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Chapter 115 The First Interrogation

Thinking of this, Wang Yue could only smile helplessly. The police must eliminate all possibilities in order to find the real answer. Compared with the several people who died in the car, the two living people, Li Shiqing and himself, Wouldn't it be better to investigate, and more likely to find out something.

"They are definitely going to question the two of us, but since you were carried down while sleeping, they shouldn't make things difficult for you. Compared to you, I took a taxi to get here and get in the car. The person you picked up makes them even more suspicious. After all, this is too much of a coincidence. In short, they will definitely want to see if they can get some useful clues from the two of us." Wang Yue explained to Li Shiqing in detail. She was mentally prepared.

"You know so much! So what should we do now?" Li Shiqing listened to Wang Yue's analysis and knew that he had focused the police's attention on him for his own sake. At this time, Li Shiqing looked at Wang Yue's eyes. , more trust and touch.

"Just wait here, the police will probably call us soon!" Wang Yue is very sure of this. Nowadays, everything is real-name, and it is very easy for the police to find a person's phone number.

As expected by Wang Yue, the two of them were chatting at the stop. Before long, Li Shiqing's cell phone rang. After Li Shiqing answered the phone, she found that it was actually a call from the police station. This made Li Shiqing look at Wang Yue with admiration.

The police directly asked about Li Shiqing's location on the phone. After learning that Wang Yue was with her, they asked the two of them to stay where they were. Someone would be arranged to pick them up and take them to the police station for questioning.

Wang Yue looked at this silly and innocent girl who sold Wang Yue's position to the police so easily, and felt very speechless. However, it doesn't matter anymore. Wang Yue is not planning to escape. After all, Skynet in this world is probably completed long ago, so where can he run to.

Soon, four policemen drove two police cars and arrived in front of the bus stop. The leader, an older policeman, showed his ID and introduced himself, "You are Li Shiqing and Wang Yue. We We need you to go to the police station with us and cooperate with our investigation. I am Zhang Cheng, and this is my ID."

Wang Yue took the certificate and checked it carefully. He found that the certificate was genuine. He also looked at the position on it. He was the captain of the criminal investigation brigade of Jialin City. After confirming, he handed it to this person casually. An old detective.

After Zhang Cheng took the ID, he began to speculate about the identity of the young man opposite him. Why did he just take the ID so naturally and check it? It seems that he is not just a fresh graduate like the resume he found. graduate.

When Wang Yue handed back the certificate, he saw Zhang Cheng's expression and realized why his hand was so short! Why did he do such a stupid thing in front of such an old detective? Didn't he tell these police clearly that he was very familiar with the police?

However, now that this was the case, Wang Yue still said bravely, "Cooperating with the police investigation is the obligation of every citizen."

Li Shiqing looked at Wang Yue's words and deeds stupidly throughout the whole process. She felt that her senior was so handsome just now. Being able to be so calm in the face of several hunky policemen made Li Shiqing, who was still a little nervous, no longer afraid.

The police were divided into two groups and prepared to separate Wang Yue and Li Shiqing into two cars. When the two were about to separate, Wang Yue didn't forget to pat Li Shiqing, telling her that she had him and didn't need to be so afraid.

Miraculously, Li Shiqing understood and felt warm in her heart. After she and Wang Yue separated, they got into different police cars. Facing two serious policemen, she was not nervous at all.

In an interrogation room of the Jialin City Public Security Bureau, Wang Yue sat on the chair being interrogated for the first time. He couldn't help but look around. This was a novel experience for him in several worlds, but it was just not very comfortable.

The person who interrogated Wang Yue was a young policeman. Seeing Wang Yue's relaxed and relaxed appearance, his temper suddenly became very bad. He stared at Wang Yue with red eyes, "Be serious, this explosion, even the car Passengers and policemen on duty, more than a dozen people died!"

"I'm sorry, if you have anything you want to ask, just ask! I know everything I can't tell you." Wang Yue also thought of today's bombing, and his heart suddenly became a little depressed. After all, the death of a policeman was because he reported the case. reason.

"Wang Yue, a senior student in the Department of Accounting at Jialin Normal University, that's right." The rather angry policeman saw that Wang Yue was sitting there quietly and began to make routine inquiries.

