Tian Tian and Lao Ma were thinking about their children's premature love and fell into deep thought one after another. However, Lao Ma always felt that something was not right, and suddenly he recalled what Wang Yue said about the billboard that suddenly shattered when he and Ma Li first met.

Thinking of this, Lao Ma looked at Ma Li with wide eyes, and saw that she was staring at Wang Yue lovingly. This made Lao Ma so angry that he raised his hand and gently touched the back of Ma Li's head. Patted lightly.

This slap successfully woke up Ma Li, who was immersed in sweetness. Then, Lao Ma asked, "When did you smash someone else's billboard? Why didn't I know?"

Tian Ye came to her senses after listening to Lao Ma's question, but she probably knew what was going on, because on the day Wang Yue met Ma Li, Ma Li happened to see Zhao Ling hugging her. Maybe it was because of this that Ma Li was in a bad mood. Okay, at this moment, Ye Tian feels a little embarrassed, even a little ashamed.

But Ma Li was startled by Lao Ma's sudden change. After being stunned for a few seconds, she glared at Wang Yue for betraying her in shame, and then said, "I didn't mean it. Besides, the matter has been resolved." , I thought that Wang Yue was the person arranged by Uncle Zhao. I thought that if Zhao Ling knew about it, you would definitely know what happened, so I didn’t tell you anymore. Later I found out that Wang Yue didn’t know Uncle Zhao. , I have already forgotten about this."

After listening to Ma Li's explanation, Mark breathed a sigh of relief. As long as his children could realize his mistakes, he was still thinking about the three-month plan to chase his wife that Wang Yue and Ma Li said. I don’t know how to start, but why did I have the courage to confess my love to Tianye back then?

Lao Ma and Tian Ye had their own thoughts, and neither of them had the time to care about Ma Li, who had been having many tricks since she was a child. This was exactly what Wang Yue wanted. Otherwise, the two of them would stare at her every day, which would greatly affect his ability to play Ma Li well. of intimacy.

While taking care of Lao Ma in the hospital, Tian Ye revised the original plan according to Wang Yue's requirements. The scale of her previous plan was too small and not suitable for long-term development. After all, the first store opened will be equivalent to the head office of the beauty salon in the future, so you can't be too petty.

Tian Ye finally prepared the plan for the beauty salon before Lao Ma's waist healed up. Wang Yue also sent the money as soon as possible after reading the plan, which made Ma Li a little stunned.

Ye Tianye felt incredible when she saw Wang Yue transfer the money so casually. She subconsciously looked at her daughter, is this girl so charming?

At this moment, Tian Tian's thoughts drifted a little far, and she thought of the hazy relationship between her and Zhao Ling. However, I don’t know why he suddenly let go and went abroad, but Mark suddenly confessed to himself. She was hurt by the relationship that ended in nothing, so she accepted Mark. By this time, Ma Li had grown up, and she was able to seduce Wang Yue. The young man is talented. But, why didn't Zhao Ling have the reckless courage of Wang Yue in the first place?

Ma Li didn't know that her mother's thoughts had drifted away. She now wanted to know how Wang Yue could dispose of such a large amount of money so casually. So, what was she thinking in her mind, she subconsciously asked, "Wang Yue, how could you just pay such a large sum of money? Aren't you afraid of losing it?"

Wang Yue saw that Ma Li was starting to worry about him. Although he laughed secretly in his heart, he secretly said disgusting love words to Ma Li, "These bastards can make a beautiful woman smile, even if they are just a loser. It’s worth it.”

In Ma Li's heart, after this period of contact, there was already some shadow of Wang Yue. Now after listening to Wang Yue's words, her heart became sweeter.

However, before Ma Li had time to say anything else, Tian Tian grabbed her wrist after regaining consciousness. Ma Li reacted in time and immediately shut her mouth.

Tian Ye is now more and more satisfied with Wang Yue. After all, if he didn't really love Ma Li, he wouldn't have spent tens of millions to start his own business. However, Ma Li is still young, so she is still prepared to be a villain and take little Ma Li away.

So Tian Ye took Ma Li's hand and said goodbye to Wang Yue, "Auntie, thank you here. I will go to the beauty salon these days and try to open it as soon as possible so that I can help you as soon as possible."

After hearing what she said, Wang Yue said politely, "Just follow the plan and take your time. I'm not in a hurry. This is a long-term project."

