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Chapter 176 When Ma Li heard the story of the beginning

Ma Li sat next to her father. After listening to Lao Ma's threatening words, she secretly covered her mouth and laughed.

Wang Yue was very speechless. This old horse had a real temper. He was so strict with his own cabbage that he would show no mercy to other people's cabbage. However, although Wang Yue thought so in his heart, he did not dare to say it.

The atmosphere in the car became a little awkward, and everyone fell silent.

Seeing that both of them were silent, Ma Li stopped snickering, and then said quickly, "Dad, don't worry, with my intelligence, I will definitely not let myself suffer. Moreover, you also saw that day Well, Wang Yue’s high school knowledge is very good, even better than the top students in our school, and he can even give me extra lessons.”

Lao Ma saw that his daughter was actually talking to Wang Yue now, and immediately felt that the matter was a bit serious. He did not say anything, thinking about his own concerns.

Lao Ma felt that his daughter had no tendency to fall in love early in the past, but since he and Tian Ye divorced, the child has changed a lot recently, so he felt that he might be able to fight for it for the sake of the child.

Wang Yue and Ma Li didn't know what Lao Ma was thinking, but after seeing his silence, they stopped talking and arrived at the hospital quickly.

After checking Lao Ma's back, it was found that there was no major problem, but he just needed to rest for two or three days. Ma Li and Wang Yue looked at each other and nodded in understanding. Then, Ma Li quickly took out her cell phone and called her mother.

Tian Ye received a call from her daughter and learned about Lao Ma's situation, so she immediately took the opportunity to leave her job. She had originally planned to resign and start a business, so she happened to take care of Lao Ma for a few days and perfect her plan.

However, after Tianye rushed to the hospital anxiously, she found that not only her daughter was there, but Wang Yue, whom she had met last time, was also there. She asked unhappily, "Old Ma, what's going on?"

Lao Ma looked at Wang Yue, who had a thick face, and didn't care about his expression at all. He just stayed here and refused to leave, so he had no choice but to explain to Tian Ye. But after explaining, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. This boy's skills Isn't it too good?

After listening to his mother's description, Tian Ye looked at Wang Yue with something wrong. Seeing the tense situation, Ma Li quickly said, "Wang Yue has a batch of idle funds and is planning to invest. Mom, what about you?" How are the plans for the beauty salon going?”

After Ye Ye saw this situation, he became even more vigilant. Seeing that his daughter could make the decision for Wang Yue's funds, how far has the relationship between the two developed?

Wang Yue looked at Tianye's expression and knew that she was thinking too much, so he quickly said, "Auntie, the funds you use to open a beauty salon are really nothing to me. However, I also have a request."

When Ma Li heard that Wang Yue still had a request, her eyes widened immediately, and her eyes were a little evil. Her angry little eyes wanted to eat Wang Yue.

Lao Ma and Tian Ye were relieved to hear that Wang Yue still had requests. Tian Ye quickly asked, "What are your requests? Tell us and we will consider it."

Wang Yue saw their reactions and smiled inwardly. If he had not asked for it, these two would never consider their own money. After all, in their eyes, daughters are still more important than money.

Wang Yue saw the three people looking at him, and then he said, "Actually, it's nothing. All the beauty products used in your beauty salon need to provide me with a sample and inspection report, as well as detailed user instructions. The final experience and effect.”

Mark and Tianye were still thinking about Wang Yue's motives for doing this, but Ma Li couldn't help it. She asked directly, "Wang Yue, what do you want these for?"

Wang Yue looked at her curious eyes with a smile, and said dotingly, "Don't I have a company engaged in analysis and synthesis? I plan to take advantage of your mother's opening of a beauty salon to conduct research on those popular beauty salons on the market. The supplies are analyzed and synthesized to see if there is any chance of making some cosmetics of our own. This industry is extremely profitable."

After listening to Wang Yue's words, Ma Li looked at him with admiration. She was still worried about how to get her mother to agree to borrow money, but Wang Yue suddenly thought of a reasonable reason. This ability to adapt to changes , it’s simply awesome, is there any?