"Yes." Wang Yue answered simply, without saying any unnecessary words.

"You missed the No. 45 bus at noon today, returned to school for 25 minutes, and then left the school. You took a taxi to the Yanjiang East Road stop. After the No. 45 bus arrived, you got on the bus and took Li Shiqing from the bus. He was taken down from the car. Isn't this process correct?" The irritable policeman continued his inquiry.

"That's right!" Wang Yue was still very concise.

"Then why did you take Li Shiqing off the bus at Yanjiang East Road Station?" The irritable policeman suddenly sounded very serious.

"I originally had an interview today, but after seeing Li Shiqing, I felt that work was not as important as girls, so I thought about taking a taxi and taking the same bus as Li Shiqing. But when I got on the bus, I found that Li Shiqing was unconscious, so I took a taxi She hugged her down." Wang Yue said the excuse he had thought of for a long time.

"Oh? Then why didn't you call 120?" the irritable policeman still asked.

"As soon as I put Li Shiqing on the stool at the Yanjiang East Road stop sign, she woke up." Wang Yue did not hesitate. After all, this was a fact. There was surveillance at the stop sign, which could be used as evidence.

"Then why didn't you two leave from the stop sign? You didn't go to the interview either?" The irritable policeman still followed closely and asked another question.

"What do you think?" Wang Yue looked at the irritable policeman with contempt. We are just waiting for your inquiry, and you still ask about such an obvious thing.

"I'm asking you a question now!" Wang Yue angrily slapped the table on the grumpy policeman.

"When such a big thing happens, even a fool knows that you are definitely investigating. You said that if I get a call from you when I go for an interview, do you think there is much difference between me going and not going?" Wang Yue had no choice but to say one more thing. A reasonable explanation.

"Are you familiar with our police?" The grumpy policeman suddenly changed the subject.

"I often watch TV series. If I didn't get enough marks, I would have entered the police academy." Wang Yue continued to make nonsense. Anyway, he didn't pay taxes.

"I've never had any contact with him before, and my answer was so natural. Do you think we are fools?" the irritable policeman looked at Wang Yue with a dark face.

The irritable policeman pestered Wang Yue to ask questions repeatedly around these topics, as if he could find out what was wrong with these questions.

This kind of boring inquiry, when Wang Yue watched it and asked others, he still enjoyed it and thought it was very technical. However, when these interrogation techniques were used on him, Wang Yue felt that they were wasting time and made Wang Yue a little irritated. They really regarded him as the murderer behind the scenes.

What a waste of time. With this effort, Wang Yue was able to investigate all the passengers in the car, but now he is trapped in this police station, unable to use his hands or feet.

Wang Yue regretted a little. If he had known that he could recycle earlier, if he had directly checked the details of those people in the car when he first traveled through time, he might have been able to follow the clues and find out the real culprit. Even if he did not report it at the time, the recycle would It was later passed on to the police and used to rescue a car full of passengers.

Or it would have been great to write down the list of those who died at that time, but it was a pity that I missed the best opportunity. I was writing code stupidly at that time, trying to get rid of Master Xiao, but I was finally tricked and entered the code. For most of the day, it all turned out to be in vain.

If Xiao Nai knew this every time he rolled wool, then he would definitely laugh at Wang Yue this time. Anyone who just started rolling wool without understanding the situation would be stupid!

Wang Yue only had one hour to save Li Shiqing these two times. He had no time to check the information of those who got on the bus one after another.

Facing the police's questioning, Wang Yue, who thought he was very patient, became a little irritated. After such a big incident, shouldn't he first check the information of the deceased passengers and check whether they had criminal records or whether they had any enemies? Why are you staring at yourself? Are you that bad?

Wang Yue could probably guess why. It was because when he saw the police, he acted too calm and composed. This kind of behavior was not what a fresh graduate who had not officially entered the society should have.

Also, Wang Yue took a taxi to the exact location on Yanjiang East Road before the explosion, and took Li Shiqing out of the car, making them think that Wang Yue must know something!

Wang Yue sighed helplessly. It was really a wrong step, but fortunately, he successfully rescued Li Shiqing this time. Although he would be trapped in the police station for a long time, at least he could return to the police station. It turns out that hope for the world has been saved.

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