Tian Ye exchanged greetings with Wang Yue, then took Ma Li and left. Of course Ma Li didn't want to leave, but Wang Yue gave her a wink and asked her to leave with the field. At this time, little Ma Li could only follow her mother helplessly, but with that reluctant look in her eyes, she could not let go. Everyone can see what's going on with Ma Li, that even though she's gone, her heart remains.

After Lao Ma was discharged from the hospital, Tian Ye began to run the company's affairs, and Lao Ma quickly followed him to do some work within his ability. The two middle-aged people experienced the feeling of starting a business together. They found a suitable store together and went there together. Going through various formalities, Tian Ye was highly motivated and enjoying it, but Mark came back every day and was too tired to move.

And Ma Li also experienced the feeling of being left alone during this period. Without her parents to take care of her, and Wang Yue always accompanying her, her life was not very comfortable.

On Friday, Ma Li and Wang Yue picked up Manao and sent him to her grandma's house. Then she took Wang Yue to watch the performance of her favorite band.

Grandma Ma was a little worried when she saw the two people getting ready to go out. However, she recalled the story Ma Li told her directly and the pictures she saw. The old man still believed it, but after all, her children were relatively small, so she reminded her specially. He said, "Wang Yue, please send her back as soon as possible. Lily will be a sophomore in high school soon. She is still running around like this. I don't know what school she can get into."

Wang Yue heard what Grandma Ma said and knew what she meant. He immediately made a serious promise, "Grandma, don't worry. I'm here and I will definitely let her go home on time. I will come to make up lessons for her every day. I can’t say anything about Tsinghua and Peking University, but there is still hope for 985.”

After hearing this, Grandma Ma became even more satisfied with Wang Yue. After watching the two people leaving and disappearing from the alley, she turned back to the house, took out her phone and looked at the sketches drawn by Wang Yue. , I couldn’t help but think to myself that my granddaughter, a ghostly granddaughter, was really lucky.

Wang Yue followed Ma Li, and they were familiar with each other and went to the singing place again. Ma Li listened to Qiu Feng's song on the stage and swayed along, which made Wang Yue frown. This girl would not be interested in Qiu Feng right now. Is Feng interesting?

Wang Yue knew that Qiu Feng on the stage belonged to Wang Xiaomi's ex-boyfriend, so he asked Ma Li with a smirk, "Do you know that he is Wang Xiaomi's ex-boyfriend?"

Ma Li was a little confused. How could anyone be related to Wang Xiaomi? She felt her eyes widen in disbelief, and asked with some confusion, "Are you serious? Qiu Feng is a good singer and a handsome man. How could Wang Xiaomi give up on him and choose my father?"

Wang Yue still showed a warm smile as always, and said casually, "Now you should know the charm of my father. Now your mother's dream is about to come true. There is no longer a gap between the two. If your father If you still can’t restore the relationship between the two of them, then there’s really no chance for them both.”

After listening to Wang Yue's words, Ma Li glanced at Wang Yue and hummed and said, "Why can't you make me happy for a while?"

Wang Yue just reminded Ma Li and asked her to be mentally prepared. At the same time, he also asked her to take her mind back from Qiu Feng and Ma Li. Seeing that she was a little unhappy, Wang Yue quickly changed the subject, "You like music so much. Do you want to be a star or a musician in the future?"

Ma Li was a little confused by Wang Yue's sudden change of topic, but she quickly understood what Wang Yue meant. Ma Li thought for a moment and said, "I want to be a singer or a musician. What do you think?"

Wang Yue looked at the responsive Ma Li and said seriously, "If you want to become a singer, I can help you find some good songs and then release an album. You will soon become a singer. If you want to become a musician, This is more troublesome, and there is no shortcut. Not only do you need to learn music knowledge, but you also need to improve your literary literacy. I can't help you much with this."

Ma Li felt a little dizzy after hearing Wang Yue's words. She shook her head and then said, "Not to mention there are so many singers. Aren't the students at the conservatory all great?"

Wang Yue said with a smile, "There are very few music conservatory students who become great musicians after graduation. Most of them are just engaged in related jobs. There are very few who can actually become singers. Most of them are unknown."

Ma Li was a little confused. She didn’t know what she would do in the future. She loved music, but she wouldn’t be willing to work in music-related jobs in obscurity for the rest of her life. She liked the feeling of performing on stage. In fact, to put it bluntly, She said that she wanted to be the kind of star that attracted everyone's attention.

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