However, Ma Li may not know that Wang Yue is just trying to catch rabbits, and he wants to learn a little bit of everything in order to live more freely in other worlds in the future. Of course, if he can use it in the real world , that would be better.

After Wang Yue stayed in a new company in this world for a while, he discovered that his company not only synthesized drugs, but also synthesized some cosmetics. He also came up with the idea of ​​​​formulas. Of course, it would be better to innovate.

Lao Ma and Tian Ye were relieved after hearing Wang Yue's request, but they were very surprised that Wang Yue had a company engaged in analysis and synthesis. They asked someone to check Wang Yue. How could he, a computer science graduate, be able to cross industries?

Tian Ye still has some business acumen. After thinking about it, she discovered the problem. She quickly said, "If I just run a beauty salon, I won't be able to help you much."

Wang Yue wanted to roll his eyes, but he held it back. Didn't he say that Tian Ye was very ambitious? Isn’t this entrepreneurial landscape a bit small?

Therefore, Wang Yue quickly encouraged, "If we cooperate, it will definitely not be a small matter. When a store develops and stabilizes, we will expand. When the scale is large, won't we be able to help?"

When Mark listened to Wang Yue talking about dilation, his relaxed tone made him feel a bit toothache. This kid was so old, and his tone was really quite impressive. The key is that he really has this strength, which makes him blush slightly.

After hearing Wang Yue's request for expansion, Ye Ye asked with some suspicion, "Do you have that much money?"

Wang Yue was a little helpless. This was the rhythm of capital verification again. He simply opened the mobile banking and showed them the long series of numbers. Then he said, "My sincerity in investing is certain, of course." I am also sincere in pursuing your daughter, you will understand after taking a look at these pictures of mine."

Wang Yue found a few sketches that he had taken the time to draw from his mobile phone. The person in the drawings was of course Li Shiqing in "The Beginning". He had prepared them immediately after leaving Grandma Ma's house last time, just for today.

Mark, Tian Ye, and Ma Li gathered around and looked at the sketches drawn by Wang Yue. There is a picture on a bus. The characters in the bus have different expressions, and Li Shiqing is asleep. There is also a picture of Li Shiqing crawling towards Wang Yue with a mess around her, her expression very painful and sad. There is also a picture of Li Shiqing with a big belly, looking lazy, with happiness on her face...

Li Shiqing in all the pictures looks very similar to Ma Li, but she is obviously older. After watching the scene, Mark and Tianye suddenly looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment. After Ma Li looked at the photo and then at Wang Yue, she also let go of her last guard.

The changes in the expressions of the three people all fell into Wang Yue's eyes. Wang Yue quickly struck while the iron was hot and said, "Actually, I kept having a dream some time ago. In the dream, I met this girl on the bus. We were considered friends. We fell in love at first sight, and we had a great chat. Then, we got off the car in front of a bridge and were going to walk along the river. Suddenly a car collided with an oil tanker. After the explosion, I subconsciously protected her in my arms. inside, and then passed out in a coma. This picture was drawn in a dream, based on the photo the police showed me..."

The three people listened attentively to the story told by Wang Yue, and they were all attracted for a moment. After Wang Yue finished telling the adapted beginning story, he said to several people, "That night, I stopped at a billboard after work. After a while, the glass of the billboard behind me suddenly shattered, and then I saw Ma Li on the other side. That moment had a great impact on me, which is why I am so serious about Ma Li."

Ma Li blushed immediately after hearing Wang Yue's words. She recalled Wang Yue's distressed look when he saw his injured hand. Her heart was instantly struck by electricity, and a figure walked into the room.

Lao Ma and Tian Ye were also moved by this half-true and half-false story, as well as Wang Yue's sincere expression when recalling the story. Their faces looked much better. Although both of them were a little skeptical, they could still make up such a story with such care. True story, pursuing a girl is also sincere, but their child is still too young, at least until they graduate from college.

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