinb and Liu Qingsong killed Xiaohu's Sword Sister, and they turned their heads to get up and kill VN! There is only half of the blood here!"


  Cryin is another deadly yellow card, and he stuns Gario, the only remaining output point on the FPX side!

   Only one Titan can be active, and Titan can do nothing but VN with a small half blood!

   Although Chen Yuan woke up and ate the Titan's flat A confinement, he didn't care at all. He rolled and pulled away for the first time, and arrows shot at Galio one after another!

   Doinb became the fourth ghost of FPX in no time!

   "Five kills and five kills!" Wang Duoduo shouted aloud, "Liu Qingsong can't run away!"

  Cryin also consciously retreated to one side and returned to the city, taking the initiative to play a supporting role, leaving the camera to the protagonist VN!

  Chen Yuan is also unambiguous, [Dodge Assault] pulls away, under the three bloodsucking of the mixture of anger + ruin + mercury scimitar, his blood volume will only get higher and higher!


   Five kills! No one could have imagined that Chen Yuan's VN would stand up in such a desperate situation of three-on-five and complete the five kills comeback!

   "When the magical soldier descends from the sky, the wind will roll and the clouds will break through the enemy camp."

   Wang Duoduo once again chanted a poem and gave it to the man on the field of five kills, "Wei and Xiao Ming are about to be resurrected, RNG will be able to control both large and small dragons at the same time, and they tied the economy!"

   The captain's one thousand bounty was once again fed into Chen Yuan's mouth.

   After Chen Yuan and Wei, who came to the resurrection, killed Baron Nash~www.readwn.com~ he already holds a huge sum of three thousand dollars in his hands!

   He directly synthesized the stopwatch into the resurrection armor, mainly to ensure his survival.

  Director now gives a replay.

   It is the second time that Wang Duoduo, who has watched the team battle, analyzes the operations of VN one by one in slow motion.

  Mercury smashing flying tricked Lin Weixiang into the bait, and after cooperating with his teammates to kill the barrel, he appeared to cut the captain in stealth, right, every step of the operation made the audience amazed.

   This wave of operations reminds everyone of VN’s new champion skin owner, Uzi.

   The reason why Uzi became famous in VN was because of a VN five kill.

   At that time, it was still S3, and Uzi, who was still in the royal family, played VN when he was playing against IG.

   The last wave of team battles, Uzi's empty blood limit operation, first dodges the prince's big move.

   Then use the E skill [Devil Trial] to nail the barrel to the wall, causing it to [roll the barrel] unable to detonate, and then heal the continuous operation of speeding out of the skill range during the stun time.

   That wave of five kills has always been regarded as the pinnacle of LOL operations.

   (I always think that Uzi's peak operation is this wave of five kills, and a wave of tens of thousands of skills with one dozen and five twists, and finally the wave of the opponent's support and retreat.)

   (In contrast, after VN goes around, it is actually the same, I don’t know why someone keeps blowing...)

   And now, there is one more in the pinnacle collection, and the protagonist is also VN!

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