Wang Yue looked at Ma Li's tangled little look, and he smiled inwardly. Taking advantage of the break of the Reflector band, he took Ma Li's hand, and the two of them walked out.

Ma Li was held by Wang Yue's hand, and she felt nervous and flustered in her heart. Her attention was also attracted by the big hands. Her little head was buzzing for a while. When she woke up, Wang Yue had already pulled her in. There is a musical instrument store nearby.

Ma Li's eyes widened and she watched in disbelief as Wang Yue quickly picked a guitar and was about to pay for it. She even forgot that her hand was still being held by Wang Yue, and asked excitedly, "Did you buy this for me?"

After Wang Yue paid the money, he was about to take Ma Li out of the store. He paused when he heard her words. However, Wang Yue immediately followed Ma Li's words and said, "Yes, but I not only want to give you a piano, I also want to give you a song.”

After listening to Wang Yue's words, Ma Li's eyes sparkled with stars. She didn't expect that Wang Yue could write songs!

Went to a nearby park with Wang Yue, and listened to a future song that Wang Yue played and sang after tuning the strings. Ma Li's eyes became brighter and brighter, and she slowly became immersed in the singing. Her performance also made Wang Yue breathe a sigh of relief. The adoring look in this girl's eyes when listening to Qiu Feng's singing made Wang Yue feel very uncomfortable. Fortunately, he saved her in time.

Wang Yue, who had just experienced three years in the Youth League, was still very young at heart, so he couldn't help but copy a song today and pretended to be in front of Ma Li. After he finished singing, he asked proudly, "Am I the better singer, or Qiu Feng?"

Ma Li was already fascinated by Wang Yue. She subconsciously took Wang Yue's big hand and shook it. She also asked a series of questions, "Of course it's you. Your song is so nice. This is you." Did you write it yourself? It’s much better than Qiu Feng’s song, you are so awesome.”

Wang Yue was very satisfied when he saw Ma Li's performance and hurriedly responded, "Of course this song is my original work. I never sing other people's songs."

After listening to Wang Yue's words, Ma Li didn't think he was pretending, but admired him even more. She happily asked, "Can you teach me to sing? I want to learn!"

There was a possibility that Wang Yue would not agree, so for a while, Ma Li often followed Wang Yue to his two-bedroom house to study music without any awareness of danger.

Fortunately, Wang Yue was determined to cultivate and didn't have any evil intentions. Otherwise, of course there is nothing wrong with it. Because Lao Ma saw that Ma Li often went to Wang Yue's house, of course he was very worried, so Lao Ma made excuses to check in from time to time, making it impossible for Ma Li and Wang Yue to study music normally.

Wang Yue simply bought some equipment and sent it to Grandma Ma. The two of them took their musical instruments and stayed at Grandma Ma's house. After Ye Ye and Lao Ma found out about this situation, they felt relieved and got busy again. The thing about the beauty salon is gone.

However, Wang Yue obviously underestimated Ma Li's learning progress. The little music knowledge he learned in Cheng Feng's world was quickly emptied by Ma Li.

However, this was not a problem for Wang Yue. He took Ma Li to the Conservatory of Music, found a school counselor, and asked him to help find a student who was willing to be a tutor. In a very pretentious way, he could use money. It's nothing to solve. Perhaps because the commission fee was sufficient, the counselor acted very quickly.

Within two days, Wang Yue picked up Lily after school. While the two were shopping together, Ma Li received a call from Grandma Ma. After the call was connected, Ma Li quickly said, "Grandma, Wang Yue and I are shopping. , I’ll be back in a moment.”

Of course Grandma Ma was not urging Ma Li, but there was someone here looking for her. She quickly said, "A girl about the same age as Wang Yue came to the door. She said she was the tutor you hired. Is it true?"

When Ma Li heard the news, she no longer wanted to go shopping. She quickly pulled Wang Yue and ran to grandma's house. As she ran, she said to grandma Ma, "We'll go back right now. Just let her wait!"

Grandma Ma shook her head when she heard Ma Li's arrogant look, feeling in her heart that this girl is too wild.

When Wang Yue and Ma Li returned to Grandma Ma's house, Wang Yue looked at the people waiting for them and sighed in his heart, this world is really too small, and this tutor turned out to be one of Qiu Feng's crushes, Nana.

Tianye's beauty salon opened quickly. By the time Zhao Ling got the news and rushed to the beauty salon, it had already been open for a few days.

Zhao Ling looked at the size of the beauty salon and made a rough estimate in his mind. It would require a lot of funds. He didn't understand where the Tianye couple got so much funds. There seemed to be no one in their circle of friends except himself. Do you have this strength?

After Tianye heard that Zhao Ling was coming, he hurriedly came out and said with a smile, "Zhao Ling, why do you have time to come here? Do you want me to arrange some projects for you? You can try them out and give them to us." Some guidance.”

Zhao Ling waved his hand quickly, and then said with a smile, "I am a big man, and I do some beauty. However, I think your store is very large and needs a lot of funds, right?"

Ye Ye broke away from the shackles of her family and was stimulated by Wang Yue's business ambitions. She often tutored in various professional knowledge. She is now particularly flexible in thinking. After listening to Zhao Ling's words, Ye Ye quickly realized that Zhao Ling wanted to She didn't hesitate to ask what she was asking, and said generously, "It's your godmother who has a lot of wisdom, got a capable boyfriend, and invested a lot of money in me."

Zhao Ling was shocked and dumbfounded after hearing Tian Ye's words. He asked in disbelief, "How old is Ma Li? How old can her boyfriend be? How can he have so much money?"

Tian Ye saw that he was a little anxious, and quickly explained with a smile, "Although Ma Li's boyfriend is young, he is already the owner of an analysis and synthesis company, and he has a lot of idle funds in his hands. After he saw my plan, Just invest proactively.”

After Zhao Ling heard this, he felt a little unhappy. He asked with an ugly face, "If you can accept investment from Ma Li's boyfriend, why don't you want my investment?"

Tian Ye's mind is now filled with her business empire, and she also thinks clearly. She quickly and politely explained, "First of all, Ma Li's boyfriend is very attentive to Ma Li. He may be my son-in-law in the future. This is a family." . Secondly, I know what you mean, but you and I are really not suitable. You and I are older now, and you need to get married and have children immediately. And I divorced Lao Ma just to get rid of the shackles of the family and take advantage of the opportunity. Before I get old, work hard again and do something good. If walking with you is like walking from one prison to another shackles, then why should I struggle so hard? I miss you. You should understand me."

Zhao Ling had been very excited since he learned about Tian Ye's divorce from the beginning. He even hugged Tian Tian impulsively. He thought that this was God's will and that God was thinking about the two of them getting together.

However, what Tian Tian said today was like a wake-up call, making Zhao Ling completely understand that even if Tian Tian and Lao Ma divorced, the two of them would still not be able to be together.

After all, what Tian Tian said was true. Tian Ye has wasted 16 years for her two children and her own family. If she were to stay with him, she would have another child soon, and it would take many years. This is something Tian Ye is not willing to do. Moreover, what Zhao Ling fundamentally likes is still the good wife and good mare lady, not the current career woman Tian Tian.

Zhao Ling wanted to understand, and left Tianye's beauty salon in a state of despair, and got into his car silently. He turned back and took another look at the magnificent shop, and at Tianye who was standing at the gate watching him. Zhao Ling He waved weakly at the driver. The driver immediately started the car and quickly disappeared into the traffic.

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